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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I thought I would try playing ranked during the day. When like, school is going on. In an effort to avoid little kids or something. Somehow I ran into the dumbest people.
That was kind of a weird choice though. They had already picked a top lane and a support champion -- why pick support instead of AD? It doesn't matter that you think the other choices are BAD, there's still plenty of things that can happen where you can win the game, and I'd rather have someone who can play the AD role than pick Nunu just because you want Nunu on your team. I don't think it's all black and white.

I still relish that one game where we had a GAF team...I think soda cop and a couple of others. And I picked Jungle Jayce, and soda cop (or someone else, I apologize if it wasn't you) typed in chat like "well it's not like I wanted to win anyway". And Kiunch went Eve top lane I think. And I was all NO KIUNCH NO.

And then I proceeded to snowball in the jungle, I think I went legendary with Jayce, and Kiunch stomped with Eve, and we crushed the game. It was like we both wanted to prove our choices were viable, lol.


formerly sane
What's the most wards an ADC will ever buy? 5? That's 375g, not even a Doran's Blade and it helps the team tremendously.

I'm not expecting solo queue carries to care for the team and buy wards, but if I'm playing with my team we all buy wards. We get a lot more vision, we save money for the jungler/support so they can buy Oracle's, it just makes sense to distribute the warding burden a little, if the situation requires it.

I've literally dumped at least 1k in some games on vision. 2 oracles and a few wards easily comes to that and I've done it in games when forced too. To me vision is as good as wall hacking. This game lets you remove so much fog of war you can time things that without wards or oracles are not possible. If I face stealth especially killer types like myself you need oracles or pinks to deal with ambush situations be it 1v1 or team ganks. The risk to reward for wards or oracles is great especially if you get that one that lets you go back in to the lane for a kill or two, combined with farm excellent way to keep money flowing.

ADCs are likely targets for any team that wants to win and in any game thats above normal in terms of your stats 1k is nothing. If I earn 13-20k I should have more than enough items to do damage. You cannot be perfect wards are an excellent way to make up for simple mistakes that feed you to the other team.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That was kind of a weird choice though. They had already picked a top lane and a support champion -- why pick support instead of AD? It doesn't matter that you think the other choices are BAD, there's still plenty of things that can happen where you can win the game, and I'd rather have someone who can play the AD role than pick Nunu just because you want Nunu on your team. I don't think it's all black and white.

I still relish that one game where we had a GAF team...I think soda cop and a couple of others. And I picked Jungle Jayce, and soda cop (or someone else, I apologize if it wasn't you) typed in chat like "well it's not like I wanted to win anyway". And Kiunch went Eve top lane I think. And I was all NO KIUNCH NO.

And then I proceeded to snowball in the jungle, I think I went legendary with Jayce, and Kiunch stomped with Eve, and we crushed the game. It was like we both wanted to prove our choices were viable, lol.
I had already given up and knew I was going to dodge after I saw Jungle Jayce and Rengar top with the third pick being Nidalee, presumably in a support role. The fact that I had three people on my position picking roles that Nunu is perfect for right now and pass him by is just like...I don't want to play with these people. It would be another thing if they picked legit champs for those roles...but they didn't.

Also, I don't care about your anecdotal stuff. Even if you had an easy game as jungle Jayce because you severely outclassed the enemy team it would've been that much easier and that much more of a snowball as another champion more suited to jungling. Do not jungle Jayce in serious games. I don't care who you are.


I don't necessarily care too much about what people pick so long as they execute it well. Certainly, there's certain champs I wouldn't want to see in some roles (no, seriously, don't jungle with Jayce) but I care a lot more about what people do with the choice rather than the choice itself.

Also, Rengar isn't a bad top for low elo play where people don't recognize his jump range or know how to play against him. Even at high elo he's not exactly a terrible pick. Nunu top is relatively rare as is. I wouldn't be that surprised when low levels don't run it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Rengar is legitimately a bad champion. When high level players are finding more success running him AP than AD something has gone terribly wrong. The only champion with a lower win rate than Rengar in the last month is Karma. Across all levels of play he is performing poorly. His design is a mess an the numbers aren't right at all.

