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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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Lux can be oddly difficult to kill given zhonya's, seraph shield, and especially her E shield. Don't forget to use the E shield!


Tragic victim of fan death
It has become increasingly clear to me that I no longer want to participate with LoLGAF community or be associated with it. Recent events, thinking, and my LoL experience outside of the GAF community have shown me that the amount of toxic attitude, behavior, and comments is not worth tolerating to play with those who I consider exceptional and cool people - though some aren’t the greatest people and one isn’t the best annunciator of the English language hahaha. The joke in the last part aside, there is a fundamental problem with how certain people behave and while I’m a hypocrite for remarking on their poor behavior, I think it still needs to be brought up. First it helps those who are in the community to better hopefully and second in order to give explanation as to why I’m leaving. If you don’t care that I’m permanently leaving then I’m sure you won’t care to read this. At the very least this will inform you how I see and feel about this general community. I’m also not going to name anyone in these specific examples. Even if I’m leaving I don’t want to leave hostility behind.

The community makes it extremely hard to voice opinions and thoughts. I think if you’re saying something wrong, you should be corrected. That much is certain. However, the attitude, tone, and speech that make up that address shouldn’t be so downright filled with negativity, brutality, and vitriol that it makes me not want to voice it. I’m not the most thick skinned person in the world. I understand that I can be extremely sensitive. At the same time it makes me wonder if I am not the only at fault. There is no feeling of acceptance or forgiveness or whatnot in the few that inhabit this community. While there are those who are extremely generous, sympathetic, and kind it’s watered down by the jerks who go on about their own selfish views and expressing it however way they see fit. There is no consideration for the other person and I find that frustrating. It’s hard to be nice when the other person isn’t and it just creates a perpetual and endless cycle of lashing back and forth. I don’t want to be part of that sick game. The times that I am nice I get spat in the face, kicked around, and get accused of trolling. No other community that I’ve been part of in GAF have I been so abused than this one and I find that extremely saddening. Not only it makes me want to be part of it but those who might be like me or who might see things like I do would probably feel the same. It’s disappointing.

On the case of accusation of trolling, this is the only community in GAF where I was accused of trolling constantly and so vehemently due to my naivety. It’s my own failure to understand how things work and my general lack of knowledge regarding the world that puts me in this situation. If I’m bullied around because of my ignorance and naivety I have myself to blame. But those who exploit that and take advantage of it when they have the option not to are just as responsible. This gives me the impression that the community is often times filled with self-serving and inconsiderate human beings. I understand sometimes you make jokes and poke fun and that’s all in good fun however there are times when it’s taken overboard. Perhaps I should’ve addressed it more frequently but I don’t want to be part of a community that abuses my identity and personality as a result. On the same side of the token, I have learned a lot from those who extend their knowledge to me. Rather than simply saying, go google it or go wiki it, you tell it from your perspective using your own words and your own experiences and your own beliefs. I think that’s a rather enjoyable aspect of conversations as it adds a more personable background to it. Once again, this is neglected entirely and I’m railed on for it sadly. To those who have helped me learn and taught me things I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn. Not all of you who have taught me stuff are deserving of my gratitude, however.

For those that I enjoyed playing games with, conversing with, and overall having a good time I am extremely thankful. I really want to participate with those members. There’s an aura of goodwill and it’s extremely fun to enjoy these games even if I go bonkers and get upset. The fact that you kind people put up with it and try to calm me down is a great boon for me. It’s extremely generous and I am undeserving of it. It also helps as it offsets and acts as a contrast to my negative attitude. However, it’s become clear to me that I don’t simply get upset because I’m losing and whatnot. It’s because of the hostile environment I’m in. I’ve played numerous league games over the past week and more on alternate account with my friends. They are the nicest people I’ve met, but not without faults. Never have I lashed out at them or gotten upset with myself or them. I actually remained optimistic almost 100% of the time. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that most of the times I do get angry in these games is because I have an environment that promotes toxic garbage and just fills the room with negativity. It’s hard for me to stay positive when I’m influenced by such a thing. I always feel like I’m being blamed, there’s an attitude issue that’s going on, and I need to tiptoe around because I don’t want to get yelled at. Even if there are three others in a group that are nice, it only takes one person to spoil it and that’s disappointing.

