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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Do you guys even get to upgrade your arch angel staff in your average game? I get year first item on most of my ap champs now and have never gotten to that point. I use skill after skill but it just doesn't get there. The only reason I get tear first is for the mana now. I can't remember the last time I ran out of mana after starting tear

you must have stacked it as ryze? I think it's harder to not max it as him

I've run out of mana as Singed with a tear....


Well, keep in mind for Tear that you really shouldn't be buying it on every AP. That said, if you're having trouble stacking it in a game, how long is the game going? And how late are you getting your Tear?

you must have stacked it as ryze? I think it's harder to not max it as him

Ryze stacks it pretty slowly, actually, since he doesn't have anything on a low cooldown that can be cast without a target. At least, it's slow for awhile when his mana costs are actually a little prohibitive for him. Eventually, you can just Q whenever and get it going really fast and you're just limited to the Tear cooldown time.

If you're good at it, you can always AA+Q to get the Tear gain without actually casting the Q so you save yourself the mana. If nothing else, it's a good habit to try to get into if you play a lot of Ryze.


I thought this too but it's actually a really easy lane to win because of her mana issues early on. Can easily kill her before level 3 and snowball off it.
tbh nowadays I start faerie charm+3 blues+3 reds+1 ward and I almost never really run into mana problems, unless I overstay in lane way too much.

against panth I guess I'd start with armor+5 reds tho

Ultimate build path for Anivia:

Tear, boots, Catalyst - RoA, upgrade boots, Liandrys done.

Then the obvious deathcap, void.
I'm not a big fan of DPS anivia, I like her bursty. also buying a catalyst that late kinda feels like a waste of its passive.

Do you guys even get to upgrade your arch angel staff in your average game? I get year first item on most of my ap champs now and have never gotten to that point. I use skill after skill but it just doesn't get there. The only reason I get tear first is for the mana now. I can't remember the last time I ran out of mana after starting tear
I get the tear maxed out between the 25 and 30 min mark on lux, and then usually build seraphs after void staff. I'll maybe build it earlier if I feel I need the shield or if they have absolutely no MR. but usually matches end before I need to upgrade it.

you shouldn't always buy tear as your first item, tho. if you're laning against a ad assassin, you should go seeker's armguard or something like that, if you're against an ap assassin chalice, etc.

tear is kinda cool because it's cheap but you're spending 700g on solving your mana issues, and running out of mana isn't really a problem if you're getting bursted 100-0 as soon as you step in lane.

right now my path for lux is start faerie charm+3 blues+3 reds+1 ward and buy tear, kage, needlessly large rod, sorc shoes, deathcap, morello, void staff, seraphs.

didn't really like buying haunting guise, but that's just me. tear's grown on me a bit, mostly because it's dirt cheap. I still think mana is less of an issue with chalice since it gives you the full effect the moment you buy it but it's alright.

It's absolutely laughable how quickly you can stack Tear on Sona. Presume Udyr is the same?
really? I tried it once on my AD sona and felt like it took forever :p

I hate supports who don't ward brush. Ashe+Janna against Caitlyn+Thresh and they wonder why I have such a low CS -.-.
ask nicely? against a thresh it's common sense to ward the lane brushes but you know.

also if you're playing adc with strangers, you might want to buy wards yourself. I dunno why the game has this dogma that adcs' money is sacred... just spend 75g on a ward so you can farm safely while splitpushing or ward the lane brush yourself. it's solo queue, it's adapt or die.


is it so difficult to buy wards as ADC?
yeah I seriously don't get that, and when I play adc I feel the same way for whatever reason.

I mean mids need the money almost as much as adcs, yet I spend a minmum of 750g a match, why can't adcs buy like 3 wards a match?


This needs to be explained to me.
You AA to last hit a minion, and just before it hits, you Q it - the animation will start (giving you tear stack) but because the spell is stopped due to dead target, you dont lose mana
is it so difficult to buy wards as ADC?

I had an adc who bought a pink every time he went back. It was nice, but even though we were winning the lane he was behind the enemy ADC on items :/
is it so difficult to buy wards as ADC?
yeah I seriously don't get that, and when I play adc I feel the same way for whatever reason.

