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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Time to make some people cry by picking Udyr and not having the skin.

Couple of interesting games last night. Both very messy in one way or another.

First up I wanted to be ADC Trist as I unlocked her recently, really liked her and so of course unlocked the rocket girl skin. Just needed to play as her using it once to get it out my system.

Start game and call ADC but im a split second to slow. Never mind i say, il just go jungle seeing as someone else called bot.

Havnt used Nasus yet so il do it with him, he seems simple enough.

Game starts. Guy who called bot is Trynd and goes top.

ohhhhh great here we go.

Luckily the guy who picked ADC was Vayne and just told me to jungle anyway. Vayne held the lane well enough and popped in to help when needed. Got a few ganks together.

Top lane was just all over the place but they did what they needed to do. Vlad was mid and just terrible. Would focus the tanks, run away from a fight when we could easily win. I dont mean run away because he was low on health. I mean just randomly ran off sometimes leaving me or others to just die.

Luckily they had a couple of terrible players to and we won but the game didnt half drag on. At least I learned that I like Nasus. However that means I have another skin to buy at some point.

Second game I call ADC. Im first to do so, so yay. Someone calls bot premade. I argue thats not how it works. Team selection becomes a cluster fuck. The premade bot is blitz / tarrik. Top is also premade and is nidalee and irelia. So what the fuck, I'm going ADC mid Trist. May as well.

Blitz is a cocky prick and calls everyone noobs within the first 10 seconds. He goes AP and has a good early game getting 10 kills within the first 15 mins or so. Cant complain I guess.

Im against Kat and just decide to farm and do a bit of poke. No point pushing to hard or il just get ganked. Farm and come back with a vengeance later.

Top lane is a train wreck. Its nid and irelia Vs Talon. By the 15 min mark they are both about 0/7. no idea how. I tried to help now and then but they would just abandon me and that led to a few deaths.

At this point I thought we were completely screwed but I carried on farming and in the end won my lane and then went off to help.

The game proceeded to be a crazy mess till about the 35-40 min mark. Slowly all outer towers on both sides were destroyed and it their Kat had spent most the game getting a lot of ganks (mainly on the top laners I think) so was pretty fed. however by this point I had a few kills under my belt and a lot of farm (for me at least) and managed to get my full set and was now a bit of a killing machine.

Blitz had only risen to from 10-15 kills over that time and wasn't really doing much anymore. However using everyone else as human shields I managed to mop up and carry us to a win. Blitz charges in and does his thing. I just pop everyone 1 by one and get a quadra kill and we get an ace. Everyone else on my team bar Taric dies.

We charge the base and I just want to end it to I pop the attack speed skill and basically shred the towers down in no time. Before the second one is down twitch turns up and I quickly kill him, Tarik dies though. I finish off the second tower and seeing as Im low on HP I just try and get the nexus. I get it down to about 15% health but enemy respawn just in time to get me.

No matter my team spawns and just jungle walk to the base and finish it.

Was really fun in the end but what a freaking weird game it was.

Almost everyone in the game was one about 15 deaths. I managed to get 25 kills, 15 deaths and about 17 assists in the end. Biding my time in this match was def the right choice lol.

Then played ARAM and got decked. Team was a mess. Just one of those nights lol.


I swear... Riot made my ping high for the few months prior to the oceania server to make me transfer.

Now i'm at a stable 150-170ping for all my games instead of the hellish 280 I was getting before.

I swear... Riot made my ping high for the few months prior to the oceania server to make me transfer.

Now i'm at a stable 150-170ping for all my games instead of the hellish 280 I was getting before.


Ugh. I usually hit ~40 on EUW but this past week i've been getting 3/4 spikes up to ~300 for no reason. Nothing downloading, only me using the connection in the house. A friend reported the same so i can only assume the negative effect on my end is down to Riot messing.


I'm real happy. No one is taking Udyr away from me in solo queue. I even first pick him and no one picks anything to actually counter me.

I'm real happy. No one is taking Udyr away from me in solo queue. I even first pick him and no one picks anything to actually counter me.



Bronze league always taking my Shen away, which isn't surprising, given i've managed to play him three times in one day and won every game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
BotRK>BT on Vayne. Sorry, but it's true.
not saying what's good or not, but i don't think vayne is one of the most top five most picked champions because she's hard to play. skilled ad players always stand out though.
not saying what's good or not, but i don't think vayne is one of the most top five most picked champions because she's hard to play. skilled ad players always stand out though.

