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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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You just missed some funny shit on PhantomLord's stream.

He's a good Syndra.

Just tried to play another mid game since the horrible ones last night, and again I called mid, had locked in and all, then some douchebag locks in Fizz and goes "mid or troll". He proceeds to go mid the whole game even though I'm there, take my cs and feed their enemy kat.

I just want to play a normal, but what's the fucking point? This community is just the worst at times.


You just missed some funny shit on PhantomLord's stream.

He's a good Syndra.

Just tried to play another mid game since the horrible ones last night, and again I called mid, had locked in and all, then some douchebag locks in Fizz and goes "mid or troll". He proceeds to go mid the whole game even though I'm there, take my cs and feed their enemy kat.

I just want to play a normal, but what's the fucking point? This community is just the worst at times.



I don't think Riot has invested on Gamecribs. It is an endeavour solely between TSM and Qualcomm (afaik anyway).

I know, but it's paying these guys a salary to play LoL that created all this. We're watching a season long series of competitions and following these guys around like they're rock stars. It's pretty hilarious. It's fully possibly this is the next step in the fledgling world of professional video gaming.

Yeah. Like I said, I don;t really want to play draft when I do a normal. Too much hassle.

Guess I'll have to though :/

Just dodge if you don't get the role you want, it's only a 5 min penalty for the first one.
Man AP Yi is still dumb and broken. Once he gets any decent AP and a lich bane game's over.

Not easy to lane against with Syndra too. He sees Q coming, he alpha strikes, my Q doesn;t hit and I get chunked.


Are RP purchases worth it? Not the champions, but everything else.

You'll have to decide if skins are worth it to you or not. That's a personal thing. I do enjoy having a different skin for some of my favorite champions personally.

Champions for RP are simply a time vs money thing. I happen to have more money than time (I have a full time job and a wife and kid so gaming time is limited), so I preferred spending my IP on runes instead of champs and I bought champs on sale with RP.

Really a personal thing if it's worth it.
Yeah, I'm pretty much the same view point as garath.

I like having a skin for my champs, and I'll pay RP if I really want a champ. I don't play enough for IP to accrue.
So I know we discussed this for a bit but the closer you are to a promotional series to move up a tier (silver I to gold V), the less LP you get?
Loving Sona, easily my favourite support. Got my ADC so fed. I also got a double kill under the tower :p Kha came to gank us and him, Trist and Garen dived me and Cait. I had just got my ulti so I popped it and stunned all three under the tower. They still killed Cait and me, but I managed to get 2 of them because of it :p

To be fair they're running double heal on bot.

Nah, I thought I switched my ignite to exhaust but it didn't take and I noticed too late.

Adobe AIR OP.

I just don't see how he could get ahead at all unless your bot lane didn't actually fight at range.

That's why it only works at low elo, as in lower than me, where every time someone sees someone they fight and all die. He usually just sits in bushes and bum rushes people, but every time he came near a bush I sent him running.
they are not releasing quinn tomorrow aren't they? no champ spotlight yet, this will be mid next week right? kinda lost interest in her already, her model looks crappy in game.


Thanks for the suggestions guys.


Teemo: F U
Nasus: hmm, maybe, not big on dogs
Ribbon: had her once, did AWFUL like you wouldn't believe, ended up refunding her to get another couple rune pages back when you could get 2x1. If her Q followed your mouse I think I'd like her more
Cho: already have him, don't like him so much top because people just buy Hexdrinker against your ult. Besides I like eating the little girls at mid better :)
Fiora: good skins, but I don't like champs without CC
Yorick: maybe, I kinda hate playing against him, in my experience he turns lanes into boring farm fests
Darius: maybe, will have to see where he lands after the nerfs
Akali: should give her another shot, she was my favorite champ for a while but ended up dropping her so I could repurpose her rune page.
Vlad: have him, he's boring T_T
Zed: no CC but he looks like Shredder. Maybe?
Malph: already got him, I like him, but he's permabanned in ranked so really why bother
Garen: ehh I dunno he's fat
Nidalee: one of my main choices, but my team hates AP Nid for some reason and tank Nid is boring as fuck
Nunu: lol playing Nunu top should be a report reason

I think I'll just buy Zyra and play her mid lol


Thanks for the suggestions guys.


