I would say you're doing pretty well. Once you hit about lvl 20 you'll run into lane setups that have a jungler and if you aren't doing it already, you'll want to have a constant ward in the river so you don't get caught with your pants down 2v3 when someone isn't visible on the map.
If you want to continue playing support, Sona and Taric are other good choices with a sustain model, but the rest of their kits allow you to be a little more offensive than Soraka.
Thanks. I really like Soroka. I enjoy a support role that helps others get the kill to be honest and just get the cheaky one here and there.
I have seem something about warding but not really worked it out. Is it just an item that reveals a part of the map for a certain amount of time? and is it to stop you getting snuck up on by a jungler and getting ganked?
Also is there anything worth using to help with escape (Her main weakness). I use the skill that gives mana and currently teleport to get back to my lane faster but Im thinking I may switch to the shield on and then flash once I unlock it. Certain champions can chase me down and pound on me pretty well and I cant heal through it.