rengar problem is that his damage scaling is extremely bad when he levels q and e, but then again this is a problem they have with all many casters (gp,pantheon, garen, talon) except darius because of his godly true damage ultimate.
Q and E are both +45 Damage/level with E having the better cooldown (though worse scaling, .7 bonus AD) but W has the better base damage by 15.
Agreed. I do not envy anyone tasked with designing a champion, especially when so many are in a state of disrepair.
And there's so many of them in general. I'm concerned for these sweeping changes that are proposed for Season 3.
That wasn't the reason I dodged. It was merely a contributing factor that when combined with jungle Jayce and support Nidalee created a team that completely lacked synergy or know how, and was clearly going to have difficulty working together.
This I can probably agree with.
Lots of champs have been released in fairly good states. They might not completely dominate, or they might be a little too strong, but those are usually acceptable to a certain extent. Really it's just the most recent batch that's been particularly poor in their implementation. Champions like Shyvana and Skarner turned out really well on release as junglers in comparison to someone like Rengar.
Rengar is theoretically a good ganking jungler based off what his kit has (burst Q, ranged slow E, gap close passive / stealth ult). It just doesn't come together that well for him yet.
Some releases were really weird, and sometimes the players are at fault. Yorick was released right around when I started playing, and it was super weird in every sense. Loads of people thought he was super underpowered and needed buffs, you can read about people dodging when he's on their team in the old thread. Then he got minor buffs and people still thought he was underpowered. In reality, he was a monster who could just devastate a lane. I remember having to try and defend that he was a good champion at the time because everyone just hated him still. He got some small nerfs later on, but it's kind of funny to think that he was in an OP state and people still looked down on him, in a lot of ways because there wasn't a good understanding of the champion.
Similarly, Jayce kind of seems like this. He wasn't used much and all of a sudden every top laner is working on learning him while recognizing he's going to get nerfed soon.
I've been playing since the Jayce release so that's basically what I know of recently released champ balance: Jayce, Zyra, Diana, Rengar. :|
Edit: Well, I guess I caught the tail end of Draven's release and the complaints about post-nerf Darius still being ridiculous. Not that those complaints have stopped. There's also the remakes since I've started so I guess that list is closer to ten champs and not just the four.