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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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i mean just look at it

repost for top o thread: hallo gridirongrace and his team will be on for inhouse 830-1130 cst tomorrow


Personally, I think she's great and the outdated perception based on her old kit (which was never weak, even strong frankly) keeps her on the down low even after that short period where she was getting some bans in higher elos after her remake. Her ult is among the best AoE CC ultimates in the game, strong CC between her E and, to a lesser extent, her Q. Ranged ultimate followed by QWE, I personally put that up there with the other big initiations/teamfight winning ult combos in the game - the Amumus, the Malphites - except she's never banned! She has lots of build path options and as far as tanks go itemizes for damage exceptionally well if you want to go that route.

She's pretty easy to play competently, too. You could easily add her to your jungle roster and bring her out every now and then with good success. Unlike, say, an Elise or Lee Sin who can get rusty if you don't bring them out for a long period.

Just saw this. Good thoughts. Honestly Elise was like that for the longest time. Great jungler and flying under the radar. Vi too. Eventually they catch on though and out comes the bans.

I'll play a couple games as her and tuck her into the stable next to Xin. Easy to play and effective with the right comp. Just playing the ARAM I felt comfortable with her kit. Frankly she's the reason we won 4v5. I'd lock down their entire team with a Q->ult->W->auto->E. Stunned, stunned, slowed with a big chunk of damage. Wouldn't be as easy to do that consistently in SR, but the power is there. It's why I used to ban her when she was popular lol.
Oh hey, 1.9 patch made some changes in the names of some champions in LATAM servers.

Let's see...
Ahri was (Ahri, la raposa de nueve colas) "Ahri, the nine tailed fox", and now she's called... "Ahri, la Kumiho Ancestral" (Ahri, the Ancestral Kumiho)[?]

Riot, wat r u doing, riot, stahp.

Now, seriously, how hard could it be to leave the name as "Ahri, la zorra de nueve colas"(Ahri, the nine tailed fox)?


(Honestly, I do think it's better than "raposa".)

My second child, my little man, was born about three weeks ago and it's cut into gaming a bit but not too much. It's all old hat now and easy to time my gaming around him.

You're pretty much going through the same cycle I did with my daughter. At about the three month mark I started getting more time for hobbies. Babe's crying a lot less, goes to sleep well, feeds and does its business at longer intervals and more regularly. Just wait a few months more for when you start putting the boy to sleep at the same time. Within a week you'll have regular evenings, almost like you used to before the baby.

Thanks and that sounds amazing lol. good to hear.
I played him earlier on PBE. His burst is pretty sweet, and he feels super fun to play.

His combo of Q -> double AA -> W -> double AA -> AA x whatever (depending on how much you get out of the speed boost) is really damn strong.

I really hope they don't reduce his range to 525. Considering his Q (the long beam) is actually a targeted ability in tune with his 550 range, reducing his AA range would hurt that too.

His ult is really fun, although it will take some practice to get used to. If you hit someone with it for a while it does a lot of damage, although it can be blocked by minions so you have to be careful.

I also played new Yi, who's awesome. He feels like the best part of AP Yi to play, but one that actually makes use of all his skills and doesn't just heal an absurd amount. Also his ult cooldown not refreshing on kills means it isn't quite as obnoxious any more.

His new animations and effects are great. I especially love the Highlander running animation and the Meditate animation.

I only got to play with him until like level 12 because my power cut Q_Q

Scy will tell ya, he looks pretty fucking cool.


Gotta say I agree with Saint on the new Oracle. Pretty much cements junglers into their S2 role of being early Oracle bots to control map vision, especially with the number of Sightstone wards all over the map. I'm still pretty salty that Riot was like "In S3, carry junglers are back!" only to nerf the two damage jungle items and repeatedly nerf EVERY. SINGLE. CARRY. JUNGLER into the ground repeatedly. Eve is the only current viable jungler you don't rush Bulwark into Locket on.

I don't know about all that. NA and to a large extent EU junglers are still stuck in the S2 mindset. It's true that Riot's changes have dissuaded the use of what people consider "carry junglers" but I think a large part of it is players being unable to shake what they're used to, even when those same players complain about it. Even pro players have trouble getting away from the S2 support jungler meta. I'd buy Saint's argument more if at the start of S3 junglers were coming out with Cleavers, Rabadon's, BTs and now they're forced into support items. But that didn't happen at all. They've been buying support or tank items from the get go.

Frankly, I have a hard time thinking of a jungle nerf that wasn't warranted, at least in theory. Vi, Jarvan, Hec, Xin,etc. - they were OP.

It's a tough balancing act. It's not practical to have junglers receive anything resembling lane gold or XP because they aren't exposing themselves to the opposing team as much as the laners. And unless you're getting laning levels of gold, high priced damage items like Infinity Edge, Rabadon's, and BT are just not going to happen. Then there's the players, lots of whom have an unreasonable expectation of exactly what a "carry jungler" entails. I dunno myself, but even with all the people complaining I saw DiamondProx carry with Tiger Udyr last weekend, though lots of people would argue he did nothing of the sort because "carry jungler" is something different for everyone.

