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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why are you acting like a jerk? They had the least deaths (half or less compared to everyone else on the team), the most kills + assists of anyone on the team other than Irelia, they were attempting to communicate and peel for teammates, they bought (upgraded) ward stone to presumably help ward, they had a reasonable build...and yet you say they didn't do ANYTHING?
I have just seen a lot of post-game thoughts that improperly reflect on teammates rather than inwards when it is obvious mistakes are being made. The idea of WW peeling is funny to me, and both teams have severe compositional issues (because it's blind pick) that a champion like WW doesn't help. Combine that with a build that awkwardly falls between damage and tankiness. Maybe Quinn was really bad. Maybe there were lots of bad builds on his team. That doesn't change the fact that he is trying to deal with two AD based champions sitting on over 20k gold without one major armor item.

So...not a reasonable build. Sightstone was also a poor choice just because he wound up with a build with a few dinky HP items, BotRK, and Sorcs. Gold comparison tells me there was a failure to control objectives either which you need to do on someone like WW, especially if you have so few deaths. The expectation to win just because you put in a subpar performance that happened to be better than your teammates is unreasonable. It's a blind pick game, and while I understand the frustration over getting a team like that I feel like you still have to take responsibility for how your games go.

If I am pulling an early lead on junglers with good objective control I strongly prefer to get a Madred's Razor right now. Between that and regularly purchased wards you should have a decent amount of vision where you don't have to be buying Sightstone either.


I'll play him.

Incidentally, thoughts on building Jayce? I've been going Tear->Manamune->Brutalizer->Hexdrinker->Black Cleaver, or similar. But I'm super new to Jayce and open to suggestions.

Guessing there's no other path than R->Q->E->W.

Tear -> Manamune -> Brutalizer -> (BT if wildly fed) -> LW -> BC, typically. CDR boots around the Brutalizer time.

Skills is Q>E>W>R. Skip W and R entirely until both Q and E are maxed. Your spikes are basically every even level (sans 6; well, you spike but others spike more due to their ult) so you'll look for those levels more on all-ins than any other. Still, you can take basically any landed Cannon QE into a Hammer QAutoE depending on the lane.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Aatrox is a basic attack dependent melee champion who excels as a duelist and team fighter.
no thx.

Why wouldn't I play him jungle? Can we say he looks like something a middle schooler would draw? So grimdark.
So... he's pretty much a melee carry, but slightly more assassin-y? I'm in. In some ways his kit reminds me of Fiora's, but with a bit of cc and more mobility. I'm in.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
pretty flat crotch. just saying.


Seriously though, what's with the ugly hat obsession.

So... he's pretty much a melee carry, but slightly more assassin-y? I'm in. In some ways his kit reminds me of Fiora's, but with a bit of cc and more mobility. I'm in.

I'm intrigued by the range increase on the ult to be honest. Riven's is enough to kite melees so ... what does his do?

pretty flat crotch. just saying.

Giant sword.


So... he's pretty much a melee carry, but slightly more assassin-y? I'm in. In some ways his kit reminds me of Fiora's, but with a bit of cc and more mobility. I'm in.

He really reminds me of a redesigned Irelia, what with the heal/damage tradeoff on W (once you had to choose between heal or true damage on Irelia), and being somewhat of a duelist/assassin.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He could actually be really strong. Sustain is really good top right now so your jungler can just ignore your lane and make plays by dragon. Built in soft and hard CC. Lots of ranged abilities even for when you can't get in. Wall jumping. Manaless.
The vibe I'm getting is that he's supposed to be the evolution of the melee ADC that they've been talking about for a while. Everything in his kit is the kind of thing a melee ADC needs to be viable. He looks fucking awesome.


His built-in sustain and escape mechanics make him an ideal fit for top lane.
Dark Flight
Aatrox rises into the air and slams into a target location. Enemies within the impact zone are knocked up and take damage, while nearby enemies take damage.
Sounds more like the perfect ganking ability.


they should fire whoever did that

cos he could be a decent suicide laner:

ranged ability
sustain - tied to level scaling damage ability
revive - for dive defense
gank synergy

only issue is that poke heavy 2v1 comps might make it hard for him sustain. also, im not sure about his gold dependency.

ps nome i hope youre reading this
I think it's best to give you explanations as I'm not sure why you had to resort to exaggerate by saying someone did nothing in the game. Why can't everyone be nicer?

WW is not a good peeler, true, but it was down between me and Irelia to peel. Irelia always died before me.

I picked up more damage (BotrK) because I don't die and it gives me an active that actually let me peel. I have saved a teammate *many* times in that match using the active. Randuin would have been better for peeling yes, but I felt that we needed more damage output.

