i must have took all of udyr's dodge because i sure dodged that bullet.what's sgu
oh spirit poopdyr
i must have took all of udyr's dodge because i sure dodged that bullet.what's sgu
oh spirit poopdyr
gotta love those comeback games after a losing streak
i must have took all of udyr's dodge because i sure dodged that bullet.
nobody really jungles kha he's mostly a solo laner
Jayce might be getting closer to balanced now but still op
Pantheon is really good if you get a lane matchup you can manage. His damage is pretty insane with Cleaver + Whisper.
You can jungle Khazix you are just going to be underfed.
It's not that Kha'Zix is completely incapable, but he's a low utility champion with underwhelming clears and ganks who relies on levels and items to be a threat. There are lots of heavy damage melee junglers who are just more capable and versatile while preforming everything he does and more.Don't underestimate jungle khazix. His initial clear is pretty slow but he duels extremely well and his ganks are decent as well. I've played him in the jungle quite a bit and he's a lot stronger in the jungle than people give him credit for.
Don't underestimate jungle khazix. His initial clear is pretty slow but he duels extremely well and his ganks are decent as well. I've played him in the jungle quite a bit and he's a lot stronger in the jungle than people give him credit for.
Frankly its hard to comment too much because I havent even seen a Khazix since he got messed with a patch or 2 ago.
As long as he has the point blank healing on his W he should be able to jungle.
But I dont see him ever building the damage to take advantage of the new Q like a laner would have gold for.
Not that its improbable to have more gold than laners as a jungle in soloqueue/normals
people still buy elder lizard...
Unranked players carrying their placements against Silver - Gold 1k normal win players like there's no tomorrow.
How is it even possible to do that much damage with Shybangbang with that build?
her base damage on abilities is really high.How is it even possible to do that much damage with Shybangbang with that build?
she has a ton of synergy with the new wits end due to her W being magic damage and all of her ability's benefiting from attack speed.How is it even possible to do that much damage with Shybangbang with that build?
Her E and R are also magic damage.she has a ton of synergy with the new wits end due to her W being magic damage and all of her ability's benefiting from attack speed.
Her E and R are also magic damage.
Readjusting to last hitting with Draven's gonna be needed. I do notice the missing damage from the bleed.
you know there is a way cooler ad carry who has a ticking dot right?Readjusting to last hitting with Draven's gonna be needed. I do notice the missing damage from the bleed.
you know there is a way cooler ad carry who has a ticking dot right?
Hmm, does Pix really count as a dot?lulu?
Hmm, does Pix really count as a dot?
you know there is a way cooler ad carry who has a ticking dot right?
Blind pick Vlad against AP Tristana.
I wish people played draft here. Last time I managed to get a game, it took 15 mins.Friends don't let...Blind Pick
You just buy some tanky items and hug them until they die.How is it even possible to do that much damage with Shybangbang with that build?
And if you don't, carries take care of the damage part.shyv does a lot of sustained AOE damage if you just ignore her in team fights
i miss playing vayneThey really need to patch Vayne being able to tumble through J4's ult. They kept blowing their CC on me but I just tumbled through J4 ult, QSS WW ult, BorK Rammus to move stupid fast, then condemn Kat ult away.
CCs gone, pew pew pew
shes basically morg with no poke and safer initiateYou mean the control mage who is actually a burst mage. Yeah she pretty sick
I watched the VoD of the Fnatic vs Gambit match and Xpeke plays her spot on.
Morgana 2.0
yeah i wish i could play her but her Q weirds me outLissandra's pretty good you guys.
You've never faced ap caitlyn? Some serious solo queue terrorCaityn?
EDIT: I guess if you meant the traps.
Build Spirit of the Elder Lizard and they all do right?!
Eh? In lane, Lissandra can poke better unless the enemy is really awful.shes basically morg with no poke and safer initiate
meaning shes not morg at all but morg's cousin
Any EUW gaffer's fancy duo-ing and getting me out of the hell hole that is Bronze 1?
sure, I can get you to Bronze 3
maybe even further
sure, I can get you to Bronze 3
maybe even further