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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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All I do with pool party renek is spam my recall animation. The sound of the chair is so good.

I did it so many times, i almost threw one of my games because a blitz hooked me.



It begins. Korean teams have come over to NA for easy access to data free Riot money and world champ spots

Na Lcs to become like sc2 Na wcs

It won't be quite as bad. When the Koreans took over NA WCS, Riot made it clear that LCS had more barriers in place to prevent that from happening (mainly, having to be residents in the region your competing in). So that would bar organizations like Axiom and LG-IM from sending their teams to NA.

Obviously, though, a U.S. organization like Quantic would be able to sign Korean players to compete in the LCS since they could sponsor residency. I'm sure the fact that Locodoco has been a resident before helps as well.

At any rate, I would love to have a few Korean teams come to NA and bring some more competition, so long as they aren't all Korean.




Okay if there are no diminishing returns on resistances, is it fair to then say that resistances are always good investment over pure HP if you're sure there is one kind of damage type coming out of a team more than the other? That is to say, if the enemy ADC and physical damage top are the problem for your team, getting armor is going to be the best defensive option because the cost of adding more effective HP through armor in that scenario is less than it would be to get the same amount with pure HP in many cases because armor scales and flat HP is just that: flat. But resistance items become difficult to afford (or fit into a build) if the damage output type from the enemy team is more balanced. In that case or if you're the team damage dealer with low-ish HP (or maybe a starving support not named Leona), maybe flat HP is better. If you can only get one defensive item, anyway.

Or not. Thinking out loud. I need to do some actual maths. I'm being lazy. I know a lot of items combine damage and HP/resist or ability power and HP/resist, so putting together the right combination for a given match is dependent on a lot of shit. Just trying to work through the core theory before getting to specific items.

Consider that you have 1000 hp and 100 armor. You then have 2000 EHP against physical damage. If you buy 1000 more hp you will get 4000 EHP, while if you buy 100 more armor you will get 3000 EHP. It's always important to get both health and resistances, but resistances are cheaper than health since they aren't "as good" against everything, so to speak.
Getting loads of armor works great though, just don't forget to buy some hp as well.


I might start playing more ranked Sejuani jungle, it actually worked pretty well, and I felt like a team that had a rough start and a super toxic top laner still managed to come back. I had a horrifying vision of yet another loss with 1-2 enemy inhibs down, but thankfully I managed to coax everyone into following the boar lady around.

I mean, the Vayne would type "zzz" "challenger strat", but at least people semi-followed long enough for me to get both lanes pushing into the base so we could take the inhibitors with minion pressure. :p

Oh and the game ended after I ulted 3-4 people under their nexus tower. I AM HELPING.
Eh, none of these guys are top tier Korean talent, and they haven't played on a top team in a long time. I hope they're good cuz that'll raise the level of play in NA in general, but I doubt it'll be like the WCS.


Neo Member
first gaf post ever

i've been having the worst losing streak recently. i keep getting matched up with afk'ers or people who do stuff like play lucian AP. can't catch a break (5's btw)
first gaf post ever

i've been having the worst losing streak recently. i keep getting matched up with afk'ers or people who do stuff like play lucian AP. can't catch a break (5's btw)

Lucian AP sounds almost legit...Nashor's Tooth, Lich Bane, max W? I must try this against bots.

It sucks when trolls do that in real games though. :/
first gaf post ever

i've been having the worst losing streak recently. i keep getting matched up with afk'ers or people who do stuff like play lucian AP. can't catch a break (5's btw)

bronze? it's a shit hole. always funny when a diamond player gets a bronze account and levels it to gold easily.

i have a much higher win rate in silver.


Neo Member
Lucian AP sounds almost legit...Nashor's Tooth, Lich Bane, max W? I must try this against bots.

