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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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I ended up being the first pick in that ranked game I just posted. I did the bans fine and then picked Janna first. One guy on our team laughed at me for picking a support first, then another guy said it was smart to pick either support or an adc first.

Just looking for your opinions on it..

Usually best since there are fewer direct counters to bot lane champs. Can keep them guessing sometimes too if you end up going to a solo lane.

Afk or feed
I ended up being the first pick in that ranked game I just posted. I did the bans fine and then picked Janna first. One guy on our team laughed at me for picking a support first, then another guy said it was smart to pick either support or an adc first.

Just looking for your opinions on it..
What other people said +
At the very least, picking support first is no different than picking another role first.


Just fought one of the best Soraka players I have ever seen. He/she was playing mid, I was like, what? But she owned me pretty bad. I was playing Cassiopeia. Im glad I had a good team, so I managed to hold and top lane won so they came down to help. It was super close, but we managed to win. Very surprising. People started to blame me, but no one was able to kill her. She was very tanky and fast as hell. She kept healing herself so it was like I did no dmg at all.
If Soraka mid is anywhere as good as AP Raka is in ARAM, I'm not surprised. Different situations, I know, but if she neglects her Q and only levels her other skills, her W heals a ton and her silence does a pretty reasonable amount of damage for a non-skillshot plus it shuts you down for a second or two. Doesn't really make for a great team fight contributor, but I could see her being super annoying against the right matchup in lane. AP and CDR Soraka OP.
Like everyone counters Viktor right now. His kit is in an awful place. Anyone who outranges him ( a lot of mids) or anyone who gets in his face (a lot of mids) will beat him in a straight, fair 1 v 1. He does some things well and he can be strong but, he's messy as fuck.

In other news, the bad thing about going 15/0 as Draven and the game only lasting 20 mins is low IP gain :(
His problems are unrelated to his laning phase which is nothing short of amazing. (slightly exxagerated, but you can't really shut him off from farming and he is almost gang immune)
His laning phase isn't amazing though. Yeah his laser does decent damage, but his Q sucks and Gravity Field is so easy to avoid getting stunned by in a wide lane like mid. And he's squishy.

Like I love the idea of Viktor and I have enjoyed playing him, but his kit is just... bad really. I'm excited to see what changed they make. He's not weak in terms of power, just has fundamental kit problems.


Just tried Elise. I defintely like her. Next champ to be bought confirmed.

soraka mid can be very annoying. anyone with lots of health sustain is very annoying mid, specially because they're usually very good pushers, so they basically force you to choose between running out of mana or health.

get a morellos and burst her down or something. soraka can't do much against a gank, just get all your hard cc on her and blow her up :/

If Soraka mid is anywhere as good as AP Raka is in ARAM, I'm not surprised. Different situations, I know, but if she neglects her Q and only levels her other skills, her W heals a ton and her silence does a pretty reasonable amount of damage for a non-skillshot plus it shuts you down for a second or two. Doesn't really make for a great team fight contributor, but I could see her being super annoying against the right matchup in lane. AP and CDR Soraka OP.

Thanks for the advice.

But yeah, she was really annoying. With basically three of those star fall attacks or whatever (her basic ability - which btw she was using really fast, I wonder what the cooldown time was...) she cleared the lane. So I didnt even have time. She was pure pressure over my turret, because eventually at the start I had to come back because Cassiopeia is very mana dependant. >_>


God damn my mmr.

I've had 15games in gold 1 so far. 13wins 2 losses. Only 71 points :(

Another 6 more wins in a row for that promotion.


God damn my mmr.

I've had 15games in gold 1 so far. 13wins 2 losses. Only 71 points :(

Another 6 more wins in a row for that promotion.

I thought they said something about being on a hot streak is supposed to increase your gains, but I haven't seen anything on that recently, so maybe it isn't a factor anymore. Either way, dat LP clampin'. :/


So thanks to based ARAM I suddenly understand how to play Alaki, and exactly how to annoy one in lane in the future.

