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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I have a ton of fun using Nidalee, but I feel like mid-late game all I do is look for openings to hit spear, heal my allies and try to set traps up. I never feel like I can get in there in melee range and be of use. I probably need to get more comfortable with the cougar form.

Build Trinity Force and bruiser stuff. Cougar form. Pounce rawr rawr rawr.

Thoughts on KZ evolution path:

Evolve Q or W first for ganking.
Q if your lanes have decent CC.
W if your lanes don't.

Last evolution point for E for jumping on carries in teamfights. During laning phase I don't think the extended range and reset on kill is all that helpful.


Friends wanted to try ranked 5s for the hell of it tonight, and game 2 was the most intense game I have ever played.

They started off completely wrecking us, but eventually it became a farm fest and we won after nidalee got caught and we went straight down mid and won.

Newb here.

Which champion should I buy with the free 400 RP? I see 10 under 400.

Not sure what type of champion I want to play, probably something good for a beginner. Probably range? Ryze, Soraka, Sivir, Annie?


Newb here.

Which champion should I buy with the free 400 RP? I see 10 under 400.

Not sure what type of champion I want to play, probably something good for a beginner. Probably range?
Don't use up your RP on the cheap champs, man, you can get 450 IP in like two or three matches and buy them with in-game money.

Ashe, Ryze, Annie, Garen, they're all simple and fun to use.


Newb here.

Which champion should I buy with the free 400 RP? I see 10 under 400.

Not sure what type of champion I want to play, probably something good for a beginner. Probably range? Ryze, Soraka, Sivir, Annie?

If you're not looking to buy more RP, you might want to wait and see if a skin you want goes on sale and just save up IP for champions.
Don't use up your RP on the cheap champs, man, you can get 450 IP in like two or three matches and buy them with in-game money.

Ashe, Ryze, Annie, Garen, they're all simple and fun to use.

If you're not looking to buy more RP, you might want to wait and see if a skin you want goes on sale and just save up IP for champions.
Oh yeah I already have 450 IP lulz.

I bought Ashe because I like her but two people can't pick the same champ right? Someone always seems to pick her quick.
Nope, you can't pick the same champ. If it's Blind Pick, the other team can pick the same champ though.

I recommend the ff. champs. I think they're all 450 IP.

Tank: Alistar
Bruiser: Garen
Mage: Annie (offensive), Ryze (tanky offense)
AD Carry: Ashe, Cait (she's free so often)
Jungler: Nunu
Support: Soraka

Aside from Annie and Cait, they're all pretty competitive too.

I think I like rushing Sorc shoes -> DFG -> abyssal -> void staff. You should be fast enough without mobility, and unless that magic book was healing you a lot, I would just try to focus on magic pen, damage, and maybe using the ult to shield yourself. As far as I know Eve scales very well with magic pen so I max it out. Either way, once you get sorc shoes + DFG + ult you should have a big burst on anyone...I guess it maxes out to 50-60% flat health damage or whatnot.

Though I haven't played in forever so I may be a bad person to listen to.

Ahaha, I tried going Sorc->DFG->Abyss. I started with 0-3 (10-20 team scores) and ended up carrying so damn hard. I passed up on the Void Staff for now since I was already dealing true damage lulz. Enemy team pissed themselves whenever I instagib their (MR-less) tank. Bought a crapton of wards to assassinate people, got so many triple kills. Eve is so ridiculously strong right now.

Build Trinity Force and bruiser stuff. Cougar form. Pounce rawr rawr rawr.

Thoughts on KZ evolution path:

Evolve Q or W first for ganking.
Q if your lanes have decent CC.
W if your lanes don't.

Last evolution point for E for jumping on carries in teamfights. During laning phase I don't think the extended range and reset on kill is all that helpful.

His e evolution I get at 11 and I think is by far the most useful, the w Evo seems much worse than the other three honestly


Ahaha, I tried going Sorc->DFG->Abyss. I started with 0-3 (10-20 team scores) and ended up carrying so damn hard. I passed up on the Void Staff for now since I was already dealing true damage lulz. Enemy team pissed themselves whenever I instagib their (MR-less) tank. Bought a crapton of wards to assassinate people, got so many triple kills. Eve is so ridiculously strong right now.
Now you've got it, nice work! It can work quite well unless the mid outfarms you or kills you early, delaying DFG. If I recall correctly Eve doesn't become unstealthed to drop wards, which is also quite nice.

I kind of miss playing Eve...maybe I should have kept playing so I could play her more before nerfs. :p
I got outfarmed once, but that was Varus. Goddamn I really hate laning against Varus, especially one who knows his advantage. I was like 60cs behind. I managed to catch up mid game but man my DFG was so delayed. I got it at maybe around Lv9. Good thing they had a really delicious Rengar who kept trying to push but escaping with his ult. I bought an oracle that was worth at least 3 Rengar kills. :D

After 6 wins my Eve streak finally broke. :( I was going 8/0 but our Xin was feeding their jungle Noc even harder until I could no longer win a 1v1 against him. The game dragged, Xin was just "lol gg i'll just eat tacos at the fountain" and Noc just intagibbing me anytime he pleases. I still managed to get a positive score though.

