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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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For what it's worth, @201+ AP Akali gains damage.

Because that's a thing, I guess.

@Vayne buff - Just to note, this makes it the same as her attack range (it was short ~30 range before, I believe) so it's not as big as +75 sounds. They should have also changed how it targets (edge vs center) for determining the range.

Unless it didn't. In which case that's a huge change.

Actually, 575 -> 650 doesn't make any sense under any numbers so maybe I'm just confused now. It used to be 450 (~525 in practice, due to the range calculation differences).


if I read the akali nerf correctly the 0.55 scaling is on mark proc only, so it's actually a pretty decent nerf.

and I think I should feel lucky that they're only nerfing lux's movement speed.


I guess you guys are right about the wards. If the support isn't doing it, someone has to. Also, just tried out Vayne and she's really good. Really good.


I like them buffing up corki a bit, but I dunno if it's the right approach. he needs less mana cost in his Q and maybe 25 more range on his autoattacks. something like that. I should try him again after next patch.

I guess you guys are right about the wards. If the support isn't doing it, someone has to.
as a support if I'm asked nicely I'll comply, I just hate when dudes ping me and say WARD like I don't know what I'm doing. usually supports are weighting in where to place the two or three wards they have on, though if your support doesn't ward the lane brush on a blitz/leona/thresh lane then they're at fault.


and I think I should feel lucky that they're only nerfing lux's movement speed.

It's really going to make those bindings more important since ~85% of the champs will be faster than lux.

I might need a third rune page for her now. Probably get 3movement quints and give up some ap/magic pen when I have to vs high mobility mids like TF/kat/diana. God damnit. 10movement is so much.


Just won another match with Cassiopeia and earned 551 IP, I was surprised I earned that much then I looked and I have those IP boost things, but I didnt buy it at all. Wtf? Do you earn it eventually/did I do something to earn it or what?

edit: I also won a ribbon of some sort? A red one for being a honrable opponent Im guessing. lol ok


It's really going to make those bindings more important since ~85% of the champs will be faster than lux.

I might need a third rune page for her now. Probably get 3movement quints and give up some ap/magic pen when I have to vs high mobility mids like TF/kat/diana. God damnit. 10movement is so much.
movement speed is really weird. like, I was checking out other champions and I see that syndra also has 330 ms yet I never felt she was slower than lux. also ori has the same ms as anivia and she always felt way faster (though that may be the run animation+her w messing up with my head). it's weird.

and sadly I feel like lux's base e damage will get nerfed eventually. she's a bit too safe right now, though I don't know if I would attribute it to her or morello's being stupidly OP.

also you could run on your utility tree masteries, the 2% ms over the 3 points in mana to get up to 336.6ms and keep your ap quints. I was doing that but moved on to the one that reduces cooldown on your summoner spells.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
as a support if I'm asked nicely I'll comply, I just hate when dudes ping me and say WARD like I don't know what I'm doing. usually supports are weighting in where to place the two or three wards they have on, though if your support doesn't ward the lane brush on a blitz/leona/thresh lane then they're at fault.

I love when idiots try to tell me to ward when we have zero map control and are likely to get picked off unless we all move as one.
if I read the akali nerf correctly the 0.55 scaling is on mark proc only, so it's actually a pretty decent nerf.

and I think I should feel lucky that they're only nerfing lux's movement speed.

I think it's really just to nerf her laning. Her Qs are free harass which should now get pretty weak. With some AP she does more damage if she commits to it.

I guess you guys are right about the wards. If the support isn't doing it, someone has to. Also, just tried out Vayne and she's really good. Really good.
Ward the important objectives or selfishly just so you can farm safely. Buying too many wards as a carry can be hazardous. I've had games where I totally outfarmed and outscored the enemy carry but had worse items, since teammates insisted I have more gold therefore I should be the only one to buy wards. (facepalm)


I love when idiots try to tell me to ward when we have zero map control and are likely to get picked off unless we all move as one.
sell that extra dagger that gives you 1% more damage and buy a couple wards if you're so good at keeping map control, you asshole :p

I think it's really just to nerf her laning. Her Qs are free harass which should now get pretty weak. With some AP she does more damage if she commits to it.
I like it, it hurts her spellvamp, her lasthitting with Q, her harass, a bit of everything, while rewarding her for procing the passive and building damage instead of tankyness and scaling off of her base damages.

maybe this and the W nerf will be enough.

