Wolf Akela
Play more drafts, get used to playing a good pool for all roles then duo your way through the placement matches.
Play more drafts, get used to playing a good pool for all roles then duo your way through the placement matches.
Nothing wrong if you can play on their level. I solo'd all my placements and regretted it. I ended up 6-4, but 3 of the losses were trollfests. It's not because they're just bad or can't play many champs/roles. They just genuinely wanted to ruin the game.I haven't played blind pick since I was under level 20, so I'm way ahead of you there. Wouldn't duoing through placements screw up where I get placed, though? Both of my IRL friends that play League are in the Gold V/Silver I level.
Ughhh. Ugggggh. I just read about Rengars new ult. It's just...Why!?
Nothing wrong if you can play on their level. I solo'd all my placements and regretted it. I ended up 6-4, but 3 of the losses were trollfests. It's because they're just bad or can't play many champs/roles. They genuinely wanted to ruin the game.
I duo queued for my friend for all his placements and got him to Gold V. I think we went 9-1?
I'd assume it's because Scarizard massacres every champ he remakes.
Pretty much. It's like...god. Good lord, there's a reason why DotA fans shit all over league constantly.
i think you should just wait for the dust to settle, because you sound very kneejerky right now.
dota has had their fair share of makeovers due to toxic kits, and some heroes getting multiple changes
dota fans that constantly shit on league is because
1. they have tall poppy syndrome
2. pendragon slighted them
New champs/reworks are always disabled for 4 weeks.Quick disable him in LCS
New champs/reworks are always disabled for 4 weeks.
karma remake ill give you, but trundle was barely touched, you even admit that it was a buff - that simply means people just arent that interested in an ogre/troll. so that wasnt anything.The problem is.
The dust has settled.
Karma remake.
Not played often. Very meh remake.
Trundle remake.
Still not played even with the 'Suprah cool look'. Even with the huge buffs.
The Rengar remake is starting to sound more of the same. It's not a kneejerky response, it's a sustained take in of all the information they've given us and an analysis of it.
And it's that keyword-'Toxic'. That Riot has coined to represent something that's bad or that they don't like. Whether it's a kit, a champions look, or how people talk in the game, that is another issue upon itself. Believe me, In my years of playing this game, this year has been 'Maybe they'll do it next patch...'. They haven't. And they seem to be continuing their steamroll.
For example-Jayce has been a pretty damned powerful pick across all levels for a few months now. And no nerf in sight. Master Yi does good the first week? Quick disable him in LCS and nerf him next patch.
If anyone is doing a kneejerk reaction, it's Riot with their nerfs. And unfortunately, any good will they've had with the community has been drained from me these past few months. I still enjoy it, but I hate where the game will eventually be headed. At this point I just wait for Riot to call something 'Toxic' or throw around 'Burden of Knowledge' for their defense.
is riven good? someone teach me how to play riven
i think you should just wait for the dust to settle, because you sound very kneejerky right now.
dota has had their fair share of makeovers due to toxic kits, and some heroes getting multiple changes
dota fans that constantly shit on league is because
1. they have tall poppy syndrome
2. pendragon slighted them
They need to bring champions up, not nerf champions down.
I don't get it, how do you manage to post all the right words despite the heavy burden of knowledge.Power creep
Power creep
what do you think this is, hon?
burden of knowledge is pretty legit
why do you think bloodseeker sucks
Bloodseeker is good against the Tree/Weaver combo.
bububububububut it's an action-strategy game maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Also I like Karma :/
Making of Lucian video.
Lucian coming soon maybe? Considering Gamescom is this week they'll need to have a patch out with the new skins they'll be giving out (Riot Blitz and possibly Arcade Hecarim), so maybe he'll finally be released? Although PBE changes haven't been up very long.
Lucian WHERe?!
Lulu has no spell delay. I dunno where you guys get this from. You can max lots of different stuff on her, it's mostly situational. If there is one high priority target then the polymorph is good, but if you are just blocking general damage E can be better second (or even first).i have to get used to the delay on Lulu's spells. I missed so many polymorphs in the game I just played because it's weirdly delayed. Maybe I just don't know the range well enough.
Loving her though. Got my vayne fed and was making plays with the polymorph and ulti. I might start maxing E second though, I feel like it almost does nothing at level 1.
Edit: ...I play TrundleThe problem is that he doesn't have super hard CC like Naut, Zac, and Jarvan do. He just has his Pillar, which is great for ganks and for separating the enemy team, but it doesn't do much as far as getting the whole team locked down enough to win teamfights.
Trundle has his own strengths. The amount of stats he steals is really high, he is can out-duel pretty much any other jungler, and his tower pushing is probably the best of any jungler.Edit: ...I play TrundleThe problem is that he doesn't have super hard CC like Naut, Zac, and Jarvan do. He just has his Pillar, which is great for ganks and for separating the enemy team, but it doesn't do much as far as getting the whole team locked down enough to win teamfights.
Most of the changes were simple quality of life fixes. Trundle isn't played right now just because he doesn't often fit well into what teams need and other champions are too good at doing that right now. This isn't an issue with the remake, but Trundle serves a specialized role and people like J4 are one size fits all junglers.Trundle remake.
Still not played even with the 'Suprah cool look'. Even with the huge buffs.
No. There are only a few outliers when it comes to champions that are too strong. Frankly it is not even feasible to bring like every other jungler up to J4/Zac strength.They need to bring champions up, not nerf champions down.
Lulu has no spell delay. I dunno where you guys get this from. You can max lots of different stuff on her, it's mostly situational. If there is one high priority target then the polymorph is good, but if you are just blocking general damage E can be better second (or even first).
Trundle has his own strengths. The amount of stats he steals is really high, he is can out-duel pretty much any other jungler, and his tower pushing is probably the best of any jungler.
Most of the changes were simple quality of life fixes. Trundle isn't played right now just because he doesn't often fit well into what teams need and other champions are too good at doing that right now. This isn't an issue with the remake, but Trundle serves a specialized role and people like J4 are one size fits all junglers.
Pretty much this. Playing Trundle is fun as shit though. Tanky as hell, two game changing abilities if you picked him into the right situation, and Riot really nailed his VU.
demoted, GG
Zenon pls, y u tease me so?
people who get really upset when you call dota2 a moba
Valve calls it Action RTS (A-RTS).What? But it is a moba..
every "o" stands for a week.
Valve calls it Action RTS (A-RTS).
I call it Waifu RTS (W-RTS)
Lazy Gold V player reporting for duty.
-_-I call it Waifu RTS (W-RTS)
Shhhh.If don't solo queue any more I think I can get to gold in 2 weeks.