On that note, it also came to me that this community has made me a worse person. All of the vile and horrible things I hear and read from this community has not made me thick-skinned but an asshole, selfish, a jerk, and insensitive. I do not want to be this type of person. The environment just makes this of me and because this is something voluntary I do not wish to be in an environment that fosters such things. While I’m 100% responsible in carrying out some of those garbage comments and am a hypocrite for saying this I feel there are members of the community that don’t deserve to be treated like garbage all the time. To those that feel that were wronged by me, I sincerely and greatly apologize for my behavior.

Speaking of a bad environment, the people who create such an environment are some of the most selfish, insensitive, emotional-deaf, arrogant, and elitist I’ve seen in my life. Ever. I don’t want to be partake in activities with these people. It’s not fun. It influences me in horrible ways and I fear that I’ll end up being like them just to deal with it.

There’s more to say but I’m sure this is long enough. If you’ve stuck with this then I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read. There are members of the community I absolutely enjoy hanging out with. I want to continue to play with you and I hope that you do too, however, I want to do it not being associated with the community. It’s not possible to play with the community as I’ll be participating with people who will throw negativity at me so I want to play with you as friends rather than LoLGAF members. In addition, to you I wrote below why you are cool and awesome and fun and whatnot. To those that I’ve offended previously and was a hypocritical ass I greatly apologize and hopefully it’ll be mutual but I’m not expecting it to be so. To those who are jerks and the like, I don’t know what made you like that or what not but I hope that for the better of the community you are more considerate and don’t make snide remarks and act out accordingly. In my studies there are four different aspects when communicating to someone: what a person says, what a person intends, what a person believes, and what a person knows. What a person believes doesn’t reflect what they intend. What a person intends doesn’t always come out in what they say. What a person knows is always never portrayed fully. Most importantly, what a person says is often times what they believe but doesn’t always include their intended meaning. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your time with the community for however long it fulfills you and if I see you around on GAF, I’ll see you around.

xcloser - You are funny, informative, nice, and overall a great person. I think every game I’ve played with you, you’ve always been understanding and courteous and I regret whenever I act like a child in front of you. I hope that my gratitude towards you is always known.

Gamma - I gave you XCOM and I hope you enjoyed the game. I’m sort of sad that we don’t chat and act stupid like we did before but I’m glad that we always had the chance to play. There were times where you got mad and I calmed you down and vice versa. I always enjoyed this dichotomy and our continued friendship.

Bindww - You taught me a lot. More than xcloser did and I thought he taught me a lot. When I was having a hard time you sort of stuck with me and listened and gave me advice. I couldn’t always tell when you were joking and I didn’t quite get you all the time but you had a positive influence in my life and I want you to know that. I think I learned a lot more about life than I ever could’ve imagined from a person on the net. Thanks for teaching me life stuff. I still don’t get wrestling and stuff though.

Kiunch - Fun times. You were one of the first few people that I played with when joining LoLGAF. I remember when we had our mirror Ahri match and we were even. I won the first time and you won the next. It was super fun. You’re super nice and although I can’t understand you cuz of my crap headphones and your accent I enjoyed our conversations. =)

Erragal - You are by far the nicest, kindest, most understanding, and other positive person I’ve met on the net. Heck, maybe even in real life (my real life friends are extremely extremely so as well so that’s saying a lot hahaha). I hope you stay that way. You’ve shown me a lot of good when I didn’t deserve it and I truly appreciate you being patient and being a person that I would call exceptional and someone that I’m proud to have known and met.
It has become increasingly clear to me that I no longer want to participate with LoLGAF community or be associated with it. Recent events, thinking, and my LoL experience outside of the GAF community have shown me that the amount of toxic attitude, behavior, and comments is not worth tolerating to play with those who I consider exceptional and cool people - though some aren’t the greatest people and one isn’t the best annunciator of the English language hahaha. The joke in the last part aside, there is a fundamental problem with how certain people behave and while I’m a hypocrite for remarking on their poor behavior, I think it still needs to be brought up. First it helps those who are in the community to better hopefully and second in order to give explanation as to why I’m leaving. If you don’t care that I’m permanently leaving then I’m sure you won’t care to read this. At the very least this will inform you how I see and feel about this general community. I’m also not going to name anyone in these specific examples. Even if I’m leaving I don’t want to leave hostility behind.