Riot has had nothing but problems with champion releases lately. It's almost insulting that Diana got released in the state that she did. The same goes for Zyra. I guarantee you Jayce gets nerfed in the future. Draven doesn't really work at all. I hear Syndra is a mess too. She's got so much potential that she is supposed to be deliberately tuned to a state where she is underpowered on the PBE from what I've heard.
Rengar is legitimately a bad champion. When high level players are finding more success running him AP than AD something has gone terribly wrong. The only champion with a lower win rate than Rengar in the last month is Karma. Across all levels of play he is performing poorly. His design is a mess an the numbers aren't right at all.

Riot has had nothing but problems with champion releases lately. It's almost insulting that Diana got released in the state that she did. The same goes for Zyra. I guarantee you Jayce gets nerfed in the future. Draven doesn't really work at all. I hear Syndra is a mess too. She's got so much potential that she is supposed to be deliberately tuned to a state where she is underpowered on the PBE from what I've heard.

More and more variables creates a much more difficult environment to balance.


And a lot of people are dumb and level his Q first or buy his necklace early. He needs to be looked at, certainly, but he's capable of winning top lane. He's certainly not an auto-dodge if you have one on your team.

AP Rengar works so well because he can put out so much damage with the high AP values and without having to choose between "do I deal damage or do I heal" with his Ferocity. He assassinates lane really well and he deals area of effect damage for later teamfights. AD Rengar can still burst down champs fairly easily, just with more harass leading into it, and he's better at taking objectives.

As for balance, I don't know how well the champs have been before I started playing but I don't think I've heard much about ANY champ that was released in a balanced manner. The closest was Jayce and that's 99% because nobody actually played him and realized he was really damn good.


rengar problem is that his damage scaling is extremely bad when he levels q and e, but then again this is a problem they have with all many casters (gp,pantheon, garen, talon) except darius because of his godly true damage ultimate.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
More and more variables creates a much more difficult environment to balance.
Agreed. I do not envy anyone tasked with designing a champion, especially when so many are in a state of disrepair.
And a lot of people are dumb and level his Q first or buy his necklace early. He needs to be looked at, certainly, but he's capable of winning top lane. He's certainly not an auto-dodge if you have one on your team.
That wasn't the reason I dodged. It was merely a contributing factor that when combined with jungle Jayce and support Nidalee created a team that completely lacked synergy or know how, and was clearly going to have difficulty working together.
As for balance, I don't know how well the champs have been before I started playing but I don't think I've heard much about ANY champ that was released in a balanced manner. The closest was Jayce and that's 99% because nobody actually played him and realized he was really damn good.
Lots of champs have been released in fairly good states. They might not completely dominate, or they might be a little too strong, but those are usually acceptable to a certain extent. Really it's just the most recent batch that's been particularly poor in their implementation. Champions like Shyvana and Skarner turned out really well on release as junglers in comparison to someone like Rengar.

Some releases were really weird, and sometimes the players are at fault. Yorick was released right around when I started playing, and it was super weird in every sense. Loads of people thought he was super underpowered and needed buffs, you can read about people dodging when he's on their team in the old thread. Then he got minor buffs and people still thought he was underpowered. In reality, he was a monster who could just devastate a lane. I remember having to try and defend that he was a good champion at the time because everyone just hated him still. He got some small nerfs later on, but it's kind of funny to think that he was in an OP state and people still looked down on him, in a lot of ways because there wasn't a good understanding of the champion.


rengar problem is that his damage scaling is extremely bad when he levels q and e, but then again this is a problem they have with all many casters (gp,pantheon, garen, talon) except darius because of his godly true damage ultimate.

Q and E are both +45 Damage/level with E having the better cooldown (though worse scaling, .7 bonus AD) but W has the better base damage by 15.

Agreed. I do not envy anyone tasked with designing a champion, especially when so many are in a state of disrepair.

And there's so many of them in general. I'm concerned for these sweeping changes that are proposed for Season 3.

That wasn't the reason I dodged. It was merely a contributing factor that when combined with jungle Jayce and support Nidalee created a team that completely lacked synergy or know how, and was clearly going to have difficulty working together.

This I can probably agree with.

