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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

feels good to win with two inhibs down and no base turrets. captain boots seem really interesting, especially when coupled with stuff like janna. i want to try them more.

Before this season started I thought they were going to be standard build on supports (they should be) but the price to get them is just so high.


Before this season started I thought they were going to be standard build on supports (they should be) but the price to get them is just so high.

Did Riot ever even touch boot enchantments at all this season? I don't recall seeing any buffs/nerfs, which is a real shame become some other options like Captain would be great with the correct buff.
Did Riot ever even touch boot enchantments at all this season? I don't recall seeing any buffs/nerfs, which is a real shame become some other options like Captain would be great with the correct buff.

I don't remember them doing anything to balance them. A bit surprised they haven't nerfed Homeguard really.
Yea he's not bad at all.

You just have to be aggressive with him and gank all the lanes.

It's funny, the fact that you need to capitalize on early leads never really hit me until a short while ago.

The trend I've noticed is;

Early lead > let enemy team farm > lose late game or

Early lead > Push enemy lanes and don't let up on pressure > win game.

I'm now noticing that a ton of games I've lost are because we let the enemy farm after we got a few kills or towers resulting in them having the items needed to beat us in team fights.

I try to stress this to my team in every ranked match now.


formerly sane
You just have to be aggressive with him and gank all the lanes.

It's funny, the fact that you need to capitalize on early leads never really hit me until a short while ago.

The trend I've noticed is;

Early lead > let enemy team farm > lose late game or

Early lead > Push enemy lanes and don't let up on pressure > win game.

I'm now noticing that a ton of games I've lost are because we let the enemy farm after we got a few kills or towers resulting in them having the items needed to beat us in team fights.

I try to stress this to my team in every ranked match now.

It's always been bad in these game to let the enemy farm especially that. Once you push them in it's easier to sit there and farm and only group up for tower pushes. Agression and early leads don't decide the game objectives and finishing off the enemy does. Make people aware of it and if they don't care we both know what will happen eventually.


You just have to be aggressive with him and gank all the lanes.

It's funny, the fact that you need to capitalize on early leads never really hit me until a short while ago.

The trend I've noticed is;

Early lead > let enemy team farm > lose late game or

Early lead > Push enemy lanes and don't let up on pressure > win game.

I'm now noticing that a ton of games I've lost are because we let the enemy farm after we got a few kills or towers resulting in them having the items needed to beat us in team fights.

I try to stress this to my team in every ranked match now.
This is the trap of pretty much every game, world championships included. People chase after kills EVERYWHERE instead of focusing towers.

If anyone platinum or higher would be willing to spectate my games and give advice, I would hugely appreciate it. I think I'm winning like 70% of games outside of promotions, but I have lost 100% of 13 promotion games in 8 days, except for the 2 that were 5v4. The odds are mind-boggling and I have to think there is some way I can get an actual 5v5 win.
It's always been bad in these game to let the enemy farm especially that. Once you push them in it's easier to sit there and farm and only group up for tower pushes. Agression and early leads don't decide the game objectives and finishing off the enemy does. Make people aware of it and if they don't care we both know what will happen eventually.

I think early leads should definitely be capitalized on. Like if you wipe half their team and you have enough strength to take tower(s) while fending off the remaining enemies then I think you should definitely do it. Too often I see an enemy lane getting wiped out followed by people recalling when they could easily take the tower.

This is the trap of pretty much every game, world championships included. People chase after kills EVERYWHERE instead of focusing towers.

If anyone platinum or higher would be willing to spectate my games and give advice, I would hugely appreciate it. I think I'm winning like 70% of games outside of promotions, but I have lost 100% of 13 promotion games in 8 days, except for the 2 that were 5v4. The odds are mind-boggling and I have to think there is some way I can get an actual 5v5 win.

I think there's a difference between properly using your advantage and throwing caution to the wind for some kills. I don't watch any of the pro matches, but based on what you said I'm assuming people were suicide diving just to get kills?


formerly sane
I think early leads should definitely be capitalized on. Like if you wipe half their team and you have enough strength to take tower(s) while fending off the remaining enemies then I think you should definitely do it. Too often I see an enemy lane getting wiped out followed by people recalling when they could easily take the tower.

Wasn't saying you can't and that's part of doing objectives especially when you have better items and snowballed teamamtes. Slacking was my point and it never benefits anyone especially in a game like this where comebacks are part of the design.


I think there's a difference between properly using your advantage and throwing caution to the wind for some kills. I don't watch any of the pro matches, but based on what you said I'm assuming people were suicide diving just to get kills?
I forget which team it was, but I think there was a one of the semifinal world championship game this year where one team was up like 13 kills to 1 or 2, if not more...yet they kept going after kills so hard that they never had map control, never had lanes pushed, and couldn't take towers after killing champions. They lost despite their teamfight skills.

As for ranked, I'm now 14 promotion games in 8 days, still 100% losses 5v5. And yet I keep winning non-promotion games so it just seems crazy to me. If I were that bad, shouldn't I lose the others? If I'm decent, shouldn't I get lucky in at least ONE promotion game and have an awesome AP mid or something, instead of 3 back to back who do badly?