The community makes it extremely hard to voice opinions and thoughts. I think if you’re saying something wrong, you should be corrected. That much is certain. However, the attitude, tone, and speech that make up that address shouldn’t be so downright filled with negativity, brutality, and vitriol that it makes me not want to voice it. I’m not the most thick skinned person in the world. I understand that I can be extremely sensitive. At the same time it makes me wonder if I am not the only at fault. There is no feeling of acceptance or forgiveness or whatnot in the few that inhabit this community. While there are those who are extremely generous, sympathetic, and kind it’s watered down by the jerks who go on about their own selfish views and expressing it however way they see fit. There is no consideration for the other person and I find that frustrating. It’s hard to be nice when the other person isn’t and it just creates a perpetual and endless cycle of lashing back and forth. I don’t want to be part of that sick game. The times that I am nice I get spat in the face, kicked around, and get accused of trolling. No other community that I’ve been part of in GAF have I been so abused than this one and I find that extremely saddening. Not only it makes me want to be part of it but those who might be like me or who might see things like I do would probably feel the same. It’s disappointing.

On the case of accusation of trolling, this is the only community in GAF where I was accused of trolling constantly and so vehemently due to my naivety. It’s my own failure to understand how things work and my general lack of knowledge regarding the world that puts me in this situation. If I’m bullied around because of my ignorance and naivety I have myself to blame. But those who exploit that and take advantage of it when they have the option not to are just as responsible. This gives me the impression that the community is often times filled with self-serving and inconsiderate human beings. I understand sometimes you make jokes and poke fun and that’s all in good fun however there are times when it’s taken overboard. Perhaps I should’ve addressed it more frequently but I don’t want to be part of a community that abuses my identity and personality as a result. On the same side of the token, I have learned a lot from those who extend their knowledge to me. Rather than simply saying, go google it or go wiki it, you tell it from your perspective using your own words and your own experiences and your own beliefs. I think that’s a rather enjoyable aspect of conversations as it adds a more personable background to it. Once again, this is neglected entirely and I’m railed on for it sadly. To those who have helped me learn and taught me things I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn. Not all of you who have taught me stuff are deserving of my gratitude, however.

For those that I enjoyed playing games with, conversing with, and overall having a good time I am extremely thankful. I really want to participate with those members. There’s an aura of goodwill and it’s extremely fun to enjoy these games even if I go bonkers and get upset. The fact that you kind people put up with it and try to calm me down is a great boon for me. It’s extremely generous and I am undeserving of it. It also helps as it offsets and acts as a contrast to my negative attitude. However, it’s become clear to me that I don’t simply get upset because I’m losing and whatnot. It’s because of the hostile environment I’m in. I’ve played numerous league games over the past week and more on alternate account with my friends. They are the nicest people I’ve met, but not without faults. Never have I lashed out at them or gotten upset with myself or them. I actually remained optimistic almost 100% of the time. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that most of the times I do get angry in these games is because I have an environment that promotes toxic garbage and just fills the room with negativity. It’s hard for me to stay positive when I’m influenced by such a thing. I always feel like I’m being blamed, there’s an attitude issue that’s going on, and I need to tiptoe around because I don’t want to get yelled at. Even if there are three others in a group that are nice, it only takes one person to spoil it and that’s disappointing.

On that note, it also came to me that this community has made me a worse person. All of the vile and horrible things I hear and read from this community has not made me thick-skinned but an asshole, selfish, a jerk, and insensitive. I do not want to be this type of person. The environment just makes this of me and because this is something voluntary I do not wish to be in an environment that fosters such things. While I’m 100% responsible in carrying out some of those garbage comments and am a hypocrite for saying this I feel there are members of the community that don’t deserve to be treated like garbage all the time. To those that feel that were wronged by me, I sincerely and greatly apologize for my behavior.

Speaking of a bad environment, the people who create such an environment are some of the most selfish, insensitive, emotional-deaf, arrogant, and elitist I’ve seen in my life. Ever. I don’t want to be partake in activities with these people. It’s not fun. It influences me in horrible ways and I fear that I’ll end up being like them just to deal with it.