It sucks when trolls do that in real games though. :/
only his w and ult scale with ap. his w isn't really useful unless you're kiting or in laning phase imo and his ult scales much better with ad+asp late game (think BT\BORK+PD+IE). all opinion though

bronze? it's a shit hole. always funny when a diamond player gets a bronze account and levels it to gold easily.

i have a much higher win rate in silver.
here's the thing. i wouldve placed out of bronze, but during 2 of my first 10 ranked games, one guy on our team either dc'd or afk'd. and we were winning! like, at the inhibitors winning, compared to the other team who wasn't even at the inner turrets yet. but we ended up losing those games, so that was 2 losses that shouldn't have happened and now i'm stuck in bronze 1 (would've won 8 of my ranked placements instead of 6).

nah, norms. im not good enough for ranked - have too much school work to do to focus on bettering myself in a ranked sense. and i should expect nothing be taken seriously in norms but idk its just annoying that i only have time to play a norm or 2 a day and people just throw games


so can someone explain to me the end of seasons and the transition to the next season, and why being higher gold increases your chances of placing in gold immediately next season?

(I reached gold V and haven't touched ranked, just played stress free normal, practicing my top champions)


so can someone explain to me the end of seasons and the transition to the next season, and why being higher gold increases your chances of placing in gold immediately next season?

(I reached gold V and haven't touched ranked, just played stress free normal, practicing my top champions)
Well what I heard is that they don't fully reset your MMR. It's a soft reset that brings everyone a bit closer, but that's it. So if you have a Gold V level mmr right now, it will be easier to get gold next season.


I find him grand, but you're more into ADCs than me. I assume you typoed in the second sentence?

I need to play him more and get comfortable. Still having a ton of fun with Quinn though, even though every good game with her ends up being a loss lately. :(
Honestly, Lucian's kit in a whole looks really good. He only has a few major issues that hold him down A LOT. His Q is probably the strongest q any ADC has, better than Draven's even, but that's only if you can land it. It's a targeted skillshot, that has a delay on it, that can only be used at autoattack range. This means a few things:

1. If you're playing a poke ADC such as Ezreal or Caitlyn you're not going to win in terms of poke, since if you try to bank the shot off a minion they can simply side step it. You can try to maybe lead your shot but that sounds extremely inconsistent to me because it depends on your opponent running in a specific direction.

2. All-in ADCs such as Draven and Twitch are pretty much guaranteed to get damage on you, and if you miss your Q you're screwed because you lose the passive proc too.

3. The q has a pretty high mana cost, and he's very dependent on that ability.

His ult is also very lackluster. It's a channel that kinda of lacks the benefit that usual channel abilities give you. I realize it's main use is to get damage in while running away, but that gets outclassed by most ADCs who don't have that situational restriction.

His E is a really good ability, but it's kind of a trade off for having 0 cc.

Edit: Also that wasn't a typo, I'm pretty much saying that if you want to win a ranked game Lucian is a bad choice.


Lucian's Q is a little wonky. It needs to fire just a little faster if they want to keep the line attack on a target it has now.

His E has the same issue that many people with short dashes have. It's really hard to use effectively in getting over walls.

His ult is almost useless against any champion with a blink/dash/teleport/flash. It's just too narrow.

I really like him, but I just have some issues with his kit. But I think that's just me only having played him ten or so times.


I should save my rp for skins but I also want a new rune page

The rune page bundle is a good value. I bought it and don't regret it. I actually want more pages now.

so can someone explain to me the end of seasons and the transition to the next season, and why being higher gold increases your chances of placing in gold immediately next season?

(I reached gold V and haven't touched ranked, just played stress free normal, practicing my top champions)

Newt pretty much covered it. What they did last season was a "soft" reset where they shift your MMR toward the base "1200" but it's not a completely wipe where everyone goes back to nothing. So when you do your placements you'll be placed with similar MMR people and when you complete your placements you'll be placed accordingly. If you're high gold now you'll have a better chance of being placed right into gold immediately because your MMR will start higher. Just don't tank those placements :)

Gold V will have a small edge but probably not much of one. I bet you'd have to finish 7-3 or better to get back to Gold. Maaaybe even 8-2.

Though they may change it all for S4. Never know. I'm almost certain they are going to change the way you can keep a tier forever despite your MMR.


1. If you're playing a poke ADC such as Ezreal or Caitlyn you're not going to win in terms of poke, since if you try to bank the shot off a minion they can simply side step it. You can try to maybe lead your shot but that sounds extremely inconsistent to me because it depends on your opponent running in a specific direction.

