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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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In my opinion, until, ahem, "Marksmen", ceases being the only role that universally exists in pretty much any league game, then we can qq about, ahem, "Marksmen", being weak as a class in general.


this is amazing:


I am an expert at Talon in ARAM.

Specifically, I am an expert at using E, immediately using W, and missing all champions because I screw up the smartcast direction. =(


It's pretty much why I don't Lee Sin. I can combo anything extremely well except that ward jump. I just suck at the ward jumping even though it's all smartcasting.

Yeah, I've had a lot of success binding my ward to spacebar though, I can do it pretty well most of the time now since I don't have to move my middle finger fast from W to 2. I find that mashing the keys helps too lol, the client seems to have difficulty registering if you do it too fast.


Neo Member
How bad is to take all the kills early game? I mean... i was 8-0 with Wukong Jungle before level 12. The general score 8-0 too.

My mid [Ziggs] started to blame me because "he will not be able to kill Brand".


Im pretty exhausted of "trying to leave" kills to my mates, u know, TRYING. If u take it, they blame u, if u tried and the enemy scaped, the blame u too.


How bad is to take all the kills early game? I mean... i was 8-0 with Wukong Jungle before level 12. The general score 8-0 too.

My mid [Ziggs] started to blame me because "he will not be able to kill Brand".


Im pretty exhausted of "trying to leave" kills to my mates, u know, TRYING. If u take it, they blame u, if u tried and the enemy scaped, the blame u too.

Well if you can hyper carry your team it's fine, but if you get all the kills and get focused, dying at the start of every fight, your team is screwed.


Soooo... LP clamp in bronze? Wut? +5 LP for a win in Bronze 1? Seriously?

Also thanks Newt, now I rush abyssal on Eve even when I'm ahead because fuck it the MR debuff is just too good.

Edit: I should clarify, that's my first item against other AP junglers. The MR is too useful to not have it. Just had a good game against a Diana jungler, and after I had that she couldn't touch me.


Soooo... LP clamp in bronze? Wut? +5 LP for a win in Bronze 1? Seriously?

Also thanks Newt, now I rush abyssal on Eve even when I'm ahead because fuck it the MR debuff is just too good.

Edit: I should clarify, that's my first item against other AP junglers. The MR is too useful to not have it. Just had a good game against a Diana jungler, and after I had that she couldn't touch me.

You tend to get less LP in division 1 of anything, because you need to be at a certain MMR to get promoted, I believe
Do some of you play with other gaffers?

Why is there no such thing as some LoLGAF games? from time to time it would be fun to play with each other wouldn't it?


How bad is to take all the kills early game? I mean... i was 8-0 with Wukong Jungle before level 12. The general score 8-0 too.

My mid [Ziggs] started to blame me because "he will not be able to kill Brand".


Im pretty exhausted of "trying to leave" kills to my mates, u know, TRYING. If u take it, they blame u, if u tried and the enemy scaped, the blame u too.
Tell them about assist streaks
Do some of you play with other gaffers?

Why is there no such thing as some LoLGAF games? from time to time it would be fun to play with each other wouldn't it?
Which server?
The NA group have a fair number on during NA time
Despite being fewer, EUW dudes are super nice and will play with you
Which server?
The NA group have a fair number on during NA time
Despite being fewer, EUW dudes are super nice and will play with you

I'm on NA but with a small offset from NA time since I'm in Asia.
Like now is the time where I usually stop to play for the day.
I'm a little late on this but Talon is so good when he's good that he can never really be good. Does too much AoE damage and has too little counterplay for an assassin when he's good. So he's bad relative to his kit, but because his kit is so strong he can still somewhat does what he needs to. If you get ahead on Talon it's pretty hard to lose games cos you just AoE nuke their team really.

Also I agree on ADCs thing. Other ADCs got nerfed and nerfed and nerfed. Riot should being other ones up instead of nerfing the other 3.

They're not gonna do it though cos they like the easy way out.


Just had an amazingly fun game as Shyvana. Mid Akali was getting pooped on by Ryze, helped our out to get her started. Top Jax was getting obliterated by Panth until he finally caught up with a triple kill in a teamfight. I had a lot of early kills during ganks, so I was able to get amazingly tanky early on. Sunfire, Spirit Visage, and Frozen Mallet (don't usually buy the mallet as Shyv, wanted to try it).

Their Shen jungle was a goddamn pain to deal with in terms of his ability to roam and gank, but he wasn't effective lategame because I had gotten so up on him (11/5 vs his 3/4). Both teams were jovial the entire time, laughing and making jokes as it went from us losing the early game to evening out mid and then dominating late.

