Garath said:I don't even know where to begin. I guess they're cool. Big shift again. Especially for junglers - itemization and camps. They've been fucking with the jungle so much. Forget nerfing nunu, change the jungle.
I got chucked out of the Dota 2 thread :'(
Will you guys be my friends?
Unfortunately there's no way to track how many people play LoL, so I don't know how long you'll last.I got chucked out of the Dota 2 thread :'(
Will you guys be my friends?
I got chucked out of the Dota 2 thread :'(
Will you guys be my friends?
I'm sorry there is no room for you here.As long as you can accept the fact I play Teemo, hopefully I can fit in.
Stacking AP, q-ing someone is the one of the best feelings this generation.
I like maxing CDR and AP on Teemo.
I don't agree with the direct intervention in the meta by buffing towers only for the early game. Why not just buff armour for all towers? The inner ones fall so quickly anyway.
And besides, people are already developing counters for the strategy (slow-push "sixth man" strat), and even counters for that strategy (assassins to prevent this happening).
The meta changes on its own.
Thresh top lane OP.Souls now always grant .75 Armor and AP per Soul (A Flat amount)
Next week point 5Someone give me an ETA on Lucian. Lie to me if you have to.
Wow,tough crowd. But srsly, it's like comparing the psp sales to ds sales. Apples and oranges man, you can see why they would get upset.I got chucked out of the Dota 2 thread :'(
Will you guys be my friends?
The thing is, Na has finally picked up on it while Korea has been doing it for 8 months or something.Riot has a vision for how their game should be played and come hell or high water people are going to adhere to it.
They should give the community 2-3 months to figure things out before tinkering with balance.
Wow,tough crowd. But srsly, it's like comparing the psp sales to ds sales. Apples and oranges man, you can see why they would get upset.
Boko where do you live? You post at strange times for this simple 'murican.
He's Australian, yeah.
But I say mate, or mates and I'm Irish.
Riot has a vision for how their game should be played and come hell or high water people are going to adhere to it.
They should give the community 2-3 months to figure things out before tinkering with balance.
this is the part where i post a picture of a dice rolling around. i couldn't find a fancy .gif though.2v1 has to be the superior meta
a symmetrically unbalanced map creates more decision making
I got chucked out of the Dota 2 thread :'(
Will you guys be my friends?
qftJust put another 200 hours in it, then you will find fun.
The LoL thread is always friendly.I got chucked out of the Dota 2 thread :'(
Will you guys be my friends?
The LoL thread is always friendly.
mid ap lulu is pretty great still her strenghts are in harassing and wave pushing
you start with flask and 2 red 1 blue
max Q because thats your bread and butter poke. try to position yourself that when you E the enemy caster minion and Q to harass, you hit the minion wave. free harass AND poke. this is seriously next level shit. its so dirty and efficient. if the jungler comes and ganks, just W him and walk away! if he has ranged cc, W yourself and run away!
AP lulu is srsly so good. You can push then gank (W yourself into range, E support, Q to slow them both, rush up and ult yourself omg da initiate), or just push and harass the hell out of the enemy mid laner under their tower with E-Q combos or if youre ballsy, just Q.
make sure you buy two wards each time you back because you should be getting heaps of farm and will be pushing a lot. make sure you waste the junglers time and pretend you dont see him while you clearly do.
get a chalice (vs magic mid) or tear + armguard (phys mid). if chalice, finish it and go dcap. otherwise morellos is pretty good. lulu really needs cdr for more poke and utility power
Someday I'll have fun like that on this game.
sorry, you gotta have friends
Someday I'll have fun like that on this game.
going through one of those spells. Last 7 or so games have not exactly been fun. Still been a mix of wins and losses but damn its just dumb game after dumb game.
Yesterday its was
Game 1 - 3 of us all mid. So I change and go ADC. Other dude stays silent. counter is ticking and someone says for him to go support. He just says no and picks Yi. Then proceeds to steal all he CS with that stupid jump and kill everything move so I as the ADC get left behind. We win but damn is it boring being ADC in a game like that.
Game 2 - I go support. Just a run of the mill crap ADC and other team just better over all so it was a simple slow loss.
Game 3 - I go mid Twisted Fate. With have 2 tops and no jungle. Oh well its not always bad that way. Zed is clearly outmatching me so I just play it defensive. Zed manages to get fed from all lanes and becomes a killing machine. The worst part was that Riven who was top just decided to come and hang out in mid rather than just let me play defensive. Meant we were both now underleved and had low CS. (at end of game Zed was a lvl 30 with almost 400 wins so I was totally out experinced by him anyway)
Game is seriously full of idiots and it can really ruin a game. When this game is good its really damn good but it doesnt half like to dump you in crap games for a while after a series of decent ones. I tried to go back to draft pick games but after 15 mins of people disconnecting because they didnt get the champ they wanted I remembered why I stopped them in the first place.
Let the Aram relax you.
You should try ranked - not because ranked is inherently better (I think it is a little) but because it gives you the opportunity to play with a fresh ELO and avoid the troll region... that is if you arent meant to be in there, unfortunately.
my kingdom for make everybody in the world an intelligent and reasonable human being button
Until anyone tries to ask/give advice.
PDGuys what do I rush first on AD sona? Triforce or IE?