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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Take that attitude into ranked and you'll achieve peace in your life.

Perhaps once I reach Silver I'll stop giving a damn, but being stuck in Bronze 1 and not having time to really isn't fun :(.


Hi all, I posted in this thread a few months ago while taking my first plunge into LoL. I'm now level 22 and now have a firm understanding of the games mechanics but there are still certain questions I have.
Mainly, my concerns come from adapting smart casting into my playstyle. It seems like having an unlocked camera and smartcasting your abilities give you a reactive edge against your competition. I haven't been able to find much in terms of guides for smartcasting or controls in general. For instance I dont see the benefit of holding A down to last hit vs right clicking.

To further help anyone willing to give me some advice, I'll specify that I mainly play mid and am starting to expand to jungle while I build up the right runes for it.
My favorite champs so far are Anivia, Fizz, Diana [mids] , Malphite[top], trist and twitch[adc].
I would appreciate some commentary pertaining to smartcasting the abilities of these specific champions and its benefits.

Oh and if anybody knows of any good video resources for properly flashing through jungle walls that would be a great help as well. [I sometimes wiff :(]


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mainly, my concerns come from adapting smart casting into my playstyle. It seems like having an unlocked camera and smartcasting your abilities give you a reactive edge against your competition. I haven't been able to find much in terms of guides for smartcasting or controls in general. For instance I dont see the benefit of holding A down to last hit vs right clicking.
Smartcasting is just something you adjust to. Just do it and don't look back. You will get a feel for it over time and it isn't as daunting a task as it might seem.

I don't know what you mean about holding down A. You don't have to rebind your auto attack. Pressing A will attack move you though by default, which can be helpful in certain situations.
Oh and if anybody knows of any good video resources for properly flashing through jungle walls that would be a great help as well. [I sometimes wiff :(]
Just gotta practice. Make sure you are standing as close to the wall as possible before you Flash.




Normals. You could also get those same scores or better as full AD.


Jayce? You're generally safe against most top laners because you can CS in cannon form, you have strong poke, engage, and disengage, and you can regain mana with hammer W. Some downsides are you have no life steal until Vamp Scepter, and gap closers ruin your day if you aren't aggressive with early poke.

Summons will suggest Rumble.
Excuse me, I play Rumble MID LANE. But yes he can go top too. >_>
Swain + Liandry = yum yum yum. One E melted Vayne from full health to 40% with only around 200AP. I could probably gib her if I had Rylai and Ignite.


These changes clarify Cougar form’s intended strengths of high damage and high mobility rather than durability.
No longer gains Magic Resist per level
Ability Power ratio increased 0.6 from 0.4
Aspect of the Cougar
No longer grants bonus Armor or Magic Resist

"Let's make her team fighting even worse so if her team isn't in a position to split push, she's useless"


"Let's make her team fighting even worse so if her team isn't in a position to split push, she's useless"
That makes her like...a squishy AP melee? I mean Eve and Kat can fall into that category depending on how you build them, but they have other strengths Nidalee doesn't.

Yeah, they're really trying to pigeonhole champs in more and more specific roles...

I hate that.
I tend to agree with this. I think some people suggest Riot is trying to avoid forcing the meta to be a certain way, but it seems to me they tend to reinforce it, perhaps so that all champions remain at least somewhat viable.

*edit* And...they're making Garen less tanky? I thought people generally claim he's a poor champion except for laning phase, but maybe Riot felt otherwise. Or maybe the changes make him weaker in laning phase and he remains similar (similarly bad?) late game?

Hooray, Taric finally has a new passive!



Outplayed a Tristana and got a double kill early on but I'm not manly enough to play Graves. Why can't people just let me play my girly girls?

Not every ignite kills.

zkylon you're famous!

Haha that's awesome, nice to see my name immortalized over Lux's pretty head. Where did you find that?


Fixed an issue that would cause some spells to go on cooldown without casting when the target entered fog of war

It was about time. This has happened to me a million times with caitlyn's ult. Khazix would also just go invis to stop my ult. Pissed me off.


Had around 10mintues until servers went down.

Went into a dominion game and both teams decided to fight for the storm buff. First team to get storm buff won the game. Was a pretty intense game.
When do you build Liandry? I've been going RoA > Zhonya > Rabbadon.
I built Liandry after RoA+Chalice since I was kinda ahead. Otherwise, I'd get a another resist item before Liandry.

I never really get Rab on Swain though, since I think Swain should just outlast the enemy. Does Swain's ult remain active during Zhonya?

