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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Cast it on yourself then. I play Nami because I can make super hard plays on her that change games. A big part of that is the E, and getting the speed boost off it in a way that gives a decent slow afterwards can set up and force fights while opening up good opportunities for your hard CC. To me that's fun.

Nami is a very active champion and all her abilities require proper positioning and timing, even the E. If you time and use it on the right target it can be really devastating.

yeah I'm sure I've not been playing her to her fullest, but straight out buffs always seem kinda boring for me.

like, I love sona because I just do a shitton of damage early game, or slow people myself, I feel like I'm really in control of fights.

might have to do with nami's kit being a bit more nuanced, like making the right bounces on her heal or using her e correctly

last but not least I really hate self-casting spells because my alt key is kinda broken lol

Told you Nami needs nerfs O:

I'm just salty she's a superior version of Sona /:
superior, eh, I'm not so sure.

sona's a lot easier which makes her a lot more reliable, which I feel is kind of nami's weakness.

like, missing bubbles makes you a very sad nami. you can't really go wrong with sona unless you're elementz or something

She doesn't need nerfs, she just got buffed to a good enough spot numerically. Her kit always had the potential.

And Sona is still really good. Just hard to ever get around that fact when you have AoE hard CC.
I dunno why but I'm having trouble understanding what you mean here :/

To those who changed to LAN or LAS servers, how are you feeling the change?

I changed to LAN thursday after days of debate, got placed in Plat I and yesterday I queued with Diamonds & Challengers due to, I assume, lack of players. Fail if it turns into a ghost town after a little while, I moved my main account. Games have been pleasent so far, tbh.
uh, lower ping is really nice, and skill level feels around the same, but I'm getting tired of chileans giving me hate

I've been trying Vlad for a few games and it seems like it's really hard for him to get in range unless you're doing it from a bush or something.

I rarely ever see him played so I guess that's at least part of the reason why he doesn't see much play.

EDIT: Also I noticed it seems like after casting his ult or pool you can't use his other abilities for a while even when you are able to move.
uh, I dunno, he's low range, but I feel like he's pretty beast top if you get a slight advantage against a melee. you rush spirit of spectral wraith, stack your e, stand near minions and punish every last hit they try to make. this is what's worked for me, though I'm no expert on him.

now I wonder if stacking sosw and wota might be a good idea, I usually just do wraith, then zhonyas, but who knows. if the spell vamp stacks, 40% might be pretty insane.
Vladimir has a very weak early game, so that would be why.

He can't cast spells while in his pool form, but he can definitely cast after his ult

I see. No wonder he doesn't do that well in dominion. You don't really have time to farm up there unless you are playing bottom.

uh, I dunno, he's low range, but I feel like he's pretty beast top if you get a slight advantage against a melee. you rush spirit of spectral wraith, stack your e, stand near minions and punish every last hit they try to make. this is what's worked for me, though I'm no expert on him.

now I wonder if stacking sosw and wota might be a good idea, I usually just do wraith, then zhonyas, but who knows. if the spell vamp stacks, 40% might be pretty insane.

I tried him once top and did pretty well against a Lee Sin. All my other games were in dominion so I think that's why I was having trouble with him.

It seems like movement speed is really useful on him since he needs to close the distance in order to deal any damage at all. After putting some movement speed runes on him I found I was able to kite and chase a lot more efficiently than I could before.

I think I'll try him in some more SR games. Riot hasn't implemented dominion specific changes so it makes sense that a champion decided for SR would perform better there.


i.e. It almost doesn't really matter what you do to Sona because she will always have her ult, which can stun an entire team.
ah, ok, thanks

I tried him once top and did pretty well against a Lee Sin. All my other games were in dominion so I think that's why I was having trouble with him.

It seems like movement speed is really useful on him since he needs to close the distance in order to deal any damage at all. After putting some movement speed runes on him I found I was able to kite and chase a lot more efficiently than I could before.

I think I'll try him in some more SR games. Riot hasn't implemented dominion specific changes so it makes sense that a champion decided for SR would perform better there.
I don't know much about dominion, but he's definitely very item and farm reliant.

his early game is pretty weak, but he's a monster mid game with a couple damage items if you're good at keeping his e up (which took me a while to get decent at)

and I dunno about ms, I run ms quints on everyone nowadays so I never noticed him to be particularly slow

also yeah, you can't cast abilities or summoner spells while pooled. be mindful of that because I sometimes pool to towerdive+ignite and just end up embarassing myself
Jesus Christ my heart Olaf and Trundle diving me like there's no tomorrow. Hey guys we have a Teemo, you know!