Ward the important objectives or selfishly just so you can farm safely. Buying too many wards as a carry can be hazardous. I've had games where I totally outfarmed and outscored the enemy carry but had worse items, since teammates insisted I have more gold therefore I should be the only one to buy wards. (facepalm)
yeah, obviously your focus should still be on building damage but buying a couple wards per match doesn't really hurt, while being zoned out of lane definitively will.

Just won another match with Cassiopeia and earned 551 IP, I was surprised I earned that much then I looked and I have those IP boost things, but I didnt buy it at all. Wtf? Do you earn it eventually/did I do something to earn it or what?
they're giving people 4 win IP boosts because of the connection problems on patch 3.5.

edit: I also won a ribbon of some sort? A red one for being a honrable opponent Im guessing. lol ok
be glad that you still have it, I lost mine T_T
Lane Akali needed a nerf bad.

If you couldn't survive her manaless harass and kill her early, she would just force you out of lane over and over. If you got killed by her early, she would just dive you from the middle of the lane for free.


How do you even managed to lose it? x_x
back when they added honor pretty much everyone had the honorable opponent ribbon. then people realized that honor didn't really mean anything (they really should just give you like 500 IP when you get a ribbon and be off with it) so they stopped honoring teammates/opponents, and now like a month ago they changed the requirements or something and we all lost our ribbons.

the honor system is cool in theory, but horribly neglected by riot to the point that nobody even cares anymore.

Lane Akali needed a nerf bad.

If you couldn't survive her manaless harass and kill her early, she would just force you out of lane over and over. If you got killed by her early, she would just dive you from the middle of the lane for free.
agreed. the passive buff was just way too much. as soon as they changed it I knew she'd be stupidly OP because of rune pages.

personally I believe they shouldn't have raised her AP ratios either, just nerf her base damage and have her be miserable for the first five levels like any other ult-dependant assassin out there (diana, kass, etc.).


I have no idea why I said passive. I meant the mark ;__;

Edit: *Hybrid Pen Runes :x
yeah it cross through my mind that you mixed passive and mark up. you rarely do get those things wrong.

double pen runes are pretty awesome, but since they're rare I imagine I run against most people using magic pen.

edit: new ping icons are yucky


Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Fudge it, I'm gonna try DOTA2 and LoL at the same time. #yolo

Haha that's what I've been doing recently. I probably won't get very good at either but whatevs.

I think I need to find a hero to replace Jax. I like him a lot and think he's great 1v1, but in team fights I find myself wishing I had more useful skills than just jump into the fray, pop R, and auto attack everything. I may play around with some of the free champs this week.


I just lost a 58-minute long bot game. :( 4 AP, no AD, I feel like people would randomly run away from bots or attack minions instead of bots, wouldn't attack the middle tower, and the fifth player was AD and afk.

They bought two items so maybe they were just sitting in game rather than disconnected? Anyway, apparently the system no longer applies where bots go afk if humans go afk, so it was 4v5 as well. Bots get really hard 4v5 that long in.

I mean it was my fault for not being better and not going AD, but still, one of the most mind-scarringly bad games I've had in ages. I'm probably being too mean to the people and they were just new to the champions though.


More jungle item nerfs. Come on riot. Wtf.

Going to see a lot more udyr. Maybe a morgana comeback?

I'm pumped about the change to Spirit of the Ancient Golem, personally. Being able to go Ancient Golem + Choice boots (tabi/boots 5) + Aegis is a great building path for CDR dependent tank junglers like Nautilus or Maokai.

