I think he has the ugliest model in the game. classic skin, of course.
What about Sivir, or Sion?
So it's been a few days now since the release of sgu.
Honestly i have never touched him before the skin came out and thought i'd try him because of it.
I don't know how everyone feels about him. I see him rarely in games and i guess it's not the best jungler but i really find it an enjoyable champion to play.
It took me 1 game to figure him out and ever since it's been really hard to do bad with him.
What are the thoughts about udyr in general here?
So it's been a few days now since the release of sgu.
Honestly i have never touched him before the skin came out and thought i'd try him because of it.
I don't know how everyone feels about him. I see him rarely in games and i guess it's not the best jungler but i really find it an enjoyable champion to play.
It took me 1 game to figure him out and ever since it's been really hard to do bad with him.
What are the thoughts about udyr in general here?
she for some reason was never really popular unless she was seen on the pro scene. i think its a matter of being a weird type of champion (autoattack/mage). she used to be seen in progames as a pushing jungler (with great utility on the ult) or as a pushing mid champion. TBH im not sure why she isnt seen more since she is pretty strong against zed and is a decent duelist which enables split pushing.Really loving kayle right now, to the point that I might be picking up aether wing soon. Why doesn't she see more play (I never see her anyway)? She can push a lane like nuts when necessary and her kiting/chasing is really good.
plz don't support this guy.trick2g has been educating the masses about udyr play
you should give his stream or youtube videos a shot
plz don't support this guy.
When you see clarity, you're either been trolled or have fallen so far down in terms of ELO that Teemo is a pick/ban.
It is in competitive aram.Clarity isn't even viable in ARAM
I think he has the ugliest model in the game. classic skin, of course.
One of my friends picks clarity when he goes mid with Lux . We groan and make fun of him every time.Clarity isn't even viable in ARAM
swordboots, your argument is invalid
I'll take Yi over Taric and Sivir any day.[imghttp://i.imgur.com/axpDPTnl.jpg[/img]
Really loving kayle right now, to the point that I might be picking up aether wing soon. Why doesn't she see more play (I never see her anyway)? She can push a lane like nuts when necessary and her kiting/chasing is really good.
I watched s2e1 of new girl
it sucked.
Garena offering personalized sales based on the champions you play.
What runes and masteries setups do you Tiger/Doran's Blade start jungle Udyrs run? Want to try it for myself, but not sure about running flat AD marks and quints or AS marks or lifesteal quints etc.
Also I know some people spec utility, so wondering about optimal mastery specing.
Nope. Roughly the same. RP value is just different. $20 can get me around 900RP. Cheapest skin costs 30RP while ultimate skins cost 900RP.I'm guessing they pay like twice the amount as we do for RP, considering the original price is 355 RP.
But yeah, that is fucking cool.
Always run cleanse or QSS against a nasus. You won't regret it.This is my current Udyr page, but it's generally for Phoenix:
(I should really save up for that last MS quint...)
I'll try what you said.
Having started playing ADC again the last few days, I've realised why I stopped playing ADC ages ago. Nobody peels.
When your team would rather dive the 6000+ HP Cho'Gath instead of peeling the 300 cs+ Nasus and insanely tanky Volibear and Leona off you, a 19/9 full item Twitch, what the hell can I do?
Also holy wow Twitch is so strong.
Always run cleanse or QSS against a nasus. You won't regret it.
Having started playing ADC again the last few days, I've realised why I stopped playing ADC ages ago. Nobody peels.
When your team would rather dive the 6000+ HP Cho'Gath instead of peeling the 300 cs+ Nasus and insanely tanky Volibear and Leona off you, a 19/9 full item Twitch, what the hell can I do?
Also holy wow Twitch is so strong.
Yeah, you're exactly right without team peel you're screwed. It's the reason Janna has such a high winrate too, she's built around peeling so she kinda forces you to make the correct decisions in a way.I did. I had BotRK and QSS. I would QSS the Wither or Leona stuns, and use BotRK on the Volibear charging at me, maybe kill one but one of them would eventually get to me and I'd be fucked.
Like, I know how to ADC, I know how to position myself, but when there's that much dive potential and your team just won't peel, it's horrible.
So I'm trying to get into Summoners Rift again after getting tired of how every game felt the same (in terms of how you must have a support role, an adc, a jungler etc.).
Of course I'm put into the role of support the first game. I really don't like being an underlevled wardwhore, it's just not fun for me. Is there anything I can do to enjoy that role more? Any specific character or playstyle or anything? :7
On another note, bought some RP, do Legendary skins ever go on sale? I'm guessing not.
So I'm trying to get into Summoners Rift again after getting tired of how every game felt the same (in terms of how you must have a support role, an adc, a jungler etc.).
Of course I'm put into the role of support the first game. I really don't like being an underlevled wardwhore, it's just not fun for me. Is there anything I can do to enjoy that role more? Any specific character or playstyle or anything? :7
On another note, bought some RP, do Legendary skins ever go on sale? I'm guessing not.
Stop viewing support as an "underleveled wardwhore" for a start.
You should try to get Aegis early if you're having problems, maybe a locket too. Aegis is definitely a must though.Question: I played a few ranked Janna games and my end game build was literally: Ruby Sightstone, Mobo Boots, and more wards. I was so damn squishy I would die in two hits. Any tips for when your this gold starved? The map was completely illuminated, but I felt useless otherwise.