It's not that hard.
I know. But never underestimate the power of human stupidity. A guy named Robert A. Heinlein said that.
It's not that hard.
look at this fnatic supporter
Don't wanna support CRS because SV is a dick. Don't wanna support TSM because Regi is a bully. Gambit kicked Edward out which makes me sad. Ocelot is a jerk. CLG without George is not CLG. Dig is meh. CST is eh. VES sucks.
Vulcan and C9 are legit and I need to buy more RP for their icons.
im amazed youre not a fan of king jiji
best clg member along with hsgg
what are your thoughts on EG and their recent roster manuever
what about forellords 3k elo
what about NiP and their CS legacy and cool ninja-ry logo
tbh, i think ahri should shit on ziggs.
ok so levels 1-4 might be tough, but omg post level 6, hes a dead yordle.
maybe youre not dodging his bouncing bombs well enough, try running away from your tower + perpendicular to him
You make me sad
There's no greater joy than dominating a pure skillshot champion with ahri
You feel like a ninja, dodging all his attacks with your ult and killing him
EG needed change it's a good move.
I forgot about ATN they're also legit.
Copenhagen Ninjas are alright I suppose no opinion either way.
They just can't rack up losses the same way without them.Loved the Wolves. Feel nothing for these ninjas. It's just not right without Tess, Bro and Sven.
We played Killing Floor for 5 hours. Full inhouse lolgaf too, was funzilla
They just can't rack up losses the same way without them.
But we earned so much dosh.We died.
I'm reading he's replacing Cop?
Small question guys. I know it's relative, but in general, when I'm playing a champion with decent cc and a team fight starts, should I try to protect our carries from incoming problems or, if there is a good chance, should I focus their carries?
But we earned so much dosh.
schmatt is killing floor savior, tons of dosh
Premade guy 1: "I'm mid Fizz and my premade is adc, end of story".
Third pick gets adc.
Me: "Let me jungle, last pick go support please".
As expected, last pick (the other premade guy) instalocks Diana jungle without saying a word.
I go support.
I've never played a game with a worse community than this one.
^ She just went from another generic caucasian hottie with the same facial structure as the rest of female characters that are not Poppy to a somehow more distinct and charismatic but still hot almost-black girl.
Fiora is a beast in 3v3.
Couple of times I've tried playing her in 5v5, without successes obviously, but I'm always picking her in 3v3 matches.
She's just a great in 1v1 bruiser fights, I really enjoy seeing all those poor melee fighters demolished with some early dueling. Her ulti with tiamat/hydra is deadly in those tight corridors, and she can kill towers like nobody's business.
We played Killing Floor for 5 hours. Full inhouse lolgaf too, was funzilla
Probably not better, but if you build her properly and pop her E she can be as fast as him.Even better than Jax?
Jax? It's all about master yi. Back door tooEven better than Jax?
Jax? It's all about master yi. Back door too
But we earned so much dosh.
It's very rare to see a Vayne do this well in ARAM.
She bought a quicksilver against a Malz + Veigar. It's a beautiful thing.
Nothing makes me sadder than an ADC that is facing a Malz or a Warwick in ranked, not taking cleanse or buying a QSS. Then complains all game about getting locked up in team fights. One silly little item can turn the game around. Buy it.
no worries ya bloke, we gave him what for in your stead. Tally hoI apologize for bailing out on the boss last night. My internet went out. Really really sorry. T_T
Back to elo hell where adc take heal barrier, mid buy mejai and support morgana who think she is playing mid.
I've seen an ADC rush Boots of Mobility with Homeguard as their first item...
So what are the best quints for a generic AP mid?
no worries ya bloke, we gave him what for in your stead. Tally ho
experience.So what are the best quints for a generic AP mid?
I think I tried cleanse against Malz once. I felt really stupid when I learned that it didn't work, lol.not taking cleanse won't make a difference, you can't use cleanse when suppressed. Mikael's won't get rid of it either. Only way is to get a QSS.
So what are the best quints for a generic AP mid?