She's a snowballer that requires skill, pretty good against noobs that don't know how to counter her but unless she's terribly fed you just buy a pink ward and shove it up her shroud and just make her life miserable pre-6.
She's a lot of fun, I'll give her that, and next patch will be very kind to her.
If they're not pushing the tower... why does your jungler lose farm protecting it...when it doesn't need protecting?
If your tower is not at risk, feel free to roam and cause their jungler to have to defend lanes to compensate.
Akali can become a monster in games. She's just not that safe in lane so she can be punished and shut down.
But ... low levels and randoms kind of suffer from her. Pubstomping is one of her specialties.
Madreds - > Warmogs
all you ever gonna need
why would a jungler ever need to buy wardsLocket and wards kthx.
why would a jungler ever need to buy wards
why would a jungler ever need to buy wards
Why do you insist on hurting me?why would a jungler ever need to buy wards
Finally done midterms, back to league, first thing I do is buy RP! Bloodmoon Akali is so pretty :3
(I love how he got double PD but didn't sell his boots)
Ward your way to victory, kaks.Do you believe in me GAF?
Celestine Soraka
Given EUW's recent behaviour I'd say this is a welcomed addition.Hey all,
We're now testing out some changes to the League System that will potentially be shipping to the live servers shortly:
* Increased the requirements for being demoted so that demotions will happen less frequently
* Increased the length of the demotion immunity grace period that occurs after being placed in a new division
* Players and teams that are demoted will now have 75 LP in the new division rather than 50
* Tweaked LP gains and losses for players and teams in Division I who haven't passed the additional checks to qualify for the next tier
*** LP changes from both wins and losses will now be reduced in this situation, rather than just wins
*** Reductions in LP changes will now kick in earlier and more gradually rather than only starting near 100 LP
* "Loss forgiven" will now prevent series losses as well as demotions
* Summoner name changes are now properly handled by the league system
* Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause players to gain more LP than expected in Challenger tier
Let us know if you find any weird behavior!
I love this client.
Corgi the Chloe (9:37): adc is painful
Corgi the Chloe (9:37): when you get ap fiddlesticks as "support"
D:* Spirit of Dread (W) heal from damage flattened to 20% at all ranks from 10-30%
* Rampage (Q) base damage increased slightly at all ranks.
Hecarim is a character who is entirely dependent on levels for his major game advantage - The terrific power of his 'W' sustain once he actually gets the levels to fuel it.
This also leads to his major weakness - in that when he falls behind, he tends to be terrible at almost all ranks. We're essentially flattening this 'W' curve out a bit better such that Hecarim has a more consistent performance. Hecarim is already fairly intensive to play from a mechanics perspective with a lot of subtle nuances in successful 'E' and 'R' positioning so the added level pressure seems superflous a lot of the time.
AP Tryn is kinda getting traction but not really. His got buffed but it's not what he needed.Tryndamere. I haven't seen him in many games for a while now. Is he still viable?
i had a 19 out of 20 game winning streak over the last week and now i'm back in the slump again. yay
any EUW up for a game just now?
I need to work on my Annie range. It's just.... so bad. Same with Ryze. I wish there was another mid champion as fun as ahri....
Really...Why change Hecarim? He's fine as he is. Strong but not broken.
Riot logic is just the dumbest at times.
I used to run Graves+AP Fiddle bot to great effect with a friend (though Fiddle used to get all the kills with his ult lol), so it's not that bad.Corgi the Chloe (9:37): adc is painful
Corgi the Chloe (9:37): when you get ap fiddlesticks as "support"
Sounds pretty good, the current system feels like too big a mountain to climb sometimes.Celestine Soraka
Given EUW's recent behaviour I'd say this is a welcomed addition.
Just played a game where the enemy team had a Diana, Trynd, Teemo, Varus and Lulu.
My team kept focusing Lulu.
They discuss exactly why they are going to do it. It's been obvious for a long time that Hecarim has awkward scaling and the healing bonus he has lategame is kind of broken. His early game is really not that great though. Now they even out the curve, give him a better early game and make his late game a little less powerful.Yeah really. Just because a champ is strong doesn't mean you have to nerf them.