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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Well if you change the question to "were the summoner spells that champion had in that lane worthless, either because their champion is so incredibly safe that they need no summoner spells, or because their opponent and all possible gankers are not competent enough to take advantage of an opponent with no summoner spells" then yes.

But in a general situation with equal skill levels or reasonable champions, a lane dynamic would be changed somewhat for 3 minutes.

By the way, I'd guess that Trundle pillar and Anivia wall do 1 point of true damage so that if you use those to slow or stop an enemy and someone else kills them, you still get an assist.


Well if you change the question to "were the summoner spells that champion had in that lane worthless, either because their champion is so incredibly safe that they need no summoner spells, or because their opponent and all possible gankers are not competent enough to take advantage of an opponent with no summoner spells" then yes.

But in a general situation with equal skill levels or reasonable champions, a lane dynamic would be changed somewhat for 3 minutes.

By the way, I'd guess that Trundle pillar and Anivia wall do 1 point of true damage so that if you use those to slow or stop an enemy and someone else kills them, you still get an assist.
yip, you get an assist.

but really if my jungler leaves my enemy laner flashless then I'll use the advantage and probably get a kill soon if they don't start playing safe.

but not all mid laners are as effortlessly smart as I am


My MMR is so low I've been fighting ADCs who don't last hit. Their cs is always terrible.

Edit: I wish Ashe's E did one damage. Can't tell you how many kills were made possible because of that move.
Currently karma.

Shield + speed boost spell (mantra makes it effect all allies near by and damage enemies)

Aoe damage and slow spell

Tether spell that roots after a few seconds.

She can really mess up the enemy team /boost your team even without support items. This means you can actually take some ap to help hurt the other team all while buffing and debuffing.

Just having so much fun as her.
...But...your avatar...LIAR

So Trundle's Pillar does 1 point of true damage. Huh.

Is a gank considered a success if I manage to get the enemy team to blow all their SS trying to run?

It's to allow the turret to get aggro if I'm not mistaken. I once stole a kill from a turret diving enemy who killed my adc when I came to gank but my wall did a damage to the champ as he ran away from turret getting me the kill even though I didn't auto attack him.



good, now own those ADCs and get outta da trench

I am. I haven't lost my lane in quite awhile. I usually shut down the enemy ADC early. I can't seem to carry very well, possibly because as I've been told, I play TOO passively mid game and late game.
Just got counter-jungled last game. Left me with only one little wraith. Didn't take my red though. That was a funny experience considering the games before the enemy team either didn't have a jungler or their jungler wasn't carrying Smite. Normal Blind Pick btw.


I am. I haven't lost my lane in quite awhile. I usually shut down the enemy ADC early. I can't seem to carry very well, possibly because as I've been told, I play TOO passively mid game and late game.
maybe you're playing the wrong champions for it

like get mf or draven if you want to have a huge mid-game presence.



I dont want to give a whole rage recap but whyyy! The demotion makes the hurt burn even more.
Edit: also got my first ranked quadra this game ...

edit 2: Anyone in bronze want a competent duo que partner?



I dont want to give a whole rage recap but whyyy! The demotion makes the hurt burn even more.
Edit: also got my first ranked quadra this game ...

edit 2: Anyone in bronze want a competent duo que partner?

I started in Bronze 1, dropped down to 3, clawed up to 2 and now am threatening to drop again. DrGumshoe in the neogaf room.

My last game was so depressing. We should have won but the match got thrown when people started being dumb at endgame and jumping at the enemy team when they shouldn't have. We won every teamfight but couldn't seem t stay as a group...my first ranked Sona loss too.


I started in Bronze 1, dropped down to 3, clawed up to 2 and now am threatening to drop again. DrGumshoe in the neogaf room.

My last game was so depressing. We should have won but the match got thrown when people started being dumb at endgame and jumping at the enemy team when they shouldn't have. We won every teamfight but couldn't seem t stay as a group...my first ranked Sona loss too.

Well im down to duo with you. That game was literally lost the game in the last team fight alone because my team didnt push with baron and didnt follow me into the teamfight.


So I haven't played this game in months and recently installed all the updates.
However, it won't let me log-in!

I keep getting log-in errors.
"Did not get response from server, retrying"
Then it tells me to check the FAQs or whatever.

Idk what to do. Any help?
...But...your avatar...LIAR.

Haha. I just love that artwork for grungy nunu.

I do like nunu but I havnt used him much latey. The problem with playing support in normals casually is that the game is different to what I see with high lvl ranked. A lot of support characters only really work if you have a competent ADC which is actually kinda rare. I find Janna suffers the most from this but also Nunu and even lulu to an extent. If your adc sucks you are kinda just left there being useless.