I'm also almost literally becoming psychic as a jungler and I don't know what to do. I can type out LEE YOU ARE AGAINST AD TEEMO, PLEASE BUILD TANKY BEFORE RUSHING HYDRA. Please don't stay to try to last hit with Q, you're going to get murdered, please, go heal, please, I will hold, I love you, pleeeeeeeeeease

*lee rushes hydra, goes 0/5 against AD teemo, gets murdered*

Especially building tank only Sejuani, there's not really anything I can do except slow people's deaths down if they 100% think they know better than what I am telling. Like I make tons of mistakes, but after the first 2 or 3 times maybe I'm honestly trying to offer a helpful suggestion. :'(
Wasn't saying you can't and that's part of doing objectives especially when you have better items and snowballed teamamtes. Slacking was my point and it never benefits anyone especially in a game like this where comebacks are part of the design.

I understand now. I misinterpreted your previous post.

I forget which team it was, but I think there was a one of the semifinal world championship game this year where one team was up like 13 kills to 1 or 2, if not more...yet they kept going after kills so hard that they never had map control, never had lanes pushed, and couldn't take towers after killing champions. They lost despite their teamfight skills.

As for ranked, I'm now 14 promotion games in 8 days, still 100% losses 5v5. And yet I keep winning non-promotion games so it just seems crazy to me. If I were that bad, shouldn't I lose the others? If I'm decent, shouldn't I get lucky in at least ONE promotion game and have an awesome AP mid or something, instead of 3 back to back who do badly?

I'm also almost literally becoming psychic as a jungler and I don't know what to do. I can type out LEE YOU ARE AGAINST AD TEEMO, PLEASE BUILD TANKY BEFORE RUSHING HYDRA. Please don't stay to try to last hit with Q, you're going to get murdered, please, go heal, please, I will hold, I love you, pleeeeeeeeeease

*lee rushes hydra, goes 0/5 against AD teemo, gets murdered*

Especially building tank only Sejuani, there's not really anything I can do except slow people's deaths down if they 100% think they know better than what I am telling. Like I make tons of mistakes, but after the first 2 or 3 times maybe I'm honestly trying to offer a helpful suggestion. :'(

I see what you mean. That's another thing that you have to watch out for.

As for your losing streak. If you somehow can't win any of your promotional games I'd recommend finding someone who you know is good to duo with for them.


I think early leads should definitely be capitalized on. Like if you wipe half their team and you have enough strength to take tower(s) while fending off the remaining enemies then I think you should definitely do it. Too often I see an enemy lane getting wiped out followed by people recalling when they could easily take the tower.

It's pretty much one of the "signs" of lower skill level players. The whole "get X then base then figure out what to do next" thing. Instead of getting kills and then objectives, they back. Instead of going to free objectives (e.g., Jungler shows top, bot lane just backed, better get to that Dragon) without hesitation, it needs to be forced on them and those few seconds of delay can (and do) actually matter. Kind of a "one-track" mind, I guess? Accomplish goal then figure out next one, basically.

I think there's a difference between properly using your advantage and throwing caution to the wind for some kills. I don't watch any of the pro matches, but based on what you said I'm assuming people were suicide diving just to get kills?

The game he's talking about is
Fnatic vs Royal
. It was less throwing everything at getting kills but more that they were focused on getting pick offs so they were getting good teamfights (e.g., 3-0, 4-1, etc.) but Dragon was already down or the fights were forced without any lane ready to push onto a tower, etc. Meanwhile, every small victory for the other team coincided with all their lanes pushed up so it went right into objectives. Eventually, down a dozen or so kills but already up to their base.


Olaf with distortion enchantment, improved ghost, and the mastermind mastery is actually pretty amazing. Having ghost up every 140 seconds instead of 210 has saved my life and/or guaranteed kills multiple times every game I've thought to do it. Catching up and pounding an Ez into to the ground after he arcane shifts and burns flash is glorious.


As for your losing streak. If you somehow can't win any of your promotional games I'd recommend finding someone who you know is good to duo with for them.
I've heard it said that duoing for a promotion game is suicide, but who knows. At any rate, my personal goal is to make it to gold without duoing to prove I can do it. Maybe I can't, but I'm going to keep trying to beat the odds through October, I guess. If nothing else, maybe I will end up with something like 15 lost gold promotion series by the end, for some sort of statistical anomaly.

Thanks to people who provided suggestions. As always, people are very welcome to spectate and provide constructive criticism after games, if anyone is bored.

The game he's talking about is
Fnatic vs Royal
. It was less throwing everything at getting kills but more that they were focused on getting pick offs so they were getting good teamfights (e.g., 3-0, 4-1, etc.) but Dragon was already down or the fights were forced without any lane ready to push onto a tower, etc. Meanwhile, every small victory for the other team coincided with all their lanes pushed up so it went right into objectives. Eventually, down a dozen or so kills but already up to their base.
Yep, that was the game. Thanks for filling in the details. :)
I forget which team it was, but I think there was a one of the semifinal world championship game this year where one team was up like 13 kills to 1 or 2, if not more...yet they kept going after kills so hard that they never had map control, never had lanes pushed, and couldn't take towers after killing champions. They lost despite their teamfight skills.

