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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Maybe he's part of Organization XIII.

Original name: a-a-t-r-o ======> a taro



Feel silly for not all-in-ing more, but I think I'm just nervous of it. Dying is annoying. >.> So I should try to play more aggressively too?

Well, it depends on the match up and how comfortable you are with Jayce. I play aggressive in general and will harass them a lot with auto-attacks when they go to cs (bush juke the minion aggro) but you do need to keep an eye on your minion wave when you do this as your wave naturally pushes when you harass like this. You can always just force the lane to reset by hard pushing it to their tower but be wary about their Jungler coming when you do this.

Cannon QE isn't _too_ hard to land given you're good at doing the instant QE rather than a delayed EQ. Hammer Stance for the QAAE is pretty much safe if they're knocked below half health and you know that their Jungler isn't around.

The easiest answer is to just try it out yourself and get a feel for it. Know your damage values so you know what to expect when you go in and gauge it from there. Your Q in general scales really well with levels (and the Hammer Q really needs it) so keep that in mind. Every point of your Q helps a lot so I'd put off your early all-in, especially if you start Faerie Charm, until 3, 4, or 5. Honestly, you probably won't really get a solid 100-0 kill attempt until 5 so you're really just looking more at harassment early on.


So I guess there's no way to change your ribbon? I got the Yellow one unlocked tonight (scared the crap outta me when I logged in, sound was too high), but I like the apple green color better :(
Incoming AP Yi nerf(?). Personally, all I want is for the Q to only bounce around the initial target. Right now, trying to counterplay him is just completely random because he may or may not bounce a mile across. It would make his Q pokes more predictable to avoid.


So I guess there's no way to change your ribbon? I got the Yellow one unlocked tonight (scared the crap outta me when I logged in, sound was too high), but I like the apple green color better :(
I started red, got green, and then yellow. I don't know if I got reported, or just didn't get enough friendly/helpful honor after that, but I went back down to green after a few weeks. I think yellow and especially blue are the most difficult to hang on to, but it's all sort of vague to me.

About serious/angry champions, I was talking about it to a friend and they suggested that A) Lulu/Nami/Zac (maybe?) are happy. And they also suggested that there's a war on. So maybe it's appropriate for everyone to be serious and angry!


Oh man. This +4lp gain is getting really nerve racking. I'm on a 9 game win streak and currently on 59 points. Really don't want to see how much I lose if I do screw up a game.

My mmr isn't that bad too :(

Getting paired with and vsing plat5/4 players too. Another 10~ more games. Another 10 more wins. You can do this.

And I got my veteran badge. Feels bad.


Oh man. This +4lp gain is getting really nerve racking. I'm on a 9 game win streak and currently on 59 points. Really don't want to see how much I lose if I do screw up a game.

My mmr isn't that bad too :(

Getting paired with and vsing plat5/4 players too. Another 10~ more games. Another 10 more wins. You can do this.

And I got my veteran badge. Feels bad.
Just remember the old days, when a 9 game streak would have gotten you a minimum of about 99 elo. :p


Incoming AP Yi nerf(?). Personally, all I want is for the Q to only bounce around the initial target. Right now, trying to counterplay him is just completely random because he may or may not bounce a mile across. It would make his Q pokes more predictable to avoid.

remove from the game and give him a total rework

do the same for teemo

you know it has to happen, riot


That list is way longer than Teemo and Yi.
it is

I've just been playing raiderz for like 4 hours in a row and I'm really tired to think more. of the top of my head laning nunu, heimer, ap trynda, maybe vladimir and renekton, etc.

the dress code in that game really makes zyra and elise look like tasteful ladies


Neo Member
Why people blames me when I do Garen top? Useless they say.

Useless? No way. Im good with Garen, even beating counters easy at 6 (flash,QWE,ignite,R, never fails :D)

Build speed bots, aegis/sunfire (depends on jungler build) and black cleaver. Then depends on enemy feeds... but i usually build atmas impaler and then warmog.


Some people seem to ignore that player skill with a champion trumps the perception of their viability in everywhere but a really high level of skill.


zkylon, zooey with no hair frightens me

I had a fringe for most of my life. I told my barber to shave it off a couple of years back and I stood in front of the mirror dumbfounded on how different I looked.

Thought I had an unnaturally large forehead too but it was just all in my head.

And I also hate how people can't admit to their mistakes in solo queue. I mean, how hard is it to say and accept the fact that diving or engaging was a bad idea.

Stubbornness takes over way too many people.


My policy is saying "sry" or "woops, sry" when I fuck it up and if someone wants to get flamey about it I gladly flame him back.

Yeah, I pretty much follow this as well. I'll tell the team I'm sorry for a bad engage or getting caught over nothing. If someone calls me on it (which is quite uncommon in Plat/Dia, actually), I either ignore them or tell them I know that they've fucked up too, if they've messed up worse than me.


I usually watch carries die at critical times (such as baron advantages) trying to kill another person in the jungle and eventually die with or without the kill.