There’s more to say but I’m sure this is long enough. If you’ve stuck with this then I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read. There are members of the community I absolutely enjoy hanging out with. I want to continue to play with you and I hope that you do too, however, I want to do it not being associated with the community. It’s not possible to play with the community as I’ll be participating with people who will throw negativity at me so I want to play with you as friends rather than LoLGAF members. In addition, to you I wrote below why you are cool and awesome and fun and whatnot. To those that I’ve offended previously and was a hypocritical ass I greatly apologize and hopefully it’ll be mutual but I’m not expecting it to be so. To those who are jerks and the like, I don’t know what made you like that or what not but I hope that for the better of the community you are more considerate and don’t make snide remarks and act out accordingly. In my studies there are four different aspects when communicating to someone: what a person says, what a person intends, what a person believes, and what a person knows. What a person believes doesn’t reflect what they intend. What a person intends doesn’t always come out in what they say. What a person knows is always never portrayed fully. Most importantly, what a person says is often times what they believe but doesn’t always include their intended meaning. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your time with the community for however long it fulfills you and if I see you around on GAF, I’ll see you around.

xcloser - You are funny, informative, nice, and overall a great person. I think every game I’ve played with you, you’ve always been understanding and courteous and I regret whenever I act like a child in front of you. I hope that my gratitude towards you is always known.

Gamma - I gave you XCOM and I hope you enjoyed the game. I’m sort of sad that we don’t chat and act stupid like we did before but I’m glad that we always had the chance to play. There were times where you got mad and I calmed you down and vice versa. I always enjoyed this dichotomy and our continued friendship.

Bindww - You taught me a lot. More than xcloser did and I thought he taught me a lot. When I was having a hard time you sort of stuck with me and listened and gave me advice. I couldn’t always tell when you were joking and I didn’t quite get you all the time but you had a positive influence in my life and I want you to know that. I think I learned a lot more about life than I ever could’ve imagined from a person on the net. Thanks for teaching me life stuff. I still don’t get wrestling and stuff though.

Kiunch - Fun times. You were one of the first few people that I played with when joining LoLGAF. I remember when we had our mirror Ahri match and we were even. I won the first time and you won the next. It was super fun. You’re super nice and although I can’t understand you cuz of my crap headphones and your accent I enjoyed our conversations. =)

Erragal - You are by far the nicest, kindest, most understanding, and other positive person I’ve met on the net. Heck, maybe even in real life (my real life friends are extremely extremely so as well so that’s saying a lot hahaha). I hope you stay that way. You’ve shown me a lot of good when I didn’t deserve it and I truly appreciate you being patient and being a person that I would call exceptional and someone that I’m proud to have known and met.

See you in a week.


Second-rate Anihawk
It has become increasingly clear to me that I no longer want to participate with LoLGAF community or be associated with it. Recent events, thinking, and my LoL experience outside of the GAF community have shown me that the amount of toxic attitude, behavior, and comments is not worth tolerating to play with those who I consider exceptional and cool people - though some aren’t the greatest people and one isn’t the best annunciator of the English language hahaha. The joke in the last part aside, there is a fundamental problem with how certain people behave and while I’m a hypocrite for remarking on their poor behavior, I think it still needs to be brought up. First it helps those who are in the community to better hopefully and second in order to give explanation as to why I’m leaving. If you don’t care that I’m permanently leaving then I’m sure you won’t care to read this. At the very least this will inform you how I see and feel about this general community. I’m also not going to name anyone in these specific examples. Even if I’m leaving I don’t want to leave hostility behind.

The community makes it extremely hard to voice opinions and thoughts. I think if you’re saying something wrong, you should be corrected. That much is certain. However, the attitude, tone, and speech that make up that address shouldn’t be so downright filled with negativity, brutality, and vitriol that it makes me not want to voice it. I’m not the most thick skinned person in the world. I understand that I can be extremely sensitive. At the same time it makes me wonder if I am not the only at fault. There is no feeling of acceptance or forgiveness or whatnot in the few that inhabit this community. While there are those who are extremely generous, sympathetic, and kind it’s watered down by the jerks who go on about their own selfish views and expressing it however way they see fit. There is no consideration for the other person and I find that frustrating. It’s hard to be nice when the other person isn’t and it just creates a perpetual and endless cycle of lashing back and forth. I don’t want to be part of that sick game. The times that I am nice I get spat in the face, kicked around, and get accused of trolling. No other community that I’ve been part of in GAF have I been so abused than this one and I find that extremely saddening. Not only it makes me want to be part of it but those who might be like me or who might see things like I do would probably feel the same. It’s disappointing.