I dunno why it took me so long to figure out, but I didn't even have a Deathcap and was melting people. The other team won, but it was 4 vs 5. It's nice to add a champ to the "I can sort of play them" roster.


God damn my mmr.

I've had 15games in gold 1 so far. 13wins 2 losses. Only 71 points :(

Another 6 more wins in a row for that promotion.
That seems pretty crazy to me since as far as I know, you didn't lose a lot of games in Gold V, so if MMR is like old elo, it should be close to your correct place right?

And what's really funny is that per boken's experience I think you can drop back to gold or silver or whatever automatically if you are inactive in ranked, so it's not like the gold/platinum is permanent.
He isn't broken but he is easy to play well.

He may be the first 'easy' champion I've ever had success with. Maybe you can count Vi as easy, but he's even easier. Feels like I've been denying myself easy wins by not playing him up to now. >.<

(Also squee'd so much when I got jumped by two people and burst to 5% under my tower. Thought it was all over but pulled out the Xin ult to send both flying away, escaped with about 10 HP. :D :D :D I think I shouted 'THIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED', but it's all a bit of a blur.)
Is there a way to watch OGN matches without subscribing in Twitch TV?

I always get the message "This VOD is only available to subscribers" and I can't watch the video.


tried vlad again after a long while, he's actually pretty fun

even last hitting isn't as bad as I remembered it

though I was fighting a singed top so it was a pretty easy lane to win


Is there a way to watch OGN matches without subscribing in Twitch TV?

I always get the message "This VOD is only available to subscribers" and I can't watch the video.

You have to watch it live (420p). Quarterfinal starts in a few hours.
Until the servers come down for the next patch, you can still declare your allegiance to the Avarosan, the Frostguard or the Winter's Claw!
Patch day is upon us(?).


I wish diana was more of a jungler. Really want a ap jungler. I really do.

Getting a bit sick of bruisers.

I also want another Shaco/lee sin kind of champ. Junglers who rely on doing well early game with their early game power.
I miss making counter jungle plays :(
Getting a bit bored of the counter jungling i'm doing right now - timing and warding enemy buffs and smite stealing.

God damn bruiser meta is so sickening


i always buy oracles against teemo. they are super cheap.
The Lightbringer is fairly cheap and it provides you with some good stats. Sell it if/when you reach 6 item builds and start buying oracles. I'm not too convinced about the Hextech Sweeper, but I do like to get it on someone like Soraka.
I wish diana was more of a jungler. Really want a ap jungler. I really do.

Getting a bit sick of bruisers.

I also want another Shaco/lee sin kind of champ. Junglers who rely on doing well early game with their early game power.
I miss making counter jungle plays :(
Getting a bit bored of the counter jungling i'm doing right now - timing and warding enemy buffs and smite stealing.

God damn bruiser meta is so sickening

I have a 100% record in ranked solo q with jungle Diana, although it is low elo. Her clear is amazing. Her ganks pre-6 aren't the best, but she has a tonne of presence and if you get that early gank success you'll hit 6 pretty quick.

She has a lot of build flexibility in the jungle as well. If you want more damage you can go Spectral Wraith into Abyssal, Zhonya's, Deathcap etc.

If you want to be more tanky you can either skip the spirit stone upgrade or get ancient golem and go Zhonya's, Abyssal into GA.

A lot of high elo junglers play her in solo queue.


I wish diana was more of a jungler. Really want a ap jungler. I really do.

Getting a bit sick of bruisers.

I also want another Shaco/lee sin kind of champ. Junglers who rely on doing well early game with their early game power.
I miss making counter jungle plays :(
Getting a bit bored of the counter jungling i'm doing right now - timing and warding enemy buffs and smite stealing.

God damn bruiser meta is so sickening

Elise or eve why you gotta hate on it

ezreal jungle too


I have a 100% record in ranked solo q with jungle Diana, although it is low elo. Her clear is amazing. Her ganks pre-6 aren't the best, but she has a tonne of presence and if you get that early gank success you'll hit 6 pretty quick.