How is Swain vs Ryze matchup btw? My match was against Ryze and we were pretty much even. We kept killing each other during lane phase, though I started pulling slowly ahead after I got RoA, Chalice and blue.


The new Botrk is so stupidly disgusting. Now dont get me wrong, it's an incredible item - probably first build item on most ADC

but its so messy, it has so many stats and it does so many things. Ugh. They should just make two items - the passive effect should go with AS% and the active be split off on an AD item. Right now it just does everything - so if its strong, its incredible - otherwise it just sucks.


That makes her like...a squishy AP melee? I mean Eve and Kat can fall into that category depending on how you build them, but they have other strengths Nidalee doesn't.

I tend to agree with this. I think some people suggest Riot is trying to avoid forcing the meta to be a certain way, but it seems to me they tend to reinforce it, perhaps so that all champions remain at least somewhat viable.

*edit* And...they're making Garen less tanky? I thought people generally claim he's a poor champion except for laning phase, but maybe Riot felt otherwise. Or maybe the changes make him weaker in laning phase and he remains similar (similarly bad?) late game?

Hooray, Taric finally has a new passive!

I don't play Garen like he is some kind of bitch or something ... which is why I don't see him being useless late game I guess.

I pop W + Q and run STRAIGHT for the ADC usually. That either gets them out of the fight or they die shortly after I'm done spin chasing them. I don't give a shit about the enemy. I don't give a shit about towers. I will chase that ADC all over the damn place.

I think in 25 games my K/D ratio on Garen is like 8/2 ... with an almost 75% win rate.

The Warmog's nerf and his base stat nerf may not make it as easy or fun to do this though :( Probably won't be anywhere near as tanky as he is now ... makes me sad.

Garen WAS opposite Xin Zhao. Xin builds tanky items and still does damage. Garen builds damage items and is still tanky.

The new Botrk is so stupidly disgusting. Now dont get me wrong, it's an incredible item - probably first build item on most ADC

but its so messy, it has so many stats and it does so many things. Ugh. They should just make two items - the passive effect should go with AS% and the active be split off on an AD item. Right now it just does everything - so if its strong, its incredible - otherwise it just sucks.

Apparently Irelia is op with it now. I shall have to go back to my Frostbutt Irelia days.


Think the Vi nerfs are going to tone down her jungle power now? They do look like they'll have a pretty good impact to her early game. Kinda stinks, I just bought her. Only got to play one horrible game with her.

I don't understand the ult nerf to Xin Zhao. That's what they thought the problem was? The audacious charge nerf is pretty solid. It'll prevent him from using it twice in a single gank, but he's still going to be strong.

The blade of the ruined king change is so weird. I have a feeling Nocturne is going to be even more godly with it now. He could solo baron at level 14 with that and the defensive upgrade to spirit stone and one attack speed item. We'll see if that still holds true.
Think the Vi nerfs are going to tone down her jungle power now? They do look like they'll have a pretty good impact to her early game. Kinda stinks, I just bought her. Only got to play one horrible game with her.

I think the Vi nerfs are generally quite weird. It's not her early game where she goes out of control, it's her mid game.

Her ganks are decent pre-6 but only become Godly once she gets her ult. Don't understand why they're hitting her early game so hard.

Maybe if they nerfed the cooldown on Assault & Battery and the mid-game scaling of her W and E it would work better.


I think the Vi nerfs are generally quite weird. It's not her early game where she goes out of control, it's her mid game.

Her ganks are decent pre-6 but only become Godly once she gets her ult. Don't understand why they're hitting her early game so hard.

Maybe if they nerfed the cooldown on Assault & Battery and the mid-game scaling of her W and E it would work better.

Well to be fair, she could melt people early. If you land a Q, it applies denting blows immediately so she gets the bonus attack speed, armor shred and the 6% bonus damage. Then a couple Es and autos (with red buff there's no getting away short of the flash) they're dead.

I guess their objective is to keep her viable (get it, Vi-able) mid game but impact that early game by lowering her clear speed (which is also incredibly fast) and her early game gank damage so she doesn't snowball quite as easily.

We'll see. I'll still play her cause I just bought her dammit. Maybe she won't be banned as much. That'd be nice.

On a sidenote,

Is quinn actually out now? I don't see any streamers playing her.... :(


Loving these new pings.

Wish I would've had a chance to play with them before I got my account suspended. Only hope that Riot can permanently mute chat boxes instead of banning accounts now...
Course Garen was OP. He gets so much free sustain in lane, so much free resistances and if he gets a Brutalizer his damage is dumb. His trading is ridiculous.
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