Viable? Yes. A good decision? solo queue you see pretty much every carry.
But almost every carry is a viable pick in any scenario.
Viable? Yes. A good decision? solo queue you see pretty much every carry.
But almost every carry is a viable pick in any scenario.
Viable? Yes. A good decision? Depends.
I go Kog'maw in solo queue and build BotRK, Hurricane, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, and Berserker Greaves. =D I sometimes replace Bloodthirster with Rageblade. =DDDDD
You're a bad person.
I go Kog'maw in solo queue and build BotRK, Hurricane, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, and Berserker Greaves. =D I sometimes replace Bloodthirster with Rageblade. =DDDDD
So I've been thinking about this for a while, and I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble with it. I played a bit of Trundle during his free week, and I found that sometimes hiw abilities wouldn't cast. I use smartcast with range indicators, and I found that if I was chasing someone and I tried to cast my pillar or frozen domain a few times, it wouldn't cast. I've been able to spam ability buttons and have spells go off with other champs, is this just a problem with ground targeted spells and smartcast?
Edit: Does it have something to do with this problem with Riven?
Not all "skillshots" work the same way when using smartcast. What's happening here is that you're using Trundle's W and E outside the cast range of those abilities, so he has to move to a location where he'll be in cast range and the ability will activate. If you don't know this is happening, it's easy to keep making the mistake over and over again (e.g. you're leading the target to land his Pillar, but the ability doesn't fire because you're out of range, Trundle and target move, and you reposition the Pillar target circle but you're still out of range, rinse-repeat).
As a rule of thumb, "unanchored" skill shots which don't originate from the caster will force the champ to move if out of range (e.g. Trundle pillar, Ziggs Q). "Anchored" skillshots that originate from the caster won't move you even if your cursor is out of range - the ability will just fire anyways (e.g. Xerath Q).
(This could just be a range indicator issue. I tried using it a few times but frankly it's really clunky. Wouldn't surprise me if it does wonky shit like you're describing.)
I've been finally brave enough to go Karma mage mid after dozens of dominion matches in which I ended almost always first as her and a couple of failure tries as a support.
Thankfully all I have to do now is linking my lolking profile in champ select to stop these "karma mid? reported troll gg".
Funny when people don't bother to find counters/learn how to play against unused champs. Worked as Lissandra for a while too.
I've been finally brave enough to go Karma mage mid after dozens of dominion matches in which I ended almost always first as her and a couple of failure tries as a support.
Thankfully all I have to do now is linking my lolking profile in champ select to stop these "karma mid? reported troll gg".
Funny when people don't bother to find counters/learn how to play against unused champs. Worked as Lissandra for a while too.
I'm also interested in the build and skill order. How do you deal with minion waves if the enemy champion is someone who can kill the wave in 1-2 abilities or push quickly? I felt one of the biggest problems with Karma mid (aside from Riot nerfing it in the future ala Lulu mid/top if it turns out to be viable) was that the wave clear entirely depended on landing Q or R+Q, and hitting it even slightly wrong means a minion blocks it. Is it worth just burning RQ to help damage minion waves? Or just practice last hitting at the tower?I've been finally brave enough to go Karma mage mid after dozens of dominion matches in which I ended almost always first as her and a couple of failure tries as a support.
Thankfully all I have to do now is linking my lolking profile in champ select to stop these "karma mid? reported troll gg".
Funny when people don't bother to find counters/learn how to play against unused champs. Worked as Lissandra for a while too.
When one door closes, another one opens; made it to Silver 4![]()
Meh, if that's all they do to Elise, that's fine. However, I think they should just have reduced the castable range and not the descent range.
This might end up being like the Diana range nerfs (in that intended/learned playstyle will be so different, they'll revert the synced range).
Having the circle smaller and not being able to follow a moving target outside the range as you descend will really hurt her stickiness. Prepare to be kited for days.
with how long the cast takes it almost always descends when they are out of the ring. If they don't speed it up the skill will be almost useless. It needs to be a lot more fluid and they can tighten up the circle as much as they want.
I go Kog'maw in solo queue and build BotRK, Hurricane, Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, and Berserker Greaves. =D I sometimes replace Bloodthirster with Rageblade. =DDDDD
you had annie mid it shouldnt been that hard to land a stun on with her passive.Wish I coulda helped mid more. Veigar is really hard to gank as Udyr, I feel. I was actually behind early so I couldn't do much, the enemy invaded our blue not two seconds after I typed "prob shoulda watched for invade" into chat. I guess I'm starting to get matched up with players who do that and need to learn to deal with it.
R-Q-E-W. Karma can kill the wave in 1-2 abilities too. I've clearly been pushed and I've "outpushed" the lane with a well placed R+Q. I find her autoattack one of the most responsive, so it isn't hard to last hit. You don't even have to use R+Q, even though it's the fastest way to push the lane. Q's will be enough to farm, harrass and push. Really, I've had no problems of being pushed to the turret when I don't want (except one match I played against Trashter Yi AP, but that's a broken shit anyways and will dissapear) or farming. Of course it is worth burning R+Q to help you farm/push. Try to hit a minion which is in the middle of the wave if you wanna get the majority of them.I'm also interested in the build and skill order. How do you deal with minion waves if the enemy champion is someone who can kill the wave in 1-2 abilities or push quickly? I felt one of the biggest problems with Karma mid (aside from Riot nerfing it in the future ala Lulu mid/top if it turns out to be viable) was that the wave clear entirely depended on landing Q or R+Q, and hitting it even slightly wrong means a minion blocks it. Is it worth just burning RQ to help damage minion waves? Or just practice last hitting at the tower?
I think Karma has potential. Especially with that built in Shurelia's.Got a Dawnguard key. Hmm...
I tried the shaper that's like Garen but his Q leaps instead of running fast, and it stuns AoE instead of silencing. There's a Sunfire Cape equivalent in there too and tons of brush on the map. purdy coolGot a Dawnguard key. Hmm...
Athene + Morello for the CDR cap so I can get sorc? I think I thought about it but never tried. Going to try.
Wouldn't it be better to build something more dmg oriented instead of one of those items? I've mostly build athene, ionian and a dmg item (hat usually)Athene + Morello for the CDR cap so I can get sorc? I think I thought about it but never tried. Going to try.
Alright. Fuck phoenix Udyr.
Tiger all the way from now. One big, tanky ass carry machine.
Never give buffs and carry hard. MMmmmmm
This is getting me excited for the inevitable Vayne nerfs.
This is getting me excited for the inevitable Vayne nerfs.
I have seen this build too many fucking times.
please be nice to Nev.Jungle Karma on my team in my last ranked. Fuck this game.
Athene + Morello for the CDR cap so I can get sorc? I think I thought about it but never tried. Going to try.
How long until gold?![]()