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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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sparkle this bitch
Riot just made a big post about the new changes coming up for the rating-system, and also listed the reward tiers for this season.

They also listed the actual Rating Tiers taking place soon.

JANNA SKIN..... JAANNNA SKIN. And its based on highest? fuck this shit. I quit at 1500. If I just decided to play one more fucking game, I would of had gold.

Guess I'm failing Physics this year. *Rocky Montage*


JANNA SKIN..... JAANNNA SKIN. And its based on highest? fuck this shit. I quit at 1500. If I just decided to play one more fucking game, I would of had gold.
Feels good to be plat

Although I'm pretty close to the Diamond- rating... Tempting, but I'm not overly concerned about it since plat was my goal for this season.


With all this Sona talk the last couple pages I thought I'd post something I found on a random forum.

Slightly NSFW I guess.

Riot just made a big post about the new changes coming up for the rating-system, and also listed the reward tiers for this season.

They also listed the actual Rating Tiers taking place soon.
Yay, tiers for everyone! I wish the skin was for a champion I didnt have but at least I like Janna.


Alright let's go ELO grind.

Who wants to grind with me.

Hm so I'm 1200 ELO. Does that mean I'm silver tier?


sparkle this bitch
Me too, but I probably won't get it.

Its not a question of if I can, its a question of that I must.

Anyone who is good want to Duo up with me. Won't be playing rank for a week or two, gotta get back into the groove. But repeat, I do ward! Repeat, I Do ward.


With reward tiers guaranteed, I can duo with people - though I feel as if you guys think duoing is an auto win ticket. :/


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
With reward tiers guaranteed, I can duo with people - though I feel as if you guys think duoing is an auto win ticket. :/
Honestly I wouldn't want to duo with me. Like seriously my stuff is a mess.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Well apparently today bigfatlp won mid with xerath against LgN in the MLG showmatch
No joke? I should find that match and watch it.
Is that elo buff? I see you lost with sejuani so everything is fine
It's lolking. Also, it was Sejuani top in a Normal.

As for ranked, I'm 4-0 with Twisted Fate. I feel like if I could keep getting him I could really boost my rating hard.


Ok, tried Orianna in PBE. Got 15 5 20 on a 4v5 that we lost because of course you can't stop a Jax backdoor 60 minutes in (they were hiding in bushes and pushing lanes and avoiding teamfights all day long). I really liked her and long story short, 4800 IP gone.


just played ap rengar and carried my team while we were behind 20 kill (normal though :/), the funny part is that they were telling me to kill myself before the game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Somehow my support TF was even worse than I anticipated. It's not like he even had to call support. : l


i want to play support and while at it im going to steal cs, kills and transition into ap carry. dont worry, its legit.


I just ran Sona - Corki against Caitlyn - Shaco bot. I swear I don't understand my "luck" of running into these people.

By the way, Orianna is really fun and not all as hard as I was made believe, though her ult's hard to land. The other team wouldn't believe it was my first time playing her and I didn't realize her W gave you a speed boost until 40 minutes into the game lol.


I'm dropping this game as soon as FIFA13 comes out. I'm tired of the tards in ranked 'AD CARRY OR FEED' 'I DONT HAVE A SUPPORT!!!' 'OK I WILL GO MID FEED'. And it's always the guy with the lowest elo in the team insta spamming chat with what pick he wants and if he doesn't get it he'll feed. They know all they get is a warning from riot. I don't give a shit about ragers and name calling etc... but feeding on purpose and then afking wtf dude. Riot should hire a single person to go trough all the tribunals and if someone afks / feeds on purpose in ranked ,he should be banned for atleast half a year. After fifa13 I'll just play this occasionally when I'm bored, but never ranked again.

That's the 4th time in about 10 games with one of these kind of people. Actually I haven't played a single ranked game that didn't have a feeder / afker (in my team or the other). Seems like being level 30 means jack shit, should add atleast 500 normal wins with atleast a 1:1 win:loss ratio to that rule to allow ranked games.