My own personal thought is that junglers do need more gold, and hunter machete's and item built out of it could be used as a gate to ensure laners don't abuse jungle items.


Oh hey, 1.9 patch made some changes in the names of some champions in LATAM servers.

Let's see...
Ahri was (Ahri, la raposa de nueve colas) "Ahri, the nine tailed fox", and now she's called... "Ahri, la Kumiho Ancestral" (Ahri, the Ancestral Kumiho)[?]

Riot, wat r u doing, riot, stahp.

Now, seriously, how hard could it be to leave the name as "Ahri, la zorra de nueve colas"(Ahri, the nine tailed fox)?


(Honestly, I do think it's better than "raposa".)
they can't use "zorra" since it's basically calling her for the slut she is

the kumiho thingie isn't so bad, though I had grown fond of raposa lol


I played him earlier on PBE. His burst is pretty sweet, and he feels super fun to play.

His combo of Q -> double AA -> W -> double AA -> AA x whatever (depending on how much you get out of the speed boost) is really damn strong.

I really hope they don't reduce his range to 525. Considering his Q (the long beam) is actually a targeted ability in tune with his 550 range, reducing his AA range would hurt that too.

His ult is really fun, although it will take some practice to get used to. If you hit someone with it for a while it does a lot of damage, although it can be blocked by minions so you have to be careful.

I also played new Yi, who's awesome. He feels like the best part of AP Yi to play, but one that actually makes use of all his skills and doesn't just heal an absurd amount. Also his ult cooldown not refreshing on kills means it isn't quite as obnoxious any more.

His new animations and effects are great. I especially love the Highlander running animation and the Meditate animation.

I only got to play with him until like level 12 because my power cut Q_Q

Scy will tell ya, he looks pretty fucking cool.

I'll want to jungle Yi now that he'll still have that burst built AD. I've always found him fun to play but never really found a role I liked him in personally.


This is the best top Jarvan build when you have a tanky jungler. I dare someone to question it. Works everytime, helped carry me out of silver.

Ravenous Hydra - Elder Lizard - Spirit Visage - Merc Treads - Armor/HP Item - Situational
He feels great now, even the new effects and sound son Alpha Strike are so much more satisfying. Riot really did a great job with him.

He'll be a good mid and an ok jungler I reckon.

Honestly he feels more OP than Lucian does at the moment.

Like, maybe Lucian is a little over-tuned, although it's hard to tell from a bot game, but Yi felt much stronger imo.

Oh, and when Yi has blue buff, and with Alpha Strike's cooldown getting reduced by a second after each basic attack, it's like always up. It's kinda disgusting.
This is the best top Jarvan build when you have a tanky jungler. I dare someone to question it. Works everytime, helped carry me out of silver.

Ravenous Hydra - Elder Lizard - Spirit Visage - Merc Treads - Armor/HP Item - Situational

Spirit Visage is only really all that useful if they have like a double or triple AP comp, and since he doesn't really have any regenerative effects other than the lifesteal you'd be building on him it's kinda situational, although if new Spirit Visage ever makes it onto live without having its cost nerf I guess I could see it. Although new Banshee's may even be a better fit. Maybe even that new AD/MR item that builds from Hexdrinker, as that would mean you don't need merc treads as it gives tenacity.

I'd wager J4 benefits more from a Brutalizer in to Black Cleaver later than an Elder Lizard.

Maybe now that can finally move on to Fiora and give her the same treatment as Yi.

She's way down in their pipeline, they've already said (unfortunately) :(

But yeah, I would like to see them tidy her kit up a bit. Like Yi had more problems than her (people ignored his original purpose entirely and built AP).

Coincidentally, melee ADCs are no longer classified as carries on the client on the PBE. Yi is now an assassin, while Fiora and GP are now fighters.


Relevant (Last paragraph)

To be honest, I play most of the time with the client in english, so isn't really an issue(for me) at all.
lol wtf at that riot dude

I play the game at english since for some reason they messed up lux's laugh real bad. like, her portuguese version was really good, and even the regular spanish version, but well...

I like raposa, it's a word none of my friends had ever heard and we get a laugh out of it every time :p
Alright, I'm going to stop posting for a bit after this (kinda spamming) but Lucian's having some numbers nerfed next PBE patch:

Q: Mana cost currently 50-70, will be increased to 60-80 next patch.
W: Bonus AD scaling to be reduced from 0.8 to 0.6 next patch. MS amount currently 40-60, possibly going down to 40 flat next patch.
R: Ap scaling to be reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 and AD scaling to be reduced from 0.33 to 0.3 next patch.

Those are actually big hits to his power :/



Alright, I'm going to stop posting for a bit after this (kinda spamming) but Lucian's having some numbers nerfed next PBE patch:

Q: Mana cost currently 50-70, will be increased to 60-80 next patch.
W: Bonus AD scaling to be reduced from 0.8 to 0.6 next patch. MS amount currently 40-60, possibly going down to 40 flat next patch.
R: Ap scaling to be reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 and AD scaling to be reduced from 0.33 to 0.3 next patch.