She has a lot of build flexibility in the jungle as well. If you want more damage you can go Spectral Wraith into Abyssal, Zhonya's, Deathcap etc.

If you want to be more tanky you can either skip the spirit stone upgrade or get ancient golem and go Zhonya's, Abyssal into GA.

A lot of high elo junglers play her in solo queue.

A question I always ask myself when i'm jungling in soloqueue:

"How will my pick benefit the team?"

For Diana:
- Nice and safe clear
- Jungle control through snowballing
- Early-early mid game control through the massive damage spike when you reach 6

And that's it. To me, Diana falls off in the jungle due to farm. She only does well when she takes the kills from the ganks. This goes against my jungle rationale. I always give my laners kills because I want them to snowball the lane to secure towers (check my jungle stats. Most of my junglers are like 3/3/13). It's hard to play a snowball jungler right because you spend a majority of the game in the jungle and waiting for ganks to happen. If you don't use the gold from your snowball properly, you just doomed your team.

She also can't compete with other bruiser/tank-utility junglers during the mid and late game phase in terms of peel. Sure, she has the damage but that's only for early and mid game. There's no way a team will let you reach their carries for free. I guess you can win games by catching people in the jungle but that rarely happens. Teams always group up at the 25~ minute mark.

Diana also sucks at getting dragon. My entire jungle play is based on dragon control. This is why my top laner is usually doing very poorly if s/he gets camped. I almost never help top lane after my second clear. I always stay near dragon after the 10 minute mark with a pink ward.
If the enemy jungler is top, I can always get dragon. This is why I play junglers like Vi, xin, hecarim and Nasus. They can solo dragon. It is very hard for you to mess up jungling if you can solo dragon at crucial times.

And Diana ganks are pretty bad pre-6 compared to the other junglers right now. She can counter gank pretty well though.

Jungle Diana just doesn't fit my play style. And there are other junglers who fit into more team comps.



Started playing a few days ago, and I've been playing with Ashe.

I know how to play with her pretty well for the most part, although I'm not sure what kind of combos she can use that are very effective.

I know her passive increases damage and critical hit chance the longer she remains out of battle.

She ALWAYS auto-attacks though so it's hardly effective. Is there a way to turn of auto attacks? Because every time there is an enemy champion approaching, she just shoots the minions first when I want to save that high damage/crit shot for the champion.. or am I doing something wrong here?

Two more questions:

1. What are Ashe's most effective move combos?

2. What are the champions should I try out since I'm a beginner?

3. Should I just be trying out all the other champions to see which ones fit me well or should I just try to get pretty good with Ashe and maybe one other??

Thanks for helping me out! I'm starting to enjoy this game quite a bit.
I guess you just have a different play style to me then. I usually like to get top going early on so I don't have to worry about them any more, then just counter-jungle to put their other jungle behind (since Diana's incredibly difficult to 1 v 1 unless you're Xin or something). I'll make my presence known bottom a few times and take a bit of experience tax. Then once I hit six I constantly gank their mid laner and their bottom lane.

She's really not that bad at taking dragon. She doesn't have the % HP damage that others do. I tend to gank bottom and either force the enemy out of lane or get a kill and then take dragon with my carry. Her shield makes it easy to tank it, and if I have spectral wraith the spell vamp is nice.

She is a snowball jungler though, yeah. But that's why I like her and it works for me.


1. What are Ashe's most effective move combos?

You can try holding 'S' to stop the attack but you should not be auto-attacking at all. Just move around by right clicking the ground and then when it's time to last hit the minion for gold, right click the minion.

2. What are the champions should I try out since I'm a beginner?
Corki is a real easy champ to learn. Just don't use his 'W' to go into a fight.

3. Should I just be trying out all the other champions to see which ones fit me well or should I just try to get pretty good with Ashe and maybe one other??
Play a bunch of ARAMs or random characters in normal queue. You'll find out what you like.


You can try holding 'S' to stop the attack but you should not be auto-attacking at all. Just move around by right clicking the ground and then when it's time to last hit the minion for gold, right click the minion.