You're really overselling how hard it is to land. You target someone and click. Or you target a minion in the line of fire and click. It has a .35s windup time but no travel time. Ezreal Q has a ~.05s cast time with a missile speed of 2000 so it takes roughly .5s to travel to max range. It could be a bit faster (~.25s) but, honestly, it's not as bad as people are making it out to be.

Edit: Granted, it's harder than Ezreal Q since the leading is based off a target as opposed to Ezreal Q having no restriction.

It's like Lissandra's Q shards. Her Q default range isn't that long (~725) but she gets it to nearly 900 with the shards. Line up the shot through minions and use it. It takes practice and is different but not really that hard.

2. All-in ADCs such as Draven and Twitch are pretty much guaranteed to get damage on you, and if you miss your Q you're screwed because you lose the passive proc too.

Casting his Q gives you the passive proc, not landing it.

Though they may change it all for S4. Never know. I'm almost certain they are going to change the way you can keep a tier forever despite your MMR.

They'll probably limit just how far you can drop down. Something "reasonable" (e.g., Keep Gold V until you drop to Silver III range?) but at least make people need to keep their V placement.
Honestly, Lucian's kit in a whole looks really good. He only has a few major issues that hold him down A LOT. His Q is probably the strongest q any ADC has, better than Draven's even, but that's only if you can land it. It's a targeted skillshot, that has a delay on it, that can only be used at autoattack range. This means a few things:

1. If you're playing a poke ADC such as Ezreal or Caitlyn you're not going to win in terms of poke, since if you try to bank the shot off a minion they can simply side step it. You can try to maybe lead your shot but that sounds extremely inconsistent to me because it depends on your opponent running in a specific direction.

2. All-in ADCs such as Draven and Twitch are pretty much guaranteed to get damage on you, and if you miss your Q you're screwed because you lose the passive proc too.

3. The q has a pretty high mana cost, and he's very dependent on that ability.

His ult is also very lackluster. It's a channel that kinda of lacks the benefit that usual channel abilities give you. I realize it's main use is to get damage in while running away, but that gets outclassed by most ADCs who don't have that situational restriction.

His E is a really good ability, but it's kind of a trade off for having 0 cc.

Edit: Also that wasn't a typo, I'm pretty much saying that if you want to win a ranked game Lucian is a bad choice.

How does his ult lose the benefits of other channel spells? It's better than other channel spells because it allows you to move. No other channel spell does that. :/

His Q's not hard to hit and you don't have to hit it to get the passive proc, just using it gives you the proc.

Only characters like Vayne and possibly Graves/Ezreal can avoid the Q by sidestepping. You need a very quick dash since it only has a 0.35 second cast time.


Lucians Q is harder to dodge if he uses a minion to hit you with it. Angular velocity an all that jazz

Need some help - I just discovered crystallise by Lindsey Stirling and it sounds really familiar to me - anybody have any idea why? Has it been intermission music for a lol tournament?


He loses the benefit of other channels because it doesn‘t give him more damage than he would normally have. There‘s a reason why his winrate is so low.


Lucians Q is harder to dodge if he uses a minion to hit you with it. Angular velocity an all that jazz

Mostly because it's one of the fastest spells from cast animation to damage trigger. I think that keeps getting ignored due to the whole cast time and targeting restriction. It's like, really fast guys. And leading it is really easy with typical anti-harass patterns being to place minions between the two ADCs which makes landing it fairly straightforward.

Need some help - I just discovered crystallise by Lindsey Stirling and it sounds really familiar to me - anybody have any idea why? Has it been intermission music for a lol tournament?

I don't think Crystallize was used itself but there's a lot of similar dubstep-y tracks used. Probably just that. Also, Lindsey's been my go-to recent "make me hate things less" playlist.

He loses the benefit of other channels because it doesn‘t give him more damage than he would normally have. There‘s a reason why his winrate is so low.

At Level 6, and it's getting buffed currently. At Level 11 and 16, it's a damage spike when used properly. And win rate isn't really that relevant of a number, especially before anyone has truly learned a champion. I mean, Draven had a low win rate for a long time.
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