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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Been playing a few days now. I was never really into or got any good at DOTA back in WC3, so I've kinda been sucking it up, but I have my moments.

I know ranked play unlocks at level 30, but is there any sort of matchmaking magic going on in the background of normal games? I'm on a pretty nasty 7 game losing streak, which maybe granted is because people at these low levels are so quick to just vote to surrender after a few towers get killed. Just curious is all.

There's a hidden MMR (Matchmaking Rating) for all queues.
Didn't get to play a real game last night, had to play bots 'cos I was too tired. Too much to do this week. Q_Q

Still though, avoided Shiv when playing GP, and it...felt a bit better? Your damage is now strictly limited to slow AAs and Parrrley, but I have no problem with that. Went Hexdrinker -> Infinity Edge and found the damage pretty nice, as well as that shield obviously. Also built new Tiamat for (I think) the first time, that thing's hilarious. Any good for GP with the active? Considering that all-ins are dangerous for you once Parrrley is down, a ten-second CD AOE nuke around yourself can't be too bad. Plus dat passive.


On a whim decided to play some normals with Jungle Leona. She's fun to play but I don't know exactly how competitive it can be. I feel you really have to make use of that early game advantage or the pick is a waste and will end up being a disadvantage overall. It also feels a lot like the Alistar jungle pick pre-nerf, but with a slightly better clear, given that you can get a madred's and autoattack like a boss by cheating with Q.

Anyway, here's the replays, a la LoLReplay.

Game 1: A draft pick with a few gaffers. We stomp them pretty hard this game and get a surrender @ 20. A somewhat unsurprising outcome as we end up facing 2 sub-30 accounts in this matchup. :x

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31885639/04-22-2013 00-24-35 0 .lrf

Game 2: A blind pick with a few of my friends where I have a terrible start. I miscommunicate that I do not really want a smiteless blue so top lane begins with the buff instead of me. I then run to red so I can have a buff and at least lvl 2 before ganking but get counter jungled instead by J4 and give up first blood whilst still lvl 1. We have a very rough start but manage to pull through in the end with our super non-standard 4 ninja + jungle leona comp. The opponents here were 4 plats + 1 silver.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31885639/04-23-2013 00-37-21 0 .lrf

If there's trouble viewing it in LoLReplay I can try to do a game analysis tomorrow on stream and link it then.

Summoner spells used were Smite/Teleport, and I ran my 21/9/0 jungle bruiser masteries with runes that get me 19 armor, 4.5% MS, and 8.5 AD.


Alright just got into gold 2.




Since I got on my normals kick I realized I'd get dropped automatically if I didn't play ranked soon so reluctantly I queued up last night. Apparently my normal wins have translated into a better overall feeling and I turned it into a win. Silver I maintained. Back to rocking the normals lol.

The win was pretty much determined the instant I encouraged my team to invade Fiddlesticks jungle. Unfortunately they didn't listen to the call on waiting until Fiddle finished wolves before attacking (could have been 2+ kills) but still got our Ashe a FB and hosed fiddle for the rest of the game (I invaded his blue every time it was up. Poor guy didn't get a single one).

Nasus is too damn strong. I only have about 10 games with him but still have a really high win rate. Wither plus ghost is almost a guaranteed kill if they're anywhere near the middle of the lane. His ult lets him solo dragon at level 6 with nothing but a spirit stone. Yet somehow people aren't banning him... They're still banning Hecarim, Jarvan and Vi over him. Someone banned Lee sin and akali yesterday. Weird.

I'll be sad when he gets nerfed just because he's practically free wins now but I hate when the opponents get him. Don't even know a good jungle counter. Had some luck with Nocturne I guess.


Game 1: A draft pick with a few gaffers. We stomp them pretty hard this game and get a surrender @ 20. A somewhat unsurprising outcome as we end up facing 2 sub-30 accounts in this matchup. :x

2 sub-30? I know we haven't play for a long time, but our normal ELO really dropped bad. Consider we have 5 level 30.


2 sub-30? I know we haven't play for a long time, but our normal ELO really dropped bad. Consider we have 5 level 30.

Chances are the opponents were a pre-made as well. I think the matchmaking tries to match pre-made against pre-made first, then matching MMR second. I could be wrong though.


nah it's cause you guys suck

Probably this.

Not sure how I'm going to do the gameplay analysis. I don't really know what's a key place to look at during a replay. I'll probably end up having the camera lock on myself as I recall my thoughts for each of my actions. Or maybe I'll just stream another game where I just voice my thoughts out loud again.


shuld write poem or find funny gif

i like this one it's not funny, it's from porco rosso:

like maybe someone was not together for the teamfight
or maybe someone was watching their team engage poorly

soraka's caviar is the gaf league +rebeccablacfri


I've seen people in the channel start playing a bunch of dominion of all things. I don't know what's going on, it's scary.

Quick ADC question, have there been any changes to Draven's axe bounce in the last few months? I thought I heard they were making him easier to play but I wasn't sure if the patches had been released to the main client yet. I used to find him a big mental drain to play, but now I seem to have the most success with him of any ADC.


I've seen people in the channel start playing a bunch of dominion of all things. I don't know what's going on, it's scary.

Quick ADC question, have there been any changes to Draven's axe bounce in the last few months? I thought I heard they were making him easier to play but I wasn't sure if the patches had been released to the main client yet. I used to find him a big mental drain to play, but now I seem to have the most success with him of any ADC.

They changed his axe bounce to make it "better" and to stay out of walls more. Turns out Draven players did not like that change at all so they reverted it but kept the code to keep the axe out of walls more. I'm not sure if the patch was applied to revert it yet (I think so).
They changed his axe bounce to make it "better" and to stay out of walls more. Turns out Draven players did not like that change at all so they reverted it but kept the code to keep the axe out of walls more. I'm not sure if the patch was applied to revert it yet (I think so).
The change was more to match all MS buffs Draven currently has since it only factors his base MS or something.


