Once upon a time, cleanse did work against malz and ww. Then it was nerfed, and it did not work against ignite either at that time.I think I tried cleanse against Malz once. I felt really stupid when I learned that it didn't work, lol.
Once upon a time, cleanse did work against malz and ww. Then it was nerfed, and it did not work against ignite either at that time.I think I tried cleanse against Malz once. I felt really stupid when I learned that it didn't work, lol.
most versatile will probably be: (red/yellow/blue/quints)So what are the best quints for a generic AP mid?
i totally just said that
Ranked is killing me from the inside out.
Why is it that my team always keeps making shit picks. Nasus top vs Jayce top. Jungle WW. smh
ive never played jayce but he seems like the kind of champion that is fun because he can do aaannyyythinggg
i totally just said that
Is Orb of Winter bug already patched?
You can already sell items back -- are they changing a mechanic or just making it easier?Item sellbacks?? Hot!
That makes way too much sense, awesome. Previously I was the person that was like I'M STUBBORN I'M KEEPING BOTH THESE ITEMS YOLO.item undo
item refund
"i accidentally bought two amp tomes" button
You mean the bug where you click on it and it counts as a spell cast? I'm guessing no since people are still talking about it.
Patch arrived in our region and it doesn't work at all. I can't use the item.
Some Karma buffs / adjustments
Passive - CDR with auto-attacks increased
Q - Scaling Slow
RQ - On-hit bonus damage moved to explosion, and has bigger numbers
RW - Much more practical heal, reduced CD
RE - Stronger base AoE shield, joke damage
Like RQ being adjusted so baddies don't just spam RQ pokes.
Hate weaker shield damage. It was a heck lot of fun with pre-rework Karma.
Ranked is killing me from the inside out.
Why is it that my team always keeps making shit picks. Nasus top vs Jayce top. Jungle WW. smh
This is incredible in Dota 2. Put it in every game in the genre.item sellbacks is on the PBE.
This is incredible in Dota 2. Put it in every game in the genre.
first udyr experience went as expected.
teamfights and afk farming. nothing really happened in lane, i think he might have killed ryze once. he slowed down his csing near the end, so the stats dont really show how far ahead he was in farm. there was a point where he was 100cs ahead of vayne.who fed dat teemo
Time to make some people cry by picking Udyr and not having the skin.
pfff i never make mistakes
also, B-tier teams xenics storm and xenics blast fighting it out on ogn right now...
but in 40 minutes or so, CJ Blaze v Najin Sword
read this to prepare: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=421767
stream: http://www.twitch.tv/ongamenet
this game is awesome though