This is why I currently love playing karma because not only does she have great support abilities, if your team sucks you can change her build to start stacking ap and still do some awesome stuff for the whole team. Soraka is another I started using again because she is just good for the whole team as a healer.

I really like to play support and quite like jungle as well. This is why I wait to see what position is needed so there arnt arguments at champ selection. 80% of the time I end up support and if not its often jungle instead. Fine by me.

You still get the messy games where half you team calls no position and you end up with a totally borked team.

Had three guys call top. I said the last caller to come bottom with me and he can be either sup or adc, up to him.
No response.
I say il go sup the and he can ADC
I select karma
At the last second he chooses volibear.
I should have chose an ADC


I thought more about runes and items today with Pantheon in mind.

I have serious mana issues throughout the whole game unless I pick up Tear of the Goddess, which I usually pick up before or after Brutalizer.

Now I thought about my current behavior, and the ways I could alter it.

TotG yields 7 mp5 and costs 520 G, which seems to be the amount where I practically never run oom .

I usually start with Faerie Charm (180g) +1 Ward +6 Pots (4 health, 2 mana) and then go into TotG later. In very, late game, I sell it to make room for my 6th item.

Now my other options:
Having TotG means I could go into manamune later down the line (which I actually have never tested), but since I get TotG early, I could turn it into Muramana quite fast I think. According to the lol wiki, Pantheon has 210+34*18 = 822 Mana at level 18. Meaning Manamune / Muramana yields 20 + 822*0.02 + [250 ~ 1000]*0.02 = 41 - 56 AD along with a pretty neat damage increase on his Q and W due to the unique effect.

Is that a viable option to sacrifice an potential item slot for? I usually go for Boots, Blood Thirster, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Warmogs or Frozen Mallet, +situational item (scimitar, maw, GA if I'm playing initiator etc) as 6th item. I'd need to sacrifice one of it, probably the last.

My other options os to get the needed mp5 through runes / mastery. E.G: I can deduct 3 points from the defensive tree and sacrifice in total 30 health, 2 armor, 2 magic resist and spec into 3 MP5 from the support tree. Further, I could sacrifice Armor Seals (or a combination of Armor and Magic Resist Seals), which comes down to ~13 Armor (or 6 armor and 5 MR) to gain another 3.69+ Mana reg, totaling 6.69 mp5. This would mean I could potentially play without TotG and thus, meaning I don't need to buy Fearie Charm nor Mana Pots, thus giving me 590 Gold I can spend on other stuff, making Boots +3 Heal Pots, or 5 Heal Pots + 2Wards possible as well.

The question is, is it worth it to sacrifice all that to have a steady sustain and getting AD items earlier.

What do you guys think? I'm quite poke happy with his Q and W during laning, or need Q for last hits if I have a tough match up or face 2 top laners.


Best Riven NA tournament was so good

heroes were made.

MEGAHERO specifically. So good. jesus. dongerqt was cool too.
Trying to find a highlight video.


but for now:
The last 3 teams for the EU LCS positions will be decided
aAa vs. SNS
Wolves vs. SiJ
DB vs. MYM

Wolves v SiJ will be a great game, but I'll be really sad if CW dont make it. Really Really.


LCS thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=56949232#post56949232


I thought more about runes and items today with Pantheon in mind.

I have serious mana issues throughout the whole game unless I pick up Tear of the Goddess, which I usually pick up before or after Brutalizer.

Now I thought about my current behavior, and the ways I could alter it.

TotG yields 7 mp5 and costs 520 G, which seems to be the amount where I practically never run oom .

I usually start with Faerie Charm (180g) +1 Ward +6 Pots (4 health, 2 mana) and then go into TotG later. In very, late game, I sell it to make room for my 6th item.

Now my other options:
Having TotG means I could go into manamune later down the line (which I actually have never tested), but since I get TotG early, I could turn it into Muramana quite fast I think. According to the lol wiki, Pantheon has 210+34*18 = 822 Mana at level 18. Meaning Manamune / Muramana yields 20 + 822*0.02 + [250 ~ 1000]*0.02 = 41 - 56 AD along with a pretty neat damage increase on his Q and W due to the unique effect.

Is that a viable option to sacrifice an potential item slot for? I usually go for Boots, Blood Thirster, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Warmogs or Frozen Mallet, +situational item (scimitar, maw, GA if I'm playing initiator etc) as 6th item. I'd need to sacrifice one of it, probably the last.