Why wouldn't you max W first, though? It's basically free confirmed extra damage. Same again with Varus (when i play him at least).

Admittedly, i'm a terrible ADC.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Why wouldn't you max W first, though? It's basically free confirmed extra damage. Same again with Varus (when i play him at least).

Admittedly, i'm a terrible ADC.
Varus can proc those hits at any point. Vayne needs to hit the same target three times for the damage to go through. It's not really free, and the skill point investment is pretty high. I haven't played Vayne lately. Not going to say what's good or not, but it would take a lot for me to be impressed with Vayne play. She has a very low base of entry and is incredibly forgiving. She is super common at all levels of play because of her mobility options.


Everything is moe to me
Why wouldn't you max W first, though? It's basically free confirmed extra damage.
W is only extra damage on the third hit, Q is guaranteed extra damage and utility while drastically lowering a cooldown.

Same again with Varus (when i play him at least).
percent damage isnt worth a ton when your targets dont have much health due to being low level. Varus's E is a much more valuable first max.


Why wouldn't you max W first, though? It's basically free confirmed extra damage. Same again with Varus (when i play him at least).

Admittedly, i'm a terrible ADC.

Like the other guys said, max Q for the cooldown and mobility more than anything. Early game you aren't looking to rack up tons of kills with Vayne anyways. You want to survive and farm well. Max Q helps with that tremendously, dodging skillshots and escaping as needed.
Fair points i guess.

I only played Vayne the other day for the first time but if i have to go ADC it's Varus so maybe i'm just use to the 3 hits then proc routine, although i did think that Vayne's processed on every hit.

Learn something new every day!
Last night we played an ARAM with 2 Ultimate skins on our team. Guess which team won.


Edit: What's meant to be the difference between Legendary and Ultimate skins, then? A bit moot if the Legendary skins aren't actually that legendary relative to the Ultimate skins.


formerly sane
BotRK>BT on Vayne. Sorry, but it's true.

This the as and damage output with slow active are too good to ignore.

I miss building BT but I was never a fan of it and it hasn't been the same since the nerf to it.

Also DIMB vayne is not forgiving until you have items. Her range keeps her in attack range of a lot of people and she is shit for trading as well. Before that point in the game vayne is one of the worst characters to be in the early game phase.


Elise jungle is still way too strong. Carried so hard that last game.

I hate that she got popular. I've been playing her in the jungle since her free week a few months ago and loving it. She's my favorite champion by a mile right now. Now she's banned or picked most games. Top laners taking her away from me too. Sad :(

Luckily Kha'zix is ridiculously fun in the jungle now. So he's a good fallback.
I hate that she got popular. I've been playing her in the jungle since her free week a few months ago and loving it. She's my favorite champion by a mile right now. Now she's banned or picked most games. Top laners taking her away from me too. Sad :(

Luckily Kha'zix is ridiculously fun in the jungle now. So he's a good fallback.

She has so much damage and utility. Her ganks are vicious.


This the as and damage output with slow active are too good to ignore.

I miss building BT but I was never a fan of it and it hasn't been the same since the nerf to it.

Also DIMB vayne is not forgiving until you have items. Her range keeps her in attack range of a lot of people and she is shit for trading as well. Before that point in the game vayne is one of the worst characters to be in the early game phase.
I tend to agree with this. I thought Vayne has long been known for having a bad early game and good late game with items. This may be the first time I have ever heard her described as "forgiving".

DIMB, what site and filters were you using for top 5 pick stats?


not saying what's good or not, but i don't think vayne is one of the most top five most picked champions because she's hard to play. skilled ad players always stand out though.
She's one of the top 5 most picked champions mainly because there's not much diversity in ADC champ pool, yet every game an ADC is needed. Champions like Sivir and Urgot just aren't viable anymore after the nerfs. You can see the same trend with supports.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
DIMB, what site and filters were you using for top 5 pick stats?
You know there's only one. Filter by any ranked stats. And Vayne is only getting more popular. She is the second most popular champion to Caitlyn. If you feel like tearing into minutia for this week in ranked Vayne is the most popular pick in Gold, Plat, and Diamond. In Challenger games she is second only to Lee Sin. Her range is honestly not that bad, and her potential to farm in lane is pretty easy. She has mobility in multiple directions and instant pushback/CC potential. Even if Vayne doesn't necessarily have the kill potential other ADCs do in lane she is extraordinarily safe.
She's one of the top 5 most picked champions mainly because there's not much diversity in ADC champ pool, yet every game an ADC is needed. Champions like Sivir and Urgot just aren't viable anymore after the nerfs. You can see the same trend with supports.
No diversity in the ADC pool...what is this I don't even...


