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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Rex you idiot, I got a copy of fire emblem from jb galeries

What?! Today?!

Sonuvabitch said they only had 2 copies left at the end of Saturday and they'll run out for sure by the end of the day.. God damnit, should of went today then.

Went to the jb at Pitts strand arcade today and they were sold out. Fuuuuuuiiiuuuuuuu. Why the hell didn't I just check galleries


Really liking Alacrity boots upgrade on my adcs lately. Makes if easier to kite or chase.

Oh and Rex, you dummy.
am I doing it right?


What?! Today?!

Sonuvabitch said they only had 2 copies left at the end of Saturday and they'll run out for sure by the end of the day.. God damnit, should of went today then.

Went to the jb at Pitts strand arcade today and they were sold out. Fuuuuuuiiiuuuuuuu. Why the hell didn't I just check galleries

unlucky for you, lucky for me.

I was in the area at 1:30pm to buy it from eb galeries because they had a few copies but checked JB because JB is a cool place. Lo and behold, I got their last copy of FE.

uh so about league of legends....

Because of LCS, a lot of people have gotten to trying nunu top. Luckily they suck.


unlucky for you, lucky for me.

I was in the area at 1:30pm to buy it from eb galeries because they had a few copies but checked JB because JB is a cool place. Lo and behold, I got their last copy of FE.

uh so about league of legends....

Because of LCS, a lot of people have gotten to trying nunu top. Luckily they suck.

God damnit. i was at town hall at 9am. Well... Serves me right for not checking. Did they say anything about the next shipment?

Have fun with that copy. :.(


Fuck Teemo's Mushrooms.

That's all. Seriously, infinite amount, 10 minute timer, low mana cost, high damage, view range, invisible, portable, slow. What the fuck were they smoking?


Bought Arcade Sona, in first game I used that skin I was almost too busy laughing at the special FX to concentrate. Still won, because my adc got really, really fat fast and the enemy team started bitching and raging amongst themselves around the 10 minutes mark.


Bought Arcade Sona, in first game I used that skin I was almost too busy laughing at the special FX to concentrate. Still won, because my adc got really, really fat fast and the enemy team started bitching and raging amongst themselves around the 10 minutes mark.

The truest kind of solo queue victory.


Just own his sorry little as in lane and itll feel better.

Funny thing is, I totally look down on teemo picks. I will say though, once in ranked, an ap teemo single handedly carried the game for me.


to beat teemo you just need a bursty top. pantheon, zed, riven, just buy tons of health pots and jump on his ass every time he tries to play poison darts.

and get your jungler to set up a tent pre-6.

teemo is a really bad champion that only does well because he's annoying and your natural response to being shot or blinded is to run away. you should instead jump on his ass and trade his fucking poison blind thingie for three fucking quarters of his miserable fucking health bar.


but yeah, they should rework or remove him from the game. it takes no skill to play him, no skill to beat him, and it's annoying for everyone to play against him (while he gimps his own team by being totally useless).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
uh so about league of legends....

Because of LCS, a lot of people have gotten to trying nunu top. Luckily they suck.
I saw one today. He was good early but kind of turned into nothing fast.
Yeah, since everyone started playing GP, I started playing him in every position as well. I don't do that great usually, but oddly enough playing midplank seems to have the most success. I haven't really found ANY starting items that work on him besides one or two of the little mana regen things that build into chalice though. He just eats mana so quickly otherwise that harass or farming with Q (even with the reduced cost) is barely an option unless your lane opponent completely ignores you. And if they do ignore you, their wave clear is probably better than yours so yeah. :p

Midplank is so nice against the typical AP mids. Many rely on a relatively high-cooldown skillshot disable. Even if you only dodge half of them, oranges the other half. Poke for crazy damage with Q unless they start building armour. If they do start building armour that isn't a Zhonya's you're already winning, I'd say. It's great. :D

As for starting items, I like VVinrar's start of flask and pots. It's not amazing, but it means I don't need to worry tooo much about mana/health early. Can usually pick up Avarice Blade on first back unless I get killed. I must try that Chalice start though. Have built it before but not as an early item.

Speaking of which, tried AP GP with a team who fed pretty badly. :( I also made the mistake of building Lich Bane before Deathcap, making Lich Bane inefficient. But I did okay in the game, so I guess it's a wash so far. I may try it again.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
But the MR is invaluable against most mids. It's more that it's useful for both reasons than that he needs it so badly.
Parrley damage is pretty garbage on base stats, but it has 100% AD scaling. I really doubt many mids will care that you rushed Chalice. Building Chalice on any melee mid is embarrassing and sad. If you need MR build a Hexdrinker or something.

If you start building dumb shit like Chalice you are just asking people to all in you, which is GPs real weakness in lane. You cannot get away with spamming oranges in lane. The cooldown is too long and good junglers will wreck you.
Parrley damage is pretty garbage on base stats, but it has 100% AD scaling. I really doubt many mids will care that you rushed Chalice. Building Chalice on any melee mid is embarrassing and sad. If you need MR build a Hexdrinker or something.

If you start building dumb shit like Chalice you are just asking people to all in you, which is GPs real weakness in lane. You cannot get away with spamming oranges in lane. The cooldown is too long and good junglers will wreck you.

It's always nice to hear that my play is embarrassing and sad. ¬_¬

Still, you make a good point. Hexdrinker is a big investment early. It's a good one against AP mids, but I dunno if I want to go all the way to it before Shiv. Maybe Longsword + Mantle first, then Avarice Blade (or the other way 'round), then finish Hexdrinker, then Shiv.
Shiv is not a good item on Gangplank.

