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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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You didn't even list the best and most fun support character.

Leona sucks. She's for people who are too big of a wuss to play Blitzcrank.

A yordle? Really Soda? I thought you were better than that.


Match her personality perfectly though, you can see that crazy in her eyes.

yandere is best dere

Outside of the fact I don't understand how Syndra sees, I kind of like the Justicar splash (and in-game). Guess I'm buying that.


Yeah, Syndra's really good. Gragas' too, with Olaf and Gangplank merrily raising their glasses in the background.


Oddly was one of the better mannered ones. The Sona was whining about us DDOSing. Because that's a thing in normal draft.

I was so close on telling her "May be you're team will do better if I DDOS you", after she ult and bait the whole team to dead losing baron and dragon.


Hey guys, any tips for countering Soraka?

soraka usually have a very low armor compared to other character so she is usually easier to kill than the carries (lane phase), blitz/leona/taric with bursty adc should walk all over her if played right.



I won the 4 duo queue matches I've played, gotta love ELO hell.

Today, I got matched in bot against a Rammus+Rengar combo and then a Rengar+Taric, only that they had a Soraka top. First match they surrendered at 20:26, second match we destroyed their Nexus at 19:58.

Third match teams at least made some sense, our Draven was terribad but at least he had the correct item build, and we just got carried by our 12 0 17 Irelia.

These people are worse than level 1s...

Well happy birthday. I know it's not a skin but here's a neato picture of Ahri that you might like.
Man, I had work to do... oh well... fapfapfapfap


Did anyone scream at you for getting vamp scept for Sona?
Nah, unfortunately not. Vamp Scepter is for building Zeke's Herald, but I never buy it alone since it's a waste of space on Sona, but I wanted to see if they would freak over it and they just disappointed me :(

Happy bday btw Corki! Here, have some InstantIP:


Where's your deathcap scy?? :)

Waiting for the gold to buy it. I took an early derp in lane and ended up 2/2 for the laning phase vs a Malzahar :( Just not a good night for me last night. A lot of bad plays. Edit: I just realized that means the last two team fights for that game got me no kills. ffs, worst Kat NA, can't even killsteal properly.

At least I had okay farm.

I want to play more GAF games, but I've been on a horrible streak and I'm still embarrassed to show my face after my ugly Diana game on Friday lol.

Watch me jungle. That'll make you feel better.


I won the 4 duo queue matches I've played, gotta love ELO hell.
I think your level 1 comparison is an exaggeration, unless you mean smurfs. You may not have played against level 1's recently to remember some of the shenanigans. :p

Also, how is that elo hell? That looks like placement matches because you're unranked, to me. Starting elo for everyone is around 1200, in theory, even though presumably people will claim elo hell goes all the way up to 1500-1800 which I think is pretty silly. And I know for a fact you can/could climb in the 700-1200 range, so it's not like you're forced to stay at a certain level.

*edit* scy this is all your fault for stealing Katarina from me. Also if you had been using 21/9/0 clearly that extra 10 AP would have gotten the killsteal for you properly.


*edit* scy this is all your fault for stealing Katarina from me. Also if you had been using 21/9/0 clearly that extra 10 AP would have gotten the killsteal for you properly.

I think it was an attempt to balance out the pentasteal I had in the game before.


Waiting for the gold to buy it. I took an early derp in lane and ended up 2/2 for the laning phase vs a Malzahar :( Just not a good night for me last night. A lot of bad plays. Edit: I just realized that means the last two team fights for that game got me no kills. ffs, worst Kat NA, can't even killsteal properly.

At least I had okay farm.

Watch me jungle. That'll make you feel better.

I like Tiensi's philosophy on Kat - Glass Cannon lol. I build Sorc shoes, Kage's, Deathcap. Then I think about Hourglass or Abyssal. Her early game damage is so pathetic, the deathcap rush gives her a fighting chance of KS'ing properly. I don't even get a revolver anymore. I weigh the damage vs the small sustain it grants and opt to just buy a couple more health pots.


I like Tiensi's philosophy on Kat - Glass Cannon lol. I build Sorc shoes, Kage's, Deathcap. Then I think about Hourglass or Abyssal. Her early game damage is so pathetic, the deathcap rush gives her a fighting chance of KS'ing properly. I don't even get a revolver anymore. I weigh the damage vs the small sustain it grants and opt to just buy a couple more health pots.

Maybe. I want to try HP5 Seals over Armor to get Kat's regen up in lane. Sustain off that and pots with my 9/21 setup. Might be worth it, don't know yet.


How do you counter Kassadin besides banning him?
Lots of ranged harass and ganking him before he turns 6 (preferably with hard CC).

Gangplank and Pantheon are renowned for turning him into a fine paste, but anyone with decent early poke will probably suffice.


How do you counter Kassadin besides banning him?

Heimerdinger (and possibly Zyra) or an AD champ (Talon is pretty solid). Drop the turrets and plants and watch him suffer trying to last hit while you laugh and laugh safely out of range.

Also keep the lane pushed as he'll struggle a little last hitting under the tower and communicate with your team when he goes MIA. It's as much your teams responsibility to counter him as it is yours (i.e. don't over extend when he's wandering).

An underfed Kassadin is pretty weak come teamfights. He's all burst and the burst is small lategame without some big items.

Maybe. I want to try HP5 Seals over Armor to get Kat's regen up in lane. Sustain off that and pots with my 9/21 setup. Might be worth it, don't know yet.

I have 3 empty rune pages and one is going to go to a Kat experiment:

Movespeed quints, Magic pen marks, hp/5 seals, flat AP or ap/lvl glyphs. Haven't decided yet.


How do you counter Kassadin besides banning him?
He's an anti-mage like Talon. I think I saw someone suggest sending the AD carry mid, and another option might be trying to kill Kassadin before level 6, but that could be quite difficult if he is smart enough to play safely.

Side note, yesterday I picked Eve when they first-picked Talon, thus counterpicking myself...except Darius went mid per my request, and I laned against Teemo top instead. Darius got fed pretty quickly off of Talon, so by the time they started trying to lane switch it was too late (well we screwed up and let them catch up, but Darius and I had like 19 kills between us and they surrendered once we got our act together again).


Wish I had him. I chose Ahri and got wrecked. I ended up roaming for ganks but the two rude players at bot didn't help that much.

Also, no patch this week?

Yeah.. Ahri will struggle against Kassadin. I didn't even think of Galio, I see him so rarely. He'd do a number on Kassadin.


How do you counter Kassadin besides banning him?

1-5 is where he's pretty sad. You can harass him from range and force him to try to last hit under tower while you grab wraiths. An early gank can ruin his day as well.

Ahri isn't a great match up vs him but at least you can try to poke and harass his early game to cost him cs and hope for a gank.

I have 3 empty rune pages and one is going to go to a Kat experiment:

Movespeed quints, Magic pen marks, hp/5 seals, flat AP or ap/lvl glyphs. Haven't decided yet.

My current page is Magic Pen Reds, Armor Yellows, MR/Lvl Blues, and MS Quints. I want to try subbing in HP5/level Yellows (better than flats by Level 4, half the IP cost!). Maybe get AP/lvl Glyphs in there as well instead of the MR but not sure yet. This should put me at around ~16 HP5 by Level 4 which is fairly good.

Kind of wish I had bought runes last night instead of some champs. Oh well.
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