Tragic victim of fan death
You know there's only one. Filter by any ranked stats. And Vayne is only getting more popular. She is the second most popular champion to Caitlyn. If you feel like tearing into minutia for this week in ranked Vayne is the most popular pick in Gold, Plat, and Diamond. In Challenger games she is second only to Lee Sin. Her range is honestly not that bad, and her potential to farm in lane is pretty easy. She has mobility in multiple directions and instant pushback/CC potential. Even if Vayne doesn't necessarily have the kill potential other ADCs do in lane she is extraordinarily safe.

No diversity in the ADC pool...what is this I don't even...

The world needs more HP%-based damage ADCs.


Couple of interesting games last night. Both very messy in one way or another.

First up I wanted to be ADC Trist as I unlocked her recently, really liked her and so of course unlocked the rocket girl skin. Just needed to play as her using it once to get it out my system.

Start game and call ADC but im a split second to slow. Never mind i say, il just go jungle seeing as someone else called bot.

Havnt used Nasus yet so il do it with him, he seems simple enough.

Game starts. Guy who called bot is Trynd and goes top.

ohhhhh great here we go.

Luckily the guy who picked ADC was Vayne and just told me to jungle anyway. Vayne held the lane well enough and popped in to help when needed. Got a few ganks together.

Top lane was just all over the place but they did what they needed to do. Vlad was mid and just terrible. Would focus the tanks, run away from a fight when we could easily win. I dont mean run away because he was low on health. I mean just randomly ran off sometimes leaving me or others to just die.

Luckily they had a couple of terrible players to and we won but the game didnt half drag on. At least I learned that I like Nasus. However that means I have another skin to buy at some point.

Second game I call ADC. Im first to do so, so yay. Someone calls bot premade. I argue thats not how it works. Team selection becomes a cluster fuck. The premade bot is blitz / tarrik. Top is also premade and is nidalee and irelia. So what the fuck, I'm going ADC mid Trist. May as well.

Blitz is a cocky prick and calls everyone noobs within the first 10 seconds. He goes AP and has a good early game getting 10 kills within the first 15 mins or so. Cant complain I guess.

Im against Kat and just decide to farm and do a bit of poke. No point pushing to hard or il just get ganked. Farm and come back with a vengeance later.

Top lane is a train wreck. Its nid and irelia Vs Talon. By the 15 min mark they are both about 0/7. no idea how. I tried to help now and then but they would just abandon me and that led to a few deaths.

At this point I thought we were completely screwed but I carried on farming and in the end won my lane and then went off to help.

The game proceeded to be a crazy mess till about the 35-40 min mark. Slowly all outer towers on both sides were destroyed and it their Kat had spent most the game getting a lot of ganks (mainly on the top laners I think) so was pretty fed. however by this point I had a few kills under my belt and a lot of farm (for me at least) and managed to get my full set and was now a bit of a killing machine.

Blitz had only risen to from 10-15 kills over that time and wasn't really doing much anymore. However using everyone else as human shields I managed to mop up and carry us to a win. Blitz charges in and does his thing. I just pop everyone 1 by one and get a quadra kill and we get an ace. Everyone else on my team bar Taric dies.

We charge the base and I just want to end it to I pop the attack speed skill and basically shred the towers down in no time. Before the second one is down twitch turns up and I quickly kill him, Tarik dies though. I finish off the second tower and seeing as Im low on HP I just try and get the nexus. I get it down to about 15% health but enemy respawn just in time to get me.

No matter my team spawns and just jungle walk to the base and finish it.

Was really fun in the end but what a freaking weird game it was.

Almost everyone in the game was one about 15 deaths. I managed to get 25 kills, 15 deaths and about 17 assists in the end. Biding my time in this match was def the right choice lol.

Then played ARAM and got decked. Team was a mess. Just one of those nights lol.

lol. I swear, people who can't play top should just stop. it sucks because a lot of people are quick to call top.