And yep, she doesn't unstealth when warding. I'm not sure if people are just making it up, but I read that you still see an eye above you if you get near a bush with an enemy.


Some places it's not allowed when posting scores. Just for the record if you do that might want to deal with the names being in the chat window.
The next time I see CJM3407 and Steebur out of however many thousands (millions?) of League of Legends players exist, I'll have to remember to give them a good-natured gentlemanly ribbing about losing a 4v5!


His e evolution I get at 11 and I think is by far the most useful, the w Evo seems much worse than the other three honestly

I've been evolving E but I can't seem to make the most out of the extended jump range and reset on kill. The distance from the non-evolved E is usually enough for a gank, and since two of the three lanes are usually solo lanes, that reset doesn't kick in all that often.

I really like the slow from evolved W; that combined with the move speed from R helps in chasing down people. E doesn't help with chasing unless they're low enough to be killed in one burst instead of them flashing away after you E. That and evolved W gives him his only CC option. These are just my thoughts though so yeah.
I've been evolving E but I can't seem to make the most out of the extended jump range and reset on kill. The distance from the non-evolved E is usually enough for a gank, and since two of the three lanes are usually solo lanes, that reset doesn't kick in all that often.

I really like the slow from evolved W; that combined with the move speed from R helps in chasing down people. E doesn't help with chasing unless they're low enough to be killed in one burst instead of them flashing away after you E. That and evolved W gives him his only CC option. These are just my thoughts though so yeah.

I use it more to pick off stragglers after team fights, plus its like the best escape in the game after evolving. After reading a bit more though w is definitely viable, preference I guess


Okay. Rengar. Holy fuck. Like, is he OP or am I just dumb? At lvl 2 he can fucking tower dive and wreck you. I'm confused.


Wow, KZ is so much fun. Glad I refunded my pulsefire Ez and got his mecha skin. Glass cannon all the way!

He wrecks Dominion. I've only played one SR game with him as a jungle and wrecked that too.. but the team opposing me wasn't amazing at all.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Boy that level fifteen Darius wandering around that screencap sure is handsome.


Two Varus at the same game, thats odd. The other team had the better one, but my team was better, love you guys


Man, randomly ulting with Orianna and unsuspectingly grabbing an invisible Kha'Zix didn't end well for me :p

Also, I'm slowly learning to ADC. It helps Graves is pretty bursty so it kinda feels like playing a mid. Not doing great, but I'm getting better.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was wondering if she could pick up summons.

Now I know.


Merquise: top
darkthinton: sup or jungle
Dilt: looking for top but can play any role
Deltaanime: i'd like support or jungle
Deltaanime: take your pick dark
Deltaanime: i'll take the other
darkthinton: k
Corgi the Chloe: i'd like uh
Corgi the Chloe: 1 whopper
Corgi the Chloe: and some onion rings
Corgi the Chloe: and a coke
Dilt: welcome to good burger home of the good burger can i take your order
Deltaanime: rengar ban...comeon!
Deltaanime: purple drink*

First pick for enemy team is Shen.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You should only play LeBlanc if you know how to play LeBlanc.
You should probably start with bots. I tried here only on intermediate bots and still didn't do too well. Really need fast fingers to pull off her W->DFG->QRQEW combo.


Dear Top Laners,

When you lose your lane don't just leave your lane to farm wolves for the rest of the game.

Your Team (dying to the freely farmed enemy top)

And thus I begin my descent into madness.


Dear Top Laners,

When you lose your lane don't just leave your lane to farm wolves for the rest of the game.

Your Team (dying to the freely farmed enemy top)

And thus I begin my descent into madness.
i just played a game where the top lane lost his lane and start stealing my buffs.

fuck this kind of noobs.


i just tried out jayce in dom

jayce is fun and manly

teach me his ways, scy

I just slapped Sanguine and Mallet on him

Dom meta keeps changing every time I go back to play so I don't know entirely if this is still appropriate but Glass Cannon Jayce was basically the build me and Talith PA popularized for Dom. Boots / Longswordx2 start into a Brutalizer, IE, and with CDR Boots. Tower fights are poke fests using Jayce's godlike Cannon Q and separating someone from a fight with a Q->run through->E.

Granted, when I did play a lot of Dom, it was in a premade so we typically had a tanky setup top so I could build Jayce like this without fear. I still do this in Dom solo queue but felt it worth noting.


Dear Top Laners,

When you lose your lane don't just leave your lane to farm wolves for the rest of the game.

Your Team (dying to the freely farmed enemy top)

And thus I begin my descent into madness.

If top is losing, you will want him to take your jungle instead of giving top free kills. Top lane being naturally tanky and stacking so much armor that it is very easy to get tower dive after being 1 kill behind, unlike bot or mid you can't even farm safely under tower.
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