I mean mids need the money almost as much as adcs, yet I spend a minmum of 750g a match, why can't adcs buy like 3 wards a match?

Because I need to get my Infinity Edge. =D

On a more serious note, if a support has a ward and doesn't use it on the brush against someone like Thresh/Blitz/Leona, I get sad/angry/disappointed/etc.
All this Tear talk is interesing. I have yet to try it out with Ahri, but I don't think it will work...

This is how I build Ahri:
(I'm level 21)

Usually I start boots+3 pots, if I don't feel confident. If not I start with flask + 2 pots. I try to keep on lane 'till I have 1675 of gold, so I can buy Needlessly large rod + ward. Then DFG, then Sorcerer's, then Deathcap, Rylai's [to slow them with my W], Void Staff, and if I can, (usually the game ends before I can) Zhonya's.

At level 11 I usually try to get or steal blue buff.


Any Ahri that doesnt buy an early (at least 2nd major item) Zhonyas makes me cry

there is nothing like an ahri that cant enter a team fight or gets blown up when she does. in an even game an early zhonyas lets you dive and assassinate key targets and get out, while more damage just allows you to poke at the front line harder or punish the dumb adc that was standing alone.
if youre ahead, sure you can kill the tanks pretty easy i guess, but if they have a stun or a burst champion I'd still get zhonyas

p.s. fk u kiunch


Because I need to get my Infinity Edge. =D

On a more serious note, if a support has a ward and doesn't use it on the brush against someone like Thresh/Blitz/Leona, I get sad/angry/disappointed/etc.

As a main support, in high-ish level play, if you see the blitz/leona have a pink ward, it will be a wasted ward on that brush. Then again you can bait the pink if you have another pink. THE WARD WARS MAN, I'VE SEEN THINGS.


All this Tear talk is interesing. I have yet to try it out with Ahri, but I don't think it will work...

This is how I build Ahri:
(I'm level 21)

Usually I start boots+3 pots, if I don't feel confident. If not I start with flask + 2 pots. I try to keep on lane 'till I have 1675 of gold, so I can buy Needlessly large rod + ward. Then DFG, then Sorcerer's, then Deathcap, Rylai's [to slow them with my W], Void Staff, and if I can, (usually the game ends before I can) Zhonya's.

At level 11 I usually try to get or steal blue buff.
yeah you won't get away with that build at higher levels. gotta get you yourself some defensive blues and yellow runes, too.

as ahri I always liked to buy items like abyssal scepter and zhonya's for the mix of defensive and offensive stats, and also get a couple doran's rings early for the health+AP.


is it so difficult to buy wards as ADC?

When I play adc, i always get one for the lane bushes whenever its possible. Vision in those bushes mean a win or lose situation.

However, most adcs run out of inventory space fast. You'd much rather an adc with pots than wards. Trust me.


When I play adc, i always get one for the lane bushes whenever its possible. Vision in those bushes mean a win or lose situation.

However, most adcs run out of inventory space fast. You'd much rather an adc with pots than wards. Trust me.

they still go for that magical second longsword because of the DAMGAGEEEE


Well, keep in mind for Tear that you really shouldn't be buying it on every AP. That said, if you're having trouble stacking it in a game, how long is the game going? And how late are you getting your Tear?

I main Lux and Ahri mid and I can't max it with either of them. I buy it first item unless I absolutely need something else first. I am constantly doing spells...I don't know why I can't get it higher. I think the closest I got was like 700 at about 35 or so minutes maybe? I bought the ArchAngel, ready to get it to a seraph but then we won -_-

Any Ahri that doesnt buy an early (at least 2nd major item) Zhonyas makes me cry

there is nothing like an ahri that cant enter a team fight or gets blown up when she does. in an even game an early zhonyas lets you dive and assassinate key targets and get out, while more damage just allows you to poke at the front line harder or punish the dumb adc that was standing alone.
if youre ahead, sure you can kill the tanks pretty easy i guess, but if they have a stun or a burst champion I'd still get zhonyas

p.s. fk u kiunch

I dont get zhonyas until my last item and I almost never have a problem. You shouldn't really be getting caught as Ahri, at least I don't. I zoom around the enemy team with my ult + w, charming and Qing from a distance. Much rather go my (situational) abyssal, rabadon, void/rylai build.
I'm going to cry a river.

