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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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ArPen Quints are just worse than AD Quints in terms of relative Gold/Stat value as well if I recall.

AD in general is just better for the early game harassment phases; ArPen helps more for the late game, sure, but I'm not really sure it helps enough to warrant the slightly worse start.

Also, just looking at it in terms of scaling isn't quite right. Like boken says, it's more a case of good AD scaling wanting AD runes and those with high base values want ArPen. Even then, the tradeoff isn't that big so it really comes down to the kind of extra damage power you'd get off of the early AD for auto-attacks as opposed to what ArPen gives you. And, well, last hitting. That's always nice.

That said, I'd probably opt for AD reds with Lifesteal% Quints (or 2 LS%/1 AD on the Quints, I suppose). All that sustain!
Arpen is excellent for those with strong early physical spells like Graves, Draven and Ez. I fought a Graves with full ArPen page, Doran Blade and Janna support and it was frightening.


I just calculated how much IP I need to get all the runes I want for all roles:

7.83 Magic Penetration
8.55 Attack Damage

12.69 Armor

10.71 Ability Power
12.06 Magic Resist

14.85 Ability Power
6.75 Attack Power
3 Gold / 10 sec

Total:20610 +12.2k for 2 rune pages.

surprisingly cheap. Anything I miss?


I just calculated how much IP I need to get all the runes I want for all roles:

7.83 Magic Penetration
8.55 Attack Damage

12.69 Armor

10.71 Ability Power
12.06 Magic Resist

14.85 Ability Power
6.75 Attack Power
3 Gold / 10 sec
AP glyphs suck dont do it

add to that lifesteal quints


Congrats! Don't get discouraged and keep a good attitude. You'll climb :)

Ugh dude, my first game in the division was a loss now im dangerously low in the ladder. The game was going fine but the league community turns so vile once the tide turns. My team threw so hard and became the most vile group of people. Just started calling eachother newbs and this was mostly because the singed top got kinda fed from our gp and my team couldnt respond to split pushing. I had objective control on lock all game minus getting my red stolen early(which we immediately killed skarner for). I tried to direct the team on how to respond to the oppositions tactics but they chose to get caught out in our jungle and not ward defensively.

I jungled Nasus btw and the end game stats were : 9/5/13

oh and btw my team called gg from the lobby because i picked nasus and he was "nerfed"


so even on offensive AP castern I should go for MR?

yep. if your objective is to "win the fight", then 12MR helps you win the fight a lot more than 10 AP will. not only that, itll help you take less damage from random spells flung your way since you cant all in people constantly, you will need that.

you only decide to take full AP is if you decide you'll never fight and have the ability to prevent fights (TF for example)



And then like why isnt your crit chance rune a blue rune?


What's the basic runes for Jungling/Top(AD)/Mid/ADC/Support?

I should start getting some more runes...my rune pages are really fucked up.


To be cost efficient as possible:


AD,physical bruiser: ad/arm/mr/ad

mage: ap/arm/mr/ap

supp: ap or ad/arm/mr/gp10


10 AP doesn't sound bad to me. Only would use it for high burst AP heroes (which I atm don't even own).
get flat mr for mids

it's much better

from level 1-6 your damage is all base spell damage. a bit from quints and masteries helps but really, don't bother. and late game 10 is nothing.

12 mr is nice all game.


get flat mr for mids

it's much better

from level 1-6 your damage is all base spell damage. a bit from quints and masteries helps but really, don't bother. and late game 10 is nothing.

12 mr is nice all game.

Then it'll be even cheaper. I plan on using 12 mr for all but bursty AP caster, but I might reconsider even for them. That will bring the total cost down to 17k (+12k for pages).


tbh you only really need 2 pages,
the AD one and the AP one

gp10 is just a luxury, use the extra stats to kill people and get gpassist

then wait for a rune page sale

Recommended runes for Ashe? And can I get opinions on my trick on the last page?

your "pretend top laner is afk" trick?
well if it works, it works. it doesnt really hurt you to try it. eventually people wont fall for it thouogh.


tbh you only really need 2 pages,
the AD one and the AP one

gp10 is just a luxury, use the extra stats to kill people and get gpassist

then wait for a rune page sale


your "pretend top laner is afk" trick?
well if it works, it works. it doesnt really hurt you to try it. eventually people wont fall for it thouogh.

When I think about it, 3 pages are enough.

ADC/AD Tank/AD Caster: AD/AR/MR/AD
Support: ?/AR/MR/GP10

Should I go for MP or AD with Lulu? I auto attack-harras often, but even more I poke with glitterlance. Mh... or 0.26 mp5 *9
How does Anivia fare against Cass? I played this game earlier and stalemated. I didn't get bullied, but I always lost when I tried to trade. Post-6 I could easily win trades, but she started roaming to pick up kills so I blew her tower up ASAP.

Graves kept moaning over and over and over the match, like when I whiffed a wall because I lagspiked although it didn't cause harm. Then he whined I didn't have items, when I was too busy roaming.