Corki is a real easy champ to learn. Just don't use his 'W' to go into a fight.

Play a bunch of ARAMs or random characters in normal queue. You'll find out what you like.

Thanks, I really appreciate the quick response.

Do you have any other general hints for ashe?

Like what type of combos does Ashe have that I can use in game?

Which lane should I be occupying and just general things like how I should be playing with her?
Thanks, I really appreciate the quick response.

Do you have any other general hints for ashe?

Like what type of combos does Ashe have that I can use in game?

Which lane should I be occupying and just general things like how I should be playing with her?
Ashe is pretty easy to play. Her main skills are her W (the spread of arrows) and her ult (the giant arrow), so there aren't many "combos" outside of the obvious. Her other skills are self-explanatory as well. Don't keep Q toggled on if you're just attacking minions, because it takes up mana, and you don't need to slow minions anyway. Use her E to scout where you don't have vision (a common example is in bot lane, use E to scout up the river to check for enemies). Ashe goes bot lane with a support, but it doesn't really matter in a low level game.

Apart from pressing S to stop attacking, the way people play is to constantly click to move around. Otherwise you are basically standing in place, which is predictable. But it also means that if you are moving, you are not attacking (and therefore, not using up Ashe's passive). You can even cancel an autoattack mid-animation by moving.

Most important thing is to stick to a good item build because AD carries like Ashe are all about items. http://www.lolpro.com/guides/ashe/87-ashe-guide-duo-bot-by-crs-cop/item-build


Thanks, I really appreciate the quick response.

Do you have any other general hints for ashe?

Like what type of combos does Ashe have that I can use in game?

Which lane should I be occupying and just general things like how I should be playing with her?

Ashe is a Ranged AD carry - that is, she is dependent on her auto attacks to do most of her damage. As such, she doesn't really have any set "combo", other than auto attacking things to death while keeping them slowed

in the lane, you can harass people with an auto attack + W combo as you fade away from them I guess


Humorously enough, that Ashe Champion Spotlight does come in handy here.

Like what type of combos does Ashe have that I can use in game?

She really doesn't have anything special besides Auto Attack -> W (Volley). Remember to move after the Volley fires rather than wait for the entire animation to end. I suppose that applies as a general tip as well: Move after your auto-attack fires rather than stand still. You can move long before attack / cast animations actually end. Sitting around waiting for them to end is a waste. Especially for Ashe since you have her toggle slow from her Q so you can pursue for harass better (though, I'd be wary on chasing too hard).

Which lane should I be occupying and just general things like how I should be playing with her?

She's an ADC (AD Carry) so she'll usually be in bot lane with a support. But, pre-30, that logic doesn't really apply.
2. What are the champions should I try out since I'm a beginner?
Mage: Annie, Ryze
Tank: Garen, Alistar (free)
Carry: Tristana (free)
Support: Soraka

I recommend against jungling at low levels.

3. Should I just be trying out all the other champions to see which ones fit me well or should I just try to get pretty good with Ashe and maybe one other??
Try all the free week champs. Get a feel as to which playstyles you like and pursue them. Once you reach higher levels you're expected to be at least familiar at every role.

Don't spend IP on runes until Level 20.

She ALWAYS auto-attacks though so it's hardly effective. Is there a way to turn of auto attacks? Because every time there is an enemy champion approaching, she just shoots the minions first when I want to save that high damage/crit shot for the champion.. or am I doing something wrong here?
Practice attacking only when you want to attack. You can stop the character from attacking by mashing S, but it's much more recommended to get used to moving around.
Watching this VoD of Phreak's stream makes me want to play Talon more.

"With Zed and Kha'Zix we gave them counterplay so they could look more ridiculous. So with Zed it's like 'I'm going to kill you, but you have like 3 seconds to kill me back'. With Talon it's like 'hey, you're silenced, I'm invisible, you're dead'. Those are the three stages of Talon."

"Talon has two choices: to assassinate your team, or... to assassinate your team. Those are Talon's choices.".

Scarizard is pretty great.
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