I think this is the most discussion about actual champion builds and stuff I've ever seen in this thread in such a short period of time before. What do you guys go for on chogath?
Still dumb.
But riposte damage!"It helps all her abilities and lifesteal." It's 20 extra AD if you max it first. You're sacrificing four ranks for 20 AD.
no way mang (bringing it back to gaf level champ discussion)
What's your thoughts on Wendy's square burgers?
it's too crazy
it's too crazy
What's your thoughts on Wendy's square burgers?
guys pls
tank chogath likes resists and CDR
so like, abyssal, FH
Nobody builds Frozen Heart on any champion anymore.guys pls
tank chogath likes resists and CDR
so like, abyssal, FH
but if im going to wendy's though I'm either
99c menuing it
or spicy chickening it
Seriously. Like look at these two items and tell me buying Frozen Heart makes sense.
Stats +90 armor
+400 mana
+20% cooldown reduction
Stats +500 health
+70 armor
Agreed with Boken.
Also, in relation to attack speed: 3% per level to level 9 = 24% + 4% from masteries = 28% + 20% from Bezerker's = 48%. So yeah, pretty much 1 attack per second at 9.
If you can straight up fight somebody, why would you max Q then?
Im not saying you should aways max W, and you can feel free to keep maxing Q. I'm just pretty sure myself that W is much more effective for top lane trading since it just synergises so much better with her kit
max Q first - gain 200 damage on Q
max W first - gain 200 damage on W, 24 on Q, 48 on ult, +20 per auto (and her E is an AA reset) - and that's just in a burst window. think of all the AA trading youll be doing before it!
W damage is magic and it scales with AP, and you have armour penetration and AD, so it's definitely not the same damage. And most importantly, it's not even guaranteed because it's defensive. In my experience, Q damage seems to make a difference early game, where W damage is negligible at all stages.But riposte damage!
max Q first - gain 200 damage on Q
max W first - gain 200 damage on W, 24 on Q, 48 on ult, +20 per auto (and her E is an AA reset) - and that's just in a burst window. think of all the AA trading youll be doing before it!
Yeah for some reason I thought the boost was temporary, like every time you kill a minion you get 5 seconds of extra AP/armor but with those stats it'd make no sense.I assumed it was tied to the item itself, hence why Zhonya's got an AP upgrade (though no Armor upgrade so it actually might've been just a flat AP boost to the NLR items).
It probably won't decay on death, if that's what you mean though. Hooray, free 15 Armor/AP!
Hmm, I think I did well by returning her. I never could firmly grasp Riven's playstyle.For Riven? R>Q>W>E, QWEQ for the first four levels. If you fell behind early/want to Level 3 all-in instead of Level 2, QEWQ I guess. I just (almost) always hard push the lane to QW all-in a Level 1 opponent really.
If you're unfamiliar with her Q then, yeah, RWQE works I guess.
RQEW instead of RQWE is if you need the better shield to deal with their harass (e.g., Nidalee, Jayce). Honestly, I just RQWE them anyway :|
5 AD isn't that much for Life Stealing purposes. Granted, it's more than what a maxed Q gives towards life steal (0) but Q makes it easier to keep her passive up which is worth more than 5 AD worth of Life Steal%.
Cho'gath is a free mana machine. The passive/active on Randuin's is way better. If you want CDR there are better alternatives like Visage or even Nashor's Tooth/Gauntlet.vs
Mana / CDR / More base armour + aura. I'd take that on most mana based tanks over Randuins anyday
Cho'gath is a free mana machine. The passive/active on Randuin's is way better. If you want CDR there are better alternatives like Visage or even Nashor's Tooth/Gauntlet.
Yeah for some reason I thought the boost was temporary, like every time you kill a minion you get 5 seconds of extra AP/armor but with those stats it'd make no sense.
Maybe the new Zhonya's will retain the passive like an Archangel Staff.
Okay. Who still targets FH instead of health stacking?I wasn't being cho specific.
Okay. Who still targets FH instead of health stacking?
Hmm, I think I did well by returning her. I never could firmly grasp Riven's playstyle.
Well maxing it first gives you an extra 20 AD over 1 point.
Not checking my runes now, but I know with them if I start W I have 85 AD at level 1. So about 110 at 9 with no items. Add a BT and Hydra and that's up to 255 AD without the Bloodthirster charged and 22% life steal. that's 56 health per hit. 4 charges on her passive at 9 = 56 health over 7 seconds, combined and at 1 hit per second that's 64 health per second.