The match is just irritating. I did so many walls where I separated Teemo, Nami or Cass but they always instaflashed over my wall. It's like... I make plays that meant nothing.

In a hindsight I probably should have built a Void Staff instead of that last defensive item. I was deciding between Randuin or Warmogs. I couldn't stay long in a fight because I was blowing up too fast.



When I think about it, 3 pages are enough.

ADC/AD Tank/AD Caster: AD/AR/MR/AD
Support: ?/AR/MR/GP10

Should I go for MP or AD with Lulu? I auto attack-harras often, but even more I poke with glitterlance. Mh... or 0.26 mp5 *9
If Riot continues nerfing Glitterlance every other patch, you won't even need that. =P


How does Anivia fare against Cass? I played this game earlier and stalemated. I didn't get bullied, but I always lost when I tried to trade. Post-6 I could easily win trades, but she started roaming to pick up kills so I blew her tower up ASAP.

Graves kept moaning over and over and over the match, like when I whiffed a wall because I lagspiked although it didn't cause harm. Then he whined I didn't have items, when I was too busy roaming.

The match is just irritating. I did so many walls where I separated Teemo, Nami or Cass but they always instaflashed over my wall. It's like... I make plays that meant nothing.

In a hindsight I probably should have built a Void Staff instead of that last defensive item. I was deciding between Randuin or Warmogs. I couldn't stay long in a fight because I was blowing up too fast.

Without jungle support on both sides, cass should own anivia. Her Q to dodge yours, and then just spam damage into you Post 6 is still pretty dangerous for you because she can stun you to prevent you from reactivating your Q and then chase you down and kill you.


Recommended runes for Ashe? And can I get opinions on my trick on the last page?
ad/lifesteal quints
ad reds
flat armor yellows
scaling mr blues

Then it'll be even cheaper. I plan on using 12 mr for all but bursty AP caster, but I might reconsider even for them. That will bring the total cost down to 17k (+12k for pages).
start by buying mr, I used to have both scaling and flat ap on my blues and went back to flat mr on all my mids, it's just much more useful on pretty much every mid champ without stupid sustain (like yi, but fuck yi and all yi players).

you could actually spend very little on runes and be ok if you just use armor yellows and mr blues on everyone.

also I have gp10s quints and while nice, they're not worth the money unless you main support or something. just get ap quints and make your harass even stronger.

How does Anivia fare against Cass? I played this game earlier and stalemated. I didn't get bullied, but I always lost when I tried to trade. Post-6 I could easily win trades, but she started roaming to pick up kills so I blew her tower up ASAP.

Graves kept moaning over and over and over the match, like when I whiffed a wall because I lagspiked although it didn't cause harm. Then he whined I didn't have items, when I was too busy roaming.

The match is just irritating. I did so many walls where I separated Teemo, Nami or Cass but they always instaflashed over my wall. It's like... I make plays that meant nothing.

In a hindsight I probably should have built a Void Staff instead of that last defensive item. I was deciding between Randuin or Warmogs. I couldn't stay long in a fight because I was blowing up too fast.
yeah, you're gonna lose every trade since your e is pretty short ranged and will set you right under her poison thingie. best thing you can do is throw random e's then immediatelly ult for the double e damage. it takes some timing but people never see it coming and it ends up being free harass more than trade.

But that sounds so weird to take D:
trust us, dude, double penetration beats single penetration any day


Yeah, I'll go hybrid pen if I have the IP to spare. Will give her MP in the meantime then. I'm ~lvl 17, so it's 3 levels until I can buy tier 3 runes anyway, and even then, only for 2/3 the slots.

I'm trying to plan out everything, even did some spreadsheet calcs, I'm just into gaming math. D:

Anyway, any suggestions on these masteries:
Pantheon (Flash / Ignite): http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#GaUMSlqTvMa2vEd
Cho Gat (Flash / Teleport): http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#MaK7vwMa8Cgtvd
Lulu (Flash / Heal): http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#Ma5dPZl7sMJ -3 points left-

What does "Summoner's Resolve" exactly? Does it increase my own health by 5 per level, or the amount "Heal" heals? Kinda vaguely worded. Thought about Cripple / Heal as well. I'm unsure where to spend the last 3 points with her.I don't think 3% LifeSteal / Vamp does exactly much, 3.75% exp is way too minuscule to take notice I think. So either 1 into +5% turret damage + 2 points into something, or 2% more movement speed outside of combat or more mana. Ideas?
What does "Summoner's Resolve" exactly? Does it increase my own health by 5 per level, or the amount "Heal" heals? Kinda vaguely worded.
If you take Heal, you also get +5/level added to your maximum health. They would have worded it more specifically if it meant the spell.


Yeah, I'll go hybrid pen if I have the IP to spare. Will give her MP in the meantime then. I'm ~lvl 17, so it's 3 levels until I can buy tier 3 runes anyway, and even then, only for 2/3 the slots.

