I'd say that's part of the reason, but yea. Zyra's utility (bulb brushchecking, plant tanking jungle mobs, snare and knockups) are not really reliant on her damage. There's also the idea that her plants give a little extra gold once last-hit, although it's not much.
I really think Zyra would see more play if her passive were better.
Passive was nerfed because of support Zyra, so ain't gonna happen. I think she needs a bit more damage on Q, like 255 @ level 5. 235 on a 5 second CD is low even after considering that it bulbs her ranged plants. That sort of buff wouldn't help support Zyra out much since they level E first (I think? Been a while since I played SR).
Boken said:
i think when she dies she should release a bunch of plants around her
Oh god I love this so much. Would help her against assassin counterpicks. Like, yes I'm at a disadvantage, but when you dive me you'd better make it count.
Garath said:
Thoughts? Personally I'm leaning toward Q->W->E. Q for the long range poke, W for the passive increase in damage and leave E for the slow and blight proc. Maxing Q would want to go BT first for the great AD scaling too.
Change depending on match-up? Maxing Q against Ez or Vayne sounds like a waste. I'd rather go E against them. Have a jungler who ganks early and often (e.g. Lee Sin) or a jungler that likes a setup before going in (Udyr)? Max E for the slow field. Feel that laning is going to be passive? Max W first for easier last hitting. Choosing what to level second is also situational. Need poke? Q. A few opponents are stacking HP? W. Team needs more CC? E.
(Love Varus, so damn flexible)
Boken said:
why does a scorpion permaslow people anyway?
I'm in the same boat. I love permaslowing people, but I don't think it suits a scorpion, even a magic one from an ancient race that was awakened. My personal preference would be to remove the permaslow on Q and give him a low-ish CD snare or stun on his E. I've been toying with the thought that he could only pull a snared/stunned target as well. Seems like it would open up more counterplay so you could put more power in his ult or elsewhere on his kit.
I don't think moving the ASPD on E is a nerf either, not necessarily a buff though. The Red also said he'd look at increasing the shield, reducing the CD, and increasing the MS buff crystal shield gives as well as increasing the damage on E while dropping that ability's heal (which is wasted power because without AP it does nothing). So if I manage to proc the ASPD buff on E, it'll last the full duration as opposed to breaking with the shield, that means more AAs. That means more synergy with his passive, reducing the CD on W - which is stronger and on a lower CD anyways. That translates into more shield uptime. The downside is that he's more easily kitted - if he can't get into range to proc the ASPD marks from E, then he's out of luck.