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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I got bronze 1 after my placement matches in the same situation as him. There is hope.

Bypassing bronze all together should be in your dreams though.

Same here, and my game is flawed as fuck. But on the downside, had I waited until I had more exp I probably would have placed in silver or could have carried my ass out of Bronze 1 faster. But, there's definitely absolutely any reason to rush ranked.

Also wtf at Ashe champion spotlight? Why are they doing that now?
Also wtf at Ashe champion spotlight? Why are they doing that now?



Same here, and my game is flawed as fuck. But on the downside, had I waited until I had more exp I probably would have placed in silver or could have carried my ass out of Bronze 1 faster. But, there's definitely absolutely any reason to rush ranked.

Also wtf at Ashe champion spotlight? Why are they doing that now?

I only won half of my placements and started off 0-4. I'm assuming i got matched with people who were also seeding and it showed. Either all afks, people who didnt know how to leash, or losing 2/3 lanes.
Actually my placements taught me to be able to transition all my junglers into midlane since thats where every single afk was from. AP nasus mid is a beast and so is Jarvan.




It's Lissandra instead of Syndra. ;)

(Which is a shame, I wanted to play with my new Fisherman Fizz, I have a bad time laning against Lissandra as Fizz...)

Ay, noticed that after I logged out. Figured one of you guys would correct me :)

Now I'll do the same and correct Riot for mistaken Yellowpete and Yellowstar in the EU All-star lineup:



Not even that.

If there was going to be a change in Ashe's passive, i would want the crit to only apply to enemy champions.

And thats it

wouldn't you rather a passive that's useful lategame or at least fun?

I mean it's nice for the volley crit combo at level 1 but it's a pretty boring passive.

also volley is pretty bullshity, I can never seem to avoid it when being behind minions...


Ah man, i remember why I quit adc again.

Went 6/0 in laning with 200cs at 19mins. Duoed dragon 2 times with my support.

Mid game, my shen,vlad and jarvan all use their flashes and ults to dive for the enemy hecarim while i'm getting flashed at by a insanely farmed riven and ahri.

0 peel all game except for a few lux bindings. Then I get blamed because I can't peel for myself.

Whipee. And I got no shen ults for the entire game so that was fun as well.

Weird how people don't understand how a fed adc cant actually attack if he is being hit by so many skills within a second. Only time we won was when I had red and had my flash up. I could actually kite the riven and crit the ahri to death before dying.


Ah man, i remember why I quit adc again.

Went 6/0 in laning with 200cs at 19mins. Duoed dragon 2 times with my support.

Mid game, my shen,vlad and jarvan all use their flashes and ults to dive for the enemy hecarim while i'm getting flashed at by a insanely farmed riven and ahri.

0 peel all game except for a few lux bindings. Then I get blamed because I can't peel for myself.

Whipee. And I got no shen ults for the entire game so that was fun as well.

Weird how people don't understand how a fed adc cant actually attack if he is being hit by so many skills within a second. Only time we won was when I had red and had my flash up. I could actually kite the riven and crit the ahri to death before dying.

"Scapegoating", awfully common in this community. But I guess that for some players it's better to blame someone else than accept their own mistakes.
First game. I think I'll buy him before he gets nerfed.

I did reeeeally bad at early game, missing so much easy CS, making dumb moves and failing to leap over walls. Once teamfights started, it was just stupid. It felt like playing a single-target Kat but safer. I hated Blitz for not buying wards, but after wallhooking Leb at the end of the game I couldn't stay mad at him.

I went RWQE + evolved WER, but I kept wasted the extra R casts. I should probably evolve Q instead of R.



wouldn't you rather a passive that's useful lategame or at least fun?

I mean it's nice for the volley crit combo at level 1 but it's a pretty boring passive.

also volley is pretty bullshity, I can never seem to avoid it when being behind minions...

Does this spotlight pretty much confirm we're not getting anything?


On an Elise rampage. I remember now why I love her so much. You catch ANYONE out and land your stun, they're dead.

Yorick isn't a counter to Elise. Not even a soft one.

Any sustain is a soft counter to Elise, especially ranged like Yorick. His ghouls can easily mess up your stun, etc. Pros and users agree.

Sometimes I think you just like to argue for arguments sake.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Neurotoxin outranges Yorick's harass, and Else will simply win the trades if played correctly. You are a ranged caster who can easily farm while keeping Yorick where you want. Elise should win trades, and her Rappel is the ideal gap closer and something Yorick cannot stop at all. You can even Rappel to his ghouls.

Yorick is honestly not that strong of a laner anymore, and his mana problems are very extreme. People who can jump on him and murder him are plentiful, and there are bigger lane bullies. Elise fits both molds.


I agree his mana problems are extreme, but Elise has her own mana issues. It also helps that the Yorick bought no mana pots nor a flask.

I'm just saying that early game, a Yorick should win. Mid and late? Yorick sucks (except that ult on an ADC is pretty nice), at least from what I've seen. But with good play, good runes/masteries, and good items, he should be able to apply considerable pressure to Elise.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm just saying that early game, a Yorick should win.
I do not know why you think this though. His early game isn't that strong and as someone who isn't melee even if it was you can mostly avoid Yorick. He has no strong finishers until he gets going and is able to stick to targets. You shouldn't die to Yorick in lane, at worst he will just push you out.


I've never faced a good Yorick.

When i see a Yorick i instantly attack and kill or I completely ignore.

