If this is true then do you not think he'd know? And that he's going against the grain for a reason? Is that really giving him too much credit?
Wickd went against the grain with a Riven maxed E first, if I recall, in World Championship. It didn't go well. Granted, he A) Lost lane to begin with and B) Isn't known for his Riven but he wasn't operating under some secret pro logic here.
I'm not really sure what your point is, though. I mean, I know that Lyumi most likely practiced Varus before pulling it out here; he most likely practiced it with Q maxed first and most likely practice it with a Zyra support. I'm not discrediting any of that. I'm merely agreeing with Rex that maxing E first would have been the correct choice for that lane composition and match-up.
Like, it only goes so far to say, "He's a (semi)-pro, he probably knows what he's doing." This is giving them too much credit and skips past analysis.
Let me ask you then: Why would you max Q first as Varus with a Zyra support? Don't just say, "He did it, it must be right."
Edit: Nevermind then! Didn't see your Edit.
Edit: I don't mean to argue the better build in general for Varus, I already conceded that. I just think he was going for something more specific in this situation and that it's probably unfair to call it a mistake on his part going q instead of e.
And we already pointed out why (to land Varus Q with Zyra E). But the same could be said about just having better burst damage in his pursuit/trade combo with the maxed E and landing the full charge Q anyway. Varus Q scales best with AD (since it's 1.0 -> 1.6 total AD scaling, depending on charge) so it gets most of the damage from it from your AD, not really the skill scaling. So even if that was the intent, there's a better total damage option still in a Rank 1 Q + Maxed E. It's not like his Q has a utility to it when maxing it as well.
Missed this post. Rejuv Bead + Ward + Pots start, though not sure if I like that all that much yet. First game vs a Renekton I got fairly ahead so I went more damage heavy with an early Bloodthirster and Frozen Mallet before going after Warmogs and Sunfire Cape (though we lost this game and I'd blame that BT pick-up, honestly). The second game was against a Kha'zix that got fed off a bad jungle gank so I went fairly passive with an early Aegis, Warmogs, and Sunfire Cape before finishing up with Bulwark and Locket.
Realistically, I'd like to go: Rejuv Bead start -> Emblem of Valor, pick-up a Phage, and then get Warmogs, Sunfire Cape, Aegis, Frozen Mallet, Bulwark, Locket. But that's a lot of gold so eh!