Today our last pick didnt look at the picks and picked kayle when we already had irelia top.
So we told them to jungle but they didnt change their masteries or picked smite in time.
But then I made big plays and won.
If you're really that scared of idiots, you should just duo out of placement matches. There will always be some idiots that say "Mid or I feed, every time somebody else has went mid instead of me, they fed etc" but in general, people care more aroun 1400-2200. There's a reason why theres more "AD CARRY OR FEED" idiots further down the elo bracket - its because their behaviour brings them there.
Anyway, I believe the new tier system will lessen elo hell idiots who dont care about their rating because the rating is relevant up to 850 now - people can always see the next tier, even when they're below 1200.
tl;dr - carry or just wait for next season because added tiers mean less people giving up and trolling