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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Lose every teamfight and mid inhib. Win one and only one teamfight and push down 2 mid turrets, inhib, nexus turrets, and nexus. huehuehue solo queue


lol I'll add another rule to my set: "If you captain bans Trynda, dodge. If when asked he replies that Trynda's OP, double dodge!".

Of course their team went Alistar, Malphite, Jax and tank CC'ed their late game into victory.

I'm in a game right now with a Tryndamere ban.

I hate this post so much.

Edit: Fuck it, troll bans, troll picks, not doing this!


Why ward skins aren't permanent.

Hi, Hippalus here. For those looking to rage about ward skins being available for rental only, let's do it on this thread.

The long term plan if the experiment is successful is to have ward skins available for permanent purchase at a reasonable price (similar to regular skins). But, the problem with selling a new type of permanent content without testing it first is that it doesn't work for some reason (lack of interest, interferes with gameplay), there is no good way to remove it because it has been permanently sold to players.

My idea was to test ward skins as part of an event, in a way that would make it easier to end the experiment if it doesn't work, hence ward skins at a reasonable price for a week or two during the Harrowing/Shadow Isles. Is it a perfect experiment? No. Does it hurt players? I don't think so. Players who are against the concept of rentals should feel free not to participate, but I hope to still gather enough data and feedback to help us decide if ward skins should become a permanent or temporary part of the game going forward.


If he really wanted to test interest in permanent ward skins, I don't think you can use data from rentals for that. Should've set up a beta test for them so people could try them for free after jumping through a few hoops (survey or something) for a few days. See how many people bother and how many use them. I don't know what he is worried about with permanent skins before testing them in the wild, since theoretically you could buy 52 weeks worth and Riot couldn't stop you. What if it breaks their vision 6 months later? Then what?

They'll offer them permanently soon enough.


If he really wanted to test interest in permanent ward skins, I don't think you can use data from rentals for that. Should've set up a beta test for them so people could try them for free after jumping through a few hoops (survey or something) for a few days. See how many people bother and how many use them. I don't know what he is worried about with permanent skins before testing them in the wild, since theoretically you could buy 52 weeks worth and Riot couldn't stop you. What if it breaks their vision 6 months later? Then what?

They'll offer them permanently soon enough.

I think its both interest and how it affects gameplay.

We have plans to provide players with permanent summoner icon rewards for many different things over the next several months, including lifetime RP purchases as well as good behavior in game. The Shadow Isles summoner icons were specifically designed to reward players for participating in the Shadow Isles and the Harrowing offerings, with some of the icons being extremely rare for those who provide the greatest amount of support. However, I understand the frustration of those who feel they haven’t been rewarded for past RP purchases, or for other contributions such as being a great player in-game, but I can assure you, it is coming.

Also, players have raised the fair point that under the current plan they will not even be rewarded for buying Shadow Isles or Harrowing content with RP that they had purchased prior to October, and I agree that doesn’t really capture the spirit of the promotion. Therefore, a few days after the end of the promotion, we will retroactively grant Shadow Isles icons to players if the RP spent from October 1 – November 13 is greater than the RP purchased during that time and qualfies them for an additional tier of rewards.

i.e. the calculated RP for your reward tier includes RP BOUGHT OR RP SPENT between oct 1-nov 13 (whichever is higher)
i.e. you can get the first two tiers just by buying halloween skins

also, honor based icons


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Boy, coming back to Yorick and he really got nerfed a lot. It hurts. His ghouls are just so much less effective in lane.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
It feels like if I play more than 2 matches per day my performance just completely dissipates.

All that dominion probably doesn't help.

Taking breaks inbetween games helps. Also, stop playing Dominion.


Dominion is actually a really good way to learn proper team fighting targeting and when to switch targets, peel, etc. Though maybe not so much at the lower hidden elo ratings of it.
Eh, you could say the same with Rab and every AP carry (not including Ryze aka Mana Carry).

Although at least it's more of a carry item now instead of a "must get by Lv6" item.
Question 1: Why does Jarvan dunk so hard?

Question 2: Why is Ez such an amazing support champ?


Have a bad game, go into all chat and start talking to the other team and block my team since my entire team refuses to surrender and wants to bitch about me all game.

Had a nice 30minute conversation with the other team and got 5 honourable opponents and probably 4 reports by my team.

Fun game though.

Stacking up that honour!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Have a bad game, go into all chat and start talking to the other team and block my team since my entire team refuses to surrender and wants to bitch about me all game.

Had a nice 30minute conversation with the other team and got 5 honourable opponents and probably 4 reports by my team.

Fun game though.

Stacking up that honour!

The reports probably canceled out the honor though.

If you missed it, CLG's teleport strategy at it again, this time in a close one versus mMe.Ferus. DAT SONA PLAY!


I love watching plays like these where even the casters are fooled. Sona kept them from backing, though it was already too late at that point since Rengar just annihilates towers.


Good Lawd there's 140 kills in that game. Also, dem heal spells!

That's a pretty typical 25-30m Dominion game. Especially the higher elo brackets where you actually see Revive and Garrisons. It really is 20m+ of nothing but 4v4 team fights (or 3v4 defenses with 2v1 bot ganks).

Or pooters, 1vHilarity Zilean.
That's a pretty typical 25-30m Dominion game. Especially the higher elo brackets where you actually see Revive and Garrisons. It really is 20m+ of nothing but 4v4 team fights (or 3v4 defenses with 2v1 bot ganks).

Or pooters, 1vHilarity Zilean.

How many gaffers do dominion? I've always wanted to try it properly with a pre-made. I don't even know what type of overall meta it even has(or if it even really has one). I saw all those revives and was shocked at first then realized it was a dominion game and it made more sense lol
How many gaffers do dominion? I've always wanted to try it properly with a pre-made. I don't even know what type of overall meta it even has(or if it even really has one). I saw all those revives and was shocked at first then realized it was a dominion game and it made more sense lol

I play dominion and a few others do as well. The reason so few people play it is because it takes more skill and intellect to play. It's for the elite players of the LoL community.

The lesser summoners just play SR.
Sona would make a pretty bad mid, though. Just push her and watch her lose cs after cs.

Yeah, I lucked out with Anivia. She's just as bad of a pusher pre-6 but I can poke the hell out of her to deny her farm.

Did anyone who got to input their name at the event finally got their Graves/Sona skins?


Sona should not be able to zone any ap mid lol. If Q was targetable then maybe she'd be a tad more viable mid but not by much.
Janna on the other hand, is fairly decent mid. She ain't pre-nerf Lulu but her ap ratios are pretty good and her ult is a pretty nice failsafe from a gank. I still think Lulu is one of the best mids at my elo range. A lot of people don't know how to deal with her mid(likewise with xin zhao).


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Janna on the other hand, is fairly decent mid. She ain't pre-nerf Lulu but her ap ratios are pretty good and her ult is a pretty nice failsafe from a gank. I still think Lulu is one of the best mids at my elo range. A lot of people don't know how to deal with her mid(likewise with xin zhao).

The ratios on Janna's W got nerfed pretty bad :(. She's still a great pusher with her Q and has good utility with the shield but she's not as great as she once was.


Janna's pretty decent mid and I love buying her a Doran's Ring on support and just bringing in the PAIN.

I only wanted to play ranked, but noooooooooo

Uh, you got random letters in your search box... Or is that the joke?

I don't know anymore...
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