I... just..., why...!

So close to do my first Pentakill... with my favorite champion... my Q was returning, just about to kill him... and Jarvan had to AA and do the killing blow... just.... so sad... sadface.




I main Lux and Ahri mid and I can't max it with either of them. I buy it first item unless I absolutely need something else first. I am constantly doing spells...I don't know why I can't get it higher. I think the closest I got was like 700 at about 35 or so minutes maybe? I bought the ArchAngel, ready to get it to a seraph but then we won -_-

I dont get zhonyas until my last item and I almost never have a problem. You shouldn't really be getting caught as Ahri, at least I don't. I zoom around the enemy team with my ult + w, charming and Qing from a distance. Much rather go my (situational) abyssal, rabadon, void/rylai build.

you could zoom around or you could dive their adc and kill them and get out


I main Lux and Ahri mid and I can't max it with either of them. I buy it first item unless I absolutely need something else first. I am constantly doing spells...I don't know why I can't get it higher. I think the closest I got was like 700 at about 35 or so minutes maybe? I bought the ArchAngel, ready to get it to a seraph but then we won -_-

30 minutes? That's one spell every 7 seconds.

...not that you should be buying a Tear on Ahri, to be honest.

I dont get zhonyas until my last item and I almost never have a problem. You shouldn't really be getting caught as Ahri, at least I don't. I zoom around the enemy team with my ult + w, charming and Qing from a distance. Much rather go my (situational) abyssal, rabadon, void/rylai build.

It's not really about "not having problems" or anything like that. It's because Zhonya's lets you do certain things with Ahri that you can't do without it. Granted, it largely depends on how bad your opponents are on whether or not you need one, to be honest.


Not feeling it
whyyy :(

it's informative too! it teaches the value of:
a) beware of level disadvantages, specially early on
b) minions pack a punch like you wouldn't believe
c) crazy sonas running magic pen runes will make you bleed :3

I main Lux and Ahri mid and I can't max it with either of them. I buy it first item unless I absolutely need something else first. I am constantly doing spells...I don't know why I can't get it higher. I think the closest I got was like 700 at about 35 or so minutes maybe? I bought the ArchAngel, ready to get it to a seraph but then we won -_-
just checked a recent replay to see some stats. it's only one game so don't take it too seriously.

playing as lux, I got first blood, went back and bought tear at minute 6.18. by minute 27 (in which the game ended) the tear was at 580 mana, I had died twice (about 1 minute downtime) and it was a pretty action-heavy game (I had like 10 kills and 8 assists).

basically you should try to fill it around 20-25 minutes after you buy it, at least as lux. spam spells at fountain and while running to your lane (just cast your lower cost spell once or twice, tear's mana regen will sort it out for ya by the time you get to your lane). also spam like an idiot if you have blue buff.

I'm a tear newbie so I'm sure scy will tell you you should be spamming spells 0.49 miliseconds faster :p

edit: also is the cooldown on tear broken or something? or does it only work for sustained spells like anivia ult? because as lux I just go QWE at fountain and I get the full 12 mana I think.


I just noticed I really fucked up that math. 30 minutes would mean one spell every ~9.6 seconds.

I'm a tear newbie so I'm sure scy will tell you you should be spamming spells 0.49 miliseconds faster :p


edit: also is the cooldown on tear broken or something? or does it only work for sustained spells like anivia ult? because as lux I just go QWE at fountain and I get the full 12 mana I think.

It "stacks" charges so you don't have to do it every 3 seconds. It's not that hard to max a Tear even for many ADs that like to get it (Kha'zix, Jayce). It's still an item you get for the eventual late game (~25-30m mark), however.


basically so if I cast three spells together I get 4 mana right away, 4 more mana after 3 seconds pass, then the final 4 mana after another 3 seconds?


No, you'll get 4 Mana after each spell casts. It's just not a hard set 3s internal cooldown, it has leeway so you can, say, cast two spells back-to-back and get +8 Mana rather than having to do it as spell, pause 3s, spell.

