A friend of mine just got me into this game over the weekend. I am definitely enjoying it so far, but trying to get through my current sucktasticness. I am sure there are a ton of youtube videos for beginners, but are there any particularly good ones that you guys can recommend?
...and I have spent $5 so far (one of those cards with 5 champions on it from Best Buy. Total impulse buy, yes).
You're on a good track!!!
I Highly recommend you play lots of "vs AI" matches. The difference in IP/XP gains is only about 6 min. Meaning that a pvp match that lasted 32 min and an AI match that lasted 38 mins will net you pretty much the same amount of Ip/xp. Once you're comfortable with a champion, head on to pvp.
If you have found a champion that you like, just search for "champion guide season 3" and youll have plenty of videos to choose from. You'll start picking up terms and the meta game pretty fast. Also, tell your friend to explain to you as much as he can. When I went to visit my brother on Xmas break, I helped him out a lot, explaining some of the initial things you need to learn.
Finally if you get into jungling I recommend this channerl
One last note, dont take the videos literally. No match is ever the same, so you wont be able to follow what you see in the video like a recipe. You have to adjust dynamically from what you learn in the videos.
edit: mobafire.com is also a good website to read on champion guides, and how to build runes/masteries/items.
I'm positive I spent more in the past 2 months than anyone on the wallet of shame has spent total but I don't get the shame part. It's a great game, I have no problem supporting Riot. Plz make new list wallet of awesome kthx.
haha It's just kind of the first thing I thought of. I personally don't feel too bad with what I've spent, but I do feel a bit guilty though. Might just be my gf constantly bugging me to stop playing with my "pokemons" and to go play Borderlands with her. hehe