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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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So I think I need to start making more insightful comments like I used to in OT 1. I generally don't post at all, but lately I've watched so much shenanigans in here that I feel like I must contribute again.

Also I should probably start playing more in general. If you haven't already added me on league my ign is Bindww, and I have like 8 free spots on my friend list, so yeah we could like play some games and stuff. Superfuntimes


Found this season 1 gem.

Like fucking 8 games now, can't get a support that isn't fucking terrible. I'm talking like morellos/zeal support shaco. Total autolosses.

OMG a Blitzcrank is this the end of terrible support spree?
builds muramana, can't land hooks goes 1/8/2


Took a chance playing Shen top vs Nidalee. Was my first time shen top. I couldn't seem to kill her. Too fast. She couldn't kill me but pushed so hard and every time I ult'd I'd lose a tower. Thinking back, instead of giants belt first back I should have rushed a phage then wit's end and I might have been able to kill her. Overall I could have played better. Not used to laning Shen and I mistimed the shield a lot against her spears.

Or maybe Iceborn Gauntlets? That would have slowed her enough that I'd get the kill. Waste of mana stats though.

My team lost and she took great pleasure in saying how she loves countering a shen top. Which she kind of did with the pushing. The scores didn't show it but the win did.

Hmm.. Spirit visage could have worked too. I was drawing a blank on itemization for him top. Oh well. It was only a normal. Lesson learned.


So I think I need to start making more insightful comments like I used to in OT 1. I generally don't post at all, but lately I've watched so much shenanigans in here that I feel like I must contribute again.

Also I should probably start playing more in general. If you haven't already added me on league my ign is Bindww, and I have like 8 free spots on my friend list, so yeah we could like play some games and stuff. Superfuntimes

look what you guys did
pls no


Is that a 1350 skin?

Took a chance playing Shen top vs Nidalee. Was my first time shen top. I couldn't seem to kill her. Too fast. She couldn't kill me but pushed so hard and every time I ult'd I'd lose a tower. Thinking back, instead of giants belt first back I should have rushed a phage then wit's end and I might have been able to kill her. Overall I could have played better. Not used to laning Shen and I mistimed the shield a lot against her spears.

Well, you're not really going to kill a Nidalee as a Shen. Your goal is to just get a lot of HP and outsustain and outlast her. Bruiser Nidalee can engage you better but you can Sunfire Cape there and deal with it; AP Nidalee will never have the burst to outright kill you. Just keep the lane relatively even and you have the better gank setup due to Shen + Jungler being better at converting a kill than Nidalee + most Junglers.


As Thresh, AD runes makes him such a lane bully. If we don't get first pick, I ban him. I like the AD rune setup on him so much, I actually tried it on Zyra support and it works great too. As long as you can manage your mana, you can skip Faerie's Charm and grab Rejuv Beads instead to bully more. I was able to easily win lanes vs Blitz.

Learning Renekton. Not sure whether to go 9/21/0 or 21/9/0 yet. Trying both routes but I need more games with him. Fun champ, but I'm definitely not abusing him to his fullest yet.


Learning Renekton. Not sure whether to go 9/21/0 or 21/9/0 yet. Trying both routes but I need more games with him. Fun champ, but I'm definitely not abusing him to his fullest yet.

Generally you'd go with 9/21 because he's meant to outlast people, rather than burst them down. His sustained damage is fine enough with minimal items so it's overall safer to run 9/21 and just be in the middle of things.


New sale up:

Fiddle me Timbers Fiddle
Shurima Desert Zilean
Earthrune Skarner



come on Riot pls. Trundle and Hecarim. At this point I'm probably just going to buy Hecarim IP. I have about 12k so I'll still be able to afford Lissandra. But I also want hybrid pen runes.....


On top of that, Thresh's entire strength is how powerful his auto-attack harass is due to Death Sentence's Passive. That's why Q is maxed first, really. Not necessarily to improve his grab.
I dunno now that they're moving his Q passive to his E, unless people start leveling that up first.

Just a minor maintenance to fix the recent lag spikes. Don't expect any content.
maybe it was riot and not my isp all along. been playing at 300 ping all week, feels like shit

It's of minor confusion to me that Thresh's autoattack is ranged, because it's not a projectile.
yeah me too, when he was released I thought he was gonna be like long range melee, but he actually has like 525 or something like that.