I'm trying to plan out everything, even did some spreadsheet calcs, I'm just into gaming math. D:

Anyway, any suggestions on these masteries:
Pantheon (Flash / Ignite): http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#GaUMSlqTvMa2vEd
Cho Gat (Flash / Teleport): http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#MaK7vwMa8Cgtvd
Lulu (Flash / Heal): http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#Ma5dPZl7sMJ -3 points left-

What does "Summoner's Resolve" exactly? Does it increase my own health by 5 per level, or the amount "Heal" heals? Kinda vaguely worded. Thought about Cripple / Heal as well. I'm unsure where to spend the last 3 points with her.I don't think 3% LifeSteal / Vamp does exactly much, 3.75% exp is way too minuscule to take notice I think. So either 1 into +5% turret damage + 2 points into something, or 2% more movement speed outside of combat or more mana. Ideas?

take exhaust and take summoners wrath

exp is pretty good on supports because you wont get much


mikhael crucible might be made outta philo stone + chalice now like I said it should a billion years ago :)

would be pretty cool for sona/lulu.

I still think all support items should still give you gp5. support is the only role that loses stats as they upgrade their items, and it's not even for their own selfish benefit...

Yeah, I'll go hybrid pen if I have the IP to spare. Will give her MP in the meantime then. I'm ~lvl 17, so it's 3 levels until I can buy tier 3 runes anyway, and even then, only for 2/3 the slots.
oh you're level 17? don't bother with runes for a while then, just get an ad and ap generic runepages at best.

just buy champions dude.

also take exhaust with lulu, not heal


Yeah I don't understand touching some of these characters and not Zed or Khaz. Their burst is ridiculous.


Electro Harpoon [ E ] - Danger Zone Bonus has returned to 25% (Down from 50) [Back to live value]


Razor Shuriken[ Q ] - Now deals 45/69/93/117/141 to each additional enemy (down from 60/92/124/156/188 )

Shadow Slash [ E ] - Cooldown is now 4 (up from 3)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
so? guy's planning on buying runes for support when he should be just having fun with the game trying new champions every week and building a roster
How can you even try champions when you aren't going to be competitive on them?


How can you even try champions when you aren't going to be competitive on them?

did you even read anything I wrote?

where in "don't bother with runes for a while then, just get an ad and ap generic runepages at best." did you read "don't be competitive"?

just trying to get the guy to actually enjoy the game before he ruins it for himself by being anal about runes and theorycrafting and shit like the rest of us

also he should be buying champions and trying out different roles instead of wasting time with runes that he's not even gonna notice



forever a penta virgin T_T

Someday (TM) when you least expect it, it will happen. I was pissy after going 0/9 in a 4 v 5 on Nasus, probably the furthest thing from my mind, don't even like Kog much (now I have to buy a skin for him or something). Those highs and lows...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
just trying to get the guy to actually enjoy the game before he ruins it for himself by being anal about runes and theorycrafting and shit like the rest of us
Maybe this is fun for some people.
also he should be buying champions and trying out different roles instead of wasting time with runes that he's not even gonna notice
You don't need to own a bunch of champion to try them out and learn all the roles on the map. Particularly when you aren't even sure whether you like them or not. Runes should be every players priority if they don't have the ones they want. They are the most valuable way to spend IP.
playing mid is basically impossible for me now at this shitty elo. i can politely ask for it and the reply is just "called it first", i can type it in as fast as possible but premades and other idiots just say they were first because their internet connection is shitty. i have sub 20 pings i think i was first.

if i want to play mid i have to play dual mid. sigh, tried to practice my mid champs for the last 20 games now, no luck.


Someday (TM) when you least expect it, it will happen. I was pissy after going 0/9 in a 4 v 5 on Nasus, probably the furthest thing from my mind, don't even like Kog much (now I have to buy a skin for him or something). Those highs and lows...
like my real virginity, gone when you less expect it

It's a start. And I believe the recent changes to him on the PBE haven't gone live yet.
yeah, maybe. his laning is pretty stupidly good.

You don't need to own a bunch of champion to try them out and learn all the roles on the map. Particularly when you aren't even sure whether you like them or not. Runes should be every players priority if they don't have the ones they want. They are the most valuable way to spend IP.
he needs 16 champions to play draft pick
I already suggested he gets the two basic ad/ap runepages

I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that runes are the most valuable way to spend ip unless you got money coming out of your ass and buy all champs with rp

edit: and owning champions helps because you build a nice roster you feel comfortable with, with great champs like cho'gath, tristana, amumu, etc. being real cheap, even.

playing mid is basically impossible for me now at this shitty elo. i can politely ask for it and the reply is just "called it first", i can type it in as fast as possible but premades and other idiots just say they were first because their internet connection is shitty. i have sub 20 pings i think i was first.

if i want to play mid i have to play dual mid. sigh, tried to practice my mid champs for the last 20 games now, no luck.
yeah I dunno why people love mid so much

I just like playing girls in every game I play

now I mostly just say "mid please" and accommodate if someone else picked it first, just take the opportunity to branch out.

oh and if you're not playing draft pick do that. pick order > call order even if they don't like it.
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