Mister Negative
What's the deal with Riven? is she like the very definition of a pubstomp champ or what?
What's the deal with Riven? is she like the very definition of a pubstomp champ or what?
If you know how to use her, yeah. She deals a fuck load of damage if you know how to maximise it.
I'd say she has a pretty high skill floor, but her kit's strong and she's incredibly fun. Worth learning.
What's the deal with Riven? is she like the very definition of a pubstomp champ or what?
Yeah I played her a lil during her free week and she's super fun, waiting for her sale to pick her up. I just don't get why she's not more popular.
Me too. lol. I'm going to even buy the bundle just for the Matrix recall skin. sigh.
I'd consider Darius a pubstomp champ.
i won't go that far and pay money for it tho.
Darius may be good for kills, but you're not allowed to play him unless you have an incredibly toxic personality, along the lines of Yi or Xin players. Acceptable Darius behavior typically involves always staying top, refusing to ever join your team in fights, and if you do happen to end up near them, making sure to steal any kills with your ult so they don't get much gold and you can blame them because your score is better.![]()
Riven used to be my favorite champion, probably. I played like 100 games with her and took notes on results, though I don't think my win rate was that good. I think she got nerfed a while back though.
Darius may be good for kills, but you're not allowed to play him unless you have an incredibly toxic personality, along the lines of Yi or Xin players. Acceptable Darius behavior typically involves always staying top, refusing to ever join your team in fights, and if you do happen to end up near them, making sure to steal any kills with your ult so they don't get much gold and you can blame them because your score is better.![]()
I don't know what is wrong (my internet is usually fine), but whenever I go into a fight, %75 of the time it starts to DC and I can't move my champion. You can believe this is EXTREMELY annoying.
stealth another quinn is garbage post. wwwwwwww
If you are in this situation it's your job to carry. Her damage output was low and her ability set left her incapable of avoiding me or getting in to do enough damage to targets she could kill.She had the most kills on her team, more gold and CS than any of your team except you. Seems to me like her team let her down.
i dunno if i want to buy it. i should have gotten toy soldier when i had the chance.why aren't you using codplank
k, i bought it. for the crit animation. and bombs.why aren't you using codplank
If you are in this situation it's your job to carry. Her damage output was low and her ability set left her incapable of avoiding me or getting in to do enough damage to targets she could kill.
Her build was shit but if she was any other AD carry the game might have been much easier for the enemy team.
Teemo would be better off with a zephyr than a Hurricane but in the end with botrk and wits and teemo's w and passive you will nearing the attack speed cap anyway. Mallet offers so much for Teemo due to the fact that his kit offers soft CC so makes it easier for Teemo to kite players.Playing Teemo is such a guilty pleasure. I love splitpushing.Once I get my Hurricane it's happy fun times.
Starting to dig bruisery builds more (BorK, Mallet, Wits).
Deathcap on top of augment death ray and of course Liandry's is a nice touch. Does anyone know if you can still stack two Death caps or is that's no no. Also it is pretty funny to see someone on hit you with ignite and then you use your q so you have a shield to take the damage.Viktor is amazing. God damn. Just go Liandry's, Void, and Athene's and poke all day for massive burn damage.
I play the worst Fiora ever. Yet I manage to take down Varus, AP Ezreal and jungle Eve 3v1. Oh it was glorious.
Deathcap on top of augment death ray and of course Liandry's is a nice touch. Does anyone know if you can still stack two Death caps or is that's no no. Also it is pretty funny to see some on hit you with ignite and then you use your q so you have a shield to take the damage.
Double deathcaps is a no no but I think the passive from two of them stacks which is kinda crazy But yeah it is not a recommended build path.You can for maximum AP, but it's a waste as another item that has other effects beside AP would be a much better use of the slot.
Don't do it unless you're in a custom/private game and going for shits and giggles.
Double deathcaps is a no no but I think the passive from two of them stacks which is kinda crazy But yeah it is not a recommended build path.
No, the passives are unique and do not stack.
You do get the original +30% on the second deathcap, but you don't get +60% or whatever. It just multiplies your max AP by 1.30.
It wouldn't have made a huge difference. Even before the game spun around her kill potential and damage output was just low compared to what else is out there and strong like Vayne and Twitch. I could outduel her by a landslide, poke her before she was even close to being in range, and I also brought ten times the utility and AOE damage to fights.You way underestimate her damage. If she'd have built a BT instead of that IE it would probably have been an entirely different story.
i dunno if i want to buy it. i should have gotten toy soldier when i had the chance.
Oh you have no idea...Woho! Silver 3! No longer the scrubbiest of the scrubby!
That time frame sounds right. Toy is a cool idea but pretty junk on the execution.they re-released that last christmas right? i was looking at what gp skins i had and had toy and codplank, even though i dont remember buying toyplank
Don't usually agree with dimb too often, but he's right. They would have had a better chance with any other adc.If you are in this situation it's your job to carry. Her damage output was low and her ability set left her incapable of avoiding me or getting in to do enough damage to targets she could kill.
Her build was shit but if she was any other AD carry the game might have been much easier for the enemy team.
That time frame sounds right. Toy is a cool idea but pretty junk on the execution.
http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=58202-coffeesoldier-gangplank-build-guideok teach me how to play gp and builds n stuff
wit's first if ap. shiv first if ad or hard push champion. if you can auto-pistol-auto that is good harass, otherwise be careful with pistol usage. bonus damage on e is low at first rank, only pop if necessary or it might not be worth the mana. steal kills with your ultimate.
edit: this patch is a good patch.
i wish i watched. support shen seems like a cool guy.+1 sven thumbs up
you attack lots, so you get lots of procs. also wit's is good for keeping gp passive, ult, and on hit damage relevant.I miss Atmogs/Triforce/IE Gangplank, not gonna lie. I don't quite get the synergy between Wit's/Shiv either.
Nice workout for that Q finger.Time to play some last AP Yi games.