New sale up:

Fiddle me Timbers Fiddle
Shurima Desert Zilean
Earthrune Skarner



come on Riot pls. Trundle and Hecarim. At this point I'm probably just going to buy Hecarim IP. I have about 12k so I'll still be able to afford Lissandra. But I also want hybrid pen runes.....
a pretty decent sale, but it's all shit I don't care about. well, I'd kinda like to try out ziggs but eh...


I dunno now that they're moving his Q passive to his E, unless people start leveling that up first.

Well yeah, the biggest reason to level Q first was the passive so when it moves to E, that's what's going to be maxed first. I still expect Q to be the first skill grabbed on Thresh though, going QWE or QEW for the first 3 levels.

yeah me too, when he was released I thought he was gonna be like long range melee, but he actually has like 525 or something like that.

It's 475, which means it is shorter than all AD carries, but just barely
Sivir is 500
. For reference, the only ranged champions with a shorter range are Vlad, Karthus, Morg, and Urgot, with Janna being tied.


So what's your guy's favorite unorthodox build? I like going AP Sona mid in blind. I'm still working on my build. It usually goes Morello>Athenes>Rabadon>Zhonyas and then boots with some survivability item mixed in somewhere. Anyone recommend a good survivability item? And I've been looking at Lich Bane and it looks like it could work.


Well yeah, the biggest reason to level Q first was the passive so when it moves to E, that's what's going to be maxed first. I still expect Q to be the first skill grabbed on Thresh though, going QWE or QEW for the first 3 levels.
yeah, grab Q first unless you're blue team and you might want lantern to get an easier time at lvl 1 with the small golems. I'm always shit at kiting them around

if people start leveling E first and this ends up with a off-the-side 6 second cooldown "nerf" to his Q I wouldn't be mad.

It's 475, which means it is shorter than all AD carries, but just barely
Sivir is 500
. For reference, the only ranged champions with a shorter range are Vlad, Karthus, Morg, and Urgot, with Janna being tied.
ah, a lot less than I thought. good to know, I can really abuse that with sona's 550 range


yeah, grab Q first unless you're blue team and you might want lantern to get an easier time at lvl 1 with the small golems. I'm always shit at kiting them around

if people start leveling E first and this ends up with a off-the-side 6 second cooldown "nerf" to his Q I wouldn't be mad.

ah, a lot less than I thought. good to know, I can really abuse that with sona's 550 range

Even on blue side, Q first is the only way to go. The quicker level 2 is more of a reason to grab it really. That will give you QE earlier, and lead to a more successful lane kill.

The problem with Sona vs. Thresh is while Sona outranges him, she has the lowest base hp in the game and a single hook if capitalized on correctly could lead to her having to either back early, or just flat out die. Take pot shots when Q is on cooldown, but otherwise just be wary of hooks and don't try for anything unnecessary.

Hey rex, remember our adventures in very early s2? Found this glorious carry on our parts



I think this game is telling me something.

Six times queuing up for ranked. Six times one of the last few people to pick dodge. Been sitting here for fifteen minutes.


So I go jungle Xin Zhao last night. As usual, I say "wolves n blue plz" when the game starts. I go to the wolves and nobody comes. I ping a couple times and ask in chat again, still nobody comes to help leash. Garen then comes to help me all the way from top lane just after minions spawn (we were purple side). So once I finally got going with both buffs, I ganked top over and over. At 10 minutes in, our Teemo mid goes "We have a Xin?!?!?!" and then our bot starts calling me every swear in the book for not ganking for them first.

Ugh... just frustrating..

No leash = no ganks, right?

I mean to be honest, I wanted to gank for them all, but once they started with me it just pissed me off and I wanted nothing to do with them.


holy shit karma sitting at 40% WR and 1% pick rate
Common theories on this might be:

A) Of course she's low win rate if no one uses her, since no one knows how, or
B) Of course she's low win rate, because people are bad at playing and she require skill, or
C) This doesn't matter since Karma does massive damage now. With [items] your single target burst is [XYZ]. That's like 2000 damage!
D) Of course she's low win rate, since win rates are inaccurate [response does not include any information on which way inaccuracies may occur or their magnitudes]

My personal feeling is that she is not very good, and one big aspect of it is her wave clear. It is super easy to waste an ult cooldown, which I seem to remember being like 30 seconds, and a Q, bursting a single minion instead of 6 minions, because the hitbox clipped just the wrong spot, so now you're left with two abilities that can't farm, an autoattack that does hardly any damage, AND no ult.