On the case of accusation of trolling, this is the only community in GAF where I was accused of trolling constantly and so vehemently due to my naivety. It’s my own failure to understand how things work and my general lack of knowledge regarding the world that puts me in this situation. If I’m bullied around because of my ignorance and naivety I have myself to blame. But those who exploit that and take advantage of it when they have the option not to are just as responsible. This gives me the impression that the community is often times filled with self-serving and inconsiderate human beings. I understand sometimes you make jokes and poke fun and that’s all in good fun however there are times when it’s taken overboard. Perhaps I should’ve addressed it more frequently but I don’t want to be part of a community that abuses my identity and personality as a result. On the same side of the token, I have learned a lot from those who extend their knowledge to me. Rather than simply saying, go google it or go wiki it, you tell it from your perspective using your own words and your own experiences and your own beliefs. I think that’s a rather enjoyable aspect of conversations as it adds a more personable background to it. Once again, this is neglected entirely and I’m railed on for it sadly. To those who have helped me learn and taught me things I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn. Not all of you who have taught me stuff are deserving of my gratitude, however.

For those that I enjoyed playing games with, conversing with, and overall having a good time I am extremely thankful. I really want to participate with those members. There’s an aura of goodwill and it’s extremely fun to enjoy these games even if I go bonkers and get upset. The fact that you kind people put up with it and try to calm me down is a great boon for me. It’s extremely generous and I am undeserving of it. It also helps as it offsets and acts as a contrast to my negative attitude. However, it’s become clear to me that I don’t simply get upset because I’m losing and whatnot. It’s because of the hostile environment I’m in. I’ve played numerous league games over the past week and more on alternate account with my friends. They are the nicest people I’ve met, but not without faults. Never have I lashed out at them or gotten upset with myself or them. I actually remained optimistic almost 100% of the time. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that most of the times I do get angry in these games is because I have an environment that promotes toxic garbage and just fills the room with negativity. It’s hard for me to stay positive when I’m influenced by such a thing. I always feel like I’m being blamed, there’s an attitude issue that’s going on, and I need to tiptoe around because I don’t want to get yelled at. Even if there are three others in a group that are nice, it only takes one person to spoil it and that’s disappointing.

On that note, it also came to me that this community has made me a worse person. All of the vile and horrible things I hear and read from this community has not made me thick-skinned but an asshole, selfish, a jerk, and insensitive. I do not want to be this type of person. The environment just makes this of me and because this is something voluntary I do not wish to be in an environment that fosters such things. While I’m 100% responsible in carrying out some of those garbage comments and am a hypocrite for saying this I feel there are members of the community that don’t deserve to be treated like garbage all the time. To those that feel that were wronged by me, I sincerely and greatly apologize for my behavior.

Speaking of a bad environment, the people who create such an environment are some of the most selfish, insensitive, emotional-deaf, arrogant, and elitist I’ve seen in my life. Ever. I don’t want to be partake in activities with these people. It’s not fun. It influences me in horrible ways and I fear that I’ll end up being like them just to deal with it.

There’s more to say but I’m sure this is long enough. If you’ve stuck with this then I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read. There are members of the community I absolutely enjoy hanging out with. I want to continue to play with you and I hope that you do too, however, I want to do it not being associated with the community. It’s not possible to play with the community as I’ll be participating with people who will throw negativity at me so I want to play with you as friends rather than LoLGAF members. In addition, to you I wrote below why you are cool and awesome and fun and whatnot. To those that I’ve offended previously and was a hypocritical ass I greatly apologize and hopefully it’ll be mutual but I’m not expecting it to be so. To those who are jerks and the like, I don’t know what made you like that or what not but I hope that for the better of the community you are more considerate and don’t make snide remarks and act out accordingly. In my studies there are four different aspects when communicating to someone: what a person says, what a person intends, what a person believes, and what a person knows. What a person believes doesn’t reflect what they intend. What a person intends doesn’t always come out in what they say. What a person knows is always never portrayed fully. Most importantly, what a person says is often times what they believe but doesn’t always include their intended meaning. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your time with the community for however long it fulfills you and if I see you around on GAF, I’ll see you around.

xcloser - You are funny, informative, nice, and overall a great person. I think every game I’ve played with you, you’ve always been understanding and courteous and I regret whenever I act like a child in front of you. I hope that my gratitude towards you is always known.

