Where the eff is Lucian GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY
riot realised that the world was not ready for a black champion
(they r secretly racist)
Where the eff is Lucian GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY
so did the previous matchthat game looked like it hurt
8 more here: http://imgur.com/a/8P9MK#4 (witch nid, kennen, hex+storm janna, xin zhao). Pics by Penett - http://penett.deviantart.com/
I'm taking the Lee one, could anyone (Dobkeratops pls) do the same for me?
If someone would be willing to edit the Draven one for me, that would be awesome.
Elo heaven!i am the lucker dog. hit series for gold one with no loses.
yeh, watch me lose them all or something.Elo heaven!
World Championships Run-up
A reminder that this week there is no LCS - however, next week is the last week of LCS and will be a superweek (20 games per region).
I edited the Fiora one into a transparent PNG but GAF doesn't seem to like it.
Anyone want to help a brother out?
Did you get your account back okay?Girlfriend's out of town this weekend and taking the puppy.
The International is on.
My friends are all available to 3v3.
I don't work for the next six days.
Tales of Xillia just came in the mail.
Is...is this heaven?
Did you get your account back okay?
So the moral of the story-- Mundo goes where he pleases.Yeah. Took three days, which was a little annoying. Also the hacker removed all my friends from my friends list, removed me from my 3v3 team, and bought Dr. Mundo with IP (?), but never played a game. Riot sent me a generic email about account security, but then I got a personal one a few minutes later stating that they understand that it's a big deal and they are going to look into email verification. They were very sorry and asked if I wanted a refund on Mundo since they believe it may have not been purchased by me since the IP address was different. I just responded that it was okay, they didn't have to refund.
Still not gonna buy anything, but I appreciate the personal email. I used up my remaining RP on that Sej skin on sale and removed my credit card from my account.
My friends thought I was lying about the whole email changing situation, then they went on the site and did it themselves. They were just as shocked as I was.
Yeah. Took three days, which was a little annoying. Also the hacker removed all my friends from my friends list, removed me from my 3v3 team, and bought Dr. Mundo with IP (?), but never played a game. Riot sent me a generic email about account security, but then I got a personal one a few minutes later stating that they understand that it's a big deal and they are going to look into email verification. They were very sorry and asked if I wanted a refund on Mundo since they believe it may have not been purchased by me since the IP address was different. I just responded that it was okay, they didn't have to refund.
Still not gonna buy anything, but I appreciate the personal email. I used up my remaining RP on that Sej skin on sale and removed my credit card from my account.
My friends thought I was lying about the whole email changing situation, then they went on the site and did it themselves. They were just as shocked as I was.
Oh, and I get an email every day about a password reset request.
mundo is fun. the hacker was me. please play mundo.Yeah. Took three days, which was a little annoying. Also the hacker removed all my friends from my friends list, removed me from my 3v3 team, and bought Dr. Mundo with IP (?), but never played a game. Riot sent me a generic email about account security, but then I got a personal one a few minutes later stating that they understand that it's a big deal and they are going to look into email verification. They were very sorry and asked if I wanted a refund on Mundo since they believe it may have not been purchased by me since the IP address was different. I just responded that it was okay, they didn't have to refund.
Still not gonna buy anything, but I appreciate the personal email. I used up my remaining RP on that Sej skin on sale and removed my credit card from my account.
My friends thought I was lying about the whole email changing situation, then they went on the site and did it themselves. They were just as shocked as I was.
Oh, and I get an email every day about a password reset request.
Can i have a Zyra or Deep Sea Thresh one?
Cleavers are the best. Riot should just apply the hit sound to every other skillshot.mundo is fun. the hacker was me. please play mundo.
I can't find either on the portrait rar so here's a random Zyra
You are not wrong. He is very annoying to play against. I could feel the rage.mundo is fun. the hacker was me. please play mundo.
You are not wrong. He is very annoying to play against. I could feel the rage.
A good counter jungling Mundo is ridiculously annoying to play against.
i pay someone to get me out of bronze. 10 AFK games in my last 12. i'm, not good enough to carry that.
That's a really high number of AFKs.11/13
that's it.
i'm done. starting a smurf and get directly in to silver after placement matches is much quicker than playing this shit.
Guys I got my copy of Xenoblade working on Dolphin on my PC.
I can play it again without using a shitty Wiimote. Also high-res!
Guess I'm not playing League for a while.
I don't know if anyone saw, but I'll ask again.
Does anyone wanna give the Jayce one a little touch up? Thanks.
Best Maokai NA tournament would be premium.
Should've played the better Wii JRPG, Arc Rise Fantasia.