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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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It's already popular AP Corki, right?

I noticed I didn't have any game with Ahri in my match history, and I decided to play a game with her, usually I avoid to play with champions that I own but are free that week...

Ended playing against an AP Corki, fortunately I did play a game with an AP Corki in my team like 2 weeks ago, and I knew his poke was really insane. My team was pretty strong, Twitch-Thresh, Ahri, J4, Vlad vs Cait-Nunu, Corki, Rammus, Wukong.

Thanks to J4 I coud kill Corki at lvl4, and after 6 I just went to gank bot lane, it was hard to push my lane, really, he could push so easily with his ult.

I guess Ahri is pretty good against Corki, at least in teamfights (after engaging), I could close the gap quickly and if he survived my burst-combo, I could make sure he didn't escaped with my other 2 dashes.

His poke is more annoying than Nidalee's spear (be far, imo).


It's already popular AP Corki, right?

I noticed I didn't have any game with Ahri in my match history, and decided to play a game with her, usually I avoid to play with the champions that I own but are free that week...

Ended playing against an AP Corki, fortunately I did play a game with an AP Corki in my team like 2 weeks ago, and I knew his poke was really insane. My team was pretty strong, Twitch-Thresh, Ahri, J4, Vlad vs Cait-Nunu, Corki, Rammus, Wukong.

Thanks to J4 I coud kill Corki at lvl4, and after 6 I just went to gank bot lane, it was hard to push my lane, really, he could push so easily with his ult.

I guess Ahri is pretty good against Corki, at least in teamfights (after engaging), I could close the gap quickly and if he survived my burst-combo, I could make sure he didn't escaped with my other 2 dashes.

His poke is more annoying than Nidalee's spear (be far, imo).
Ahri is better than most mids atm. I'm guessing she'll be on the chopping block soon for nerfs.


It's already popular AP Corki, right?

I noticed I didn't have any game with Ahri in my match history, and decided to play a game with her, usually I avoid to play with the champions that I own but are free that week...

Ended playing against an AP Corki, fortunately I did play a game with an AP Corki in my team like 2 weeks ago, and I knew his poke was really insane. My team was pretty strong, Twitch-Thresh, Ahri, J4, Vlad vs Cait-Nunu, Corki, Rammus, Wukong.

Thanks to J4 I coud kill Corki at lvl4, and after 6 I just went to gank bot lane, it was hard to push my lane, really, he could push so easily with his ult.

I guess Ahri is pretty good against Corki, at least in teamfights (after engaging), I could close the gap quickly and if he survived my burst-combo, I could make sure he didn't escaped with my other 2 dashes.

His poke is more annoying than Nidalee's spear (be far, imo).
If I can manage to make it to Silver I, I will probably start trying to play him there whenever I can get mid and see if I'm successful. I think he would be countered by people who can gap close after he dashes to escape (like Ahri), or people with hard CC who can instakill with 100-0 stun burst (someone like Annie?). Or maybe anyone who stacks a ton of HP and magic resist despite his magic pen.

My current prediction is that he will be nerfed ala AP Rengar, AP Tryndamere, and AP Yi once he becomes a little more popular. I expect to see Riot comments like "This should enable more strategy for Corki in that he will have to choose when to attack, and more counterplay for other people to avoid his blinding starburst Q."



My first Nami game. Jarvan carried the team, but Nami is really strong and definitely a lot of fun.
Played a game last night where I was jax top against a teemo and a singed. I would like some advice, firstly how can I deal with teemo (just assume it's a 1v1 lane) as a melee champ like jax or try or poppy? Secondly is there anything I can do in a 1v2 lane other than hiding behind my creeps and only getting a pathetic amount of Cs? Especially when one of the two I'm up against has a long range aa or good poke.

Been mostly playing top lane, only started about a couple weeks ago, and I'm level 12 atm. What do you think is the best way to learn the game? I played an aram last night and that seems like a good way of learning all the champions? How should I be spending my ip also....
My first Nami game. Jarvan carried the team, but Nami is really strong and definitely a lot of fun.

Nami is one of the stronger support picks these days.

AoE Knock up
MS Slow that can be buffed towards the ADC
Massive AoE Ult.

She does everything Leona does, but better.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
You guys are going to get Nami nerfed. Stahp.


Played a game last night where I was jax top against a teemo and a singed. I would like some advice, firstly how can I deal with teemo (just assume it's a 1v1 lane) as a melee champ like jax or try or poppy? Secondly is there anything I can do in a 1v2 lane other than hiding behind my creeps and only getting a pathetic amount of Cs? Especially when one of the two I'm up against has a long range aa or good poke.