So I've just hit 30 a few days ago and seem to me doing alright in draft normals. Im pretty happy with my jungling and have a small top and mid lane pool. I wouldnt mind supporting and expanding champ pools but am somewhat limited in runes.
Question is when should I jump into ranked? Im hoping for more communication/teamwork than I see in normals. I tend to be a shot caller /crazy pinger when I jungle but people generally dont return the favor or ignore warnings and die anyway =[


So I've just hit 30 a few days ago and seem to me doing alright in draft normals. Im pretty happy with my jungling and have a small top and mid lane pool. I wouldnt mind supporting and expanding champ pools but am somewhat limited in runes.
Question is when should I jump into ranked? Im hoping for more communication/teamwork than I see in normals. I tend to be a shot caller /crazy pinger when I jungle but people generally dont return the favor or ignore warnings and die anyway =[

Well the game won't let you without at least 16 champions. There's nothing stopping you from jumping into ranked now (provided you meet that requirement) but you'll probably be placed pretty low initially without some more experience. With no previous season elo you'll end up in Silver only with 7 or 8 wins in your placement matches. You will end up supporting at some point and being forced into almost every role at some point except mid (everyone wants to mid). Jungling you'll have a better chance of getting that role most times but you will get a ton of shit if you play poorly (or sometimes even if you play well but a lane gets stomped that you didn't babysit). Junglers are the number 1 scapegoat in the high stress of ranked.

Having a few filled out runepages will be helpful. A good attitude is important as well. If you want to give it a shot, go for it. Don't get discouraged and keep on trying. The only issue is falling pretty low initially and having to work your way up with a low MMR. Totally doable though.

There is a little more effort and teamwork in ranked but there is also a lot more martyring and complaining. People are more stressed out playing for something.


So I've just hit 30 a few days ago and seem to me doing alright in draft normals. Im pretty happy with my jungling and have a small top and mid lane pool. I wouldnt mind supporting and expanding champ pools but am somewhat limited in runes.
Question is when should I jump into ranked? Im hoping for more communication/teamwork than I see in normals. I tend to be a shot caller /crazy pinger when I jungle but people generally dont return the favor or ignore warnings and die anyway =[

For some reason I like you already.

You'll get varying responses about your question but I'd say just jump in when you're comfortable. The communication/teamwork isn't really going to be much better than what you find in normals, as that change comes more from your MMR than it does the type of game being played. In fact, if you're finding good communication now then just starting in ranked you will actually probably end up with less communication since you start at 1200 (or whatever you can mark as the baseline nowadays).

With the core rune sets for jungle/mid/top you may not have the most optimal runes for adc/support if you get shoehorned into those roles, but you ought to be able to make do with what you have, it'll just change the playstyle of your early game a little bit.

Also, join the NeoGAF chat and come play with GAF if you're on NA. I'm always willing to play a few games with newer players.


Well the game won't let you without at least 16 champions. There's nothing stopping you from jumping into ranked now (provided you meet that requirement) but you'll probably be placed pretty low initially without some more experience. With no previous season elo you'll end up in Silver only with 7 or 8 wins in your placement matches. You will end up supporting at some point and being forced into almost every role at some point except mid (everyone wants to mid). Jungling you'll have a better chance of getting that role most times but you will get a ton of shit if you play poorly (or sometimes even if you play well but a lane gets stomped that you didn't babysit). Junglers are the number 1 scapegoat in the high stress of ranked.

Having a few filled out runepages will be helpful. A good attitude is important as well. If you want to give it a shot, go for it. Don't get discouraged and keep on trying. The only issue is falling pretty low initially and having to work your way up with a low MMR. Totally doable though.

There is a little more effort and teamwork in ranked but there is also a lot more martyring and complaining. People are more stressed out playing for something.

I don't mind playing support at all but I do favor aggressive supports that I can make plays off and dont have gold quints.

For some reason I like you already.

You'll get varying responses about your question but I'd say just jump in when you're comfortable. The communication/teamwork isn't really going to be much better than what you find in normals, as that change comes more from your MMR than it does the type of game being played. In fact, if you're finding good communication now then just starting in ranked you will actually probably end up with less communication since you start at 1200 (or whatever you can mark as the baseline nowadays).

With the core rune sets for jungle/mid/top you may not have the most optimal runes for adc/support if you get shoehorned into those roles, but you ought to be able to make do with what you have, it'll just change the playstyle of your early game a little bit.

Also, join the NeoGAF chat and come play with GAF if you're on NA. I'm always willing to play a few games with newer players.

Already joined Gaf my ign is LeaveYouAPreview =]
i lost so many league points because i'm a dumbass and browse the web and forget to pick a champ. the game could pop in front if it's my turn tho, still my fault but it takes like 10 minutes and i get bored :/.



God damn I hadn't played Jax in forever and completely forgot how strong he is. Been playing him the last couple days and just destroyng with him.

Just played him out of the jungle, and while his clear is kinda sub-par, the ganks are great. Get just a little bit of a snowball going off that and jump right to being the face-smashingest champ in the game. Ancient golem gives you all the health you need for most the match, and once you get BOTRK and Hextech Gunblade it's almost gg. Wish I could work in a Cleaver some time, but it's not really worth putting off the extra slow and spell vamp/lifesteal you get from finishing the Gunblade, a Sheen upgrade, or some more health, late as it usually is by that point.
i lost so many league points because i'm a dumbass and browse the web and forget to pick a champ. the game could pop in front if it's my turn tho, still my fault but it takes like 10 minutes and i get bored :/.


I dunno if your install is fucked or not, but it generally does if it's your pick afaik.
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