Lots of champs have been released in fairly good states. They might not completely dominate, or they might be a little too strong, but those are usually acceptable to a certain extent. Really it's just the most recent batch that's been particularly poor in their implementation. Champions like Shyvana and Skarner turned out really well on release as junglers in comparison to someone like Rengar.

Rengar is theoretically a good ganking jungler based off what his kit has (burst Q, ranged slow E, gap close passive / stealth ult). It just doesn't come together that well for him yet.

Some releases were really weird, and sometimes the players are at fault. Yorick was released right around when I started playing, and it was super weird in every sense. Loads of people thought he was super underpowered and needed buffs, you can read about people dodging when he's on their team in the old thread. Then he got minor buffs and people still thought he was underpowered. In reality, he was a monster who could just devastate a lane. I remember having to try and defend that he was a good champion at the time because everyone just hated him still. He got some small nerfs later on, but it's kind of funny to think that he was in an OP state and people still looked down on him, in a lot of ways because there wasn't a good understanding of the champion.

Similarly, Jayce kind of seems like this. He wasn't used much and all of a sudden every top laner is working on learning him while recognizing he's going to get nerfed soon.

I've been playing since the Jayce release so that's basically what I know of recently released champ balance: Jayce, Zyra, Diana, Rengar. :|

Edit: Well, I guess I caught the tail end of Draven's release and the complaints about post-nerf Darius still being ridiculous. Not that those complaints have stopped. There's also the remakes since I've started so I guess that list is closer to ten champs and not just the four.


Wait, scy, you started playing after the Jayce patch? That can't be right (I didn't sleep much last night so I'm a little slow...)




Sona, the songstress of war, is truly the best support in the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

Sona, the songstress of war, is truly the best support in the game.
Too easy to play. Fits every team without compromise. I hope she falls back off and other supports that take skill take over again.


People are so much ragier in League when they lose, I didn't think it could be worse than DotA 2. Everyone is pretty quiet in DotA 2 usually.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
People are so much ragier in League when they lose, I didn't think it could be worse than DotA 2. Everyone is pretty quiet in DotA 2 usually.
It's gotten worse lately. I don't really know why.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
People are so much ragier in League when they lose, I didn't think it could be worse than DotA 2. Everyone is pretty quiet in DotA 2 usually.

That's what happens when you have a game catered to babbies and anime fans.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That's what happens when you have a game catered to babbies and anime fans.
If this was true you'd think I'd see you on more.

Dota2 is closed right now right? I think people are more worried about getting banned and stuff too.


I wish they added an add positive and negative rep button to players so they had some kind system that checks that if someone has -20 rep in 5 matches, the player should be investigated and issued some kind of warning.

Could work the other way around too, if you get a good bunch of positive rep (limited to X by day) you get an IP boost or something.

I dunno, SOMETHING to root out the assholes and the whiners...


I wish they added an add positive and negative rep button to players so they had some kind system that checks that if someone has -20 rep in 5 matches, the player should be investigated and issued some kind of warning.

Could work the other way around too, if you get a good bunch of positive rep (limited to X by day) you get an IP boost or something.

I dunno, SOMETHING to root out the assholes and the whiners...

Riot has repeatably said no to ideas like that. People could game the system.


Riot has repeatably said no to ideas like that. People could game the system.
I find that kind of silly. I'm sure I didn't have the million dollar idea, but you could limit how much rep you can get per day/per week/per month (and all three combined) and that'd be it.

Or they could come up with a better system, I don't mind.


I find that kind of silly. I'm sure I didn't have the million dollar idea, but you could limit how much rep you can get per day/per week/per month (and all three combined) and that'd be it.

Or they could come up with a better system, I don't mind.

As much as it'd be nice, it's a bad idea. If you give incentives for people to have higher ratings, they'll game the system to get them even if un deserved. The reporting bad players is abused enough, but least no one gains from it.
Draven doesn't really work at all.

He's fine. Draven is like Urgot, you're supposed to completely screw over the laning phase of your opponent.

The only serious problem I have with him is he only works with a few supports well. Janna is by far the best for him, second place probably being Taric and then Blitz/Leona after that.