If you're thinking Fnatic, then yeah, that's their gift and their curse. They put an extreme focus onto getting picks and dive kills in hopes of scaring their opponents back into their base (or at least into very passive rotations) so that they can later get objectives for free with superior rotations or just sheer bullying.

The problem they discovered is that the Chinese don't really respond to bullying the way teams they're used to playing do. They don't turtle up and leave you to take dragons, or run back to their inhibitors and leave their outer towers for dead. They group up as five and go snake an objective while you're skulking around in bushes, so that even if you do catch them out they made you pay for it in objectives first.

Unfortunately, bringing that kind of coordination to solo queue requires some real leadership. I'm usually happy if I can keep my team focused enough to try for a comeback Baron contest if we're down significantly on kills; there's usually someone who's already gone into rage mode by that point and flushed away a perfectly winnable game.


I am Homie
"An unknown DirectX error has occurred. Please make sure your video card supports shader model 2.0 and that it is using drivers from the manufacture." when I try to spectate a game. Probably when I try to play, but I haven't bothered. since the latest patch.

I think I updated my nvidia drivers (I am no bueno at computer maintenance.)and when I try to re-download directx I run into an issue.

Anyone know of any solutions off the top of their head?
won my first promo series. last match was craaaaaazy.

Same story as the last game to some degree. Down a whole bunch of kills (maybe 10-28), no towers taken, they're pushing our T3's, and support is spamming surrender at every opportunity. I mean, Renek was 2v1'ing my Vi *and* Fiora (with both ults used). That's how far behind we were. Eventually, we get some items online and start winning scattered skirmishes where their fed champs got too ballsy, then full team fights, then take one tower, then two. Won one big engage and we get their mid inhib (after sacrificing ourselves to defend our own mid inhib. Win another team fight and take down their T4's.

In the end, we kept them occupied at Baron just long enough for Fiora to backdoor the Nexus. They tried to TP out to defend after a rather prolonged teamfight, but Vayne and I kept fighting and ultimately sacrificing ourselves to keep them from being able to get home to D. I think the game ended something like 32-44 in their favor, but us the victors.

<3 Vi. Scoreboard doesn't show it, but big plays were fuking made. Peeling champs, setting champs up for kills, tanking for the team when we had nothing but glass cannons (Vayne, Annie, Fiora) and large range creeps (Soraka).

On a side note, I really need to work on wasting less time. I still catch myself waiting for a lane to push out so I can gank from the bushes...or for a champ to waste some ability so I can go in...or trying to gank bottom, then getting called all the way top to help (that's a long fukn run). In my last game, I found myself waiting for Renek to do his Slice & Dice or for Lux to do her ensnare. Shit like that. After I hit 6, ganks were no problem, but at one point I looked up and I was at level 3 and everyone else was 5-6 because of the waiting and because I was walking from one lane to another and not being able to make much happen. I made it up reasonably quickly, but that's beside the point. I know there's a happy medium, but I'm not finding it too easily and I'm sure it's making games harder than they should be for me.


Would have been passable if they actually did something for 90% of the video instead of playing out an animu gymnastics floor routine.


On a side note, I really need to work on wasting less time. I still catch myself waiting for a lane to push out so I can gank from the bushes...or for a champ to waste some ability so I can go in...or trying to gank bottom, then getting called all the way top to help (that's a long fukn run). In my last game, I found myself waiting for Renek to do his Slice & Dice or for Lux to do her ensnare. Shit like that. After I hit 6, ganks were no problem, but at one point I looked up and I was at level 3 and everyone else was 5-6 because of the waiting and because I was walking from one lane to another and not being able to make much happen. I made it up reasonably quickly, but that's beside the point. I know there's a happy medium, but I'm not finding it too easily and I'm sure it's making games harder than they should be for me.

My biggest issue, even two years later.


Riot teasing "surprises" for the upcoming Lucca Comic and Games festival.


"Riot Games at Lucca Comics and Games 2013! By Riot ChaosMAO
The news was already in the air for some time but it is now time to formalize: Riot Games will be present at Lucca Comics and Games 2013!
From October 31 to November 3 in Viale Carducci, do not miss the chance to satisfy all your curiosity about League of Legends chatting in person with many Rioters who will participate in the event.
We expect plenty of action within the walls of Lucca this year: in the Land of the Summoners games with your favorite characters, parades wonderful cosplay representatives of the heroes of Runeterra and, if that 'not enough, mini themed quiz that League of Legends participate.
The surprises do not end there however ... but do not want to reveal everything at once, in the coming weeks expect succulent and intriguing novelty.
We have loads and can not wait to kick off the dance, and you?"
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