My other options os to get the needed mp5 through runes / mastery. E.G: I can deduct 3 points from the defensive tree and sacrifice in total 30 health, 2 armor, 2 magic resist and spec into 3 MP5 from the support tree. Further, I could sacrifice Armor Seals (or a combination of Armor and Magic Resist Seals), which comes down to ~13 Armor (or 6 armor and 5 MR) to gain another 3.69+ Mana reg, totaling 6.69 mp5. This would mean I could potentially play without TotG and thus, meaning I don't need to buy Fearie Charm nor Mana Pots, thus giving me 590 Gold I can spend on other stuff, making Boots +3 Heal Pots, or 5 Heal Pots + 2Wards possible as well.

The question is, is it worth it to sacrifice all that to have a steady sustain and getting AD items earlier.

What do you guys think? I'm quite poke happy with his Q and W during laning, or need Q for last hits if I have a tough match up or face 2 top laners.

would be easy to just manage his mana, mebbe get flask/pots or something, dont use w for poke but rather for cc/shield reset in trades
if you are really hard pressed for mana I guess I'd suggest getting it in a way that doesn't make you get tear


would be easy to just manage his mana, mebbe get flask/pots or something, dont use w for poke but rather for cc/shield reset in trades
if you are really hard pressed for mana I guess I'd suggest getting it in a way that doesn't make you get tear

and that would be? x)


SNS just won 3-0 and thus threw aAa out of LCS. Perhaps we'll see all the lower EU teams be replaced by their challengers. The summer LCS will certainly be interesting.


well, like you said, if you are willing to give up the d tree you can get some mana in utility

but like, all in all, starting flask plus health/mana pots should be all you need, probably the most important thing here is just changing the way you use mana

especially since, as far as I remember, panth is only really mana dependent at the very very start, after you hit 6 you are gunking and getting stuff off of successful gunks and you probably are not in so much mana trouble since you aren't in the spam happy lane. so getting tear, besides taking up space for a situational item, wouldn't be put into use that much

but i dunno, maybe tear is exactly what you need for the way you play, I just can't find the logic in it


Nasus is the easiest jungler to play right now

Also in the godlike tier.

Nasus and Hecarim are so god damn dumb. You can farm and not help any lanes for a majority of the game and you can still win mid game with items since you're unkillable and do massive sustained damage.


Also in the godlike tier.

Nasus and Hecarim are so god damn dumb. You can farm and not help any lanes for a majority of the game and you can still win mid game with items since you're unkillable and do massive sustained damage.

Guessing the nasus nerf didn't stop him then.

I didn't expect so. ~50% attack speed debuff is still huge. And it doesn't change his really solid midgame.

I still have to buy the pony. Riot pls. Sale!


And again I was hoping I might be able to secure the name "garath" with the next cleanup. However I check it on lolking and it's level 6 with 1 game played a day ago. Someone is parking on it for no freakin reason. Jerks.
Guessing the nasus nerf didn't stop him then.

I didn't expect so. ~50% attack speed debuff is still huge. And it doesn't change his really solid midgame.

I still have to buy the pony. Riot pls. Sale!


And again I was hoping I might be able to secure the name "garath" with the next cleanup. However I check it on lolking and it's level 6 with 1 game played a day ago. Someone is parking on it for no freakin reason. Jerks.

I bought Hecarim when he was on sale. Just save your IP and buy him outright or something. You're depriving yourself of an awesome jungler and incredibly fun champion just in case he goes on sale soon.


Pony days are over. Nautilus is here.

Infact, anybody that can build ancient golem is pretty good right now.

Sejuani will be a new hotness too probably. Trundle is pretty neat for poke teams


As a fed ADC when should you start roaming to help a troubled lane? Once the bot tower goes down? Or just make coordinated ganks with your jungler every once in awhile beforehand?
I fucking love Nautilus right now.

And new Sejuani's incredible. Hecawin's still boss as fuck though. I like Trundle too, super strong. Sejuani's utility and ganks are just too good right now though. She's banned in almost all high elo games at the mo.


As a fed ADC when should you start roaming to help a troubled lane? Once the bot tower goes down? Or just make coordinated ganks with your jungler every once in awhile beforehand?

take your tower, push it, and then go with your support and take middle.

Then take dragon.

then the world.

Pretty much this. You push the lane further to keep bot lane busy with the creeps, then you're free to roam. Keep them in check though. You ideally want them farming at their 2nd tower. If they go any further, coordinate a gank to make them scared to go past 2nd tower at all times. Then you are truly free to roam.
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