Morgana comeback would be nice. I have a feeling not all these Udyr changes are going to go through. Pretty sure one or two of the Nasus changes were dropped by the time the actual patch came out.


Yeah, the jungle item changes dont seem like a nerf to me, but more aimed at making them cheaper to obtain, and in the case of the ancient golem, making it more versatile.


I'm pumped about the change to Spirit of the Ancient Golem, personally. Being able to go Ancient Golem + Choice boots (tabi/boots 5) + Aegis is a great building path for CDR dependent tank junglers like Nautilus or Maokai.

Morgana comeback would be nice. I have a feeling not all these Udyr changes are going to go through. Pretty sure one or two of the Nasus changes were dropped by the time the actual patch came out.

Add in a locket and you got some mad cdr

maybe even cdr boots? gasp


Woot! We beat Chaox and I won my divisional series. I really sucked that game lol. Not sure if it was really Chaox, though someone in the game checked his lolking record and he was sitting at 2400-2500s. His MF was so hard to get to. I think I tried too hard to get into the back lines to reach her and thus played really sloppy. Chaox positioning was on point..

Everyone was gushing for being able to play with him haha. I'm just like "let's just beat this dude!"


is anyone's launcher crashing every time after a game? no error dialogue, nothing, just not really showing anymore (and forcing me to kill process).

Woot! We beat Chaox and I won my divisional series. I really sucked that game lol. Not sure if it was really Chaox, though someone in the game checked his lolking record and he was sitting at 2400-2500s. His MF was so hard to get to. I think I tried too hard to get into the back lines to reach her and thus played really sloppy. Chaox positioning was on point..

Everyone was gushing for being able to play with him haha. I'm just like "let's just beat this dude!"
wow, nice!


Add in a locket and you got some mad cdr

maybe even cdr boots? gasp

CDR boots on a tank? You crazy. But more seriously, I was all aboard the locket train before the nerfs. In a coordinated competitive game it's totally worth it because you can make full use of a passive. Low level games? Not so much.


Woot! We beat Chaox and I won my divisional series. I really sucked that game lol. Not sure if it was really Chaox, though someone in the game checked his lolking record and he was sitting at 2400-2500s. His MF was so hard to get to. I think I tried too hard to get into the back lines to reach her and thus played really sloppy. Chaox positioning was on point..

Everyone was gushing for being able to play with him haha. I'm just like "let's just beat this dude!"

This is badass!


I think possibly every game but one tonight, bot games or aram or otherwise, has had 1 or more afk, crash, or other issue. The most recent ARAM I tried to join crashed twice on start, and apparently at least once for another player. Anyone else having client issues?


I think possibly every game but one tonight, bot games or aram or otherwise, has had 1 or more afk, crash, or other issue. The most recent ARAM I tried to join crashed twice on start, and apparently at least once for another player. Anyone else having client issues?

I experienced several aram games not starting yesterday. Those that started would turn out to be 4vs5 or something uneven because one or more players were unable to connected/got dropped from the game.


Vote for the NA and EU All-Stars team! Try to vote for the players you think are the best, not the duders you like the most because the region with the winning All-Stars team gets a bonus spot in the Season 3 World Championships

EU All-Stars:

NA All-Stars

Remember, you can vote ONCE PER DAY
(i dont know why this is)

EDIT: oh god look at the people currently winning, figures itd become a popularity contest. good work stupid masses, you've doomed us all! 60% snoopeh, lol ok. he isn't even close to cyanide in terms of effectiveness

this voting has made me realise NA junglers kinda suck
and i'd vote for diamond, but he doesnt seem like a team player. wait, gambit jungler and top lane not even there @_@;


I experienced several aram games not starting yesterday. Those that started would turn out to be 4vs5 or something uneven because one or more players were unable to connected/got dropped from the game.
Also I didn't realize I had an IP boost until I'd play bot and aram games, lol. =/


well. i've turned from Dota 2 thanks to peer pressure. i'm doing well so far, but that's only because i'm being matched up with people who don't have any moba experience i think.


