new water champ teased in oddbro lcs video
This is annoying. We're in Silver I in 3v3 and we're playing people that are Diamond I-V. I know ranking doesn't carry over between modes, but really, Riot? Really?
But Nami is your water mage.
eh, they still have to do that sand one.But we need MORE water mages.
How long do you have to not play ranked to get demoted?
Combine both.
Beach mage!
Here we go. Keep them coming Riot.Vayne
Final hour ( R ) cooldown increased to 100/85/70 from 70
Shameful. Why not literally any other mech KB?i had a choice between a DAS ultimate and a steelseries 7G.
im not man enough for the DAS, so i got the steelseries.
Anyone on oceania servers miss out on the PAX skin codes?
First two to quote get the set of three. Play fair. Only if you're going to use them for yourself and be quick they expire in hours![]()
Anyone on oceania servers miss out on the PAX skin codes?
First two to quote get the set of three. Play fair. Only if you're going to use them for yourself and be quick they expire in hours
edit: one down
Absolutely not. Oceania only. SorryDo they work in US?
Absolutely not. Oceania only. Sorry![]()
Anyone on oceania servers miss out on the PAX skin codes?
First two to quote get the set of three. Play fair. Only if you're going to use them for yourself and be quick they expire in hours
edit: one down
panda got lost ever since he started playing this gameWhere the hell do I buy LCS tickets on lolesports (and when)?
I want to go dammit
Shameful. Why not literally any other mech KB?
But Nami is your water mage.
lol? what do you know about computer parts.Shameful. Why not literally any other mech KB?
lol? what do you know about computer parts.
why would you buy a 3150 champ with rp...Hmmm, maybe I should pick up the donger.
Try out Udyr or Shen top for a good bruiser maybe. They're both free this week. If you are looking for a support champion there's Thresh.Ok, so I'm starting to finally get ok at this game (I know I still suck). I'm only level 11, but I have been winning probably 80% of my matches. I have two mains, Ryze for mid and Graves as my carry. I want to start learning a new champion however. Any recommendations? Preferably someone that isn't a carry or a mid.
If he still has runes to buy.
Justicar Syndra looks tantalizing.
Fuzzy, play Blitzcrank
Good idea. Is he viable as support?
4 weeks before you lose LP, they also notify you 5 days in advance or so
on right now
royale v IG right now.
OMG v WE afterwards and is what I think, the premier matchup today.
Pretty interesting. Cyanide is playing a lot of Aatrox jungle. Going to watch his next game see what he does with it.
The donger's worth is priceless. In all seriousness though, I have 7800 IP saved up for Lucian that I can't spend.why would you buy a 3150 champ with rp...
Yeah, I'm watching it right now. Says he's not quite sure what to make of it so he's playing it a lot to see if it's viable competitively.
Just play Thresh for free this week and see if you like him.Should I spend IP on Blitz? I have 7200 or so, but I have been told to save that for runes when I get to that level.
Well if you're making a support page your gold quints are only 550IP per quint, which is actually a decent price compared to other quints like movement speed or lifesteal. I say go for it, by the time you're level 20 you should have at least 6000IP again.Should I spend IP on Blitz? I have 7200 or so, but I have been told to save that for runes when I get to that level.
Looking pretty viable to me lol
Odd, it shows purchases I made a year there a way to refund older purchases? i haven't used any of my 3 refunds yet, so i want to get rid of a skin for a champ i never use, but it's not listed on the refund page since it was a few months ago.
Odd, it shows purchases I made a year ago.
Honestly, I'm not sure. Not at home to check :/.but how many purchases have you made? i think it only shows a certain number like 20 or so? i've made quite a few since then.
Honestly, I'm not sure. Not at home to check :/.
doing a surprising amount of damage with no damage items. Not even a Doran's blade.