I'll go back to jungling to carry you guys.To lose.
I'll go back to jungling to carry you guys.To lose.
The big difference I see between Sona and Taric is that Sona's plays are all-ins, she has to blow her ult to make the big hurt happen, so there's a lot of setting it up and whatnot. What I usually see Tarics do is just spam stun, get a few shots, etc. Nami is kinda like that, but her kit is much more offensive than Taric's and so I like her a lot more.
Ken, you should stop playing ranked completely alone and duo que.
I don't want to lose and bring people I know down.
Yeah I got into a similar spot by the end of S2. People started to lolking me and tell me not to play mid because I always lost. Feels like shit.0mgItzJosh: i can counter mord
0mgItzJosh: morg **
xSetzer: lol corgi used to be good
Narkeon: ill top as irelia
xSetzer: but then he played Zed in ranked
xSetzer: muahahahahah
xSetzer: NOOO
xSetzer: NOO
xSetzer: OMG
xSetzer: NOO
xSetzer: you suck with Zed moron
xSetzer: you pathetic idiot
Corgi the Chloe: aw
xSetzer: quit playing this shit champion
xSetzer: go zed support
Corgi the Chloe: uh
Corgi the Chloe: no
xSetzer: you suck with him
Corgi the Chloe: lol
xSetzer: you wont mid and thats for sure
xSetzer: I see your stats
xSetzer: 5 8
xSetzer: 5 win for 8 lost
xSetzer: and you are fucking bad with him
Yeah, maybe you're right, I just like offensive supports more than defensive ones and I hate what heal-oriented supports do to an otherwise fun lane. I like making the plays myself, and her W is a more reactive skill (both carries are having a stand-off so I heal mine, so that he's healed twice), which is kinda meh for me. I don't like the Taric-like stun harass either. If it weren't for her ult I'd probably hate her as much as they do both of them borefests.
I don't want to lose and bring people I know down.
I don't play neither Taric nor Soraka, but they just turn their lanes into snoozefests, which is why I hate them.Gonna have to agree with scy about taric. He is an offensive support and playing him defensively is really under utilizing his kit. Your heal is shit but enhanced while autoing your opponents. You do a ridiculous amount of burst and you can ult 2-3 times for every ult the opposing support gets. Unless you meant you get bored playing taric because your opponents die too fast, then I can't really argue that.
Honestly it was me being stupid. I played AD carry twice in a row to fit in team roles, and then when I got to go mid again I forgot to change to ignite in time. But I actually went 10/2/10 with it, and I think I saved a teammate once or twice, so I thought WHAT CUD GO WRONG and tried it another game.Why would you run heal on Zed anyway.
scy46, what items, skill orders, and general strategy do you use for Elise in 3v3? My friend plays 3's all the time and just tried Elise, but complained they got instakilled by Xerath. I can only assume seeing Xerath in 3's is a complete anomaly. But in general, if you have any good brief "how to dominate with Elise in 3v3" suggestions, I'd like to pass them on.
Do you only do top lane, or only do bot lane, or it doesn't matter (I don't know if new 3v3 has a dedicated jungler or if it still tends to be 2 bot 1 top in normals)?Skill Order: QEQW, R>Q>W>E.
Items: Sorc Shoes + Blackfire Torch + Rylai's | Abyssal | Frozen Heart in some order depending on my lane matchup. Starting items are usually Boots + Amp Tome + 1 Pot.
Runes: Spell Pen Reds, Armor Yellows, Scaling MR Blues, Spell Red Quints
Basic laning strat is to just Q harass a lot (until around 50% or so) then I can Spider the all-in if their jungler / top lane is accounted for.
Do you only do top lane, or only do bot lane, or it doesn't matter (I don't know if new 3v3 has a dedicated jungler or if it still tends to be 2 bot 1 top in normals)?
Thanks, I appreciate the input.Generally, I'm our bot lane (2v2 until the jungler goes to jungle at level 2 typically) and Rex top lanes. No idea about Normals though, that's for Ranked.
So it's always useless.I imagine it's generally useless since good AP mids will ignite, rendering heal useless, but occasionally you see people trolling with heal mid.
You need sunglasses and an explosion behind you for maximum effect.A lot of things can kill Elise during her Rappel. You can, however, dodge Karthus ult.
I had a game with Zed where I had non-stop "HACKER" calls as I'd run off after ult bursting someone. On that note, ulting someone and walking away from them is such a great feeling.
I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.Yeah I got into a similar spot by the end of S2. People started to lolking me and tell me not to play mid because I always lost. Feels like shit.
(nevermind the spanglish taunting, that Wukong was pretty fucking annoying)
Generally, I'm our bot lane (2v2 until the jungler goes to jungle at level 2 typically) and Rex top lanes. No idea about Normals though, that's for Ranked.
Do elaborate (use actual numbers).I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.
I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.
think about it though.Are you mixing her up with amumu?
Nunu is almost never a bad choice depending on where you run him.
Here you go:Anyone got a link to that website that finds the total ip accumulated on an account?
I jungle in 3v3
How do you not know this scy
Karma is op on twisted tree line. Too much utility and damage to ignore
That's quite nutty.I went my friend list and enter the person with the most win games
that person have 452,761 influence points and it is enough to buy 100% of all champions and 9% of all runes.
How are they different from actual win rates? Can you please post the top 5 win rates and bottom 5 win rates for certain categories at the moment (or at least "all human 5v5 games")? I'd love to see that compared to the stat sites.I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.
Not really, most seasoned players clocked +400k on average.That's quite nutty.
That's quite nutty.
Not really, most seasoned players clocked +400k on average.
That's how you influenced the game - you effectively 1v2'ed the enemy team, giving your team a 4v3 advantage. They couldn't win it with that however. As a bonus, you can just keep pushing - which forces the enemy mid to roam top, making it a 1v3 and a 4v2 on the map.Solo top Nid vs Tryn. Did my best to gimp him into 5/13. Other enemy lanes snowballed.Top really feels like the least influential lane in the game, specially if I can't leave my lane. I didn't push hard early on to keep denying Tryn. Their jungle Amumu even camped my lane.
That's how you influenced the game - you effectively 1v2'ed the enemy team, giving your team a 4v3 advantage. They couldn't win it with that however. As a bonus, you can just keep pushing - which forces the enemy mid to roam top, making it a 1v3 and a 4v2 on the map.