Today our last pick didnt look at the picks and picked kayle when we already had irelia top.

So we told them to jungle but they didnt change their masteries or picked smite in time.

But then I made big plays and won.

If you're really that scared of idiots, you should just duo out of placement matches. There will always be some idiots that say "Mid or I feed, every time somebody else has went mid instead of me, they fed etc" but in general, people care more aroun 1400-2200. There's a reason why theres more "AD CARRY OR FEED" idiots further down the elo bracket - its because their behaviour brings them there.

Anyway, I believe the new tier system will lessen elo hell idiots who dont care about their rating because the rating is relevant up to 850 now - people can always see the next tier, even when they're below 1200.

tl;dr - carry or just wait for next season because added tiers mean less people giving up and trolling


Hmm, I'm 1330 unraked ELO right now. I feel my chances of getting to 1500 are slim, but I really want that Janna skin. I think I'll just keep doing duo, me as support and one of my carry friends just bring me the goods :D


I sensed someone mention Janna.....


I dont want to play ranked :(
god...im so getting kicked out of the navy for getting this skin...


Rune Pages buffed:
6300ip or 590 RP now gets you two rune pages.

surkes said:
For anyone wondering, the 7 page rune bundle costed ~371 RP per page, and the 2 page rune bundle costs 295 RP per page, making the 2 page bundle more cost-efficient for any amount of rune pages bought.
fml i bought that 7 page bundle

Well if you bought it recently you could ask for a refund... Myself, I bought it ages ago.


Rune Pages buffed:
6300ip or 590 RP now gets you two rune pages.

fml i bought that 7 page bundle

Whaaaat?? Dammit!

I bought the 7 page bundle too. And I still only actively use like 4 of them. I had also bought a rune page awhile page with the 590 RP. Ugh.

On a different note, with an end in sight for the season I need to finish my placement matches. I seem to have broken my stupid streak and actually played pretty well yesterday so it's time to try again.

edit: On the bright side, there should be a lot more try-hard over the next month.

I just have a feeling I'm boned even getting enough games in. Borderlands 2 comes out next week, AND I get married next week so I'm out for a honeymoon. No tiiiiiime!



Rune Pages buffed:
6300ip or 590 RP now gets you two rune pages.

fml i bought that 7 page bundle

Well if you bought it recently you could ask for a refund... Myself, I bought it ages ago.

i bought the 7 pages bundle a while ago and it was extremely worth it.
I just have a feeling I'm boned even getting enough games in. Borderlands 2 comes out next week, AND I get married next week so I'm out for a honeymoon. No tiiiiiime!
Grats man.


Rune Pages buffed:
6300ip or 590 RP now gets you two rune pages.

fml i bought that 7 page bundle

Well if you bought it recently you could ask for a refund... Myself, I bought it ages ago.

They're pretty good about refunds. When I had been playing for like 3 days, I bought Ashe with RP (Yeah, I know.. stupid.. but I was brand new and had no idea what I was doing) and months later I decided to ask for a refund and they gave it to me. Doesn't hurt to ask.


I bought the 7 page bundle too. And I still only actively use like 4 of them. I had also bought a rune page awhile page with the 590 RP. Ugh.

I use all 10 of mine and, if I ever get around to buying the runes I want, I'll probably need quite a few more for unique builds. I'm just happy to (ideally) be able to retire my rotating mastery page.

...AND I get married next week so I'm out for a honeymoon. No tiiiiiime!

I hope new rune page IP cost carries over to our region (different IP prices overall). I've been planning to get a rune page now that I'm sitting at 12k IP. 5 pages would cover everything I'd ever want.

Everyone picked squishies. Am I glad I picked Yorick. Rushed FH and Aegis to keep Xin down. Ulting Fiora dealt TONS OF DAMAGE.


I really need to find vods of the Korean games. They always happen while I'm at work and unable to watch them :(

Silly timezones.
Lone low HP enemy Jax by the tower with no teammate. Three full health teammates including Ezreal and Jayce. Why didn't they dive?
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