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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Against Kassadin I'd say you want to punish him with ranged auto attacks when he gets in close for last hits, forcing him to farm with Q, and then when he does use Q to farm you have a decent window of time (~8 seconds) to be aggressive and harass. Also remember that his Q has travel time, so unless he ults in to you first and casts it in melee, you should have time to fire off a couple spells to make any trades he makes with you even, or in your favor if you manage to land a CC in tandem with his Q so he can't capitalize off silence.
Almost completed my full attack speed rune page.

Just need 3 more quints and a 2 more seals. After that my trolldamere all crit page will be made :D.
Just had to slog through nearly an hour of teammates and enemies trashtalking each other. My god, 8/15 ally Cait blaming everyone for feeding Rengar, after she ganked thrice by Rengar in a row by pushing solo. Best thing I could do was to just to make sure our fed Diana can't get CC'd. I think every game I had tonight had a bunch of teenagers.

Does Sivir's shield have the usual 0.5 sec delay? I've tried shielding when I saw Malphite's Q already rolling but it never went well.

Also, 5 top + promote new meta


Does Sivir's shield have the usual 0.5 sec delay? I've tried shielding when I saw Malphite's Q already rolling but it never went well.
I don't know, it seems very strange and may depend on ping. I have bad reaction time, but still, I feel like sometimes when I use the shield I still get hit, while enemy players can use it nearly instantly right as projectiles connect with them, and it will practically retroactively shield them. :p Or maybe the rendering of the other players is lagged, who knows.


I think your level 1 comparison is an exaggeration, unless you mean smurfs. You may not have played against level 1's recently to remember some of the shenanigans. :p

Also, how is that elo hell? That looks like placement matches because you're unranked, to me. Starting elo for everyone is around 1200, in theory, even though presumably people will claim elo hell goes all the way up to 1500-1800 which I think is pretty silly. And I know for a fact you can/could climb in the 700-1200 range, so it's not like you're forced to stay at a certain level.
I dunno, I've only played 4 ranked matches and they've all been like this, so no matter the number, this is crazy people land.


I dunno, I've only played 4 ranked matches and they've all been like this, so no matter the number, this is crazy people land.
Gotcha. After 10-20 matches you should start seeing slightly more consistency. Since it's placement matches, for all you know you might be playing people who deserve 400 elo or something.


I think my favorite part of that game was when I bandage tossed towards their malzahar for a gank and he flashes right into it. :3
Derp and look like a pro
How do you counter Kassadin besides banning him?
any high range strong pushing mid will beat him really hard pre 6. harass him extremely hard with autos and spells, he should be pretty weak at level 6 that you can just ward both sides and push extremely hard, making it tough for him to farm then trade whenever he goes in. Sion hasnt been mentioned but hes very strong v kass


Gotcha. After 10-20 matches you should start seeing slightly more consistency. Since it's placement matches, for all you know you might be playing people who deserve 400 elo or something.

as long as your elo hover around 1200 you will play with new rank noobs, at least that the case for me.
I think the game is trying to tell me something.



I dunno, I've only played 4 ranked matches and they've all been like this, so no matter the number, this is crazy people land.

Placement matches are gateway between elo hell and heaven, serious business.


For those that care, all CLG.eu members created a NA accounts, so far none of them lost a match in placement. Froggen is something like 12-0.


Placement matches are gateway between elo hell and heaven, serious business.


For those that care, all CLG.eu members created a NA accounts, so far none of them lost a match in placement. Froggen is something like 12-0.

That's amazing, 12 ranked wins in a row, mental. Froggen is amazing though.


Placement matches are gateway between elo hell and heaven, serious business.


For those that care, all CLG.eu members created a NA accounts, so far none of them lost a match in placement. Froggen is something like 12-0.

I landed myself in elohell by using my Lee Sin that I only seem to do terrible with in ranked. It's mind blowing.

And how'd you get yourself that tag?


My current page is Magic Pen Reds, Armor Yellows, MR/Lvl Blues, and MS Quints. I want to try subbing in HP5/level Yellows (better than flats by Level 4, half the IP cost!). Maybe get AP/lvl Glyphs in there as well instead of the MR but not sure yet. This should put me at around ~16 HP5 by Level 4 which is fairly good.

Kind of wish I had bought runes last night instead of some champs. Oh well.

I run flat MR for my midlane. The early game extra resist is far more useful than the later resists.

I'm still up in the air about the AP glyphs. The early MR does help. 10MR is a decent reduction of harass.


I run flat MR for my midlane. The early game extra resist is far more useful than the later resists.

I'm still up in the air about the AP glyphs. The early MR does help. 10MR is a decent reduction of harass.