I need Lissandra to come out. Need a new champion to get back into it.

The long wait made me buy Starcraft 2. Riot pls.
yup, I'm this close to buying talon just to have someone else to play at mid.

Sorceress Lux is best Lux. And its cheap.


there's so much wrong in this picture I wouldn't know where to begin

derpy face
stupid outfit with skirt and shoulderpads. also 99% blue is boring
weird belly
a hunched pose that you just don't do for heroes or mages or anyone supposed to look even remotely cool
derpy face
derpy face
derpy face
derpy face
derpy face
etc etc

the chinese version is better since the pose's at least sorta fun and her face is at least good looking

I do like the hat tho

I like spellthief better, at least the outfit is fine, even though the face is grotesque

So I go jungle Xin Zhao last night. As usual, I say "wolves n blue plz" when the game starts. I go to the wolves and nobody comes. I ping a couple times and ask in chat again, still nobody comes to help leash. Garen then comes to help me all the way from top lane just after minions spawn (we were purple side). So once I finally got going with both buffs, I ganked top over and over. At 10 minutes in, our Teemo mid goes "We have a Xin?!?!?!" and then our bot starts calling me every swear in the book for not ganking for them first.

Ugh... just frustrating..

No leash = no ganks, right?

I mean to be honest, I wanted to gank for them all, but once they started with me it just pissed me off and I wanted nothing to do with them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trhti7Ktc-g seems relevant

sometimes no leash is better



come on Riot pls. Trundle and Hecarim. At this point I'm probably just going to buy Hecarim IP. I have about 12k so I'll still be able to afford Lissandra. But I also want hybrid pen runes.....

Hecarim maybe, but I seriously doubt they are gonna put Trundle on sale before the revamp is out, same with Sejauni. It will probably be some time after that actually.
So I go jungle Xin Zhao last night. As usual, I say "wolves n blue plz" when the game starts. I go to the wolves and nobody comes. I ping a couple times and ask in chat again, still nobody comes to help leash. Garen then comes to help me all the way from top lane just after minions spawn (we were purple side). So once I finally got going with both buffs, I ganked top over and over. At 10 minutes in, our Teemo mid goes "We have a Xin?!?!?!" and then our bot starts calling me every swear in the book for not ganking for them first.

Ugh... just frustrating..

No leash = no ganks, right?

I mean to be honest, I wanted to gank for them all, but once they started with me it just pissed me off and I wanted nothing to do with them.

This is why no one calls jungle. It's the easiest role to blame and the hardest to please.


:lol at people focusing on a splash art when you see it for maybe 1% of your entire time with LoL.
never underestimate how much I can focus on the superficial parts of a game

also actual in-game skin is not very pretty at all either. spellthief is loads better

This is why no one calls jungle. It's the easiest role to blame and the hardest to please.
yeah, I usually lay off junglers' backs since they got the most nerve wrecking role there is.

I'll bitch about them when:
* they are doing wraith camps when there's a perfectly good unattended lane right next to it that's being push to tower
* they waste smite on some random shit 2 seconds from baron
* they tower dive for no reason and give double buffs to enemy laner
* they do absolutely nothing all game long but farm farm farm, not even when you ask them to come do dragon or push a tower or something. fuck you nasusesssssssssss
* when they don't give you blue buff/protect blue buff for no reason other than bad timings. at minute 8 you gotta be around blue buff, either yours or theirs, it's not that hard to remember. don't go farm small golems if you're blue team at time 7:40. it kills your mid laners' mid game and costs your whole team a lot of map pressure
* also I don't mind not getting the first two or three blue buffs, but just tell me and I'll build accordingly. don't just smite it after I wasted all my mana on it. specially if you're like jax or xin zhao. fuck off dude

but yeah, if you're not getting ganks from the jungler he's probably doing something more important elsewhere aka killing the small golems


So I go jungle Xin Zhao last night. As usual, I say "wolves n blue plz" when the game starts. I go to the wolves and nobody comes. I ping a couple times and ask in chat again, still nobody comes to help leash. Garen then comes to help me all the way from top lane just after minions spawn (we were purple side). So once I finally got going with both buffs, I ganked top over and over. At 10 minutes in, our Teemo mid goes "We have a Xin?!?!?!" and then our bot starts calling me every swear in the book for not ganking for them first.

Ugh... just frustrating..