I actually had tons of fun. Gave me so much practice kiting which still has a lot of room for improvement.
ib4 eww swifties and mallet
so riot's nerfing nunu's q

see, I told you riot was retarded

at least they're men enough to admit it

I don't really mind them not nerfing it. Flash Qing the first buff is a big gamble against a decent team. It's a cheese tactic that can go very horribly wrong.
I'm not sure if I'm going to put any more time into Vlad. I feel like there are champs that are more effective than him (also ones that I'm better with).

Also keeping up those E stacks for the 2x damage always made me paranoid that I would get ganked and die because of missing health.

It was fun while it lasted though. :/


I don't really mind them not nerfing it. Flash Qing the first buff is a big gamble against a decent team. It's a cheese tactic that can go very horribly wrong.

I've been playing nunu in gold 1. I don't even need to flash. I just go machete, ward, pots.
I ward enemy blue, run up, consume and run away and get my other 2 buffs and clear the jungle. I buy spirit stone, pink ward and then I do drag.

It's fucking dumb and it's become a pick or ban for me.

One time, I got caught out for doing it and gave up first blood. But you know what? I was still miles ahead of the enemy jungler because I still managed to get his first buff. The enemy lee tried to take my red and I killed him as he was trying to run out of my jungle. Cleared my jungle, bought a pink, got a drag and won the game.

Nunu dumb as hell if you aren't greedy for kills and know how to play a no-gank jungler. (This means you buy more wards than your support)


anyone playing ahri nowadays? I don't know what to build her anymore.

I don't really mind them not nerfing it. Flash Qing the first buff is a big gamble against a decent team. It's a cheese tactic that can go very horribly wrong.
the few nunus I've seen do this just straight up walk to the blue buff

and it's a gamble maybe in ranked 5s but in solo queue a lot of people go to take a piss until 1:55 and won't really defend

also the few times I've played against him even after we killed him at level 1 and we stopped him when he tried to take red he still managed to do enough damage to make me lose my lane (since the enemy mid just kept pushing and got levels advantage). it's just annoying and stupid, like all the exploits, and rightfully nerfed

In fact, they should buff it
you're ugly

I'm not sure if I'm going to put any more time into Vlad. I feel like there are champs that are more effective than him (also ones that I'm better with).

Also keeping up those E stacks for the 2x damage always made me paranoid that I would get ganked and die because of missing health.

It was fun while it lasted though. :/
vlad took a while to click for me, after I bought it I didn't do very well with him and just abandoned him for a long while.

spirit of spectral wraith made me feel like trying him again and now I like him.

also no sales in latin american server make me sad :(

at least I got my 800 rp


I'm not sure if I'm going to put any more time into Vlad. I feel like there are champs that are more effective than him (also ones that I'm better with).

Also keeping up those E stacks for the 2x damage always made me paranoid that I would get ganked and die because of missing health.

It was fun while it lasted though. :/
Spectral wraith makes him pretty damn fun if you can get over his incredibly shit landing phase. That crappy AA, that high cd low heal everything. A lot of the popular top laners are stronger than him in lane.
anyone playing ahri nowadays? I don't know what to build her anymore.
There's been a huge rise in dfg first ahri. I think this is mostly due to the 2v1 meta in competitive play which allows you to make more amazing picks with her.

If it's a standard solo queue game with farming lanes, occasional roam and then later, team fights, I still think abyssal and zhonyas are the best.

Czaru ran tp on her to great effect. I guess if you're running tp, dfg first might work too?



just had a pretty bizarre match. only support and carry were open so I picked bowie and fizz dude just instalocks and calls support. I know the pain of playing adc with a non-support so I just went for elise and I don't know how I managed to get so fed, it's like my second time playing elise.

match could've been over like ten minutes before but yi kept trying to 1v1 ryze and graves for some reason.

I really like elise, kinda weird I'd enjoy playing a spider so much

Ahri is my go to when I don't know what to play.

95% of my games are Dominion matches though and I'm assuming you want builds for Summoner's Rift considering how many people seem to hate Dominion here. :p

Here's the first Ahri guide on Solomid.

Seems like a good place to start.
ty, didn't know you were diamond, wow. nice guide, too

it's not too different from what I'm building, basically I'm doing the same as my nashor's-less diana but with a haunting guise rush.

so it's guise, sorc boots, zhonyas/abyss, abyss/zhonyas. I'm liking building spooky ghosts on her too, but seems a bit like a wasted slot.

more importantly, how did you manage to get foxfire ahri's face in your match history :3?

Spectral wraith makes him pretty damn fun if you can get over his incredibly shit landing phase. That crappy AA, that high cd low heal everything. A lot of the popular top laners are stronger than him in lane.
yeah I feel spectral wraith has just been a godsend. I dunno if anyone else is building it on vlad but after I tried it the champion seemed to just click into place for me, so much better than poor old wota.

There's been a huge rise in dfg first ahri. I think this is mostly due to the 2v1 meta in competitive play which allows you to make more amazing picks with her.