I say: "that wasn't worth it" and 80% of the time, i'll get flamed at. I don't argue back but it ticks me off. Especially when the enemy team gets baron and the guy still says it was worth it.


So I guess there's no way to change your ribbon? I got the Yellow one unlocked tonight (scared the crap outta me when I logged in, sound was too high), but I like the apple green color better :(
Wonder if they changed something about how you earn ribbons as when I logged in I got the yellow ribbon as well.

I don't mind it though, I like the yellow. But from what I read there is no way to change it.


I started red, got green, and then yellow. I don't know if I got reported, or just didn't get enough friendly/helpful honor after that, but I went back down to green after a few weeks. I think yellow and especially blue are the most difficult to hang on to, but it's all sort of vague to me.

About serious/angry champions, I was talking about it to a friend and they suggested that A) Lulu/Nami/Zac (maybe?) are happy. And they also suggested that there's a war on. So maybe it's appropriate for everyone to be serious and angry!

My ribbons went the same way. Got green, then it turned yellow. Had that for awhile then it went back down to green. Still green currently but honor is so flippin rare now that I expect to lose that soon too.
Just tried support Viktor, it went well.
It is nothing like GP support, he got a great disengage (or tool for gangs), some ranged poke and a q that is really good for trading hits, so I can zone the adc good.
Where he really shines is his free item though, I had my augment upgraded, sorc boots and Twin Shadows and was doing serious damage in fights (later got a morellonomicon as well), together with his ult I really felt like I did something this game.


I just saw the best Lee Sin play of my life.

insec /bow

also, jayce with muramana is fucking op yo
and i find it interesting that korea loves kennen while rest of world dont


My god life steal quints on Vayne are godlike. Why didn't I do this before????

Need to get back on my adc role though. Missing way too much cs at the tower.

Won my lane hard but I was only 126cs at 16minutes. GG so bad....

And I'm so happy Vayne can be played without being pushed out of lane before level6 again.


My god life steal quints on Vayne are godlike. Why didn't I do this before????

Need to get back on my adc role though. Missing way too much cs at the tower.

Won my lane hard but I was only 126cs at 16minutes. GG so bad....

And I'm so happy Vayne can be played without being pushed out of lane before level6 again.

I need to get some lifesteal quints. I don't play ADC that often though and I don't have a free runepage for it. 12 isn't enough!


126 cs at 16 minutes is decent if you're forced to farm under the tower.

It ain't decent for that situation since I have ad reds and a dorans blade. Was never really poked down under tower because I had Janna shield.

I just didn't manage my auto attacks/tumble enough. Was missing at least 2cs per wave for about 5 minutes. Missed 2 siege minions in that 16 minutes too because I was greedy and wanted to harass.


I just saw the best Lee Sin play of my life.

insec /bow

also, jayce with muramana is fucking op yo
and i find it interesting that korea loves kennen while rest of world dont
What was the play?

And why do you type the same way as xcloser? :p Part of your post had capital letters and punctuation, but then it broke into xcloser style. Is it a meme of sorts parodying how people talk ingame?

And I feel like every Jayce ever uses muramana which is annoying since they never run out of mana. I try muramana occasionally, but for one thing the activated icon looks about the same as the unactivated icon (I know, I have to watch the buff bar), and then I have to remember to turn it on when I go back to base, and then I could never actually tell with Kogmaw whether the hit with muramana activated was actually doing any additional damage. What are the DPS numbers on muramana? Do you need a certain amount of mana pool for it to be worth it?


What was the play?

god lee sin initiate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG_arq1lGv4


NA SUMMER PROMOTION day1 IS IN 2hrs and 40 minutes from this post

the teams:

day 1 will be determining who makes it for the LCS qualifier

schedule in your own timezone: http://esportcalendar.com/index.php?page=all
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jijimon and azurecats vs former team clg : O
all hail jiji


Join us in the LCS thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=512106&page=10
and i find it interesting that korea loves kennen while rest of world dont
I picked him up just today because I felt I needed more mobile laners. I didn't "get" him before, but I went 8/2/20 ish on my first game though it was against Volibear.

What counters him in lane? I can't imagine Kennen being bullied out of the lane if played well, simply because of pokes, range, mobility and sustain. Aggressive Jayce maybe?


I picked him up just today because I felt I needed more mobile laners. I didn't "get" him before, but I went 8/2/20 ish on my first game though it was against Volibear.

What counters him in lane? I can't imagine Kennen being bullied out of the lane if played well, simply because of pokes, range, mobility and sustain. Aggressive Jayce maybe?
I think my problems whenever I try Kennen are that A) I max Q, but hardly ever hit it, and when I do hit it it does not necessarily do much damage. And B) Kennen farm only works if you can speed dash through the minions, and some champions may murder you from a distance if you do that. And C) related to B), the sustain from the green gun thing, and maybe even from wrath of the ancients, never seem to be enough to counter the damage enemy champions can dish out.

Another issue is that I am terrible figuring out when his next autoattack is going to do the bonus thing. It feels less obvious than Caitlyn's KACHUNK sound.
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