Why can't everyone be this fun in this game? :\

Oh, and +6 LP for that win... the LP gains are going up! .... :\

Edit: Oh and somehow with the constant 4man ganks on bottom (Pantheon + Shen... uguguhugfhufghufghfughfughg), our Lucian was still 40CS up on Jinx. Dunno how.

Edit #2: lol, I have 28,985 damage done to champs, second highest on our team. #1? Zyra support.


I'm on NA but with a small offset from NA time since I'm in Asia.
Like now is the time where I usually stop to play for the day.
Ah yeah, this time on the Na server is mostly for washed up Australians who couldn't find out how to transfer off NA to oceanic
Just had an amazingly fun game as Shyvana. Mid Akali was getting pooped on by Ryze, helped our out to get her started. Top Jax was getting obliterated by Panth until he finally caught up with a triple kill in a teamfight. I had a lot of early kills during ganks, so I was able to get amazingly tanky early on. Sunfire, Spirit Visage, and Frozen Mallet (don't usually buy the mallet as Shyv, wanted to try it).

Their Shen jungle was a goddamn pain to deal with in terms of his ability to roam and gank, but he wasn't effective lategame because I had gotten so up on him (11/5 vs his 3/4). Both teams were jovial the entire time, laughing and making jokes as it went from us losing the early game to evening out mid and then dominating late.

Why can't everyone be this fun in this game? :\

Oh, and +6 LP for that win... the LP gains are going up! .... :\

Edit: Oh and somehow with the constant 4man ganks on bottom (Pantheon + Shen... uguguhugfhufghufghfughfughg), our Lucian was still 40CS up on Jinx. Dunno how.

I had a quick look at your Lolking, how much LP are you losing for a loss? You had like 4 wins in a row before you lost a game, and now after 2 wins you're at 11 LP, yeah?

Seems like your MMR might be a bit too low, just need to keep winning games and get it evened out again. You'll make it in no time :) Stay positive friend.


I had a quick look at your Lolking, how much LP are you losing for a loss? You had like 4 wins in a row before you lost a game, and now after 2 wins you're at 11 LP, yeah?

Seems like your MMR might be a bit too low, just need to keep winning games and get it evened out again. You'll make it in no time :) Stay positive friend.

The only time I lost since I hit Bronze 1 was right after I hit bronze 1, thus no LP to lose. I don't know how much I'll be losing in this new rank yet.
The only time I lost since I hit Bronze 1 was right after I hit bronze 1, thus no LP to lose. I don't know how much I'll be losing in this new rank yet.

Ahh I see. Well hopefully you won't have to find out :p

How did I choose poorly? Talon was free, Zed was not. I'll try Zed though when possible.

I recommend trying Quinn and Karma out of this week's rotation.

They're not to everyone's tastes, but I enjoy both immensely.

Heimerdinger is fun to play, from a humour aspect.

Lulu's not very good right now, but still a lot of fun to play. Great VO/theme.

Other than that it's a pretty dull rotation.


This reminds me I need to get back to updating the rotations and sales. I just need the time :/
so is it true if someone gets knocked up his ult launches up across the map to dunk the victim
Yes. Even if they're minor knock-ups like Hecarim's E.


Soon? Maybe for Lunar Revel?
I want to hear some news about Ao Shin already. ):
Still say they should've used this Liam o' Brien guy's voice for Ao Shin instead of Yasuo after being the dragon for Squigly:


Second form

How bad is to take all the kills early game? I mean... i was 8-0 with Wukong Jungle before level 12. The general score 8-0 too.

My mid [Ziggs] started to blame me because "he will not be able to kill Brand".


Im pretty exhausted of "trying to leave" kills to my mates, u know, TRYING. If u take it, they blame u, if u tried and the enemy scaped, the blame u too.
Fuck leaving kills open for someone else. If there's 100% certainty that someone else can pick it up then sure, otherwise indiscriminately go for the kill and don't pay attention to the pety "killsteal omg!" idiots.
Has support suddenly become popular and ADC not or something.

I'm tempted to actually concentrate on ADC and actually attempt to get good enough to carry games if it ever lands me with a team that knows how to peal and CC.

Currently like sivir and Ashe. Also got trist who is ok but Might save for cait or MF instead (try to have 3 champs per roll I can learn as best as poss).

Any ADC tips?

My current start is early game farm farm farm with poke when poss and kill if enemy Fuchs up.

Later sit at back and dps from safest spot you can behind tanks. Target there dps if poss but not if it will stick you in the middle of the fight. If their dps is in a safe spot target closest enemy.

Always willing to learn and I'm not hugely practised in the roll.