I'm glad none of my mains are constantly banned. panth/aatrox/jayce<3


No diversity in the ADC pool...what is this I don't even...
I guess, I worded that wrong, lol. What I was trying to say is that there's not too many viable picks for ADC right now in ranked. You pretty much have the option of Graves, Vayne, Caitlyn and Ez. Champs like Ashe, Varus, Kog'Maw, Tristana, Twitch, Draven and Miss Fortune are pretty situational so it's unfavourable to pick them if you're 1-3 pick. Sivir and Urgot are nerfed out of viability. It's no surprise Vayne is high picked when you look at it this way.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I guess, I worded that wrong, lol. What I was trying to say is that there's not too many viable picks for ADC right now in ranked.
Yeah...not sure what else to say other than that I strongly disagree with this.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Can you elaborate?
I just find most of the AD carry lineup to be extremely potent picks that can fit into a number of different team comps. I think it's the most flexible role where players can really choose from a wide variety of options at all times. The ones that get picked the most tend to be the most forgiving, or the ones with damage numbers that need to be nerfed.


I just find most of the AD carry lineup to be extremely potent picks that can fit into a number of different team comps. I think it's the most flexible role where players can really choose from a wide variety of options at all times. The ones that get picked the most tend to be the most forgiving, or the ones with damage numbers that need to be nerfed.
Well if you're talking about overall, I agree with you. If we're talking about solo Q though (which I was referring to in my previous point) it's a completely different story here.
3 games in a row trying the Korean GP build

win lane, because bad riven, j4 and renek

lose game, because all 4v5s

why riot

jangler always dc

can i blame the jangler now


Also DIMB vayne is not forgiving until you have items. Her range keeps her in attack range of a lot of people and she is shit for trading as well. Before that point in the game vayne is one of the worst characters to be in the early game phase.

Agreed with this. Vayne is one of the more mechanically demanding ADCs to play, her mobility isn't so good that it completely makes up for her numerous weaknesses (terrible range, weak early game).

She's a really good champion, but she's not forgiving and it takes a mechanically sound player to maximize her damage output. Forgiving is a champion like Caitlyn/Trist who has extreme range, early game dominance and multiple escape/peel tools. Or like Varus/Graves who can still do a shit on of damage far from the enemy tankline. Or like Ezreal who can do both of the above.
Well if you're talking about overall, I agree with you. If we're talking about solo Q though (which I was referring to in my previous point) it's a completely different story here.

in solo queue you see pretty much every carry.

Only champs like Sivir and Corki are ones you never see.

Varus and MF have fallen off a little bit, but almost every carry is a viable pick in any scenario.

People tend to favour Vayne in solo Q because of how strong she is late game and if your team just peels she can single handedly carry a game.

Agreed with this. Vayne is one of the more mechanically demanding ADCs to play, her mobility isn't so good that it completely makes up for her numerous weaknesses (terrible range, weak early game).

She's a really good champion, but she's not forgiving and it takes a mechanically sound player to maximize her damage output. Forgiving is a champion like Caitlyn/Trist who has extreme range, early game dominance and multiple escape/peel tools. Or like Varus/Graves who can still do a shit on of damage far from the enemy tankline. Or like Ezreal who can do both of the above.

Terrible range? She has the same range as most AD carries like Draven, MF, Twitch, Corki, Ezreal, early game Tristana. She has more than Graves, Quinn, Sivir and Kog'Maw without his W. Lucian will be 550 too.

Only Ashe, Varus, Caitlyn and eventually Tristana have a higher range than her. her range isn't terrible.


I agree with you disagreeing. Think the ADC are the most even they've been in a long time.

Ditto. Bot lane is probably the healthiest portion of this game right now as far as champ selection goes. Their work on that lane throught season 2 and early season 3 gives them a pass from me for the time being on in regards to anything they do for the solo lanes and jungle, for now.

PhillipCostigan said:
People tend to favour Vayne in solo Q because of how strong she is late game and if your team just peels she can single handedly carry a game.

Bingo. Soloqueue games almost always last well beyond that breakpoint where Vayne ramps up tremendously.

Terrible range? She has the same range as most AD carries like Draven, MF, Twitch, Corki, Ezreal, early game Tristana. She has more than Graves, Quinn, Sivir and Kog'Maw without his W. Lucian will be 550 too.

Only Ashe, Varus, Caitlyn and eventually Tristana have a higher range than her. her range isn't terrible.

He means abilities included. Vayne has no way to inflict damage on other champions without putting herself into a spot where she can receive damage in return. Everyone else can, though some are very weak in that regard (e.g. Draven's stand aside).
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