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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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OT Hard Carry
When did Wednesday become weekend? It appears the moron/leaver queue is back online today as every game has had either or both.

So many potatos. Oh my god.


I felt real bummed cause I have had a huge (HUGE) losing streak. Was up for promotion to Silver then proceeded to lose so much I dropped down to Bronze 3.

Then all of a sudden during my last test to get back into Bronze 2, our Singed never logs in so its 4 vs 5. I sigh but they all seem nice so we just play, and proceed to stomp them so hard I couldn't believe it. I was Zyra and my team was Draven/Jax/Swain and we were like...12/2 by the 10 min mark? I wish my full teams played that well, jeesh.
I can totally see more Nasus nerfs. :/ Stuff like hitting his early Lifesteal, and reduction of his armor shred, and/or gutting the damage cap of his ult against monsters.


I hate nasuses almost as much as I hate ezreals. they don't do anything all match long, they just farm the fucking q, they won't even smite dragon to get another q. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


I hate nasuses almost as much as I hate ezreals. they don't do anything all match long, they just farm the fucking q, they won't even smite dragon to get another q. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Just ask them to press R.



I can totally see more Nasus nerfs. :/ Stuff like hitting his early Lifesteal, and reduction of his armor shred, and/or gutting the damage cap of his ult against monsters.

If anything I envision wither nerf again, especially at lower levels (I think it was already hit once for the attack speed) and capping his ult damage against monsters. Soloing dragon at level 6 with just a spirit stone is pretty strong. The wither movement speed slow is strong and lasts a long time. Pretty much a guaranteed gank if it lands middle of the lane.

I hate nasuses almost as much as I hate ezreals. they don't do anything all match long, they just farm the fucking q, they won't even smite dragon to get another q. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lol. It took me awhile to figure out a good Q vs smite balance. Still refining it but it's not as easy to farm the Q as I originally thought it would be. I'd always smite dragon though. Not worth losing it.


nasus is getting played because pro players just ride the op bandwagon and see level 6 solo dragon+ridiculous as debuff and just go for it.

the thing is that those things don't really apply to solo q so you get idiots playing him that can't do anything other than farm q while the tower just next to the wraith camp they're farming needs help because it's being four man hard pushed.

I forsee a nerf to his ult's damage against monsters at best, wither is kind of alright, I'd kinda like to see it lose a bit of range so it's not like one click from brush for a free flash. I'd actually like that better than his ult damage, since it'd help solo queue rather than pro play

edit: imo he's not really op, just op at pro level play. nerf to his ult and maybe wither range will dial that back and we may never see him again :/
Jungle Nasus?
I feel like I can q much more creeps on lane. Which is all that matters in (Nasus)life.

I literally didnt leave top for 20 minutes, only to grab golems or items ( I also had a game where I first time went back with 4,5k gold), I told my team to play it a little safer (we had okay counterpush) and then I got my Iceburn Gauntlets and some tank stuff and ended the fun that was the game.
It all works really well together, I can wipe the enemy team and then I can like 2 hit towers which is fair - I guess.

Well it mostly baffles me so because my most played champs are Ashe, GP and Fiora which all aren't really on the "over" of the powered scale.


it's what pros do.

wither makes for really simple ganks with high rates of "burn flash/get kill", he has great dragon control, can wave clear to help 2v1s and benefits a lot from cdr, which is all the rage in junglers now

jungle nasus is not about farming his q, which is why stupid people get him wrong in solo q and play him as basically a starved top laner. he now has ok q farm since big neutral creeps give more stacks but it's never gonna match a laning nasus


nasus is getting played because pro players just ride the op bandwagon and see level 6 solo dragon+ridiculous as debuff and just go for it.

the thing is that those things don't really apply to solo q so you get idiots playing him that can't do anything other than farm q while the tower just next to the wraith camp they're farming needs help because it's being four man hard pushed.

I forsee a nerf to his ult's damage against monsters at best, wither is kind of alright, I'd kinda like to see it lose a bit of range so it's not like one click from brush for a free flash. I'd actually like that better than his ult damage, since it'd help solo queue rather than pro play

edit: imo he's not really op, just op at pro level play. nerf to his ult and maybe wither range will dial that back and we may never see him again :/

That's just bad jungling, not much to do with the champ :)

He's a great solo queue jungler. Top tier easily:

- tanky
- evil ganks
- good objective control, any champ that can solo dragon at level 6 has a big advantage. Buy pink and control from there
- great teamfighting with big AE damage (spirit fire and ult), wither for the ADC and great solo target damage with the Q with no damage items. Bonus is ult damage is based on max % hp of opponents

The problem is the solo queue guys that forget how to jungle when playing him. A big Q damage won't do squat if your team is getting stomped.

edit: your post right before I finished typing this one says exactly what I just said :p Bad junglers playing Nasus wrong basically lol.
Well it mostly baffles me so because my most played champs are Ashe, GP and Fiora which all aren't really on the "over" of the powered scale.

Fiora isn't weak. Her problem is that she doesn't really fit in and there are a few hiccups in her kit.

Fiora's damage is still among the highest in the game. A fully built Fiora's not going to be out-traded by pretty much anyone unless they have crazy hard cc. Except for maybe late game Jax or Kog'Maw.
Fiora isn't weak. Her problem is that she doesn't really fit in and there are a few hiccups in her kit.