Add the extra 20 AD from a maxed W and then it's 60.5 per hit plus 56 over 7 seconds, and at 1 hit per second combined that's now 68.5 health per second.
and maxing Q doesn't help keep her passive up. The cooldown is 8 seconds on it, whereas your passive runs for 7. By the time the cooldown on your Q is up, even if you max it first, your passive is already off.
@Scy it's seems from what you're saying the main rationale yo have for maxing your Q is all to do with reducing its cooldown, which seems crazy to me.
Generally, pretty much any top laner can out harass Fiora. She's not that type of champion.
Malphite?Okay. Who still targets FH instead of health stacking?
Yeah I just don't think I got the personality for top lane. I did well with Jax but I just like ranged champions better and, you know, pretty spellsShe's very all-in and lane control oriented. It's fairly easy to bully a lane with her but coming back (against a smart opponent) is fairly hard once she's behind in items. Then again, she scales with items really well and does a lot of damage so it's possible to just turn the tables when given the opportunity.
trust me, W is a lot better.
fiora isn't meant to spam some gapcloser like a nuke every 12s to harass her lane opponent.
she trades like a beast with W instead
like sure, if there are people you cant straight up fight you can max Q and cry (and if you cant straight up fight them you wouldnt Q them) - but even then, maxing W will help you last hit at tower.
Can't believe Soaz wasn't able to take down Urgot. He had plenty of mana to throw another spear at the end.
Yeah I just don't think I got the personality for top lane. I did well with Jax but I just like ranged champions better and, you know, pretty spells![]()
I wouldn't build FH on any of those champions with the exception of maybe Ryze. If you are looking for armor you have Sunfire and/or Randuin's. Both are far better choices and you aren't going to need more armor than those provide. I do think Frozen Heart is a bad item that only works its way into builds because people are less familiar with newer CDR alternatives.Amumu, Ryze, Nautilus can go either way, Malphite can go either way, Elise can build it with no negative impact to her damage, Maokai goes either way, Voli can build it with no negative impact as well.
It's a shorter list than Randuins for sure, but still some use to be had from the item. To write it off as "bad" is very short sighted
Forgot Galio works quite well with it.
Can't believe Soaz wasn't able to take down Urgot. He had plenty of mana to throw another spear at the end.
Re: Fiora skill order - just max R, derr.
I can't believe Fnatic is on the verge of dropping out. I still like Fnatic's late game though - Nidalee AS buff + Nunu AS buff + Kog = damage machine.
Re: Fiora skill order - just max R, derr.
Yeah, quick in and out as in I get in, kill them quick and get out
I just don't think the damage you get on one ability and the lower cooldown on one ability is worth sacrificing massive kit synergy and lower level trade potential.
I wouldn't build FH on any of those champions with the exception of maybe Ryze. If you are looking for armor you have Sunfire and/or Randuin's. Both are far better choices and you aren't going to need more armor than those provide. I do think Frozen Heart is a bad item that only works its way into builds because people are less familiar with newer CDR alternatives.
Yeah, quick in and out as in I get in, kill them quick and get out
I just don't think the damage you get on one ability and the lower cooldown on one ability is worth sacrificing massive kit synergy and lower level trade potential.
W doesn't give you bigger trade though, Q does, and gives you more opportunities to trade.
You get in with Q, trigger your W if they take the bait, trade a couple hits with your E, then run the fuck out.
W isn't going to give you more trade, you're not going to auto them enough for that bonus AD to shine. It only adds 6 damage per rank to your Q.... which is on a 16 sec cooldown which is HUGE.
Q is your gapcloser and situational escape, having it on 16 seconds is unacceptable.
I don't know where you're getting this "massive kit synergy" from W from.
Aren't you negating the whole point of your W giving you better dps if your in and out is quick? You should re-evaluate Q's DPS to the amount of time you're actually on them for your in & out, i.e. if you stick on them for 4 seconds and back off then it's 280/4 instead of 280/8.
Kit synergy as in the extra damage on your Q, the higher damage riposte, more damage per hit with your E and extra damage per hit on your ult, as well as the extra health gained from the life steal.
That kit synergy, as opposed to higher damage on one ability and a lower cooldown.