Jungle Karma on my team in my last ranked. Fuck this game.
I got carried by a Karma jungle in Diamond, pre rework. That guy could play Karma.
Jungle Karma on my team in my last ranked. Fuck this game.
League is pretty popular in Brazil it seems
So many viewers on the Brasilia tournament stream
League is pretty popular in Brazil it seems
What do I build as a jungler if the support goes aegis? Randuins?
Randuins, Locket, Spirit Visage, even Warmogs. Randuins would be a good tanky Armor item if faced with solid AD damage though.
Yeah, I guess it depends on if I'm dealing more with AP or AD. At what point do you decide to build more MR than Armor? Does it depend more on team comp or who's fed?
What do I build as a jungler if the support goes aegis? Randuins?
Yes. Lol.
I'll willingly admit I'm not the best at itemization to the situation as I do have a set "core" I like to achieve with each champion but I'm getting better. Especially with the tanky junglers I try to look at who is doing the most damage right now and what I can do to combat it. But I also have to take into account what teamfights are going to look like and how much money I'm likely to have as the jungler.
Randuins has a lot of armor but also gives health and a nice active so even if there's say a midlane Ori wrecking face, a Randuins still might be appropriate if someone else has built a bulwark. However, if they have a double AP comp (AP top and mid) and their bot lane is getting stomped, I would try to stack MR and try to bait the burst from the mages in a fight. Spirit visage is cost efficient even without the improved healing passive. Cooldown, health and MR is a good combo.
But at the same time, their mages shouldn't necessarily be focusing the tank in a teamfight while the ADs might because you are simply the closest target. It's really a toss up.
Locket syncs up the best with Aegis because the shield is enhanced by the resists Aegis gives.
If you are jungler designed to dive the frontline and your support is a peel type support then you can actually get 2 Aegis because decent chance you may leave its aura radius. Divers also do well with Randuins as its a relatively small AOE so you need to get in the enemy AD's face to make use of the active.
League is pretty popular in Brazil it seems
So many viewers on the Brasilia tournament stream
Is Kha6 a top laner? I see him played top a lot but it says he's a jungler.
Also, are Jayce/Pantheon OP?
Is Kha6 a top laner? I see him played top a lot but it says he's a jungler.
Also, are Jayce/Pantheon OP?
He's a better solo laner after the nerfsIs Kha6 a top laner? I see him played top a lot but it says he's a jungler.
Also, are Jayce/Pantheon OP?
I don't really see how Jayce is OP other than his Q in the hammer mode and maybe the W in the gun mode.
You should watch some pro games of jayce thenMy friends were complaining about Panth... calling his stun OP. As someone who's mained Panth for a while... I can say that he's pretty balanced.
I don't really see how Jayce is OP other than his Q in the hammer mode and maybe the W in the gun mode.
My friends were complaining about Panth... calling his stun OP. As someone who's mained Panth for a while... I can say that he's pretty balanced.
Oh god, I just had an AP YI on my team that started Catalyst -> RoA.
This ezreal build almost made me gouge my eyes out. I practically handed him 4 kills in his laning phase and he didn't get a single kill after because he did absolutely no damage.
He had 4 long swords + boots at one point. He finished his IE the moment we finished the game.
Thank god we had a decent Kat.
Almost lost a game where we were up by 8k gold due to this dumb ass ezreal build.
Oh my god.
This ezreal build almost made me gouge my eyes out. I practically handed him 4 kills in his laning phase and he didn't get a single kill after because he did absolutely no damage.
He had 4 long swords + boots at one point. He finished his IE the moment we finished the game.
Thank god we had a decent Kat.
Almost lost a game where we were up by 8k gold due to this dumb ass ezreal build.
Blue Ezreal is actually a really strong build but he went about it wrong.
Najin Sword is out of OGN
very unlikely that theyll make it to worlds now
Im going to have to pay $5 for the sub fee on twitch and spam OGN summer over a weekend.
It never fails to piss me off when someone is so hungry for a kill he chases someone else across the map when we could do break a tower or grab baron. Our Cho died because Jax wasn't helping with Baron until it was too late.
Phoenix for robbing the jungle, and more damagw teamfights.So Tiger or Phoenix?
could use some work.Hey bro lolking my kdr
could use some work.
not soon enough. i'm pretty sure she kept me from buying sgu. thanks sejuani.when does cherno alphajuani come out
not soon enough. i'm pretty sure she kept me from buying sgu. thanks sejuani.