well. i've turned from Dota 2 thanks to peer pressure. i'm doing well so far, but that's only because i'm being matched up with people who don't have any moba experience i think.

if youre playing alone, youll reach people at your level pretty fast I think

hope nobody has been too mean to youi

also, what kind of peer pressure?


just played ranked for the first time in a while, guy picks udyr against a team with ryze, zyra and nasus, (and also varus, in case they didn't have enough snares already) dies like twice while fooling in the enemy jungle, complains I didn't pick cassiopeia. he asked me to promise to never play lux again against ryze.

darius just had enough of top lane after he lost his tower and fed j4 (he had a whole 100 more minions than he) so he starts calling everyone bitches and little shits and misses ALL THE HOOKS. also again, he picked THE most kiteable champion in the game against a heavy cc team.

he also felt like it was very interesting to tell us he didn't had a shit in two days so he's saving it up for a special moment or something, and also tried to get us to dodge because who knows.


never again

edit: oh and to make things better the client crashed so I couldn't report that darius. anonymity+ranking pressure+impunity, fuck you riot.


For once, I can agree with soda cop. CDR>Armour, especially in that kind of item.

Oh. I have some shred of dignity so I don't play champions who use it and just ignored the change.

Sorry guys, it was a phone post. I was referring to the elder lizard nerf. Sure the lowered cost is nice but I liked the AD. Carry junglers just keep getting hit over and over. Getting harder and harder to play any jungler other than a support/tank. Very disappointing.

Vote for the NA and EU All-Stars team! Try to vote for the players you think are the best, not the duders you like the most because the region with the winning All-Stars team gets a bonus spot in the Season 3 World Championships

EDIT: oh god look at the people currently winning, figures itd become a popularity contest. good work stupid masses, you've doomed us all! 60% snoopeh, lol ok. he isn't even close to cyanide in terms of effectiveness

this voting has made me realise NA junglers kinda suck
and i'd vote for diamond, but he doesnt seem like a team player. wait, gambit jungler and top lane not even there @_@;

Crumbzz is such an underappreciated jungler. I can understand cause he rarely streams but his game sense is top notch. His switch to the jungle is one of the major reasons Dignitas is so good now. IWD was good (and probably has better mechanics than Crumbzz) but Crumbzz decision making is just too good.


Crumbzz is such an underappreciated jungler. I can understand cause he rarely streams but his game sense is top notch. His switch to the jungle is one of the major reasons Dignitas is so good now. IWD was good (and probably has better mechanics than Crumbzz) but Crumbzz decision making is just too good.

I'd say he's definitely better at Jungling in general than Dominate was. Having him back to Jungling is definitely one of the reasons that Dignitas is doing so well, along with just better cohesion across the board.

Their bot lane in general is much improved too. imaqtpie and Patoy are just ridiculously good together right now.


Elder Lizard damage nerf. Gold went down a bit but it lost 10 AD.

I wish they'd change the workings on the passive at this point as opposed to straight up making the item weaker. It's being balanced around a very small number of junglers and each subsequent nerf just seems to reduce the number of junglers who can make use of it somewhat well.

Doesn't help that the passive damage is broken anyways. Singed and Amumu can proc the true damage using their DoT abilities, for instance.


Vote for the NA and EU All-Stars team! Try to vote for the players you think are the best, not the duders you like the most because the region with the winning All-Stars team gets a bonus spot in the Season 3 World Championships

EU All-Stars:

NA All-Stars

Remember, you can vote ONCE PER DAY
(i dont know why this is)

EDIT: oh god look at the people currently winning, figures itd become a popularity contest. good work stupid masses, you've doomed us all! 60% snoopeh, lol ok. he isn't even close to cyanide in terms of effectiveness

this voting has made me realise NA junglers kinda suck
and i'd vote for diamond, but he doesnt seem like a team player. wait, gambit jungler and top lane not even there @_@;

can't see the site from work

you can vote more than once? you can vote for both regions? would be funny/sad if one continent mass voted for the crappy players of the other continent
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