Sorc because they don't have CC to stop me, and because I don't die. Mpen helps WW heal even more thanks to stronger Qs. I didn't need MS from Swifties and I already had 34% CDR.

Sightstone was an end game purchase and it was not ideal. The issue was that my last two slots were for Bulwark and wards. I was stuck with Emblem because there was no way I could save enough gold to jump from Emblem to Aegis. All steps of Sightstone were cheaper than Aegis.

Major objective control was a team effort. Like mentioned, I bullied their WW by stealing nearly every single buff and killing him. It got to a point where I'd see him pace back and forth in front of a buff for half a minute, because he was too scared. It was also thanks to teammates helping kill him when they saw him bright as day with the wards I placed.

I warded dragons and barons, but teammates always followed the Quinn. One time we could have secured an easy dragon after winning a teamfight. Instead they tried and failed to push because there were 2 other enemies. I do not like securing early dragons myself given that they had a good support.

I DID have Madred for majority of the game. I sold it to make space for Bulwark late into the game when we're already pushed to base. WW was a random jungler I picked for the game, but well aware of his need for Madred to help his poor clears.


I'm just sad there's no info/confirmation on Dante's brother from another mother. I know that him not being the next champ doesn't mean it was a fake, but still.

And yes, Aatrox might even be good/someone I like but I gotta admit, there haven't been too many...non-angsty/srs bsns champs lately. I guess Zac/Vi can kinda joke around, but I'd like someone silly/insane/weird, like Ziggs or Lulu or Twitch.
making victory puns with viktor is the best

I played him during free week a bit. Couldn't stop saying DEATH RAY. The death ray was just the solution to everything. And I needed to remind people what the solution was to every new problem.

I'll play him.

Tear -> Manamune -> Brutalizer -> (BT if wildly fed) -> LW -> BC, typically. CDR boots around the Brutalizer time.

Skills is Q>E>W>R. Skip W and R entirely until both Q and E are maxed. Your spikes are basically every even level (sans 6; well, you spike but others spike more due to their ult) so you'll look for those levels more on all-ins than any other. Still, you can take basically any landed Cannon QE into a Hammer QAutoE depending on the lane.

Aha. That's something I didn't think of. I thought W was important for the mana sustain (only one point) but if I'm going Tear first, and I am, I guess it's pretty unnecessary. I'll definitely try this. Glad I'm hearing Manamune is core, got a fair bit of abuse in the last ranked game over my build (Manamume->BC->some defence).

Feel silly for not all-in-ing more, but I think I'm just nervous of it. Dying is annoying. >.> So I should try to play more aggressively too?


Solution to five health pot limit: every new champion has a health regaining ability!

It's so simple! Ensures people spend RP to get the new champion and doesn't mess with balance issues!

Riot truly is the best.


Solution to five health pot limit: every new champion has a health regaining ability!

It's so simple! Ensures people spend RP to get the new champion and doesn't mess with balance issues!

Riot truly is the best.

I don't think you quite understand things.


So maybe I'm late on this but last night my team had Ashe as our ADC and the enemy team had Sejuani, blind pick Normal and around the 30 minute mark maybe both sides get a QUEST pop-up and basically Ashe had to kill Sejuani and vice versa. Enemy team convinces us to let the two dual so our Ashe killed Sej a second before some dot or something killed her. What happens exactly? She gets a buff?

Also right after that the scumbags jumped us and got an ACE and took two towers which won them the game. Assholes.
So maybe I'm late on this but last night my team had Ashe as our ADC and the enemy team had Sejuani, blind pick Normal and around the 30 minute mark maybe both sides get a QUEST pop-up and basically Ashe had to kill Sejuani and vice versa. Enemy team convinces us to let the two dual so our Ashe killed Sej a second before some dot or something killed her. What happens exactly? She gets a buff?

Also right after that the scumbags jumped us and got an ACE and took two towers which won them the game. Assholes.

You get an ice crown on your champion and a buff that does nothing. It's more of an aesthetic thing than anything else. Think of it in the same fashion as Vi's special taunt against an enemy Caitlyn. Ashe/Sej/Lizzy doesn't even need to be the one that gets the kill. They just need an assist.


You get an ice crown on your champion and a buff that does nothing. It's more of an aesthetic thing than anything else. Think of it in the same fashion as Vi's special taunt against an enemy Caitlyn. Ashe/Sej/Lizzy doesn't even need to be the one that gets the kill. They just need an assist.

Gotcha. Kinda cool then.


Soo.. Aatrox is the guy from the new Trynd lore?

Sounds boring as hell, in terms of lore and gameplay.

Darkin? lawl gg Riot. Bracing for the incoming retcon of Kayle being called a Lightun.
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