Been mostly playing top lane, only started about a couple weeks ago, and I'm level 12 atm. What do you think is the best way to learn the game? I played an aram last night and that seems like a good way of learning all the champions? How should I be spending my ip also....

As a pantheon I always all in teemo when I hit 4. And for IP, buy champs until like lvl 20 then start buying runes for your mains.
As a pantheon I always all in teemo when I hit 4. And for IP, buy champs until like lvl 20 then start buying runes for your mains.

Yeah I hear that pantheon is a pretty hard counter to teemo?

So far I've bought:
+Free Tristana

Worth it to save for a Renekton or something for top lane? Or just keep buying cheaper champions?


Enjoyed my name games. Rough first one but the second we crushed bot lane. Cait was so strong. We still lost the game but very pleased with my laning. Nami has a pretty high skill cap. Lots of neat little tricks you can do with her. She rivals thresh for complexity imo.

Max e first? Seems to be the pro approach. I maxed w first game. Too much mana cost.


So I open up the twitch stream extension list and see an unknown streamer have over 9000 viewers. I'm curious so I click on it. See someone playing bot games.

I search up the name on google and yup. It's a porn star. Seriously. Come on.

It's decreased now since phantomlord started streaming but still. It's still on 6000 viewers.


So I open up the twitch stream extension list and see an unknown streamer have over 9000 viewers. I'm curious so I click on it. See someone playing bot games.

I search up the name on google and yup. It's a porn star. Seriously. Come on.

It's decreased now since phantomlord started streaming but still. It's still on 6000 viewers.
And not a single axe was caught that day.


Yeah I hear that pantheon is a pretty hard counter to teemo?

So far I've bought:
+Free Tristana

Worth it to save for a Renekton or something for top lane? Or just keep buying cheaper champions?

Pantheon usually destroys teemo. I imagine renekton would get destroyed by teemo though.


Pantheon usually destroys teemo. I imagine renekton would get destroyed by teemo though.

Renekton all in lvl 3 is really strong vs squishes and his sustain is good enough to make him survive teemo harass.
i've won two lanes vs teemo but the trick is not to take damage before u lvl 3.
Worst thing in the world. Get early lead, team throws it away by farming minions till the enemy gets strong enough and pushes and takes our nexus.

People get so cocky when they get a few kills. Instead of pushing and trying to end the game early they instead farm for no reason and let the enemy get strong enough to just walk all over them.

Guess my Akali isn't strong enough to solo carry lol.



Champions Grand Final - CLASH OF THE TITANS


Stream: [twitch.tv]

B-o-5 Grand Finals between

KT Rolster B______________SK Telecom T1

The perennial matchup in Korean E-sports since the BW days, the deep rivalry between the two korean telecom companies has finally reached League of Legends in the OGN Champions Summer. (A history of this rivalry is in the TL.net preview). Both teams have been finalist favourites for several seasons and in a esports culture where winner takes all, have everything to prove. KTB destroyed both CJ teams who are veterans of every OGN Champions Finals to reach this one. SKT1 defeated the reigning champions from last season with a convincing flair. Both teams feature star players in almost every position, with an equally impressive analyst team. (A position matchup analysis is in the TL.net preview) The production will be top notch and the outcome of this finals will be hard to predict!

TL.net: [Preview]

The Venue:


Since I started trying Nami this week, all 4 ranked games with her were wins. The first promotion game was just a win as well. Hopefully I will get the second tomorrow and join the scary world of Silver I.


I did manage at one point to send my ult the complete opposite direction from the enemy team, though, lol.

*edit* Playing support is like playing an RTS. You're like, go there. Ok now shoot things. Ok now move back or you die. Ok see the map, go here. Ok take this objective. Ok the enemy is now stunned and slowed, kill them.


Seriously, I don't know why pro junglers value nocturne so highly in solo queue.

People in plat don't seem to know how to play with him. I ping, group my team up then I ult into the enemy team doing dragon, steal it, pick up a kill and my team just stands there watching me when they could have either pushed down a tower or went in to ace them. I even stole a fucking baron but no-one went in and just watched me die. They even had the audacity to shit talk me because they couldn't defend an inhibitor since it was a 5v4.

Never playing nocturne again in solo q. People are too god damn stupid.
First game as janna, go 3/0/20 in a win. Everything went better than expected :)

Also had a tryn game 21/8/6 where our team lost like 32-52 in kills, everyone but me went negative, but I managed to carry us to a win. I was level 18 when the other team was level 14 and my team was level 13. Got a quadra that could've been a penta but I let my team mate get it cause I wasn't that greedy. Good night :)
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