It takes awhile to break even (Level 9) but ... I own scaling MR and don't own flat MR. So ... yeah.

That and I feel comfortable not needing more MR until ~6-7-ish anyway.


I run glass cannon Lux mid with AP Quints, MagPen Reds, ManaRegen/lvl Yellows and AP/lvl Blues.

I'm starting to think flat MR Blues might be better, though, but I dunno...


You know something is wrong when your AD carry is buying wards and oracles for bot.
Oracles yeah. Wards, not many, but once every now and then is very much alright. Every ward the Support has to buy because someone else didn't puts him an extra 75 gold distance from that Aegis.


You know something is wrong when your AD carry is buying wards and oracles for bot.

it depend, if the support is not building support items then its wrong but sometime they buy support items without calculating beforehand to see if they can buy wards.

it can happen once or twice through the game though otherwise the support is just trolling.


I know it sets me back in gold, but even if I'm an AP carry and doing well, I'd like to think I sometimes buy 4-5 wards to help try to win the game. That also lets me beg other players to help, since if I'm doing it they have less excuse.
I mean I bought every single ward. The support didn't buy anything at all aside from philo, boots, and a magic book.

This was against a Ashe/Leona lane too.

Also, I think the AD getting their big damage items is more important than the support farming up for an aegis instead of placing wards to prevent deaths.


I know it sets me back in gold, but even if I'm an AP carry and doing well, I'd like to think I sometimes buy 4-5 wards to help try to win the game. That also lets me beg other players to help, since if I'm doing it they have less excuse.

As a jungler/support main, it really does. Buying 1 ward when you back doesn't set you back that much (just think of it as you improving your laning gameplay by 2-3 more CS) and if you can use it to cover the bottom jungle entrance, then your support can place fewer wards in bot lane and your jungler can use his wards to cover top lane/counter jungle.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Oracles yeah. Wards, not many, but once every now and then is very much alright. Every ward the Support has to buy because someone else didn't puts him an extra 75 gold distance from that Aegis.
If the AD carry is sinking money into anything other than doing as much damage as possible something went wrong.


I mean I bought every single ward. The support didn't buy anything at all aside from philo, boots, and a magic book.

This was against a Ashe/Leona lane too.

Also, I think the AD getting their big damage items is more important than the support farming up for an aegis instead of placing wards to prevent deaths.
Yeah, if your support isn't buying any wards he's trolling.

I constantly buy wards with my mids and tops just because it's cheaper I'd rather give the shopkeeper 75g for a ward than the enemy team 300g for a kill.

If the AD carry is sinking money into anything other than doing as much damage as possible something went wrong.
It's not always that simple. Sometimes it's better for the Support to save a bit on wards to build a full item and ask the carry for a ward or two. A ward is 3 minions for the carry to kill, but half a minute or so for a Support.


formerly sane
It's not always that simple. Sometimes it's better for the Support to save a bit on wards to build a full item and ask the carry for a ward or two. A ward is 3 minions for the carry to kill, but half a minute or so for a Support.

This. Sometimes going back is not an option for support so I need to get a ward as I leave base from shopping. Carries getting one or two wards is not going to set them back unless they only rely on farm. The other notion is that it's bad for support to have cs or spend time getting items. Personally if support gets a reverie, zeke, or aegis in short period of time especially before the enemy support can set something up themselves it's extremely good for the team not just the adc.

If you have kills or assists you usually have a decent bit of extra money to work with if you're good with econ as an adc.


This. Sometimes going back is not an option for support so I need to get a ward as I leave base from shopping. Carries getting one or two wards is not going to set them back unless they only rely on farm. If you have kills or assists you usually have a decent bit of extra money to work with if you're good with econ.

Generally though, the support can manage their wards well enough to not need the carry to buy one. However, they should also be able to recognize when they need their carry to buy wards and I'd say it's on them to tell the carry "Hey can you get a ward or two for me while you're back at base?"


formerly sane
Generally though, the support can manage their wards well enough to not need the carry to buy one. However, they should also be able to recognize when they need their carry to buy wards and I'd say it's on them to tell the carry "Hey can you get a ward or two for me while you're back at base?"

Rarely is this a problem when I play with you and a few others. When you see me buy wards it's solely out of necessity and just seeing that for a moment or two I can help out. I don't view this situation the same as being the one doing the majority of wards. Typically I nail that on bot support then jungler then mid and finally adc or top.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Whoa there, Dance in my Blood is now just dimb? Requested or random?
I asked for it.
I buy so many wards when I'm in top lane :|
It's lonely up there, you gotta be in charge of vision on that side of the map.
It's not always that simple. Sometimes it's better for the Support to save a bit on wards to build a full item and ask the carry for a ward or two. A ward is 3 minions for the carry to kill, but half a minute or so for a Support.
No, it's that simple. The AD carry shouldn't be buying wards.