How bad is to take all the kills early game? I mean... i was 8-0 with Wukong Jungle before level 12. The general score 8-0 too.

My mid [Ziggs] started to blame me because "he will not be able to kill Brand".


Im pretty exhausted of "trying to leave" kills to my mates, u know, TRYING. If u take it, they blame u, if u tried and the enemy scaped, the blame u too.

When I jungle, I play with the mindset that ganks are for getting your lane ahead of the enemy lane. I always go in for a gank to allow my lane to get the kill. If I'm not 100% certain they have the followup (bad positioning, low mana, low health) then I take the kill. Better to get the kill on me than let them get away with 20 HP, or worse, to kill my laner before I finish them off making it a 1-1 trade.

I'll also gank without the intention of either of us getting a kill, simply to zone out (and if lucky blow a flash) just to relieve pressure so my lane can get some CS in. Like the game I just finished, my midlane Akali was getting seriously denied by Ryze, so I had to intervene a few times just to zone him off the creepwaves and allow Akali to get some CS in. I lose a few seconds in my jungle doing this, but it's well worth it so the laner doesn't fall further and further behind.

tl;dr: If I'm 100% sure my lane can follow up and finish the kill I back off and let them. If there's even a sliver of doubt in my mind, I take the kill.
Has support suddenly become popular and ADC not or something.

I'm tempted to actually concentrate on ADC and actually attempt to get good enough to carry games if it ever lands me with a team that knows how to peal and CC.

Currently like sivir and Ashe. Also got trust who is ok but Might save for cait or MF instead (try to have 3 champs per roll I can learn as best as poss).

Any ADC tips?

My current start is early game farm farm farm with poke when poss and kill if enemy Fuchs up.

Later sit at back and dps from safest spot you can behind tanks. Target there dps if poss but not if it will stick you in the middle of the fight. If their dps is in a safe spot target closest enemy.

Always willing to learn and I'm not hugely practised in the roll.

tip #1: don't buy MF

If you want to have 3 decent ADCs to play that probably aren't gonna get nerfed, you should go for something like Caitlyn, Ezreal and Varus.

They're all pretty easy to learn and fit in various situations.
Has support suddenly become popular and ADC not or something.

I'm tempted to actually concentrate on ADC and actually attempt to get good enough to carry games if it ever lands me with a team that knows how to peal and CC.

Currently like sivir and Ashe. Also got trist who is ok but Might save for cait or MF instead (try to have 3 champs per roll I can learn as best as poss).

Any ADC tips?

My current start is early game farm farm farm with poke when poss and kill if enemy Fuchs up.

Later sit at back and dps from safest spot you can behind tanks. Target there dps if poss but not if it will stick you in the middle of the fight. If their dps is in a safe spot target closest enemy.

Always willing to learn and I'm not hugely practised in the roll.
Stick with Tristana, she's very underestimated. 700 range on her auto-attack at level 18, an escape skill that resets on kill or assist, 90% attack speed buff for 7 seconds at max rank and a low cooldown ultimate that'll knock melee's back if they somehow still get close to you despite all of the above. Her early game isn't -that- good anymore compared to other ADC's that serve as lane bullies, but her late game hypercarry status more than makes up for it.
tip #1: don't buy MF

If you want to have 3 decent ADCs to play that probably aren't gonna get nerfed, you should go for something like Caitlyn, Ezreal and Varus.

They're all pretty easy to learn and fit in various situations.

Save for cait then as I liked her when she was on rotation.

Stick with Tristana, she's very underestimated. 700 range on her auto-attack at level 18, an escape skill that resets on kill or assist, 90% attack speed buff for 7 seconds at max rank and a low cooldown ultimate that'll knock melee's back if they somehow still get close to you despite all of the above. Her early game isn't -that- good anymore compared to other ADC's that serve as lane bullies, but her late game hypercarry status more than makes up for it.

Yeah I prob just need more practice with her.


Has support suddenly become popular and ADC not or something.

I'm tempted to actually concentrate on ADC and actually attempt to get good enough to carry games if it ever lands me with a team that knows how to peal and CC.

Currently like sivir and Ashe. Also got trist who is ok but Might save for cait or MF instead (try to have 3 champs per roll I can learn as best as poss).

Any ADC tips?

My current start is early game farm farm farm with poke when poss and kill if enemy Fuchs up.

Later sit at back and dps from safest spot you can behind tanks. Target there dps if poss but not if it will stick you in the middle of the fight. If their dps is in a safe spot target closest enemy.

Always willing to learn and I'm not hugely practised in the roll.

