The correct choice is Twitch, but play what you think will be fun.My buddies are telling me to go Varus instead. Decisions...
The correct choice is Twitch, but play what you think will be fun.My buddies are telling me to go Varus instead. Decisions...
Oh. I just now realized you post on that other site. Sorry about your reasonably ahead, so i figured i'd try ap zyra support after the bulwark.
so ends my series.
only down to 90lp tho.
may have been slightly possibly my fault in a tiny bit.Oh. I just now realized you post on that other site. Sorry about your series.
may have been slightly possibly my fault in a tiny bit.
but yeah ive been posting there for awhile now. mostly just the bets things. always fun to see the responses.
?Won one, lost one. Why.jpg Our Fiddle insisted on using CS to clear creep waves :/
First win of two (hopefully) down.
Good luck man. I'll be doing my promotion series into Silver tonight so I feel your pain!
Yeah, she is one of the worst champs in the game, although she does have carry potential. That ult is pretty strong.I thought Fiora was generally considered one of the worst champs in the game...?
I thought Fiora was generally considered one of the worst champs in the game...?
She is like any other melee carry a late game monster of she can reach it safely, but she outright loses to bruisers (Garen, Renekton, Irelia and udyr).I thought Fiora was generally considered one of the worst champs in the game...?
She is like any other melee carry a late game monster of she can reach it safely, but she outright loses to bruisers (Garen, Renekton, Irelia and udyr).
then again, you dont see players in rank utilize bruisers to their maximum power.
I miss my BrolafI also thought bruisers were useless in the current meta... at least that's what everyone says.
I also thought bruisers were useless in the current meta... at least that's what everyone says.
Yay finished all my placement matches and got into Silver IV. It's all probably downhill from here but let's find out!
This community largely lives in a negative feedback loop fed by copious amounts of exaggeration and false equivalencies (e.g. what is true in competitive LoL is true and only true in all ranks of soloqueue).
If there's a bruiser you like to play, and you do well and you feel that your pick is a positive for your team, then play it.
bruisers are doing fine in competitive LoL, attempts to rationalize the actions of soloq are hopeless. They're the type of crazy person who yells that the walls are moving when they're standing outside.
Most of the Ez I've been seeing have been going Blue.
W>E>Q. Hit bubbles. Win trades.Going to try out Nami. Any tips?
Most of the Ez I've been seeing have been going Blue.
Going to try out Nami. Any tips?
W>E>Q. Hit bubbles. Win trades.
W > Q > E. Hit bubbles. Win trades.
I don't really see the benefit to maxing Q over E.W > Q > E. Hit bubbles. Win trades.
lux, nidalee, shaco, garen, ezreal.what are the champions that people only really play when they're forced into a role they don't want to play?
All I can think of is support janna and top garen. maybe adc ashe?
what are the champions that people only really play when they're forced into a role they don't want to play?
All I can think of is support janna and top garen. maybe adc ashe?
lux, nidalee, shaco, garen, ezreal.
what are the champions that people only really play when they're forced into a role they don't want to play?
All I can think of is support janna and top garen. maybe adc ashe?
Wait, what?
Janna is one of the best supports, period. Ashe and Garen, while not exactly popular, I wouldn't consider terrible.
Really it's the support Lux/Nidalee that lets you know "I really wanted to play Mid" or Mid (AD) Ezreal/Vayne for the "I really wanted to play ADC".
There's also Top Vayne for the "CLG did it so it must be good" crew.
Jannas global passive is pretty strong still if you go with a gank heavy jungler. She'll phase out pretty much completely if they go through with the remove all globals from the game things. Same with Shen.
They damn better not remove globals like Shen's ultimate or Ashe's ultimate. Global passives I really don't care much for since it's just invisible power.
Top: DravenWhat champs do you guys feel the best about when they're on your team? For me it would be:
Top: jayce
Mid: orianna/ahri
ADC: Caitlyn
Support: nami/thresh
Jungle: j4
got reasonably ahead, so i figured i'd try ap zyra support after the bulwark.
so ends my series.
only down to 90lp tho.
Oh. I just now realized you post on that other site. Sorry about your series.
What.may have been slightly possibly my fault in a tiny bit.
but yeah ive been posting there for awhile now. mostly just the bets things. always fun to see the responses.
I bet they are developing it.Would be nice if we got some info on what is going on with this lucian patch.
I bet they are developing it.