If it's a standard solo queue game with farming lanes, occasional roam and then later, team fights, I still think abyssal and zhonyas are the best.

Czaru ran tp on her to great effect. I guess if you're running tp, dfg first might work too?
in my elo 2v1s mid aren't really a thing so yeah, 1v1. I'm not a big dfg fan, I feel it just runs me out of mana constantly, and I feel I like going for zhonya's better if I have a nlr, but I dunno.

I might try it, I'm liking ahri again, sorta.


I'm not sure if I'm going to put any more time into Vlad. I feel like there are champs that are more effective than him (also ones that I'm better with).

Also keeping up those E stacks for the 2x damage always made me paranoid that I would get ganked and die because of missing health.

It was fun while it lasted though. :/
Vlad is a good counter pick (singed, malphite) but he is not a good first pick, he is extremely item dependent and if u manage to get liandry, spall vamp and zhonya he does so much sustain damage in fights.


Vlad is a good counter pick (singed, malphite) but he is not a good first pick, he is extremely item dependent and if u manage to get liandry, spall vamp and zhonya he does so much sustain damage in fights.
Vlad is so bad at pushing until level 7 or something that proxy singed just stomps on him

Malph can't proxy as well but he can push and b pretty effectively


Every ep is worth it for that opening song.

after that dumb "twist"

i just lost any hope that a popular anime could be interesting or mature

they just cant make intelligent stories with universal themes


gotta anime this shit up

cant be about humanity

its gotta be MAGIC



attack on titan was the last straw

ive lost faith

down with anime
after that dumb "twist"

i just lost any hope that a popular anime could be interesting or mature

they just cant make intelligent stories with universal themes


gotta anime this shit up

cant be about humanity

its gotta be MAGIC



attack on titan was the last straw

ive lost faith

down with anime

Coincidentally Aku no Hana is airing this season.
It is very good.
after that dumb "twist"

i just lost any hope that a popular anime could be interesting or mature

they just cant make intelligent stories with universal themes


gotta anime this shit up

cant be about humanity

its gotta be MAGIC



attack on titan was the last straw

ive lost faith

down with anime

U are the prey and Bind is the Hunter.


Coincidentally Aku no Hana is airing this season.
It is very good.

nice try, anime

i will definitely never watch another shonen anime again. attack on titan just proves they have to devolve in to stupid little random twists about the most obscure shit that is totally unnecessary just cos its "cool"


aku no hana is shonen so NOPE
people said attack on titan is very good too

the only good shonen anime that will ever exist is gurren lagann


Vlad is so bad at pushing until level 7 or something that proxy singed just stomps on him

Malph can't proxy as well but he can push and b pretty effectively

Used to lose to singed lvl 1-5 then i discovered that taking ghost is the best thing to do vs him because he cant do shit when u kite with q and e and if he manage to reach u u pool away.


Used to lose to singed lvl 1-5 then i discovered that taking ghost is the best thing to do vs him because he cant do shit when u kite with q and e and if he manage to reach u u pool away.

but what do you do if he proxys you

and also, if you need ghost to simply kite him, what happens when he just runs away and waits for your ghost to run out.... then ghosts himself. NEXT LEVEL

but really, proxy really hurts vlad


is attack on titan scary? it looks scary. I'm not sure if I want scary :/

eden of the east is scary enough for me right now

also someone tell me what to buy with my free 800rp


these are my champions (with a cross are champions I already have enough skins for). I could buy mad max mf, or maybe put a couple bucks and buy the anivia skin.

or maybe just buy brujita lux

brujita lux is too cute a name not to buy


is attack on titan scary? it looks scary. I'm not sure if I want scary :/

eden of the east is scary enough for me right now

also someone tell me what to buy with my free 800rp


these are my champions (with a cross are champions I already have enough skins for). I could buy mad max mf, or maybe put a couple bucks and buy the anivia skin.

or maybe just buy brujita lux

brujita lux is too cute a name not to buy
Attack on titan is alright for 7 episodes

I thought they were brave, I thought this anime would be different and do something unexpecyed

Nah it's just trash. Not scary eithrr

Oh right, it question

Save up for new Diana skin


but what do you do if he proxys you

and also, if you need ghost to simply kite him, what happens when he just runs away and waits for your ghost to run out.... then ghosts himself. NEXT LEVEL

but really, proxy really hurts vlad

Didn't play vs singed since he got nerfed hard. nobody choose him anymore (tbh he is quite bad if you know how to secure objectives).
Just started playing and I like offensive characters that can kill champions with ease (maybe not ease, but you get my vibe). Any recommendations? I absolutely loved Shyvana


Yeah, he looks awesome. I had no idea he was getting a rework. I thought Heimer was next?
yi's probably a much easier rework/vu since
a) he's not that bad if they just move his numbers around a bit (take damage out from jumpy jump and move it onto passive or something)
b) I imagine heimer's vu is harder since I'm sure they'll make turrets do something cooler than just palette swap when they're upgraded

but yeah, supposedly heimer's next, just takes longer and they're probably doing many champions at once

Just started playing and I like offensive characters that can kill champions with ease (maybe not ease, but you get my vibe). Any recommendations? I absolutely loved Shyvana
you like assassins or the bruisery off-tank style better?
Spectral wraith makes him pretty damn fun if you can get over his incredibly shit landing phase. That crappy AA, that high cd low heal everything. A lot of the popular top laners are stronger than him in lane.