Those are actually big hits to his power :/

He's not gonna be the new Draven :C.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
this article sucks. you don't fight fiddle with an interrupt.
he looks like a cartoon character. I mean, he's okay the way he is, but yi was fine beforehand as well.
yi is getting a kit rework on top of his visual update. there are other champions that need to be prioritized for both visual updates as well as complete overhauls.


pantheon is fine. i don't understand.

I think he meant vu

but I think panth needs a slight rework, not as drastic as yi, but just a few changes to make him less annoying against bad players (seriously I lose my lane at top 90% of the times with elise, but with panth it's just the other way around, just spam q and melt people at level 3) and adding a bit more depth to his kit or something.

this article sucks. you don't fight fiddle with an interrupt.
true but the rest of the article is actually good, if a bit obvious


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think he meant vu
pantheon model is not even close to being the worst. way too many champions that need visual overhauls before him. If it's that big of an issue for someone just buy Glaive Warrior.


pantheon model is not even close to being the worst. way too many champions that need visual overhauls before him. If it's that big of an issue for someone just buy Glaive Warrior.
yi wasn't the worst either but they did him anyways

imo the visual problem with panth has to do with him not really having a original identity, he's just some random spartan dude.


My heart always breaks when I have a bad game as Ashe and get the ol' "This is why no one uses her", "Ashe sucks", or "Ashe does no damage" speech ):

Fun game today, even though we got kind of wrecked.


Started playing again at the weekend after a 3 month break. My son was born and no way in hell I had any time to play this. However he has got into a sleeping pattern now so a few nights a week I get to play a few games. Also hurray for ARAM, when I have less time, to have a quick chaotic game.

Got Morgana recently and really liking her mid. Not quite the kill stealer that Lux is but she holds her lane fantastically and puts out good damage as well late game. Also the ult plus zondas trick is always fun.

Still loving Karma as support. Out of all the supports I have used (and its my most played role) I have found her ability to turn a fight around one of the strongest. Also in ARAM late she has a really good balance of utility and damage output.

Udry is my current jungle fav. Havn't used him to much and I only jungle now and then but I really like how you can be very tanky and with him but at the same time be very fast by twisting your skills to keep the buff at max and then stun the target. Then with phoenix stance do some decent damage still.

Don't really have a favourite top but on the rare occasion I am there I use cho or WW (who I also jungle with).

Ashe still my main ADC. Havn't got round to buying any other ones. Tempted to get corki and Caitlyn at some point. I have tried them both during there free rotation in the past and liked them both quite a lot.

I have a bad habbit of buying skins for any character I remotely enjoy using. Loving the ghost bride Morgana skin as well.

I seem to absolutely not want to but and play as blitz. He just seems so damn cheap and not fun. Annoying as hell to play against if your ADC just doesn't get the idea that hanging out by the bush he is in is a bad idea.

Anyway its good to be playing again. I'm basically just not letting the morons get to me and just laugh it off. More often than not I notice most people can tell the "report xxx because I died" players are the ones in the wrong. Also ARAM has a lot less bitching due to its more of a mash up gameplay style.
yo O3fish
welcome back man

Gotta say I agree with Saint on the new Oracle. Pretty much cements junglers into their S2 role of being early Oracle bots to control map vision, especially with the number of Sightstone wards all over the map. I'm still pretty salty that Riot was like "In S3, carry junglers are back!" only to nerf the two damage jungle items and repeatedly nerf EVERY. SINGLE. CARRY. JUNGLER into the ground repeatedly. Eve is the only current viable jungler you don't rush Bulwark into Locket on.

Hopefully it's because they're nerfing Bulwark into the ground, that item is so stupidly OP.
you got fooled
carry junglers just cant exist in the game. not only does it not make sense to allow 0 game interaction and get ridiculously powerful, but by optimisation, division of resources will favour somebody else
they existed in s1 and early s2 because people didnt realise that hey, we can farm the jungle too!
Biggest difference is that bot is nearer to dragon so more players are put there for better control.

Tourney level meta right now are 2v1 lanes. Take the tower very fast then swap lanes. This is too effective right now so it's getting nerfed a bit.

He's not gonna be the new Draven :C.
hes not allowed to
his kit is actually decent late game
My heart always breaks when I have a bad game as Ashe and get the ol' "This is why no one uses her", "Ashe sucks", or "Ashe does no damage" speech ):

Fun game today, even though we got kind of wrecked.
dont listen to the haters
ashe is fearsome, your team just needs to understand what she does

she needs your team to draw out the fight, so tell them to stop rushing in like madmen and instead, play intelligently and disengage and reengage consantly, because ashe slow allows you to do that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
something to be proud of
there is so much to be proud of.


boko, electra's gonna be mad at ya for exploiting women

you sicko

also I don't like that lux, she looks like she has the face of a twelve year old, you double sicko

I dunno why there isn't any good lux cosplay :(
pantheon is fine. i don't understand.

when I bought Pantheon I thought I was in store for something really badass and special, but like someone else already said, he looks like a cartoon character. He deserves a VU. Not as much as some other champs, but he definitely should be on the list.

On another note, nothing has made me feel more like a pro than playing Riven against a bunch of bots. Holy moly.
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