No leash = no ganks, right?

I mean to be honest, I wanted to gank for them all, but once they started with me it just pissed me off and I wanted nothing to do with them.

Haha. I hear that. I had a similar game where the bot lane was getting killed over and over (as Sona cait against a vayne lane). Since they were dead every time I wanted to gank (or were horribly pushed), I ganked top and mid. Our cho was literally huge. Out of nowhere 10 min in Sona said "come gank now or we lost. Stop farming and gank bot." I was top and didn't like her attitude anyways (it was snottier than that, I just can't remember exact wording) so I ignored her. Two minutes later she started bashing me in all chat saying how I lost the game for them. Then she split push top alone for the remaining 20 min of game.

Really, the best way to get a jungler to gank is to bash them in all chat right?


Learning Lux is hard when all you play is bruisers and Ashe.
Not even Ashe is that insta dead in close combat though.
yeah lux is like second to sona in frailest champions. just use your range and your kiting to stay alive, it's actually pretty similar to ashe, spam cc so they get off your back and always position that the moment you get a guy up your face you're pretty much dead.

also buy zhonya's/seraph's embrace for the life saving actives + awesome baits.

lux is not that hard, just gotta learn to land dem skillshots (which is true for half the mid roster).

Haha. I hear that. I had a similar game where the bot lane was getting killed over and over (as Sona cait against a vayne lane). Since they were dead every time I wanted to gank (or were horribly pushed), I ganked top and mid. Our cho was literally huge. Out of nowhere 10 min in Sona said "come gank now or we lost. Stop farming and gank bot." I was top and didn't like her attitude anyways (it was snottier than that, I just can't remember exact wording) so I ignored her. Two minutes later she started bashing me in all chat saying how I lost the game for them. Then she split push top alone for the remaining 20 min of game.

Really, the best way to get a jungler to gank is to bash them in all chat right?
bashing on someone is never even selfishly good. like if you whine all match long about your jungler, it doesn't make it more likely that he'll come help, it probably does the opposite effect since he now sees you for the whiny annoying asshole you are.

people should focus more on what they themselves do wrong rather than where their jungler is.

also it's baffling people can't understand that if they're already losing by a large margin it's just not good or the team to go gank there. jungler is usually better off helping the winning lanes snowball the game in their team's favor.

but that's the thing with most players, people is too impatient, you can't coordinate split pushing or counterganks or baron fights or poke comps with randoms because randoms don't really know what to do. they don't know how to split push, or deal with a lost lane, or anything, so they just play like they're equal and feed some more :/


yeah lux is like second to sona in frailest champions. just use your range and your kiting to stay alive, it's actually pretty similar to ashe, spam cc so they get off your back and always position that the moment you get a guy up your face you're pretty much dead.

also buy zhonya's/seraph's embrace for the life saving actives + awesome baits.

lux is not that hard, just gotta learn to land dem skillshots (which is true for half the mid roster).

bashing on someone is never even selfishly good. like if you whine all match long about your jungler, it doesn't make it more likely that he'll come help, it probably does the opposite effect since he now sees you for the whiny annoying asshole you are.

people should focus more on what they themselves do wrong rather than where their jungler is.

also it's baffling people can't understand that if they're already losing by a large margin it's just not good or the team to go gank there. jungler is usually better off helping the winning lanes snowball the game in their team's favor.

but that's the thing with most players, people is too impatient, you can't coordinate split pushing or counterganks or baron fights or poke comps with randoms because randoms don't really know what to do. they don't know how to split push, or deal with a lost lane, or anything, so they just play like they're equal and feed some more :/

Very true. A big cho and karthus meant we had a fighting chance if sona participated at all. She chose not to, instead blaming me and giving up. It still mystifies me. But hey, its silver. If I could be more consistent I could rise and i wouldn't have to deal with it as much. Goals for the future.


Very true. A big cho and karthus meant we had a fighting chance if sona participated at all. She chose not to, instead blaming me and giving up. It still mystifies me. But hey, its silver. If I could be more consistent I could rise and i wouldn't have to deal with it as much. Goals for the future.
consistency or not, you can't carry them all.

some people are just beyond that.

I have the feeling that if I'd put in the hours and learned a couple better champions (tf, ryze, diana), with some luck and effort I'd be able to get out of the bottompit of silver.

alas, I don't think it's worth it. gotta just get a 5s team and that'd be a lot more fun.
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