Spectral wraith is a decent item, but I feel like it would be better to rush damage first. Get the revolver and build towards a deathcap or Zhonyas. I have 17 CDR at the start from runes/masteries so the 10% CDR on SW isn't that appealing to me so early on.

I might end up changing that after some more experimentation (yes I'm contradicting my post from earlier :p).

ty, didn't know you were diamond, wow. nice guide, too

it's not too different from what I'm building, basically I'm doing the same as my nashor's-less diana but with a haunting guise rush.

so it's guise, sorc boots, zhonyas/abyss, abyss/zhonyas. I'm liking building spooky ghosts on her too, but seems a bit like a wasted slot.

more importantly, how did you manage to get foxfire ahri's face in your match history :3?

I feel that I should clarify that I didn't write that guide. :p

It's the first one on Solomid.com that has a lot of votes so I posted it in order to give you something to work with.

I'm actually Bronze III.

As for the foxfire ahri pic in the match history, he most likely either pasted it onto the image directly or he modified Ahri's default skin .dds files to show Foxfire Ahri.

EDIT: Also, where's the Sivir rework? I knew they were looking at Yi but I figured Sivir would come out first based off of all the Riot posts about her recently.


I feel that I should clarify that I didn't write that guide. :p

It's the first one on Solomid.com that has a lot of votes so I posted it in order to give you something to work with.

I'm actually Bronze III.

As for the foxfire ahri pic in the match history, he most likely either pasted it onto the image directly or he modified Ahri's default skin .dds files to show Foxfire Ahri.
lol I'm stupid

I read "Here's my first Ahri guide on Solomid"

silly silly zky


I love Tryndamere. He's such a pubstomper. I build like an ADC:

Bork, IE, PD, Greaves, PD, and Whisper.

Is this build any good? I generally focus on split pushing and cleaning up team fights. Early game I focus on farming and poking. Once mid game arrives I stay in lane for a good while until I either take both towers or my team needs me. In team fights my objective is the enemy ADC. I wait for ultimates to go then I go in from the back and take them out. Undying Rage OP.


btw: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=38880015#38880015

jumpy jump no longer scales off ap
meditate heals more the less hp you have


those two changes are pretty huge, imagine if he's not annoying anymore

would be so happy
The idea of AD backdooring master Yi doing AP Yi levels of damage with Q with some sort of mini crits terrifies me. Maybe they'll make it completely balanced, but I have the feeling the remake may be either or LOLOVERPOWERED off the bat.


Somebody in Reddit compiled a neat info- pack on the current version of the remade Yi (original source)

Xypherous said:
Alpha Strike scales with AD, deals physical damage, interacts with AS and crit. Hitting enemies reduces CD. Builds Shiv charges. No more AP ratio. Bounce range of 600. Prioritizes closest target not yet hit. Still resets to inital position if first target dies. Meditate is now %damage reduction instead of granting resists (because arpen/mpen cut through too hard before). Heals more when used at low HP. Wuju Style is now grants % bonus AD instead of flat. Active now deals true damage based on % of total AD. Because it is weaker early Yi has increased base stats. Highlander "now has a passive/active component - the passive restoring basic cooldowns on kills and assists - while the active keeps the speed benefits that the original highlander had. Note, however, that Highlander will not reset itself passively or actively." Double Strike " Every 4th attack, Master Yi's next attack will strike twice for 100% damage and 50% on the second hit - but he must use this additional double strike within the next couple of seconds - This also had some neat synergies with the retuned Alpha Strike and Wuju Style."

Just started playing and I like offensive characters that can kill champions with ease (maybe not ease, but you get my vibe).
Irelia or Jax. Both are durable melee- fighters that pack a punch.


We'll see how Yi actually looks. Just the descriptions can always be sort of misleading.

I love Tryndamere. He's such a pubstomper. I build like an ADC:

Bork, IE, PD, Greaves, PD, and Whisper.

Is this build any good?

Generally, you'd want a Statikk Shiv in there. Cutlass -> Shiv -> Blade of the Ruined King -> IE -> LW (depending on the state of Armor for the game, I suppose) for instance.
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