Gamma - I gave you XCOM and I hope you enjoyed the game. I’m sort of sad that we don’t chat and act stupid like we did before but I’m glad that we always had the chance to play. There were times where you got mad and I calmed you down and vice versa. I always enjoyed this dichotomy and our continued friendship.

Bindww - You taught me a lot. More than xcloser did and I thought he taught me a lot. When I was having a hard time you sort of stuck with me and listened and gave me advice. I couldn’t always tell when you were joking and I didn’t quite get you all the time but you had a positive influence in my life and I want you to know that. I think I learned a lot more about life than I ever could’ve imagined from a person on the net. Thanks for teaching me life stuff. I still don’t get wrestling and stuff though.

Kiunch - Fun times. You were one of the first few people that I played with when joining LoLGAF. I remember when we had our mirror Ahri match and we were even. I won the first time and you won the next. It was super fun. You’re super nice and although I can’t understand you cuz of my crap headphones and your accent I enjoyed our conversations. =)

Erragal - You are by far the nicest, kindest, most understanding, and other positive person I’ve met on the net. Heck, maybe even in real life (my real life friends are extremely extremely so as well so that’s saying a lot hahaha). I hope you stay that way. You’ve shown me a lot of good when I didn’t deserve it and I truly appreciate you being patient and being a person that I would call exceptional and someone that I’m proud to have known and met.




However, it’s become clear to me that I don’t simply get upset because I’m losing and whatnot. It’s because of the hostile environment I’m in.

I can think of two instances where you went off on another team member without them having made a single hostile comment. Maybe the environment did mold you into an "over-excited, hyper competitive" player but blaming it instead of taking a step back and maybe trying to fix yourself is silly.


League of Legends is one of the few games where there is probably a genuine improvement in my quality of life, attitude, happiness, enjoyment, friendships etc. when I play rarely or not at all.

I have occasionally run into genuinely nice people, like "you messed up the skill but it's okay, just a game" or "we made some mistakes but still won, it's cool" or "let's try again, focus on [X area] more, maybe next game will be better :)" kind of people. But we're talking loch ness bigfoot chupacabra rare.

There's probably some sort of deep psychological treatise xcloser could write on the game, or genre.


So I took my AP Sona build to ranked. First match was against Fizz and I poked him hard and I won the lane. Ended up winning.

Second was against a Lux and she was out farming me, but it was mostly a stalemate. We ended up losing due to a few bad team fights. Zed on our team started saying "Sona mid is a joke" for some reason even though I had a respectable score of 5/4/13 while enemy Lux was 1/5/13. I wasn't carrying, but I wasn't doing bad...

I think it's stupid how some people think being an APC or ADC means you have to carry and you fail if you don't. Whatever, Sona mid is treating me well.


Do what you love, and fuck the rest

@kayos yeah I definitely wouldn't classify the neolol environment as particularly positive to you, and it's really cool that you are aware enough to identify that and to try to put action towards that feeling (see you in a few weeks). It's definitely a mixed blessing to not be "in" on something, but I would still consider it a blessing. "To those who are jerks and the like, I don’t know what made you like that or what not but I hope that for the better of the community" is rlly positive and based

I think bind is giving pretty good advice here, and plus he also probably doesn't understand wrestling.


@kayos: Don't ever get caught up in allowing other peoples natures to impact your own in a negative way. It's perfectly reasonable to feel at this point in your life you're not able to do that; it takes time and hard experiences to build the natural wisdom that will allow you to see through the surface displays that people have without letting them disrupt your own viewpoints and forward momentum. Just keep in mind that even people with negative outward expressions can be valuable parts of your life at times if you can sift through the noise and find whether their underlying intentions are benign.

Oh, and stay calm. It helps.


@kayos: Don't ever get caught up in allowing other peoples natures to impact your own in a negative way. It's perfectly reasonable to feel at this point in your life you're not able to do that; it takes time and hard experiences to build the natural wisdom that will allow you to see through the surface displays that people have without letting them disrupt your own viewpoints and forward momentum. Just keep in mind that even people with negative outward expressions can be valuable parts of your life at times if you can sift through the noise and find whether their underlying intentions are benign.

yup, and at the same time identify whether the pain is fucking worth it and deal accordingly


What type of criticism? Like "That was a bad move Isay"? Or "wtf Isay that was horrible don't use Alistar again"?

