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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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well thresh was non-human now that I think about it. he's fun, unlike zac

but yeah, I wish they'd lightened the mood, right now everyone's so fucking angsty

doesn't even have to be silly, just not gritty

oh and neck brace is really dumb, riot pls

also fuck yordles

They nerfed his w.. now his q and e. I have never seen a champ get all 3 of his abilities nerfed back to back... smh
eve got all her spells nerfed, so did diana

I think zyra got nerfed pretty hard too


So is Viktor seen as completely not viable right now? He really intrigues me for some reason, but I haven't had a chance to try him.


So is Viktor seen as completely not viable right now? He really intrigues me for some reason, but I haven't had a chance to try him.

he seems viable as a top laner, and different pro teams have played him as such. cant tell you how they do it though. I presume its done via Q upgrade




* Twilight Shroud now grants vision around the area of effect.
* Essence of Shadow charge time reduced to 30/22.5/15 seconds from 35/25/15
the w buff sounds fun, the half rollback on her ult is actually decent

nunu stuff
seems ok, I want lane nunu to disappear, it's probably even more annoying than ap yi and it's a shitty laning champion overall that does nothing for his own team.

my suggestion was reducing the heal on his q by half on regular minions versus neutral monsters but I guess this is fine too

Diana / Lux

* Shield values generally nerfed across the board
* Shields stack now instead of refresh
I still don't get the changes. I mean, lux's shield is pretty op but making the "maximum effectiveness" cases more reliable just sounds like bullshit to me.

Mikael's Crucible

* Recipe is now: Philosopher's Stone + Chalice of Harmony + 920 Gold = 2500 Total Gold
* 300 Mana --> 0 Mana
* 0 HP/5 --> 7 HP/5
* 9 MP/5 --> 18 MP/5

* Active now changed to heal 10% of the target's maximum health instead of 15% of their missing health.
* Missile speed is now fixed at 0.2 seconds, from variable depending on distance to target.
Internally, Mikael's Crucible was a very different item until the very last moment, when it got changed from healing the target based on your current mana to a combination heal and cleanse effect.
this is pretty awesome

now give it gp5 and shurelyas too


* Twin Fang is now classified as a single-target spell for the purposes of item effects
I like it. I'm really close to buying her, but I need more tops/supports atm

there's tons of waifus there anyways


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So is Viktor seen as completely not viable right now? He really intrigues me for some reason, but I haven't had a chance to try him.
He trades extremely poorly and Gravity Field is probably the worst ability in the game. In top lane he's actually okay against melee laners who he can trade against effectively.


Cass E with full Rylais proc sounds overpowered.

If only Muramana was still Magic damage. I think it might chew up her mana pool even with the extra 1000. You get like 30 casts/AA's before it drains all your mana and even with her passive stacked her E still costs 50 and her Q 38 at max rank.

Aside from that they just buffed Seraphs and the shield is necessary when she is getting jumped on constantly.

The Furor boots compatibility sounds good.


right now spell vamp goes for 33% effectiveness on cassio E

imagine the terror with 100%

Her E procs full spellvamp. It just is coded specially for everything else, up until now.

It gives you pretty decent sustain but with base damage and standard MR values you are healing for ~25 HP per fang. It doesnt feel like much until you have the huge AP items later on.

Its one of those spells that doesnt follow one of the paradigms for multi-target/aoe/dot very well because of balance issues.

Same way that Vladimir's Q used to be AOE for Rylais and full for SV.



I just realized that the weird leg thing on blackfrost anivia is actually her silly looking knee pad

still can't unsee her former silly leg


Her E procs full spellvamp. It just is coded specially for everything else, up until now.

It gives you pretty decent sustain but with base damage and standard MR values you are healing for ~25 HP per fang. It doesnt feel like much until you have the huge AP items later on.

Its one of those spells that doesnt follow one of the paradigms for multi-target/aoe/dot very well because of balance issues.

Same way that Vladimir's Q used to be AOE for Rylais and full for SV.

I see, I guess they have more robust coding than i gave them credit for


I just realized that the weird leg thing on blackfrost anivia is actually her silly looking knee pad

still can't unsee her former silly leg

oh. i can unsee the silly foot now


Mana Manipualtor

* Recipe is now: Faerie Charm + 120 Gold = 300 Total Gold
* MP/5 Aura reduced to 5 from 6

This is certainly awesome and makes it an affordable starting item for supporters:
-Mana Manipulator (300)
-2x Wards (150)
-2x Pots (70)

This will greatly affect a few ADCs' early game I would imagine.
Mana Manipualtor

* Recipe is now: Faerie Charm + 120 Gold = 300 Total Gold
* MP/5 Aura reduced to 5 from 6

This is certainly awesome and makes it an affordable starting item for supporters:
-Mana Manipulator (300)
-2x Wards (150)
-2x Pots (70)

This will greatly affect a few ADCs' early game I would imagine.

It's the best item in the game now.


Buffing the range of Viktor's Q would make him really good with trades.
I -think- his Q (is that the laser?) has a super long range, like near Xerath range, if you shoot it directly away from yourself. But it's also one of the most finicky "why on earth did it go THERE" spells, and to add to the fun I think the animation was even broken at one point.


You are confused. Q is his on target shield ability.
This is what I get for never playing Viktor. Then yes, increasing shield range might help trades. He can do a LOT of damage especially with ult, but getting in position for all that seems iffy and yes gravity field is pretty funny.


Deman is by far the best gaming commentator I've ever heard. Perfect voice, great tempo and a master of "calm exitement". He's leagues ahead of that twit they put on air with him.


ok as long as you're not talking about awesome joe miller

joe miller+deman+jatt for the world championships would be great
Boken we are the correct ones. Flame has confirmed it.

Also holy shit Flame is a beast on Diana.

SSONG building Elder Lizard on Kha'Zix. Can us junglers not have anything nice to ourselves? -_- more nerfs incoming...
He trades extremely poorly and Gravity Field is probably the worst ability in the game. In top lane he's actually okay against melee laners who he can trade against effectively.

Gravity Field is no where near the worst ability in the game, it can destroy in team fights.

I agree about trading. Needs a range buff on his Q and the projectile speed needs work as well.


Got some of the worst ranked teams tonight.

Getting ganked at my second red, ping a few times since i snowballed the laners so its an easy kill but somehow the enemies get there faster than my team. They come in after i die and get aced fighting without a tank. Then they get baron and gg, we lose. I seriously need to take the kills in my ganks because these laners are bloody clueless and don't know what to do with their lead.

Run into a premade two games in a row where they do weird crap. Support dies 3 times in less than 12minutes in both games. All they do is suicide to get bot tower and keep pushing without wards. Both games, they trash talk the team because they get ganked while trying to take the second bottom turret.

Last game, I go thresh. I grab the enemy caitlyn all game and cc the crap out of her but my vayne would rather chase a half health leona back to the enemy turret and take a few turret shots. Three times. And top and mid just straight out lose their lanes where there is no comeback.

Had a chance at lissandra mid though. Did pretty well for the first 15minutes. I could 100 to 0 the lux at level 6.
Too bad my god damn jungler kept diving the enemy lux and made her comeback with 3 kills and 2 double buffs.
To let you guys know how big the comeback was. The lux was 0/2/0 and ended the game going 11/2/6

Haven't ran into such a brick wall since Silver 1. It's almost like people just give up at the 1st division or they try so hard that they do badly.
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