First time I've heard that. I'll have to try a game without it and see. Something like Hexdrinker -> Infinity Edge instead I presume?

fight on brothers!



Thing is, I never do *that* badly as GP mid. I've fed as other mids (soooo badly) but I generally at least get positive with him. Which is why I still play him there.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Shiv's good on GP if you want to push. And split pushing is kinda what GP does now.

Don't know why you're telling him otherwise.
If you want to push as GP buy Sunfire. He benefits most from being with his team and has poor 1v1 skills. I don't know why you would use him to split push. Shiv is just not great on him. You shouldn't need attack speed or move speed.
You don't have to buy one over the other. And Shiv still gives him presence in team fights with the crit chance as well as the movement or attack speed. Do you expect him to sit around like a spare tit waiting for his Parrley to come off cool down?

It's fine on GP.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You don't have to buy one over the other. And Shiv still gives him presence in team fights with the crit chance as well as the movement or attack speed. Do you expect him to sit around like a spare tit waiting for his Parrley to come off cool down?

It's fine on GP.
oh no, you hit their team for 100 damage. what a scary gangplank. then he crit for 150, did you see that?

Buying them both sets you back on key items like Mallet. I don't even understand your point. How does Shiv lower the cooldown of Parrley? Or even be useful at all? Rushing Shiv on GP just means you do worse in teamfights because you can't get into them.
You don't have to buy one after the other, I don't see how you're taking that from what I said. He has options, if he wants to do a quick wave clear push and do more damage in fights you can go IE Shiv and Sunfire after. If you want to go tankplank you can go Sunfire first then pick up IE Shiv later. You're not allowing for any build flexibility or situational builds.

Fuck it, he could even go trinity force GP if he wants. And I didn't say it lowers Parrley's cool down, I was saying that the attack speed gives him more attacks between Parrleys.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If you want to go tankplank you can go Sunfire first then pick up IE Shiv later.
But this would be a terrible build.

Shiv is just an overpriced wasted bunch of stats on GP that gives no early game power. People just buy it because they like watching things proc from far away. All GP builds would be better without it.
And I didn't say it lowers Parrley's cool down, I was saying that the attack speed gives him more attacks between Parrleys.
Because Parrrley is such a major part of GPs damage attack speed isn't very beneficial, as it doesn't effect this crucial damage dump. Attack speed is expensive in general. Not only is attack damage cheaper but you benefit more from it.
When I GP, I usually go Black Cleaver plus Gauntlets for damage a Warmog and I upgrade the Avarice into Atmas at some point, the chalice isnt touched until really late in the game, where I either upgrade him to Mikael, to protect our carry a little or replace him with something powerful.

edit: Shiv GP is very situational, like when I can get it very early and the enemies are kinda squishy but then it really helps securing a win.


Jaxel in the building! I used to play alot of umvc3 and watch your youtube videos faithfully. Thanks for all the hard work! Hope to see some LOL videos up since I pretty much abandoned umvc3 for this game. I like youtube better than streams bc I dont always have time to tune in and youtube videos are much more convenient. Add me bro.. summoner name: comealiveatnite and welcome!

I only play Vlad right now... using him to learn the game and "map awareness" before I start branching out.

I got my first Quadra kill the other day!


I cannot help feeling I playing against people below the age of 25. Makes me feel...

Dude I'm 35 and I'm the second youngest of the guys I play with. I mean, yeah, there are 17 year olds who do nothing but play League 12 hours a day but there still plenty of people of all ages who are terrible at this game for you to beat up on :)

I only play Vlad right now
You had me at Vlad.
But seriously Iceborn Gauntlets is core on GP, I mean the effect procs instantly if you Parley someone you can also hit a creep wave low and then just take a huge aoe parley.
And you like the extra mana, ability power 70 armor ! and CDR too.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
But seriously Iceborn Gauntlets is core on GP, I mean the effect procs instantly if you Parley someone you can also hit a creep wave low and then just take a huge aoe parley.
And you like the extra mana, ability power 70 armor ! and CDR too.
Wow it's like Frozen Mallet but worse in every way.


What about a GP10 Gp? Buy avarice blade, philo stone, kage's pick and GP10 quints. Last hit with parrley = all the $$$.

If I had Gp I would totally do this.


There are a lot of new faces here and I just felt the need to mention that you shouldn't always take soda cop too seriously.

He likes to hate everything.

Not that he's wrong with ibg gp though. Shiv is better lol


Are you this upset I didn't want to play last night?

Because 30 is more than twenty something. You are buying tons of mana and armor. Why are you expecting it to do damage?

The proc does base damage + 125% of base as bonus damage. That is a lot more than the +30 from Mallet. Unless my understanding of how the Gauntlet proc works is wrong it would be:

108 + 135 for a Gauntlet proc auto, plus the chance of the 135 proc to hit other champs since its an AOE.
108 + 30 for Mallet auto.


Are you this upset I didn't want to play last night?

Because 30 is more than twenty something. You are buying tons of mana and armor. Why are you expecting it to do damage?
I owned face without you.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Ibg deals 125% base as bonus damage. Gp base is 108 at 18.FM gives what, 30 bonus damage? Not even close

See newcomers, other than being a hateful old man that yells at clouds, soda cop is wrong

Ibg isn't that bad on gp really, just really unnecessary. He doesn't need the slow or the mana pool, or the cdr even. If you want spell blade, get tf. If you want tankiness, get randuins or sub fire. If you wanna aoe parleyyyy farm, get shiv or tiamat
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