It's lonely up there, you gotta be in charge of vision on that side of the map.

Well, yeah. I was more responding to the bot > jungler > mid > ADC/top order for wards with the fact that I buy a ton of wards until the end of laning phase. River? Warded. Jungle entrances? Warded. I got bored and roamed mid? Warded.

Unless I'm doing bad in lane. Then it's probably just river and maybe jungle entrance.

Edit: Put another way, I'd say top is probably above mid for warding priority.

Are you playing anytime soon?

Just browsing GAF while at work.


Rarely is this a problem when I play with you and a few others. When you see me buy wards it's solely out of necessity and just seeing that for a moment or two I can help out. I don't view this situation the same as being the one doing the majority of wards. Typically I nail that on bot support then jungler then mid and finally adc or top.

If we're talking about the situation that sparked this discussion, (ADC buying ALL the wards) then yeah, your support isn't doing their job and I don't have any sympathy for them if they complain about shit during that game.

But! In the case that they are doing their job, then they shouldn't run into the problem of ADC having to buy wards unless you're playing a super aggressive lane where you keep 3-4 wards up to cover lane brush & both river and jungle entrances to watch for ganks.

Well, yeah. I was more responding to the bot > jungler > mid > ADC/top order for wards with the fact that I buy a ton of wards until the end of laning phase. River? Warded. Jungle entrances? Warded. I got bored and roamed mid? Warded.

You just have bad/selfish junglers. :p

No, it's that simple. The AD carry shouldn't be buying wards.

Why is everything so black and white for you?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I thought I would try playing ranked during the day. When like, school is going on. In an effort to avoid little kids or something. Somehow I ran into the dumbest people.


I thought I would try playing ranked during the day. When like, school is going on. In an effort to avoid little kids or something. Somehow I ran into the dumbest people.

Yes, jungle Jayce is pretty dumb.

They seem baffled you locked a support as if the role was already taken. Like, was it a support Nid when you locked Nunu?


I thought I would try playing ranked during the day. When like, school is going on. In an effort to avoid little kids or something. Somehow I ran into the dumbest people.

Better chance of running into kids not at school than adults not at work.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yes, jungle Jayce is pretty dumb.

They seem baffled you locked a support as if the role was already taken. Like, was it a support Nid when you locked Nunu?
It was. So I had people doing the wrong thing in like...every role. Jungle Jayce. Rengar top. Support Nidalee. If Nunu is open you take him. Non-negotiable.


It was. So I had people doing the wrong thing in like...every role. Jungle Jayce. Rengar top. Support Nidalee. If Nunu is open you take him. Non-negotiable.

Yeah queuing during the day is much worse than queuing late night... Although Scy rocks a pretty mean Rengar top, so I can't say I disagree with that choice.

It also bugs me that the pic screws up my thread dimensions since it's unquoted.


formerly sane
Yeah queuing during the day is much worse than queuing late night... Although Scy rocks a pretty mean Rengar top, so I can't say I disagree with that choice.

It also bugs me that the pic screws up my thread dimensions since it's unquoted.

Too modest to mention an annie bottom I see.


I thought I would try playing ranked during the day. When like, school is going on. In an effort to avoid little kids or something. Somehow I ran into the dumbest people.

sounds like 50% of my matchs. the funny part is when you win with shitty compositions, show you how bad some players are.


formerly sane
All about dat support Vayne.

Sometimes I gotta glow and shine from the back. You know when them unlikely condemns come out and we get them multi kills its all good. Besides not many others are willing to take baron with a few items and one other teammate. Chaos needs havoc nuff said.


No, it's that simple. The AD carry shouldn't be buying wards.
What's the most wards an ADC will ever buy? 5? That's 375g, not even a Doran's Blade and it helps the team tremendously.

I'm not expecting solo queue carries to care for the team and buy wards, but if I'm playing with my team we all buy wards. We get a lot more vision, we save money for the jungler/support so they can buy Oracle's, it just makes sense to distribute the warding burden a little, if the situation requires it.


Too modest to mention an annie bottom I see.

I have a superstition about mentioning stuff I do well in/with because invariably I will end up doing quite the opposite when it's time to see the results. :p

Support Annie is completely legit.

Had someone respond to me picking Annie support with "What does she offer besides a 350 mana stun?" :/. I just don't think they realize that 2 AoE stuns in 6 seconds is a little on the OP side.
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