Teemo: F U
Nasus: hmm, maybe, not big on dogs
Ribbon: had her once, did AWFUL like you wouldn't believe, ended up refunding her to get another couple rune pages back when you could get 2x1. If her Q followed your mouse I think I'd like her more
Cho: already have him, don't like him so much top because people just buy Hexdrinker against your ult. Besides I like eating the little girls at mid better :)
Fiora: good skins, but I don't like champs without CC
Yorick: maybe, I kinda hate playing against him, in my experience he turns lanes into boring farm fests
Darius: maybe, will have to see where he lands after the nerfs
Akali: should give her another shot, she was my favorite champ for a while but ended up dropping her so I could repurpose her rune page.
Vlad: have him, he's boring T_T
Zed: no CC but he looks like Shredder. Maybe?
Malph: already got him, I like him, but he's permabanned in ranked so really why bother
Garen: ehh I dunno he's fat
Nidalee: one of my main choices, but my team hates AP Nid for some reason and tank Nid is boring as fuck
Nunu: lol playing Nunu top should be a report reason

I think I'll just buy Zyra and play her mid lol

Zed has a slow and two gap closers so CC is kind of lulz.


Why him instead of Akali?


1. He doesn't get shut down by pink wards.
2. His only CC is not also his only escape, unlike Akali.
3. I feel like Zed has a better pre-6 game than Akali.
4. I think Akali's ultimate allows for more plays in team fights than Zed, but Zed's ult is still pretty good for what it is.
5. Zed can go over walls without requiring a target unlike Akali.

Downside is Zed doesn't have built in life steal unlike Akali and Akali can chase for quite awhile.


Jayce? You're generally safe against most top laners because you can CS in cannon form, you have strong poke, engage, and disengage, and you can regain mana with hammer W. Some downsides are you have no life steal until Vamp Scepter, and gap closers ruin your day if you aren't aggressive with early poke.

Summons will suggest Rumble.


Bought Tango TF since he looks like Jigen from Lupin the Third (localized as Julian here in Argentina lol). Also Eve looks great in the splash art (unlike on her own Tango splash art), so it's like a nice bonus.

Wow, is that really necessary
Light up dude, it was a joke :)

But no fucking way I'm making the world worse by playing Teemo :p


1. He doesn't get shut down by pink wards.
2. His only CC is not also his only escape, unlike Akali.
3. I feel like Zed has a better pre-6 game than Akali.
4. I think Akali's ultimate allows for more plays in team fights than Zed, but Zed's ult is still pretty good for what it is.
5. Zed can go over walls without requiring a target unlike Akali.

Downside is Zed doesn't have built in life steal unlike Akali and Akali can chase for quite awhile.
I was genuinely asking, I dunno much about Zed, I played against him as Anivia on mid yesterday and he was pretty terrifying, so yeah, he's interesting.

Besides I now know I can build him AP, so who knows lol

bad taste out of 100.
Haha, I think he's good, I just had bad experiences playing him.

Jayce? You're generally safe against most top laners because you can CS in cannon form, you have strong poke, engage, and disengage, and you can regain mana with hammer W. Some downsides are you have no life steal until Vamp Scepter, and gap closers ruin your day if you aren't aggressive with early poke.

Summons will suggest Rumble.
Yeah, Jayce is a good choice. I like poke comps.

Him and Nidalee are among my top choices.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Mid Skarner feeds enemy Lux with a Nautilus and Thresh so she's just shooting fish in a barrel. Of course his bad team must've been at fault because he was clearly the superior player at 2/12.

I'm glad I don't care about normals anymore.


Mid Skarner feeds enemy Lux with a Nautilus and Thresh so she's just shooting fish in a barrel. Of course his bad team must've been at fault because he was clearly the superior player at 2/12.

I'm glad I don't care about normals anymore.

Take that attitude into ranked and you'll achieve peace in your life.
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