I have no idea what his abilities are and what I "should" be afraid of. And up to now, i haven't had to research it either since he barely does any harm to me.


I've never faced a good Yorick.

When i see a Yorick i instantly attack and kill or I completely ignore.

I have no idea what his abilities are and what I "should" be afraid of. And up to now, i haven't had to research it either since he barely does any harm to me.
If he gets enough mana he can shoot ghouls at you which do irritating damage and slow. They are also irritating to click on, at least to me, since they kind of move in a wavy fashion compared to minions and do not give much feedback.


I do not know why you think this though. His early game isn't that strong and as someone who isn't melee even if it was you can mostly avoid Yorick. He has no strong finishers until he gets going and is able to stick to targets. You shouldn't die to Yorick in lane, at worst he will just push you out.

I consider a soft counter someone who can push you out of lane or someone who is somewhat difficult to kill with your champion (Yorick heals, has a slow, and a speed up).

He does this, and does this effectively. A hard counter, to me, is someone who can kill you easily and just has the kit to dominate the lane. Yorick can counter Elise by making her waste mana poking and has so much sustain that he can stay in lane for quite a while since Elise's Q uses a lot of mana, like Yorick's W and E. However, it would be very hard to kill Elise as Yorick because of her escapes.

Semantics, maybe.


I just had a veigar top, jungler blitz.

veigar spent all match farming q complaining about the team while they were taking dragon, mid, etc.

blitz rushed a warmog's and didn't land a single hook

it's refreshing to know that no matter how much the meta can change, everyone's still an idiot


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What are you talking about?

He NEVER said Yorick was a hard counter, unless I'm simply blind.
He is not a hard or soft counter. Yorick doesn't dominate lanes and the advantages he does have in lane do not get the better of a champion like Elise.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
you are talking about how a champion with bigger mana problems than your champion will magically outsustain your harassment because you will oom.

yorick early game is pretty bad tbh. his midgame is where he will shine. none of the stuff you were saying made sense so I just thought I would correct you.

1v1 me yorick vs. elise. i bet i can lose harder than you.


Support Thresh is so, so, so much fun. I always feel like the best player on the team when I play him.

Love being the playmaker, pinking drags and getting them for free is so easy in my elo/league (silver 5)


Support Thresh is so, so, so much fun. I always feel like the best player on the team when I play him.

Love being the playmaker, pinking drags and getting them for free is so easy in my elo/league (silver 5)
Just played my first ranked game! Our Xin carried.
support love :3

There are times when a man sees something so... astounding in League, he must share it with the world.

This is one of those times.

eh, I kinda hate those videos, we've all derped hard more than once in our lifetimes :p

also korean video is best because it has vi's song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld7dqt4s9yI


Just fought one of the best Soraka players I have ever seen. He/she was playing mid, I was like, what? But she owned me pretty bad. I was playing Cassiopeia. Im glad I had a good team, so I managed to hold and top lane won so they came down to help. It was super close, but we managed to win. Very surprising. People started to blame me, but no one was able to kill her. She was very tanky and fast as hell. She kept healing herself so it was like I did no dmg at all.


I ended up being the first pick in that ranked game I just posted. I did the bans fine and then picked Janna first. One guy on our team laughed at me for picking a support first, then another guy said it was smart to pick either support or an adc first.

Just looking for your opinions on it..


Just fought one of the best Soraka players I have ever seen. He/she was playing mid, I was like, what? But she owned me pretty bad. I was playing Cassiopeia. Im glad I had a good team, so I managed to hold and top lane won so they came down to help. It was super close, but we managed to win. Very surprising. People started to blame me, but no one was able to kill her. She was very tanky and fast as hell. She kept healing herself so it was like I did no dmg at all.
soraka mid can be very annoying. anyone with lots of health sustain is very annoying mid, specially because they're usually very good pushers, so they basically force you to choose between running out of mana or health.

get a morellos and burst her down or something. soraka can't do much against a gank, just get all your hard cc on her and blow her up :/

I ended up being the first pick in that ranked game I just posted. I did the bans fine and then picked Janna first. One guy on our team laughed at me for picking a support first, then another guy said it was smart to pick either support or an adc first.

Just looking for your opinions on it..
with a few exceptions (like cait vs vayne or something) adcs don't really counter each other as other roles do, so usually adc is fine.

support is kinda different, if you first pick sona or lulu you'll leave yourself open to them picking someone super aggresive like leona or alistar. or if they pick leona or alistar like that you can just run taric or soraka and outsustain their combos (which is an awesome and very annoying way to win lane really) or go janna for super peel.

janna is super safe though, she doesn't have any counters and she's awesome, so she's ok. first picking sona or ali is more of a gamble, specially someone like ali, but it's still doable.

you might also want to first pick lulu or sona or thresh or blitz to take them away from the enemy team.

basically adcs and supports (and to a degree junglers, though not all) are usually the safest picks to do if you don't want to be countered, so it's fine. with tops and mids, there's so many to choose from and so many that hard counter each other that it's usually nicer not to go blind, that's all.


I ended up being the first pick in that ranked game I just posted. I did the bans fine and then picked Janna first. One guy on our team laughed at me for picking a support first, then another guy said it was smart to pick either support or an adc first.

Just looking for your opinions on it..

High priority picks (basically any of the "FotM/OP/broken" bans that get through) tend to go first. After that are the safer picks (Support, ADC, multiple-role champs, neutral picks) sort of things.

Or failure to care, pick top/mid first and deal with the counterpick.
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