I'm not sure what the time frame is (e.g., can you always get +12 Mana every 10 seconds?) but I do know that it's not "You have to wait 3 seconds between spells always."


No, you'll get 4 Mana after each spell casts. It's just not a hard set 3s internal cooldown, it has leeway so you can, say, cast two spells back-to-back and get +8 Mana rather than having to do it as spell, pause 3s, spell.

I'm not sure what the time frame is (e.g., can you always get +12 Mana every 10 seconds?) but I do know that it's not "You have to wait 3 seconds between spells always."
so what I'm getting from your explanation is that the cooldown's broken :p


Not really. It used to indicate it in the tooltip. It was stated when they changed Tear that it still functions that way. As far as I know, Tear has almost always worked that way. It wouldn't be all that functional if it didn't.

Edit: I forgot how much fun Kha'zix was in ARAM. dat 15m Muramana (that never did anything ;_;)


1 for 3 in ranked tonight. Sucks because I'm gaining over 30lp for a win and only losing 11lp. 2 more wins and I'll be up for gold promotion. Couple tough games tonight. The blame game is strong in my elo lol.


While this is true (+ constant Q harass, E to harass/farm), I'm not entirely sure why you'd get a Tear on Kayle to begin with.

I mean, I guess Manamune/Muramana Kayle works so there's that.

I seem to end up playing support Kayle a lot.


you could zoom around or you could dive their adc and kill them and get out

I zoom around safely and get the ADC. Idk, works for me.

30 minutes? That's one spell every 7 seconds.

...not that you should be buying a Tear on Ahri, to be honest.

It's not really about "not having problems" or anything like that. It's because Zhonya's lets you do certain things with Ahri that you can't do without it. Granted, it largely depends on how bad your opponents are on whether or not you need one, to be honest.

I do play mostly silver/gold so maybe the enemy just isn't good enough.

Anyway, I was under the impression that the tear had that 3s cooldown so I wouldn't spam spells just for the sake of it. Now that I know it's kind of broken, I should be able to fill it up faster.

Lane Akali Nerf.

Tigerdyr nuke OP

Huge Vayne buff.

- Mark of the Assassin
-- Base damage reduced to 35/55/75/95/115 from 45/70/95/120/145
-- Ability power scaling on mark consumption increased to 55% from 40%

- Missile Barrage
-- Big one now fires every 3rd missile from every 4th

- Movement speed reduced to 330 from 340

- Dark Binding
-- Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
- Soul Shackles
-- Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200

- Tidal Wave
-- Mana cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200
-- Cooldown reduced to 120/110/100 seconds from 140/120/100

- Base armor increased to 16 from 12
- Titan's Wrath
-- Cooldown reduced to 22/21/20/19/18 from 26/24/22/20/18

- Absolute Zero
-- Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150
-- Cooldown reduced to 110/100/90 from 150/120/90

- Tiger Stance
-- Persistent attack speed increase removed
-- New persistent effect: Basic attacks deal 0.6 bonus damage
-- Active attack speed increased to 30/40/50/60/70% from 15/20/25/30/35%
-- Base damage increased to 80/140/200/260/320 from 30/80/130/180/230
-- Scaling changed to 250% bonus attack damage from 150% total attack damage
-- Damage changed to physical from magic

- Zuan-Touched Bolt Augmenter
-- Now triggered by Acid Hunter

- Condem
-- Range increased to 650 from 575

- Spirit of the Ancient Golem
-- Cost reduced to 450 gold from 600 (total cost 2000)
-- No longer grants armor
-- Added 10% cooldown reduction

-Spirit of the Lizard Elder
-- Cost reduced to 425 gold from 725 (total cost 2000)
-- Attack damage reduced to 40 from 50

Also, built in now.



funny, but take out the "cait dc rofl"

text usually makes it not funny for me unless you're birgrpall and flying around with mexican robots
ah, well, not in the mood of changing stuff up and didn't save the project file from vegas, but will see about it in the next video.

I added a few captions because I felt it was hard to tell when cait was getting dc or not.

it was actually a pretty funny match, you could tell cait was lagging all over the place but she did great anyways.
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