As much as it'd be nice, it's a bad idea. If you give incentives for people to have higher ratings, they'll game the system to get them even if un deserved. The reporting bad players is abused enough, but least no one gains from it.
No one really loses anything if you give small IP boosts (say if you get your 5 boosts of the day you get an extra win of the day), except, maybe, Riot, and even then it's just a small price to better the community. What would be really shitty would be for people to start spamming asking for rep requests, but you can ban people that do.

I dunno, again, SOMETHING.


I find that kind of silly. I'm sure I didn't have the million dollar idea, but you could limit how much rep you can get per day/per week/per month (and all three combined) and that'd be it.

Or they could come up with a better system, I don't mind.

No matter how you limit it, people will just give bad rep to player that had the worst score. That kind of destroy the whole point of a rep system, because it not meant to rate the skillfulness of an individual.

Another example is reddit's up-vote/ down-vote system that meant to be use for the community to filter out spam and reply that did not add to the discussion.

The end result: funny but meaningless joke that added nothing to the topic got upvote, and unpopular opinion that added a different POV to the discussion got downvoted. The whole topic immediately turned into one big circlejerk, because every other opinion got downvoted and filter out as spam.

And how'd you get yourself that tag?

Some tag giveaway thread.

Oh shit guys! Time to grind the Tribunal for justice rating! Screw SR



No matter how you limit it, people will just give bad rep to player that had the worst score. That kind of destroy the whole point of a rep system, because it not meant to rate the skillfulness of an individual.

Another example is reddit's up-vote/ down-vote system that meant to be use for the community to filter out spam and reply that did not add to the discussion.

The end result: funny but meaningless joke that added nothing to the topic got upvote, and unpopular opinion that added a different POV to the discussion got downvoted. The whole topic immediately turned into one big circlejerk, because every other opinion got downvoted and filter out as spam.
I know, what I'm saying is that there's clearly a problem in that in 80% of the matches:
* you're called mexican, fa***t, retard, whatever.
* people do troll picks like Soraka top and waste 20 minutes of your life
* people instalock-in even when the position is already picked or asked for
* people banning whatever they want because whatever
* people dodge if they don't get to pick whatever they want or troll pick to get you to dodge

Etc, etc...

Riot should do something to stop this. Not saying it's rep points, but something. Put your brains together and think of a solution to this problem.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Oh shit guys! Time to grind the Tribunal for justice rating! Screw SR


They could have just increased the IP amount :I

More IP for consecutive correct veredicts. I'm mostly PUNISH PUNISH PUNISH
"In light of this research, we’ve decided to run a large-scale experiment to replace IP rewards with two brand new features in the Tribunal"

I think the only bonus points you get are your "Justice Rating."


I know, what I'm saying is that there's clearly a problem in that in 80% of the matches:
* you're called mexican, fa***t, retard, whatever.
* people do troll picks like Soraka top and waste 20 minutes of your life
* people instalock-in even when the position is already picked or asked for
* people banning whatever they want because whatever
* people dodge if they don't get to pick whatever they want or troll pick to get you to dodge

Etc, etc...

Just do whatever then.

And by whatever I mean Dunkmaster Jarvan insta-lock any lane, any role, all day every day.


Patch notes, 20 masteries pages, easier multi-kills, boring all around: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/mid-september-patch-notes

Just do whatever then.

And by whatever I mean Dunkmaster Jarvan insta-lock any lane, any role, all day every day.
I may sound like I mind more than I actually do, I just hate it on principle and it bothers me to see Riot not do anything about it (among with the other pile of bad things about this game).


Yay mastery pages! Not that I ever use them. But I had a Hecarim and TankTankTank page and probably overwrote something vitally important in there.

Now if only they'd given me a third free rune page for my millions of played hours!


I never even got a quadra.

They could have just increased the IP amount :I

"In light of this research, we’ve decided to run a large-scale experiment to replace IP rewards with two brand new features in the Tribunal"

I think the only bonus points you get are your "Justice Rating."
Oh really? I used to do Tribunal just because it was pretty funny, but the IP did its work as an minor incentive.
You guys should probably avoid ranked for now. There's a "LoLDrop" which forces everyone to drop off the match by DDoSing the server.
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