ADC is in a weird spot right now. It's still super strong and can do what its title implies (carry), but the gap in between certain ADCs kits is pretty wide. Newt would probably be able to elaborate better than I, he may even disagree. But right now in my view, Lucian/Sivir/Cait are the top tier ADCs right now. Throw in Draven if you're good with him.

That's not to say that other ADC's aren't competitive, they're just inherently at a disadvantage with the new support meta.

Tristana has an okay early game, weak midgame, but absolutely monstrous late game if you can survive that long.

Your strategy is fine, but it's a lot easier said than done to cs-cs-poke-cs-cs-poke. It's all up to the new support meta. As for teamfights, you probably will never be close enough to safely attack their ADC; that's a job for the assassin on your team. Your best bet is to be prepared for their assassin, hope you get a peel, and down him as quickly as possible.

If your team manages to get their assassin or AP down and you have a last whisper or some kind of armor shred, it might be worth it to chunk their tank as much as you can, but don't make it your focus. If you're ahead of their carry and your positioning is safe, focus their ADC as you should be able to trade and win easily. But don't trade if their team still has the ability to kill you after you drop their carry.

A lot of this is just general stuff and some of it may outright be wrong as ADC is not my main. This is just what I have observed firsthand playing ADC, your only way of truly getting better is to play the various matchups, get a feel for what your opponents are capable or not capable of, and learn how to position.
ADC is in a weird spot right now. It's still super strong and can do what its title implies (carry), but the gap in between certain ADCs kits is pretty wide. Newt would probably be able to elaborate better than I, he may even disagree. But right now in my view, Lucian/Sivir/Cait are the top tier ADCs right now. Throw in Draven if you're good with him.

That's not to say that other ADC's aren't competitive, they're just inherently at a disadvantage with the new support meta.

Tristana has an okay early game, weak midgame, but absolutely monstrous late game if you can survive that long.

Your strategy is fine, but it's a lot easier said than done to cs-cs-poke-cs-cs-poke. It's all up to the new support meta. As for teamfights, you probably will never be close enough to safely attack their ADC; that's a job for the assassin on your team. Your best bet is to be prepared for their assassin, hope you get a peel, and down him as quickly as possible.

If your team manages to get their assassin or AP down and you have a last whisper or some kind of armor shred, it might be worth it to chunk their tank as much as you can, but don't make it your focus. If you're ahead of their carry and your positioning is safe, focus their ADC as you should be able to trade and win easily. But don't trade if their team still has the ability to kill you after you drop their carry.

A lot of this is just general stuff and some of it may outright be wrong as ADC is not my main. This is just what I have observed firsthand playing ADC, your only way of truly getting better is to play the various matchups, get a feel for what your opponents are capable or not capable of, and learn how to position.

Thanks for tips. Kinda what I try to do. Just hard because if you play this way all you get is moaned at by some one who thinks you should wade right in and somehow not get killed. I know I just need to ignore them of course but it is the worst aspect of this game.
Trist can have a very strong midgame if you max Q first, but it really weakens her laning.

Ive done it matches where I felt confident. Max Q, get t1 boots and rush IE or BT. My laning presence was pretty much nonexistent, but I was a force midgame.
Trist can have a very strong midgame if you max Q first, but it really weakens her laning.

Ive done it matches where I felt confident. Max Q, get t1 boots and rush IE or BT. My laning presence was pretty much nonexistent, but I was a force midgame.
Yup, I do the same. Partially because I'm ass at being aggressive with ADC's (never mind the role in general), so I prefer making the lane as lame (read: trade-free) as possible whilst I farm up for teamfights.

Difficult to get away with that against really bad match-ups like Caitlyn and against some champions you want to pick a fight anyways, but the above works surprisingly well otherwise.


I need to try Udyr with the new defensive masteries and extra jungle farm/gold.

He's probably pretty strong.

If you can farm him up he gets pretty nasty.

If you pick him against lanes that are hard to gank life becomes more difficult.

But if we are being opportunistic Olaf is probably the most ridiculous bruiser jungle right now
Playing almost exclusively against Gold ranked players, still get to hear stuff like I CAN ONLY JUNGLE.

"Those whose concern for material goods deviated from the desired mean are punished in this circle. They include the avaricious or miserly, who hoarded possessions, and the prodigal, who squandered them. Guarded by Plutus, each group pushes a great weight against the heavy weight of the other group. After the weights crash together the process starts over again."


Playing almost exclusively against Gold ranked players, still get to hear stuff like I CAN ONLY JUNGLE.
Happened in 3 of my promo games. Even had someone (4th pick) say he'd only play Zed no matter what position he ended up getting. Luckily they banned Zed and he dodged.
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