the other team had ryze/cait/janna. no tears. only murmanas.
sometimes i feel like posting this after every diary post tho
out of compassion tho
I was hoping you were actually trying AD Malz. Your build order made me hope it worked.Seriously though, what are your fav alt builds? Another fun one is Rapid Fire Missles Cho.
I was hoping you were actually trying AD Malz. Your build order made me hope it worked.Though I guess if it did Riot "we hate AP Tryndamere" would delete it.
Twitch too good.
I had terrible spikes earlier today, but that was over six hours ago.Anyone getting lagspikes ingame? Just played and both sides were spiking all game.
Not really. You could look up their pages but there would be no guarantee they didn't change them beforehand.Do people have an idea before hand what runes the opposition has?
Yes. Runes really aren't super important. They serve as a good baseline but you aren't going to "counter" someone with your runes.Are they allowed to change them from match to match?
I just wondered how the pros would go to prepare in their matches.
Thanks guys.
To be fair, it would be really stupid of the other team to have just continued to let you afk farm top.Yes it was ranked. And yes I was stupid for not killing him when he was level 1 as soon as I obtained no response in chat.
Of course the "fair stance" wouldn't last the whole match (I told him at level 6 we could start playing normally again, something he didn't answer either), but don't call three of your mates to gank me with everything while I lasthit casually in the middle of the lane avoiding any harras or at least tell me that you don't care and you're going to act like a dc didn't happen.
Anyways, I learned the lesson. Never again fairness. And I feel bad because I know there are few players who would do the same, but sadly it's like the 15%.
So, there's this Tryndamere top who is disconnected for several minutes.
I don't push the lane, just farm and wait for him to reconnect. He reconnects and come to lane as level 1 while I was 6. I tell him I let him farm. My jungler comes to gank and get a free kill on him, but I tell him to leave him because he had a dc and we don't like when we get abused when we have dc.
Some minutes later I'm shitganked by their jungler (I didn't attack him while he farmed top in Tryndamere's ausence). Tryndamere kills me and I tell him that was sadly unfair. Minutes later mid comes too along with jungler and Tryndamere and they dive me. They say nothing in chat. They destroy my turret. They win the game eventually (mostly because my bot feds Vayne but whatever).
This community is CANCER.
I'll never be fair with anyone again in this fucking game.
So, there's this Tryndamere top who is disconnected for several minutes.
I don't push the lane, just farm and wait for him to reconnect. He reconnects and come to lane as level 1 while I was 6. I tell him I let him farm. My jungler comes to gank and get a free kill on him, but I tell him to leave him because he had a dc and we don't like when we get abused when we have dc.
Some minutes later I'm shitganked by their jungler (I didn't attack him while he farmed top in Tryndamere's ausence). Tryndamere kills me and I tell him that was sadly unfair. Minutes later mid comes too along with jungler and Tryndamere and they dive me. They say nothing in chat. They destroy my turret. They win the game eventually (mostly because my bot feds Vayne but whatever).
This community is CANCER.
I'll never be fair with anyone again in this fucking game.
unless you're in a voicechat room with the adc, never leave kills for someone else.I'm Pantheon. Gank bot, Q, W, E. Run little Ez, run!. Ez 10hp, my spear is ready, DONT attack, DONT do it... let our ADC got the kill!!
Miss Forstune's brain afk. Ez alive.
I hate it.
unless you're in a voicechat room with the adc, never leave kills for someone else.
You pretty much got all the terms right. Just make sure you know that jungling includes ganking and lane presence.Hi guys.
Hi guys. This is going to be a bit of a long post, so bear with me.
Generally speaking, I want to play this game, but am very inexperienced, so I'd like some advice on a few (okay, a lot of) things before I jump in properly and actually play my first game.
Here's a list of all of the terminology and meanings I've picked up on so far - Is there anything I'm missing? Are any of my descriptions incorrect?
Top - Topmost lane in a map
Mid - Middle lane in a map
Bottom (Bot) - Bottom lane in a map
Carry - Character that starts off very weak and needs to be heavily supported, but snowballs in strength as they get the necessary items and skills, eventually being able to carry the team to victory
Jungling - The act of defeating the various special NPCs that live outside of lanes for bonus rewards
Push - Pushing offensively towards an enemy tower
Last Hitting - The act of hitting a minion (creep?) or enemy last in order to gain bonus rewards
Brush - Grass areas that make anyone who is unmoving inside them invisible.
Below is a list of the champions that I'm interested in in descending order from most interesting to least (but still interested in). Can anyone recommend a specific one for me that would be good for starting out?
- Leona
- Kayle
- Taric
- Vi
- Blitzcrank
- Talon
- Shen
- Nautilus
- Aatrox
If anyone has any suggestions other than the above which would be significantly better, I'm happy to hear them, but would prefer to try and learn the game with a champion that I like so I won't have to go through an annoying transition after picking up the basics.
General Gameplay Questions
What determines what lane each player should be in?
Is there some specific rule about lanes and archetypes of character? (example - carries always go mid?)
Is there a difference between the lanes? do certain ones spawn more minions, or is it just a meta thing which makes things easier to manage if certain champions go in certain lanes?
What is the full definition of jungling? I'm a little hazy on this.
Are item builds strictly followed because they've been determined to be the best for that character, or are they loose and adaptive as the match or opposition changes?