Fiora's damage is still among the highest in the game. A fully built Fiora's not going to be out-traded by pretty much anyone unless they have crazy hard cc. Except for maybe late game Jax or Kog'Maw.

I had some success with Cleanse Fiora against stronger cc lineups.


I dunno about fiora, if they added cc to her kit she'd turn into a normal champion, but her damage is already pretty good so you can't really buff that either.

I'd maybe make her ult more reliable and do something about her riposte, add a small stun or make it actually block spells too, or something.


When did nasus start to get OP then?
I dunno if he "started" getting OP, but the Q buff on jungle creeps certainly pointed people towards trying him out in the jungle.

I dunno if diamondprox was using him before.
Just got 2v1ed as Nasus, god damn the destruction. It certainly didn't help that the J4 came out of the jungle to feed red and blue into the Elise at minute 3.


Just got 2v1ed as Nasus, god damn the destruction. It certainly didn't help that the J4 came out of the jungle to feed red and blue into the Elise at minute 3.
yeah gotta love that random jungler that figures that flashing into tower for the last hit is worth risking giving up double buffs and losing your teammate's lane for him.


I hate Nasus. Second time Kha solo top against Nasus and I had three kills on the guy. He tried to fight me in lane and I thought "Hey free kill!". Pops his ult and even though his farm was nonexistant he came out on top. Anecdote and all, but that felt bad /:


I hate Nasus. Second time Kha solo top against Nasus and I had three kills on the guy. He tried to fight me in lane and I thought "Hey free kill!". Pops his ult and even though his farm was nonexistant he came out on top. Anecdote and all, but that felt bad /:
yeah I had that happen as pantheon too.

had like 3 kills on him, he just stacked armor and combined with his lifesteal, he became unharasseable, unkillable and ended up driving me out of lane. to be fair, I farmed like shit that match.


It's all about getting +500 as nasus by the 25-35 minute mark, and just curbstomping teams... Hell, they run away from you, you two-hit the tower. Rinse and repeat.


a good top laner doesn't allow nasus farm his q, kill or harass out of lane and don't leave him any breathing room.

I'm not a good top laner


Xin Zhao is an amazing jungler, right? Because I've been using him over the last two days and he seems to be a really simple champ with great ganking ability.


Xin Zhao is an amazing jungler, right? Because I've been using him over the last two days and he seems to be a really simple champ with great ganking ability.

He's good. Taken a few nerfs lately that made him less of an auto pick. Higher cooldown now on his E and lower damage on his ult. Without some early kills he'll drop off in damage severely. Still a good kit though. I run him with movespeed quints and attackspeed marks. Have to stick to the target for early game ganks.


He's good. Taken a few nerfs lately that made him less of an auto pick. Higher cooldown now on his E and lower damage on his ult. Without some early kills he'll drop off in damage severely. Still a good kit though. I run him with movespeed quints and attackspeed marks. Have to stick to the target for early game ganks.

Later in the game I feel more tanky than anything. I've been trying a few different item builds to see what I like on him the most. Usually I end up somewhere halfway between tank and dmg.


yeah he's not as beast as he was and he's actually a bit outclassed by j4 and hec and vi, but he's still pretty good.

I feel like his biggest drawback right now is how dependent on snowballing he is

also how he loves to ult people away from my lasers


he's good w/ kha'bro

like anything that's good, you still have to consider how it plays with the rest of the team
often something is considered good because it addresses the meta in a special way

played a little thresh today, his harass and trade seems kind of insane. I have like no proper support runes, but running like normal ad runes worked out fine


played a little thresh today, his harass and trade seems kind of insane. I have like no proper support runes, but running like normal ad runes worked out fine

Yeah I run ad/armor/MS runes when I play thresh instead of my normal support ones. Works out wonderfully. Not really surprised that he's a common ban now. And if he isn't he really should be.

This is pretty epic and I should do this more when I am winning top lane

So all flat AD reds? I get myself one Crit rune just for the statistically advantage. Unless there's something I'm missing.

What reds should I be running?


So all flat AD reds? I get myself one Crit rune just for the statistically advantage. Unless there's something I'm missing.

What reds should I be running?
on what role?

for adcs AD or flat armor pen reds
for mages magic or hybrid pen
for tanks/supports flat armor
for junglers flat AS

I like the idea of getting one crit mark, you get like a 1% chance on every auto to win your early game.

edit: oh you mean on thresh? I'd go flat armor with him. AD imio is not really worth it since you may get like 20-30 or something autos per match at best.


my bad for pulling numbers out of my ass.

fuck man I can't say anything without getting the police all over me

edit: it's actually pretty fucking annoying, if you don't like my opinions, that's fine, I never said I'm right about everything, but please stop getting on my case over everything I say. can't even give my fucking opinion ffs.
edit2: you don't even say "hey I think you're wrong because X and Y", whatever man


Bad advice is bad advice, that's all. Constant AA harass is what Thresh does in lane. It's his strength. Armor Reds isn't really necessary at all and is completely not how you'd play him.

Edit: And getting on your case for "everything" you say is more that you post about twice as much as everyone else here.
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