So I'm trying to get into Summoners Rift again after getting tired of how every game felt the same (in terms of how you must have a support role, an adc, a jungler etc.).
Of course I'm put into the role of support the first game. I really don't like being an underlevled wardwhore, it's just not fun for me. Is there anything I can do to enjoy that role more? Any specific character or playstyle or anything? :7
On another note, bought some RP, do Legendary skins ever go on sale? I'm guessing not.
legendary skins wont go on sale unless theyre retiring them
if you feel like a wardwhore then youre not making support fun for yourself
supports can be incredibly aggressive and most will out duel the enemy adc
in an ideal world, your adc should be farming 100% of the time while you provide space for them + preventing the enemy adc from farming
you are basically the angry mother bird that is scaring off the stupid humans while you prepare your eagle to fly and be all 'MERICA
play more aggressively! its nice that you ward, but you need PRESENCE (cue aphromoo's video). play sona, 2v1 and poke the enemy adc and support, dancing around their range. play thresh, make them fat hooks, lantern your jungler, duel the shit out of the enemy adc. play nami, double bubble the support and adc and zone them the fk out. play alistar and create a massive area of danger for the enemy. play leona and make a kill lane out of it
so yeah its nice that you ward, but that doesnt actually contribute anything to the team and probably why you feel useless. you need to make farming easier for your carry by reducing pressure, and making farming harder for the enemy carry by putting on pressure
i actually quite like playing support because i get the opportunity to shit on the enemy adc and support by myself (many supports are pretty bad at it, easy to abuse this.)