Similar question for skills - Do I need to follow set build guides or is it better to take what I need?
Should I practice for a few matches against bots before I hop into a real game, and if so, should I use the co-operative against bots option, or would I still be out of my league there?
I've read there's a way to have a private match with me and just bots. Is that still possible, and if so, is it preferable?
How useful is the brush? Are there any example uses outside of setting up an ambush?
Can someone define the various roles and what they're needed for? I know of carry (although not the difference between the subcategories) and support, but there's surely more than that.
I sort of get the runes and masteries systems, in that they're meta bonuses that can be applied to all champions in an RPG-like way, but what determines what is good for each champion, and do I have to keep a page for each one I play?
When is it wise to use the recall spell?
Similar question, but for ultimate skill. I assume this varies by character.
Should I watch some streams to see how other people play, or would it all be way over my head at the minute and therefore pointless?
Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any help.
usually you ask for a lane you're interested in playing, you and your team will... "discuss" who wants to go where and when your roll is decided upon you then pick a character suited for that lane.What determines what lane each player should be in?
No, there's an exception for everything. mid is typically where mana dependant APC's go because it is always next to the blue buff. but if you're blue side with a kat mid and a ryze top, it makes sense for ryze or the jungler to take the buff instead.Is there some specific rule about lanes and archetypes of character? (example - carries always go mid?)
mid is shorter than the side lanes, is open on both sides and has no bushes close enough to the waves to be used in the lane.Is there a difference between the lanes? do certain ones spawn more minions, or is it just a meta thing which makes things easier to manage if certain champions go in certain lanes?
a jungler is a player who roams between all three lanes and attempts to sneak in for a 2v1/3v2 surprise kill. in the time between these ganks, he's also the guy who will try to protect your tower if you recall in a bad spot or die. He's called the jungler because part of his job is keeping control of the neutral creeps he will be farming and protecting his/securing enemy buffs/majour objectives.What is the full definition of jungling? I'm a little hazy on this.
both. mostly the first one though in that the items that synergize the best with your kit will be fairly static, but it will still be helpful to pick up defensive items based on whats happening in your game. ie: armour/MR/tenacity/QSS/GA picking up penetration in response to defensive stacking can be nice too.Are item builds strictly followed because they've been determined to be the best for that character, or are they loose and adaptive as the match or opposition changes?
i'm sure there are some champions that always take the same skill order no matter what because that's just how they are [looking at you vayne], but it can be dependent on circumstance. you should read the rationale behind the skill orders being proposed and weigh it against the benefit you perceive you can gain elsewhere.Similar question for skills - Do I need to follow set build guides or is it better to take what I need?
do whatever you want. I went straight into pvp after the tutorial, it's entirely up to you.Should I practice for a few matches against bots before I hop into a real game, and if so, should I use the co-operative against bots option, or would I still be out of my league there?
it's a great way to practice last hitting and familiarize yourself with a champion.I've read there's a way to have a private match with me and just bots. Is that still possible, and if so, is it preferable?
if you step into the brush while an enemy Fiora is ulting you, it will cancel.How useful is the brush? Are there any example uses outside of setting up an ambush?
adc - literally the most useless champions in the game, can never accomplish anything until you've spent 20 minutes babysitiing them so they'll have enough gold to even compete. then they act like you should be thankful that they're finally doing their job. Mute them at the first sign of backtalk.Can someone define the various roles and what they're needed for? I know of carry (although not the difference between the subcategories) and support, but there's surely more than that.
you dont need a page for every champion. the runes that are typically most popular are very general. AD/AP/armour/magic resist/etc. an ad page can be used on everybody and while it might not be perfectly efficient everywhere, it's still useful.I sort of get the runes and masteries systems, in that they're meta bonuses that can be applied to all champions in an RPG-like way, but what determines what is good for each champion, and do I have to keep a page for each one I play?
when your most recent wave of minions reach or are going to reach the enemy tower.When is it wise to use the recall spell?
when it will kill someone or keep you or a teammate from dying.Similar question, but for ultimate skill. I assume this varies by character.
there are streams for many different levels of play. i didnt start watching lol until recently, but if you think it will help and you have fun watching, go for it!Should I watch some streams to see how other people play, or would it all be way over my head at the minute and therefore pointless?
Hi guys. This is going to be a bit of a long post, so bear with me.
Generally speaking, I want to play this game, but am very inexperienced, so I'd like some advice on a few (okay, a lot of) things before I jump in properly and actually play my first game...
so what to do in ranked:
i play adc, very safe, outfarm, get 1-2 kills no death.
top, mid, jungle lose lane, give up 5 kills each.
20 min in, TF start and i have no chance since akalis and such 1 hit me because they have 6-10 kills.
elo hell doesn't exist.
That said, iunno. it'd help if Diprosalic posted his lolking so we could take a look at some of his info. The short answer is that you just wont climb in ranked unless you be the difference. if you're not the reason your team won, you cant rightly expect that you deserve the win. if you go even in lane or +1-2 kills and do okay in team fights, then it's going to take many,. many, many games for those small advantages to add up and push your rank higher. if you go +1-2 and cant handle team fights, then you're just not going to climb at all because your slight strength is going to be equaled out by your weakness.
All that said, people who blame their circumstances on all the other lanes consistently losing usually overestimate their own skill.