"That was pretty dumb."

It's not like we're exploding all over each other. And, the times we do, it's usually in jest since many of us have been playing with each other for at least a year now. It's not like we're flipping our shit every game.

Most of us are pretty laid back and don't really care.



Oh well, see you in the anime thread, but if you like nice people you should just join K-On thread. Small and wonderful community there.

You know what, if all the people that hate us and never play with LoLGaf start their own NotLoLGaf channel, it will most likely be a bigger chatroom than the Lolgaf channel.

And we can have inhouse, rivalry, rank battle, Romeo and Juliet, rap battle.... OMG

Someone gather everyone that hate lolgaf but play LoL, PLEASE!


Do most people still go to solomid for builds? Or was I going to the wrong site this whole time.
I think solomid's pretty outdated these days. www.lolking.net has some good guides, but also a lot of dumb stuff, so watch out for that.

and lolpro is kinda pretty, but I'd say all their guides are pretty terrible.

in any case, a guide's a starting point, so if you learn to build and level skills according to the match you're in you'll probably just need a quick idea and move on.

also gaf helps a lot with that shit. at least I've been rocking kiunch's diana build for a while and it's been great (though I'm bad and always lose anyways)

wallie of text
holy shit I've been outdrama'ed

best of luck in everything, dude, takes a lot to be able to see and fix what's fucking up with your life, so stay strong, etc.

and whenever you wanna talk or anything, I'm on steam, etc...

Lux can be oddly difficult to kill given zhonya's, seraph shield, and especially her E shield. Don't forget to use the E shield!
her W shield. W


lux's biggest asset is range, so kite kite kite and when you can't kite no more just zhonya/seraph while screaming at the mic for help. also always throw your shield in the direction you're running so it gets back to you faster.


Do most people still go to solomid for builds? Or was I going to the wrong site this whole time.

if youre at the early learning stage, solomid and/or lolpro is fine. LoLking is getting some more good content.

If you already have a general idea of things, I really like probuilds.net


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

lolgaf is more like a few subgroups of players with some overlap. it is not an autonomous entity to be blamed, and leaving it in this state is like abandoning a festering corpse on the side of the road.
Dat wall of text




lolgaf is more like a few subgroups of players with some overlap. it is not an autonomous entity to be blamed, and leaving it in this state is like abandoning a festering corpse on the side of the road.

I dont get it

lolgaf = a festering corpse?
+ kayos killed lolgaf? (he made it toxic??)
+ lolgaf IS toxic?

is this what youre saying


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I dont get it

lolgaf = a festering corpse?
+ kayos killed lolgaf? (he made it toxic??)
+ lolgaf IS toxic?

is this what youre saying
lolgaf was already dead. kayos was never an important part of it.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
if youre at the early learning stage, solomid and/or lolpro is fine. LoLking is getting some more good content.

If you already have a general idea of things, I really like probuilds.net

Probuilds.net is a better site if you really understand the game and know what you're doing. Solomid guides get outdated somewhat quickly but probuilds is always up to date.


i think that if you are just starting out it's probably good to go to solomid.net
probuilds is a better way of figuring out more relevant builds


Probuilds doesn't give you any real rationale for it (then again, so do a lot of actual guides) so for people who do not get the game, it's probably the worst resource for actually learning the game.


so like
probuilds is pretty good
if you have an idea of what you are doing

solo mid
on the other hand
is pretty good if you are starting out

im just saying what's on everyone's mind i have my finger on the lolgaf pulse


So I go jungle Xin Zhao last night. As usual, I say "wolves n blue plz" when the game starts. I go to the wolves and nobody comes. I ping a couple times and ask in chat again, still nobody comes to help leash. Garen then comes to help me all the way from top lane just after minions spawn (we were purple side). So once I finally got going with both buffs, I ganked top over and over. At 10 minutes in, our Teemo mid goes "We have a Xin?!?!?!" and then our bot starts calling me every swear in the book for not ganking for them first.

Ugh... just frustrating..

No leash = no ganks, right?

I mean to be honest, I wanted to gank for them all, but once they started with me it just pissed me off and I wanted nothing to do with them.

Another good way to do it is let them get dived and then clean up.

I revile people who won't leash. It's a team game, help your team.
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